Unit 23 Human Resources Development

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This unit will develop the skills and understanding needed for planning and designing training and development, through understanding how people learn and the suitability of different training methods and initiatives.

Unit abstract

Human resource development contributes to the overall success of an organisation through providing learning, development and training opportunities to improve individual, team and organisational performance. Training and development affects everyone in the organisation and it is appropriate at every level from office junior to senior executive. Learning is complex and this unit explores the related theories and their contribution to the process of transferring learning to the workplace. It is important, therefore, for learners to appreciate that all staff should be encouraged to develop their skills and knowledge to achieve their potential and. in doing so, enable the organisation to meet its strategic objectives. Learners need to appreciate that successful organisations recognise that their training programmes need to be planned and managed. All training has a cost to the organisation and managers need to be able to provide training programmes within their training budgets. Through planning and designing a training and development event, this unit aims to develop knowledge and understanding of these key areas. Learners will examine how to identify training needs across the organisation, as well as understand how governmentled vocational and general training initiatives contribute to the emphasis on lifelong learning and continuous development. The outcomes of training programmes need to be evaluated. Managers need to devise appropriate ways of assessing or measuring the impact of staff training. The process of managing the training cycle is important to an organisation. If it is well managed, staff will have the correct of up-to-date skills and knowledge that will allow them to perform their jobs effectively.

Learning outcomes

1 Understand learning theories and learning styles

  • Learning theories and learning styles: styles e.g. activists, reflectors, theorists, pragmatists, (Honey and Mumford 1986); Kolb’s learning style inventory; Myers Briggs Type Indicator; learning theories e.g. behaviourist, cognitive, reinforcement, experiential, stimulus-response; requirements for effective learning; informal learning; workplace learning; self-managed learning; continuous learning and development; learning curve and transfer of learning to the workplace; impact of learning theories and styles when planning and designing a learning event

2 Be able to plan and design training and development

  • Plan and design approaches:the systematic approach (identify training needs, define the learning required, set objectives, plan and implement training, evaluate training), planning issues e.g. numbers, location, content, internal/external trainers, administration; training budget, training costs
  • Training and development methods: on/off-the-job; delivery methods (mentoring, coaching, action learning, assignments, projects, shadowing, secondments, training courses, conferences, seminars, e-learning and outdoor development)

3 Be able to evaluate a training event

  • Evaluation: the ‘what, why, when, and who’ of evaluation; planning; design; delivery; implementation; key stakeholders; achievement of objectives
  • Techniques: benefits and limitations of methods e.g. questionnaires, observation, trainer/trainee feedback, customer comments, training audits, achievements of awards by trainees; indicators, e.g. labour turnover, productivity measures, quality improvements, performance indicators (sales figures, customer service feedback)

4 Understand government-led skills development initiatives

  • General and vocational training schemes and initiatives: government approaches to training and development in the UK; QCDA and Ofqual; Learning and Skills Council (LSC); Sector Skills Councils (SSCs); Learndirect; Investors in People (IiP); National Skills Academies; apprenticeship schemes; New Deal; Train to Gain; NVQs; impact of the competency movement on the public and private sectors


Centres should develop links with local businesses. Many businesses and chambers of commerce want to promote local business and are often willing to provide work placements, visit opportunities, information about businesses and the local business context and guest speakers. For this unit it would be useful for learners to investigate the training and development programmes of different local organisations, including those both in the public and private sector.

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