Unit 19 Heritage and Cultural Tourism Management

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The aim of this unit is to enable learners to gain understanding of the heritage and cultural industry, the organisations within it, the purpose of attractions and methods of interpretation.

Unit abstract

This unit looks at heritage and cultural management and its role within the travel and tourism sector. Throughout the unit learners will gain an awareness of definitions of heritage and culture, the organisations involved in the management of heritage and the different types of ownership. This unit will provide an in-depth understanding of the growth and development of the heritage and cultural industry. Learners will also be able to look at potential conflicts within the industry and the influence of technology. Learners will also be expected to investigate the role and scope of interpretation within this sector and its impact on participants and management.

Learning outcomes

1 Understand the growth and development of the heritage and cultural industry within travel and tourism

Heritage: definitions of heritage; analysis of its importance and interest
Attractions: different types of attractions; sites and venues; accessibility and sustainability of transport; up-skilling and re-training staff; changing staff profiles
Natural: aspects of heritage including landscape, coastlines, national parks, forests, woodlands, wildlife, other habitats; impact of the travel and tourism sector on the conservation and sustainability of such sites
Constructed: built heritage environment eg museums, historic buildings, artefacts, archaeological sites, transport, industrial heritage, sport-related heritage sites, themed sites, public art, sculpture and monuments
Cultural heritage: role of heritage industry in shaping and sustaining cultural identity; regional and national costume eg song, dance, myth, legend, folklore, language and food; impact of issues
Conflicts of interest: access versus conservation eg erosion, impact of visitors on sites and their immediate environments, presentation of heritage and culture to visitors, planning and land use, brown field sites versus green field sites, conservation threats imposed by further growth; potential role and impact of new technologies eg virtual reality and interactive software; access to the new technologies eg capital costs and revenue generation, training and up-skilling of staff, management of change

2 Understand the purpose of heritage and cultural attractions within the travel and tourism sector

Purpose of heritage and culture: purpose eg education, research, recreation, entertainment
Customers: categories eg segmentation, target groups, visitor levels and usage rates, overall status of heritage and culture as a leisure activity, income generation and links with tourism and urban regeneration, specialist groups

3 Understand roles, responsibilities and ownership of organisations in the heritage and cultural industry

Ownership of heritage and culture: ownership eg public and commercial ownership, mission and values, objectives and income generation; role in education, training and conservation; control of access and preservation of cultural heritage; role and operation of charitable trusts eg mission and values, management roles and responsibilities
Organisations: structure and remits of government agencies; voluntary bodies; government departments; specialist conservation groups; role of national governmental departments
Roles and responsibilities: funding, advisory and legislative; changes eg new technologies,changes in attractions and income generation, new merchandising

4 Understand the role of methods of interpretation within the heritage and culture industry

Interpretation: importance of interpretation to the visitor experience; relevance of a thematic approach to interpretation
Media for interpretation: media eg published material, audio-visual, interactive technology, drama and role play, audio and other sensory techniques
Meeting audience needs: importance of establishing audience needs for effective interpretation; language levels; combination of interpretative media to achieve appropriate effects


Essential requirements

Learners need access to a range of cultural tourism and heritage sites as well as use of the internet and any related case studies.

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