Unit 3 Organizations & Behaviour Assignment - CAPCO

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Unit 3 Organizations & Behaviour Assignment - CAPCO
Unit 3 Organizations & Behaviour Assignment - CAPCO
Unit 3 Organizations & Behaviour Assignment - CAPCO


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 3 Organizations & Behaviour - CAPCO

QFC Level

Level 5


Organization behavior is been considered as the most crucial aspect within an organization as it includes the study of attitudes and action of the groups and individuals against its peer members at the workplace and influences the performances and functionalities of the business. Therefore, this Unit 3 Organizations & Behaviour Assignment CAPCO is highly concerned with the identification of the comparison between the culture and structure of an organization. This report would help in recognizing the impact of relationship between the culture and structure on its performances of the business. It would also identify the factors which influences the individual behavior at the workplaces. Moreover, the report would also highlight the effectiveness of leadership along with the organizations theories on the business. It would evaluate the motivational theories and its necessity to understand by managers along with the application within an organization. Furthermore, the report would also highlight the effectiveness of teamwork in an organization and the impact of technology on the same. However, in order to gain enhanced understanding the functionalities of CAPCO which is a renowned consultancy firm and serves the financial sector all over the globe.

Unit 3 Organizations & Behaviour Assignment CAPCO - Assignment Help in UK

Task 1

1.1 Compare and contrast CAPCO’s structure and culture with Britannia organization

The comparison between culture and structure reflects the impact on organizational operations. Effect of managerial strategies on attitude, position and ethical values of employees decide the culture in workplace. CAPCO’s culture and structure is similar at many points in comparison of Britannia. Analysis determined that both the organization is similar at structure and workflow. Also, both the organization makes the use of similar communication techniques to engage with employees. However, CAPCO’s performance management includes the individual’s behavior and disciplines within workplace as extra parameter to organizational objective to decide overall performance. But Britannia’ performance measurement is based only on completion of task. Both the organizational have influence of critical behavior on performance scale (Du.et.al.2013). Britannia supports autocratic leadership style but CAPCO supports democratic leadership style to make the decisions more acceptable and effective at employee side.

Both the organizations have some difference and similarities in culture. Employees at CAPCO and Britannia are flexible in workplace to accomplish the tasks. Employees in both organizations manage the diversity. But CAPCO’s management is more robust to make use of diversity in talent. CAPCO is flexible in team formation according to requirement whereas Britannia focuses on to enhance the skills of employees in particular task. CAPCO’s democratic culture helps employees to express their free thoughts towards the organization but autocratic nature of leadership in Britannia keeps the power centric to single one to make the processing faster (Frankel and PGCMS, 2016). Both the organizations provide the training and welfare to employees to achieve more productivity from positive nature of them. However, the culture of CAPCO is more flexible in communication among employees, workplace behaviors and diversity management.

1.2 Explain how the relationship between CAPCO’s structure and culture can impact on the performance of its operations

With respect to the given case, the structure and culture of CAPCO largely depends on each other and includes wide ranges of the functionalities as well. It has been identified that CAPCO had adopted a divisional structure which enables the management in classifying different functional areas into various divisions and ensure the completion of the assigned task as well. It has been found that these divisions are been made on the basis of functionalities like marketing, financial, products and services, etc. In addition to this, the relationship between the structure and culture helps and organization penetrate in a positive manner and coordinate with the other as per the set objectives (Burke, 2013). Thus, CAPCO facilitates the employees with better motivation so that to execute effective team work and move towards the attainment of the desired goals. The relationship also helps in attaining a growth in the performances levels and develops a systematic framework of the business. On the contrary to this, the culture of CAPCO signifies a reliable and independent environment to the staff members and helps them to cope up with every situation faced at the workplace. It has been also identified the relationship of culture and structure had a positive impact on the performances which assists CAPCO in acquiring the desired objectives with the desired profitability.

1.3 Discuss the factors which influence individual behavior in CAPCO

It had been commonly found that every individual acquires a different behavior towards any of the situation or action. With respect to the functionalities of any organization, it is very much important to identify the behavior of individual so that to manage them at the workplace. The management must focus on how to treat the employees at the workplace and motivate them to work accordingly. It has been found that the management of CAPCO must identify the factors which could influence the behaviors of the people at the workplace and hamper its productivity as well (Shin.et.al, 2012). Moreover, it has been seen that there are wide range of factors which influence the behaviors of different people on the occurrence of different situation at the workplace. Environmental factors, cultural backgrounds, personal factors, personality, social factors, perception, organizational factors, perceptions, preferences, values, learning characteristics, beliefs, etc. are some of the most common factors which could influence the behaviors of individual in CAPCO.

It has been seen that people have different tendencies regarding different work based situation which must be resolved on the basis of their perceptions. This would create a win win situation at CAPCO and would diminish the probabilities of any of the clashes (Shafritz.et.al, 2015). It has been also found that an effective motivation could incline the workforce towards the achievement of the desired objectives and would lead CAPCO towards the higher growth eventually.

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Task 2

2.1 Effectiveness of different leadership styles

Leadership plays an important role to drive the human resources in an appropriate manner to achieve the organizational objective easily and effectively. Various leadership styles exist in CAPCO organization to motivate and govern employees in several business conditions.

  • Autocratic Leadership style: Autocratic leadership is necessary to bring in organizational structure to make critical and quick decisions in CAPCO organization. Leaders make the decisions based on their perception, ability and experience toward the solution of problems and make use of opportunities. Contribution of followers as suggestions and ideas are not expected in autocratic leaders. Autocratic leaders at CAPCO are capable to make critical decisions without being influenced with participation of employees (Hatch and Cunliffe, 2013). This is necessary to keep the power centric in order to handle business objective and structures with respect to inner and outer situations.
  • Transactional Leadership Style: CAPCO supports transactional leadership style to complete the task within time and quality standards. Transactional leaders are liable to execute the requirements of management and authorities with the help of skilled group members. They control and govern the activities within team to achieve organizational goals. Productivity and performance of team depends on the effectiveness of team leader as leaders are source of control and motivation for that group. Transactional leaders at CAPCO are effective to handle more production and quality requests with respect to market conditions.
  • Democratic Leadership style: On normal business conditions, culture at CAPCO supports the democratic behavior to make decisions with the help of employees. Individual’s ideas and prospects are considered to make the decisions more acceptable and effective (Harper, 2015). In case of conflict among employees’ view, leaders at CAPCO are at top to make decisions and strategies final. Participation of employees in decision making process depends on the effectiveness of leaders. However, this type of leadership style demands more time and use of resources to collect individual’s ideas.

2.2 Organizational theories influence the practice of management

Organizational theory is very important aspect in the terms of management when manager applied it in the organization it influence whole performance of the management. The theory explains the role of manager in the organization and tries to motivate the employees in the organization to increase the efficiency. Following are the theories which CAPCO practice in management:

  • Human relation management believes that employees want to a part of a supportive team which provides them growth opportunity. CAPCO provides special attention to the employees and encourage them to participate in decision making process which motivates them and it results to high quality work (Capper.et.al.2013). The theory influence individual attention and appreciation practices in the organization which results to employee retention in the organization. It keeps the employees motivated and tries to increase efficiency for the goal achievement on the organization. The major focus of the theory is to increase the productivity and relationship in the CAPCO. The theory clearly explains the relationship factor that if an employee is being a part of supportive group then ultimately it will improve the relation among the group members. CAPCO follow the human behavior theory by increasing attention on the individual employees which keep them motivated and productive which directly influence the growth of the CAPCO.
  • Scientific management theory is applied by the CAPCO to improve the efficiency by influencing the capability of the employees. The main aim of the theory is to reduce waste, increase the production and create the systematic distribution of the goods. Organization serves this goal to its employees and tries to achieve that on predefined tenure. The theory assists management to collect the data and convert it into mathematical form and conclude the results (Denis and Lehoux, 2013). It assures the manager that the techniques applied by the management should be applied by the management.

 Both the theories applied by the management to achieve the predefined goals. One theory focuses on the behavior of the employees whereas other theory emphasis on the mathematical calculation of the collected data. CAPCO applied these theories to improve the efficiency of the employees and try to increase the productivity.

2.3 Different approaches to management

Management approaches assist manager to work effectively to achieve the goal. The approaches provide guidelines to the CAPCO to handle the human capital in the organization. They assist the organization to increase the productivity through various means. Following are the different approaches which assist the management to work fluently:

  • Human relation approach: CAPCO and Britannia hotels apply this approach to manage the operations in the organization. CAPCO care their employees in the organization by providing convenience facilities to them and allow them to develop their skills by arranging training session for them. On the other hand Britannia Hotels make the employees self dependant they think if business provides facilities and comfort to the employee then they become lazy and it will decrease their efficiency. Through this approach CAPCO identifies the psychological needs of the employees and try to fulfill them to motivate employees (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). On contrary Britannia believes in focusing on the task oriented approach the main aim of the organization is to achieve the task.
  • Contingency approach: This approach assists management to manage the operations in a suitable way which leads to the growth of the organizations. Through this approach a manager can identifies the situational variables and external factors. It is one of the best ways to manage the different circumstances. CAPCO follows this approach to handle situations relates to manpower needs etc (De Souza, 2013). It assist manager to wider the knowledge and skills in the organization. It suggests the manager to adopt the latest technology to improve the productivity techniques. Behavior of the manager must be fluctuating according to the situations.

Task 3

3.1 Impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation within period of change in the CAPCO

Leadership in method through a manager can influence the employees to achieve better results.  It is an effective tool to increase the efficiency and productivity of the organization. A quality leader adopts suitable style to manage the employees by which they perform well to achieve the organizational goal. Motivation is process to satisfy the needs of employee by providing monetary and non-monetary benefits. A leader identifies the problems of the employee and then provide suitable alternative to solve the problem of the employee. Leadership is about encouraged; inspire the individual by boasting the morale of the employee (Luna, 2015). CAPCO follows different leadership styles to motivate the employees like democratic, laissez-faire leadership, autocratic.

  • Autocratic leadership: Autocratic leadership provides ability to the employees and group member to take the decisions in the absence of leader. This leadership style provides platform to the employees to take initiative in the operations and provide suggestions to the leader. It connects the leader to his followers at various stages like decision making process, implementing new policies etc. Autocratic leadership defines clear route for the business in various unidentifiable situations (Du.et.al.2013). It facilitates leaders to motivate the employees by making them the part of decision making process.
  • Democratic Leadership: Leader under this style takes the decision by keeping the suggestions of all the group members. They follow the participatory approach which helps them to motivate the employees. Under this style leader must clear the roles and responsibilities of all the group members and influence them to participate in each and every task of the organization.
  • Laissez-faire leadership: The leaders of this kind observe the performance of the employees and evaluate it. In this leadership leader provide limited authority to the employees and try improving the performance of every employee. The major focus of the leader is to improve the communication skills and performance level to attain organizational goal.

CAPCO regulate the different kind of leadership styles to handle various situations in the organization (Trivellas and Drimoussis, 2013). The leaders of all the departments aim to achieve the objective of the CAPCO by managing financial resources effectively.

3.2 CACPO applies motivational theories in the organization

Motivation is the effective medium to boast the efficiency of the employees in the organization. Managers try to boast the morale of the employees by providing various monetary and non-monetary supplements against salary like bonus, commission, promotions etc. According to the Maslow and Herzberg motivational theories employee have various needs which he wants to be satisfied during the job. According to the Maslow need theory people are more focused to achieve the various interim needs. When the needs are being satisfied then individual is keen to fulfill the next the need never ends (Shahbazi and Ardeshiri, 2013). Maslow classified the need theory into five stages which reflects the human tendency.

  • Physiological needs are the needs which are essential to fulfill by which employee can sustain his life. Without these facilities the employee will not be able to live the life. The needs are food, shelter, cloth, air etc.
  • Safety needs defines that employee should feel safe while working in the organization. The management should provide safe environment to the employees by which they give their best to the organization.
  • Esteem needs depicts individual attention, achievement, promotions etc this all needs a manager should keep in mind for the sake of employee motivation.
  • Love and belongingness needs includes team work, affection etc (Lichtenberg.et.al.2016). The working environment of the organization must be good which suits the behavior of the employee.
  • Self-Actualization needs identifies that employee should get the career opportunities in the organization that assist them to retain in the organization.

On the other hand, Herzberg states that employees have many reasons for job dissatisfaction at the work place. Herzberg distinguishes the theory into two factors motivators and hygiene factor.

  • Motivators: Reward, achievement, responsibility, opportunity to achieve something career oriented, involvement in decision making process etc are involved in motivator part. This all facilities reflect positive impact on the employee performance.
  • Hygiene factors: This consist job security, paid leave, promotions etc this all factors assist manager to motivate the employee to sustain in the organization provide contribution in achievement of organizational objective (Deci and Ryan, 2012).

From the above motivational theories it can be identified that CACPO follow this policies to motivate the employees and fulfill their common needs to retain in the organization.

3.3 Necessities of managers to understand and apply motivation theories within the workplace

Manager has the liability to motivate the employees with the suitable means. It is the way to provide confidence to the employee to work individually or in a team. Motivation assists manager to get the better results for the organization. Manager motivates the employees and design new policies to satisfy the needs of the employees. Through motivation a manager can develop the communication skills of the employees, provide training related to the work etc. Manager treats the employee in very effective manner by which they feel valuable and give their best towards the organizational objectives. According to the motivational theories manager should resolve the problem among the employees as soon as possible (Patrick, 2014). A manager should maintain the friendly environment in the organization which facilitates the employees to achieve the task easily.

All the workers thought that their manager must be good motivator, matured and understand their problems very well. Leader has the liability to maintain the discipline in the organization which binds the employees to achieve the allotted task on time. Manager should treat all the employees in an equal manner in all the situations (Stewart and Shamdasani, 2014). Manager of CAPCO should understand the ways of motivation which facilitates him to conclude the better output from the subordinates.

Task 4           

4.1 Nature of groups and group behavior within CAPCO

Group can be formed by two or more than two person working at the same platform with different liabilities to achieve the common objective. When person are working together they can easily achieve the goal of the organization. Group behavior can be referred as the bonding among the employees at the work place.

Nature of groups: CAPCO has formed different kind of groups to achieve the expected results. The participants in the groups work for the same goal, free to take initiative and communicate with each other to promote achievement. Different groups follow different methods to interact with each other (McShane and Von, 2015). Every group has different view and perception over the other group. One is normative view that depicts that how to promote the activities and how to manage the team. Second view is group dynamics that explains role play, team work, situational play etc.

Proximity theory states that if member of staff have the attachment with any group member will form a group in the organization. Individual with common interest may create relationship by balancing the feelings and interest. The groups have been classified among two broad categories:

  • Formal group: Formal groups are being formed to achieve the particular goals. CAPCO introduce this kind of groups to assign task and liabilities to all the team members with aim to achieve specific goals.
  • Informal Groups: Informal groups are formed by the employees only there is no participation of manager or senior level management (West, 2012). This kind of groups represents friends, general interest groups etc.

4.2 Factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective team work within CAPCO

Effective team accomplishes the goals on time which represents the work efficiency of the organization. All the member of the group feels satisfied and promotes participatory approach among the subordinates. Organization adopts various factors to develop the team work among the employees which raise the productivity of the organization. Following are the points which depict the factors that develop the effective team work in the CAPCO:

  • Motivation: A team leader always motivates his subordinates by which accomplish the goals in more effective way. It influences the subordinates to achieve the goals on time. Motivation inspires the employees and forces them to participate in the operation of the organization. Manager of the CAPCO adopts various motivational theories to motivate the team member. Various benefits have been allotted to the team member to motivate them. Organization provide reward, bonus, promotions, performance appraisal etc to the employees by which they give their best to achieve the organizational goals (Eisenstat.et.al.2016). Manager provides non monetary to the employees like promotions, performance appraisal, free accommodation, transportation convenience etc which keep them retain in the organization for longer period.
  • Leadership: The major factor in the organization is the leader who retains the employee for longer period. The leader understands the problems of the employee and provide them best alternative for their problems. A leader communicates with the employees and tries to find their problems. CAPCO provides various motivational lectures to the employees in order to keep them motivated. The foremost liability of the leader is to communicate with the employees and make them aware about the policies of the organization. Leadership plays vital role in team work without a command a team cannot achieve the set targets. Leader is the only person who maintains discipline among the team mates (Delahanty.et.al.2016). Leader provides platform to the employees to participate in the decision making process. It improves the skills of the employees and provides them the opportunity to grow in the organization. Overall a good leadership increase efficiency of the employees that creates good working environment in the organization.

4.3 Impact of technology on team functioning within CAPCO

Technology is the important part in the organization it allows organization to promote the products in different parts of the world. It is the very effective medium to raise the profits and compete in the market. Technology boasts the efficiency of the organization in very positive way. It assists the team members to communicate within seconds. Advance technology increases the job satisfaction among the employees and improves the quality of work. It acts as a assistant for the team members which work on absence of the employee (Kutash.et.al.2014). It decreases the burden of the employees and made the task easy by which employee can easily achieve. Improvement in technology has changed the working procedure of the employees it enables them to meet the deadline on time. Email, mobile, laptops, internet etc have made the communication easy and safe. Email facilitates the group members to communicate with each other in easy way by transferring work related messages. Information technology (IT) assists the group members to interact with each other through various social media applications like facebook, twitter, whatsapp etc.

Because of IT, team members in CAPCO does not need any common place to communicate they can communicate with each other. The group members make use of mobile phones to provide little information to the subordinates. Technology facilitates management to carry out important transactions in very effective manner through laptops. IT creates bonding among the employees through various innovative techniques (Hepp.et.al.2013). Through technology a person can represent his work with proof and in effective way.  CAPCO provides consultancy services to the clients in very effective way.

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With the above report it has been concluded that organization behavior includes the study of attitudes and action of the groups and individuals against its peer members at the workplace and influences the performances and functionalities of the business. The Unit 3 Organizations & Behaviour Assignment CAPCO had identified that the effect of managerial strategies on attitude, position and ethical values of employees decide the culture in workplace. It has been found that CAPCO’s democratic culture help the employees to express their free thoughts towards the organization. The relationship between the structure and culture helps and organization penetrate in a positive manner and coordinate with the other as per the set objectives. The report had also identified that the relationship of culture and structure had a positive impact on the performances which assists CAPCO in acquiring the desired objectives with the desired profitability. It has been found that CAPCO had applied the motivational theories to improve the efficiency of the employees and try to increase the productivity. The manager of the CAPCO had implied various motivational theories to motivate the team members. Furthermore, the report revealed that technology had boasted the efficiency of the organization in very positive way. Even it has been found that advance technology increases the job satisfaction among the employees and improves the quality of work.


Books and journals:

Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.
Burke, W.W., 2013. Organization change: Theory and practice. Sage Publications.
Capper, C.A., Green, T.L., Tillman, L. and Scheurich, J.J., 2013. Organizational theories and the development of leadership capacity for integrated, socially just schools. Handbook of educational leadership for equity and diversity, pp.62-82.
De Souza, L., 2013. Multiple sclerosis: approaches to management (Vol. 18). Springer.
Deci, E.L. and Ryan, R.M., 2012. Self-determination theory in health care and its relations to motivational interviewing: a few comments. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity9(1), p.1.
Denis, J.L. and Lehoux, P., 2013. Organizational theories. Knowledge translation in health care: Moving from evidence to practice, pp.308-319.
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Du, S., Swaen, V., Lindgreen, A. and Sen, S., 2013. The roles of leadership styles in corporate social responsibility. Journal of business ethics114(1), pp.155-169.
Eisenstat, S.A., Chang, Y., Porneala, B.C., Geagan, E., Wilkins, G., Chase, B., O’Keefe, S.M., Delahanty, L.M., Atlas, S.J., Zai, A.H. and Finn, D., 2016. Development and Implementation of a Collaborative Team Care Model for Effective Insulin Use in an Academic Medical Center Primary Care Network. American Journal of Medical Quality, p.1062860616651715.
Frankel, A. and PGCMS, R., 2016. What leadership styles should senior nurses develop?. nursing10, p.32.
Harper, C., 2015. Organizations: Structures, processes and outcomes. Routledge.
Hatch, M.J. and Cunliffe, A.L., 2013. Organization theory: modern, symbolic and postmodern perspectives. Oxford university press.

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