Unit 9 Empowering Users of HSC Services Assignment Sample

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Unit 9 Empowering Users of HSC Services Assignment Sample
Empowering Users of HSC Services Assignment Sample
Unit 9 Empowering Users of HSC Services Assignment Sample


Health and care sector is been considered to be a widespread area which includes various services and activities being carried out by the organisations. It has become a necessity for empowering the services users of the health and social care as empowerment facilitates the users to be self-dependent and work as per their consent during the care from the health care services. Service users in a health care organisation play an important role and require providing with the best satisfaction out of the services. The present assessment is been carried out with the intention to focus on the empowerment of the health care service users in the health and care organisation. It would assist in evaluating the legislative and sector skill standards that influence the organisational policies. The assessment would identify the factors which contribute in the non-participation of the non-vulnerable people. It would further analyse the organisational systems and processes being managed to promote the independence and participation of the services users of health and care services. The assessment would even include specific case studies which would help in evaluating the related aspects in more detailed manner and help in gaining enhanced information and knowledge out of the concepts effectively. The assessment would focus on the functionalities of NHS which is a leading health care organisation so that to gain an in-depth understanding of the concepts.


A) Legislation and sector skill standards influencing the organisational policies and practices of health care organisation

There are various legislations which influence the policies and the procedures of an organisation and contribute in the maximisation of the rights of the services users in the health and social care. The most effective legislations being identified are the human rights act and valuing people which influences the health care services to the great extent. The rights such as

  • Human rights act: The human rights act 1998 had made effective contribution in the enhancement of the standards of the service users of the health care organisations. The legislation of the human rights lays a remarkable influences over the organisational policies as they requires considering specific services for the users and would bring effective changes in the policies as well. The legislation affects the procedures in terms of the actions being made by the authorities towards the service users and compels to bring the modification as per the requirements of the service users effectively (Cummings and Worley, 2014). The human rights act provides with the power to the service users to avail the best health care services and ensure the effectiveness of the treatment provided at the health care.

In context to the procedures of NHS, it has been found that the management ensures the proper consideration of the act and the fair treatment of the services users so that to provide them with the better satisfactions. The act authorises the services users to take legal actions in case of any misconduct or mistreatment by the health and care service providers. It has been even fund that adherence to the human rights and equalities legislation must be included in the policies and in practices of the organization.

  • Valuing people:  The legislation of valuing the people is mainly based on the principle that the people suffering with the learning disabilities are the people at first. It is been observed that the service providers focus on what the people are able to do rather than what they are not able to do. This particular legislation is an initiative of the government to provide the service users having learning disabilities with the rights to avail better treatment and must be valued at the priority. This legislation influences the policies of NHS by bringing changes in the procedures and manners of treating the people with the care (Hodgson, 2013). This maximises the rights of the service users and makes them authorised to raise action against any of the violation of the legislations.

B) Factors that might affect the achievement of promoting and maximising the rights of users of the health and care services

There are various factors which could be used for promoting and maximising the rights of the service users of the health and care organisations. The factors would contribute in meeting the expectations and the demands of the service users of the health service organisation. The basic factors which affect the capabilities of the health care organisation are:

  • Staffing levels: Staff members are the most important aspects of any of the organisation as they are the key service providers to the people and ensure the accomplishment of the desires. Staffing levels mainly signifies having the right people at the right place at the right time. It is not only important to have enough amounts of staff but to also to ensure that they acquire appropriate knowledge and employability skills to carry out the business activities effectively (Street.et.al, 2013). The staffing levels contributes in the enhancement of the performance levels of the organisation by hiring the experienced and skilled staff for the health care and serve the service users effectively. For example, if employees being hired by NHS are highly knowledgeable in the health services, it would be able to treat the elderly service users effectively.
  • The changing health status of the service users: The changes in the health status of the service users would help in meeting the demands of the elderly service users. With the changes in the health patterns or the elderly health statuses, it is very important for the service providers to ensure that the requirements of the health issues must be fulfilled so that to satisfy them with the enhanced services and maintain the capabilities of the organisation as well (Miller.et.al, 2016). For instance: With the changes in the elderly behaviours, it is required to deal with the service users accordingly.  
  • Staff training: Training and development is been considered as the most important activities which is been used to make the staff members meet the expectation of the organisation and serve the people accordingly. The staff training would help the health and service care to meet the levels of proficiency and provide the elderly services users with the best treatments. For example: if the staff members are been trained to deal with the elderly people, they would be able to deliver the best required services and treatments and meet their expectations effectively.

C) Analysis of how communications between the care workers and individuals contributes in promoting and maximising the rights of the users of health care services

Communication plays an important role in any of the organisation as it helps in conveying the relevant information within the workers and the service users. In respect to the health and social care, communication is been carried out in different ways such as formal, verbal, informal and non-verbal communicational activities within the care organisations and the service users. It has been identified that the communicational activities contributes in maximising the rights of the users in the health service organisation and avail the services being deserved by them (Glasby and Dickinson, 2014). There are immense numbers of service users from diversified areas having different languages which depicts their cultures. This communicational diversity could lead to be a hurdle for the services users and would thus require being translated in their understandable language so that to convey the actual issues to the service providers and avail the required treatments effectively.

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In order to carry out an efficient communication between the workers and the service users, NHS provides with the translation services which facilitate the service users in communicating their needs and issues to the workers. For example, if a service user is having an issue in speaking English, the translator would communicate the details and make the service users understand the same. It is very much important for the organisation to establish proper communication with the service users so that to make them comfortable in the health care organisation and could recover from their health issues effectively.  For example, a patient from dementia might have different needs and preferences which require to be focused by the workers and serve the users accordingly. Communication helps in identifying the perceptions of the services users and ensures the delivery of the same effectively (Hockenberry and Wilson, 2014). The service users are even facilitated for making effective complaints and providing with the feedbacks against the services being provided to them. The workers of NHS make sure that the service users are provided with the desired services which would match their levels and promote their rights extensively. Communication would thus contribute in reaching the root cause of the issues and make better delivery of the services to the users by identifying the needs and making the users understand about the treatments.


A) Factors cause loss of independence, social exclusion and non – participation

In the present times, it has been observed that there are wide ranges of factors which leads the service users towards the non – participative, dependency and socially excluded activities. The independence of a service user could be explained as the ability to survive and carry out the work without relying on any other individual related to the health, finance and other aspects. The social elimination and non-participation is been considered when the people are not capable of participating in the social activities and other activities because of their disabilities or any other issues (Oliver.et.al, 2012). The three major types of vulnerabilities are:

  • A single daughter in her 50s who had given up her job to care for her elderly parents

It has been identified that the elderly people requires special concern and attention by the care provider due to their disabilities. In this case, the single daughter have become dependent, non-participative and social excluded as she had to manage the care for her elderly parents and requires to be with them all the time. The elderly patients are been considered to be entirely dependent as they are unable to carry their day to day activities and are disable to take care of them. This kind of people are generally identified as the dependent, socially exclusion and non-participative with the other world. The care taker had to be entirely focused on the elderly patients and help them work in their day to day activities and carry out their living specifically.

  • Newcomers to this country who are unable to find jobs because they do not speak

Communication is been considered as the most important aspect of conveying the information within two individual or groups and helps them deliver the actual message to them. With the immigration to another country, it is very much difficult for the individual to involve in the local communication and convey the message to the recipient (Hootman.et.al, 2012).  Thus, the individual would be wholly dependent on any other mediator or a translator who would convey the desired information to the recipient. In order to find a job, the newcomer would require to either learn the local language so that to independently accomplish its tasks or would have to be dependent on the translator in the new country. This leads to the dependency, non-participation and social exclusion for the person and requires making extra efforts for the same.

  • Children who are bullied at the schools  

It is commonly found that the children who are weak or disable to stand against any of the misconduct are found to be bullied at the schools. The children who are usually bullied are tend to be mentally tensed or depressed of getting harassed and would thus become social exclusive. The children would start maintain a distance with the school and could get mentally disturbed and dependent on the others to carry out its day to day activities effectively.  This would thus result in the loss of independence, non – participation and social exclusion from the rest of the people and could even get impacted to the severe issues (Juvonen and Graham, 2014). The children would be affected emotionally and physically which would influence its mental status to the great extent.

B) Analysis of how organisational systems and processes are managed to promote the participation and independence of the users of health and social care services

It is a critical aspect to promote and influence the independence and the social participation within the service users as they could deal with the permanent conditions which leads them towards the loss of independence and non-participation. There could be various actions and system which could be executed by NHS for promoting the dependence and the participation to the great extent. The service users are been provided with various choices in terms of care support so that to promote their independence and make them avail the services effectively (Gradinger.et.al, 2015). The management of NHS could make various initiatives such as ensuring the performances of the workers, sources of information for the individuals and empowering the individuals so that to promote the participation and independence of the users of the health care services.

Care plans for elderly individuals

With the purpose to promote and manage the participation and independence of the users, the management of NHS must acquire specific individual care plan for the elderly so that to provide them with the required treatments effectively. Every individual acquires different set of perceptions and behaviours which are being observed at the health care by the service providers. A proper care plan would include the details about the issues faced by the elderly and the treatments to be provided to them (Pauwels.et.al, 2012). This procedure would facilitate the health and care organisation to meet the desired levels of quality services for the service users. The care plan would guide the elderly to take the precautions by self and become independent specifically.

The key worker system in residential care for young people with the learning disability

In order to advertisement and promotion the independence and participation, the key worker system in the residential care for the young people with the learning disability would help the service workers to the great extent. With the establishment of worker system in the residential care, the health care organisation would be facilitates to support the young people with the belongingness and motivate to work independently.

C) The tensions that arise when balancing the rights of the individual to independence and against the care provider duty to protect

There are various situations where there could be a conflict between the rights of the service users and the duties of the service providers. However, in below specific situations the conflicts could be managed:

An elderly individual who is becoming increasingly frail but determined to stay in home

In this case the elderly individual is sick and needs a medical care urgently, but due to arrogance not going to hospital as his childhood memories are with the home. It is the right of the individual to have a home nurse, who can provide all medical help to the person. But due to many issues the service providers are reluctant to provide such services to the needy people. The individual is independent to hire a nurse at home from the service provider. The service provider fears that if any problem aroused at the home with the services given, the organization would be solely responsible for the case (Jacobson and Dahlen, 2016). The service provider would be in a big trouble and might face legal charges also. 

A young person with moderate learning disability who wants to get job and live independently

In this case the young man with moderately learning abilities wants to get a job and live independently. The service providers or the organization would provide a job to him but on duty if any issues aroused due to poor performance of the guy, then whom the organization would make responsible. The young guy is energetic and nice looking, but it does not solve all the problems. The firm wants perfect people with no disabilities. But as per the law, it is the right of the disabled person to get a good job. There are seats available in each organization for persons who are disabled, but due to the fear of poor performance by them, organizations are reluctant to hire them (O'Donnell.et.al, 2015). The service provider has special arrangements for such persons like special sitting arrangements, liability in health issues and providing travelling convenience to them. The government of UK has many rules for the care of persons with disability, so a disabled person can fight for his rights in the court also.


A) Identification of risk factors involved in the Ms P

Different kind of risk factors are associated with the life of Ms P and it can be said that she is not able to protect herself from the danger situations. She wants to live independent and free but due to lack of education she is not able to understand that she is in big danger. Lack of education may affect the life of the Ms P and it can be said that lack of education may hinder the self-respect of the Ms P. So it can be said that education plays vital role in the growth of the person. Following are the risk factors involved in the Ms P life:       

From harm: Education may give the right view to the person that may contain various views for the person. Under this education may help the Ms P to differentiate that what is wrong and what is right for her. If Ms P may get the proper knowledge about what is right and what is wrong than she will deny living independent. In the present situation young ladies are not able to protect themselves from the dangerous situations (Mokdad.et.al, 2014).

From abuse: Another critical situation for the Ms P is from being abuse and it is the most critical situation for the young lady to survive in the city. The education may help the Ms P to change the decision to live alone in the present situation. If she want to live alone than she must get the proper education to live alone or understand that basic amenities of life

From failure to protect: Another risk factor is failure to protect herself from the critical situations. It is the most competent thing for the Ms P that if she does not have the proper knowledge of society than any unknown person may make her fool or cheat her. Education is the necessary part of her life that may help her to protect her from the critical situations.

So it can be said that Ms P should get the proper knowledge of the society and make she prepare to live independent.  

B) Likely effectiveness of policies and procedures and managerial approach in the housing complex

The complaint of the Mr. L for the boring time in supporting house complex and to have tour in Switzerland for the sticky needs to be evaluated with legislations and National Health Service standards. The housing complex has effective policies to accomplish the user requirements in services. Management is offering the set of custom services along with enough freedom to make the life healthier and enjoyable for old age people. The management is supporting Mr. L along with their engagement with same age people (Carayon, 2016). The policies are made to offer the occasional freedoms, in time services and regular check up for the health. The procedure to accomplish the requirements of the user, management follow the effective set of steps in which the requirements is collected and verified at lower level against the rule specified in housing complex. The management sends the request of user for the changes in schedule or practices ahead to make the appropriate actions. Top management uses the legislations and standards to define handle the requests.

In order to handle the complaint of the Mr. L for the boring time with same routines and less integration with other same age enjoyments, the management is trying to suggest them. The management is processing the complaint with the effective set of leadership styles. The better suggestion and arrangements are made for Mr. L to convince him for legislative and national standards constraints.


A) Review of current legislation, codes of practices and policy which are applied to the handling of medication

There are wide ranges of legislations and acts which could be applied to handle the medication for an autistic individual.  The management of NHS must be careful about the requirements and the behaviours of an autistic individual and then provide them with the appropriate medications. Some of the common legislations and code of practices are:

Drug act of 2005: This particular act is concerned with the regulations to handle the medication which are in the form of drugs. As per the Drug act 2005, it is very important to control the drug based on the prescription for the autistic patient being provided by the professional. This act provides with the authority to take action against any of the violation by the care home while providing the medication (Nelson and Staggers, 2014).

Medicines act 1968: This act is another important legislation which facilitates with the basic guidelines of the medicines to be used by the care home specifically. This act provides with the guidelines about how the medication to the autistic individual must be used and in what conditions. It even provides with the rules and regulations for the prescriptions for specific medicines for the patients.

Misuse of drugs act 1971: The misuse of drugs act 1971 states that the penalties being charged for the misuse of the medical drugs for different purposes (Monaghan, 2014). The act mainly includes the actions against the offenses such as smuggling of drugs; misconducts related to drug management, misuse of drugs, etc. which are being included in the punishable by the court.  

B) Effectiveness of policies and procedures within the health and social care setting for administrating medication  

The policies and procedures within the health and social care for the administration of medication prove to be effective to the great extent. There are specific steps of medicine administrating process which must be followed by the care home for the autistic individual. Following steps must be adopted by the care home:

  • Ordering the process: Making order of the drugs and the medicines being prescribed to the user of the health and care home is the first priority of medicine administration. All the medicine being ordered from the vendors requires being in a written prescription from the registered professional.  
  • Recording the process: This step mainly includes the recoding of the prescription by the pharmacies to give the medication and kept as the documentation for the future terms (Pauwels.et.al, 2012). This would help in keeping the evidence of the records about the sold medicines and make use of the same in the future.
  • Maintain and disposal of the medicine: Maintaining the medicine by acquiring storage in the stores helps taking care of the medicines effectively. Along with this, the disposal policies is been used in case of the expiry of the medicines. The management of NHS makes sure that the medicines do not cross the expiry dates and the expired medicines are been disposed.


With the above report it is been concluded that it has become a necessity for empowering the services users of the health and social care as empowerment facilitates the users to be self dependent and work as per their consent during the care from the health care services. Service users in a health care organisation play an important role and require providing with the best satisfaction out of the services. It has been revealed that the human rights act provides with the power to the service users to avail the best health care services and ensure the effectiveness of the treatment provided at the health care. It has been identified that it is very much important for the organisation to establish proper communication with the service users so that to make them comfortable in the health care organisation and could recover from their health and safety issues effectively. Moreover, it has been even found that the management of NHS must be careful about the requirements and the behaviours of an autistic individual and then provide them with the appropriate medications.


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