Unit 3 Organisations and Behaviour Assignment CAPCO & TESCO

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Unit 3 Organisations and Behaviour Assignment CAPCO & TESCO
Unit 3 Organisations and Behaviour Assignment CAPCO & TESCO
Unit 3 Organisations and Behaviour Assignment CAPCO & TESCO


Diploma in Business 

Unit Number and Title

Unit 3 Organisations and Behaviour CAPCO & TESCO

QFC Level

Level 4


The organisations and behaviour CAPCO & TESCO said assignment delves regarding the organisational aspects as well as behavioural aspects, which are related with the consideration of the association amongst the structural aspect and cultural aspect of the company, acknowledging various approaches towards management as well as leadership, acknowledging the methods to utilise motivational organisational theories and to understand the methods for developing efficient organisational teamwork. Taking into consideration all these aspect, two well-known organisations are being considered such as CAPCO as well as TESCO.

Unit 3 Organisations and Behaviour Assignment – CAPCO & TESCO - Uk Assignment Writing Service

Task 1

1.1 Compare and contrast CAPCO’s structure and culture with another organisation of your choice. Show the differences and similarities in these two organisations.

In this regard, we will be taking into consideration the structure and culture of CAPCO as well as TESCO. The structure of any organisation constitutes of its cultural aspect, leadership traits, internal environment and external environment and so on. There is a particular structural type for each and every company. The two organisations in discussion viz. CAPCO and TESCO comprises of a formal structure of organisation. The structure of hierarchy for CAPCO is regarded as formal since it comprises of a general chain of command and a line for execution of command. In this company, there is the existence of a huge strength of staffs who reports to two or more senior individuals. There exist multiple levels consisting of the stage of command and stage of  decision making . The major challenging scenario that is being faced by CAPCO relates with the fact that staffs who are working there exists on similar stage irrespective of the seniority possessed by them. (Iqbal, 2011) Regarding TESCO, there is the existence of a structure that is considered to be more formal since TESCO is considered to be very big establishment and it has functional base throughout the globe. In addition to that, the management is trying to boost the capability of the company by the utilisation of active scenarios to make decisions. It does the reduction of the space within the senior officials and the managers in the company. (Truman, 2010)

The organisational culture is considered as the compilation of a shared process, approaches as well as values that are associated with thoughts. These issues will be doing firm steering of the staffs of the company in relation to the methods with the help of which the work gets completed. The cultural aspect also comprises of the internal environment as well as organisational customs that is having a very significant functional aspect for the company’s success. (Jenkins, 2011) CAPCO’s success is chiefly influenced by the prosperous organisational culture. A very competent cultural scenario is being possessed by CAPCO that is in association with the empowerment of the company’s staffs. It does the explanation of the different methods with the help of which staffs are providing help to their clients and also the means through which they are behaving amongst each other. CAPCO believes that all the stakeholders of the company will assist in the company’s growth in a very significant way.

1.2 Explain how the relationship between CAPCO’s structure and culture can impact on the performance of its operations.

CAPCO’s organisational structure:

  • Individual behaviour majorly depends on structure of organisation – There can occur scenarios where the organisational CEO does not feel satiated with the performance capability of the employees. In this regard, the CEO of the company will be trying to follow the structure of the company since it has been proven that employees act in respect of the ways of the organisation in which they are working.
  • Structural influence and performing ability of organisation – CAPCO provides services to the client and for doing that, there is the formation of the organisation foundation in such a manner that will be ensuring continuous responses to any type of queries that comes from the client’s end. In having better communication as well as answers to the crisis situation of the client’s there is the possession of a friendly customer interface. (Truman, 2010)
  • Staff empowerment & company’s performances – Staff empowerment is being regarded as a very effective method in respect of the success of the company and the behaviour of CAPCO occurs in this manner. They generally concentrate on the empowerment of the managers at the lower stages that will finally be ensuring improved performing ability as well as will be improving the satisfaction of the clients.

CAPCO’s organisational culture:

  • Efficiency and cultural aspect – A general viewpoint is depicting that the cultural aspect will be contributing towards a major amount in relation to the effectiveness of the organisation. It states that, a proper culture needs to get considered as the issue in respect of comparison. The cultural aspect that is being followed by a company might not get used in a different organisation. The organisational culture that CAPCO is following contributes in respect of effectiveness as well as dynamic success that is associated with work. (Iqbal, 2011)
  • Variety in workforce and change in culture – Variety in workforce and for coping with the varying circumstances are being regarded as the essential hindrances for the organisation that is having its operational base in various locations across the world. To become successful, there occurs an essential significance in relation with the formation of an adaptive culture. CAPCO’s cultural requirement is considered to be in connection to a cultural aspect that is considered having optimum flexible condition towards dynamic changing scenario. (Jenkins, 2011)
  • Firm cultural aspect, performance growth – There exist a firm relation between effective culture and growth in the capability to perform. It has been proved that effective culture leads toward improvement in the ability to perform. In respect of CAPCO, there is growing competition for the company and there is a significance associated with the management of the clients and because of that there is the need to possess a firm cultural scenario in association with the service.

1.3 Discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour in CAPCO or in any organisation of your choice.

The employees who work at CAPCO want to receive a salary that is fixed as well as additional benefits and also regarded as internal stakeholders. There is the requirement in having a huge quantity of competent employees to carry out the business of the company competetently. The remuneration structure varies in relation with the aspects of age, capabilities to perform, educational aptitude, prior working experiences and work pattern. (Iqbal, 2011)

The issues that impacts individual behavioural aspect in CAPCO are referred below,

  • Safety of job – Most essential requirement for the staffs is having job safety. Sans the safety of job, they will fail to operate in a quick as well as peaceful manner. Staffs should be having the awareness of the security level that their jobs are having. A more secured job is reflecting on the aspect that the staffs are having very limited scope towards job loss. Due to that, they are functioning effectively and their ability to perform keeps increasing. (Jenkins, 2011)
  • Environment for job – The staffs at CAPCO tries to find a very efficient working environment. As because they possess a tough schedule associated with work, they are seeking a workplace that is considered to be interesting as well as comfortable. It’s regarded as a significant factor regarding the performing ability of the employees that will be eventually contribute towards the performance of the company.
  • Individual respect – The majority of the staffs working at CAPCO are considered to be technical staffs. They possess an efficient knowledge to work in comparison to a non-technical staff since they are possessing efficient technical capabilities in their particular areas of work. The most important concern of these staffs is not always to earn increased amount of money but also in having individual respect as well as a motivational work environment that might be considered to be their main concern. When these staffs that are working for CAPCO are not provided with the required respect, there might occur disruptions in their performance ability. (Truman, 2010)
  • Payment rates – The staffs at CAPCO have the requirement for an increased structure of salary. It is considered very rational that an increased structure of salary will provide motivation for the staffs to function in an efficient manner each and every time. Higher salary packages refer to the fact that the organisation is functioning in a successful manner as a result of which they will be offering higher salaries to the organisational staffs.

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Task 2

2.1 Compare the effectiveness of the different leaderships at CAPCO and any other organisation of your choice.

Senior staffs who are working for CAPCO are having the dedication towards offering unique and improved services in respect of the customers as well as in making the organisation an improved working environment. Senior management at CAPCO tries to focus on the scenarios which, although are regarded having very less importance but will be having significant influence over the business. These concentrate on the aspects that are not noticed that assists the employees in having a sense of superior achievement and positive reception. (Truman, 2010)

Circumstances that are concentrated upon are mentioned below,

  • Similar promotional opportunity regarding personal quality of the staffs. The qualities of leadership as well as transparency are considered to be the means for the achievement of success.
  • Managers possessing empathy as well as care are being given increased facilities towards accommodation as well as improved admiration.
  • All the stages of staffs needs to be provided with appropriate respect and for making united decision are regarded to be major leadership traits in respect of CAPCO.
  • For having a sense of pride in working for CAPCO as a leader or manager. (Truman, 2010)

Leadership is defined to be the opportunity to transform an idea towards actuality. The leadership style is generally the approach that a leader perceives to lead the employees. The leadership style that is prevailing in TESCO is regarded as ‘supportive’. TESCO used to follow the traditional style of leadership that was used for a longer time period that was considered to be more focused, utilised for reducing the staff responses and disregarding the junior staffs. This style of leadership has now been transformed to the supportive style of leadership. In this leadership style, proper mentoring takes place in relation with career as well as training which are being regarded as essential means towards the satisfaction of the staffs. (Johnson, 2011)

The supportive leadership style will build a trustworthy environment between the management and the employees. In the current scenario, the managers are possessing the information towards having effective communication with the staffs and to offer them the motivation that is needed. They permit the staffs in developing a vision as well as utilising their individual viewpoint and sincerity when they make a major choice. Managers create a support system to receive mutual support outside the formal organisational structure. Whereas, the employees need to view the means with the help of which their work contributes towards complete organisational growth. (Johnson, 2011)

In TESCO, the style of leadership and motivation follows the below mentioned circumstances,

  • To encourage the staffs to compromise their individual needs in respect of organisational betterment.
  • To construct an understanding regarding the importance related with the company’s objectives.

2.2 Explain how organizational theories (e.g. scientific management and human relations theory) have had influence on the practice of management.

Scientific Management Theory is known to be that theory of organisation that will do the analysis as well as synthesis of the workflow. Its essential goal is the development of the economical efficiency particularly the efficiency of the staffs at the place of work.

The impact that scientific management theory is having on the management practices are referred as under,

  • Staffs are given only those type of work that will be matching their job profile that is depending on the amount of motivation that they might possess and how much capability they are having, and then providing them proper training towards work so that maximum outcome can be received.
  • There will be monitoring of the performance of the staffs and instruction will be given as well as rules for ensuring that they will utilise the most efficient processes associated with work.
  • Proper work allocation will occur amongst the staffs and the managers so that the managers will spend their time for planning and training that will allow the employees to perform their work efficiently. (Jenkins, 2011)

Human Relations Theory is an organisational theory that depends on the studied principle that individuals have the desirability in being a component of the supportive team that will be facilitating development. As a result, when particular consideration is given in respect of the staffs and they are provided sufficient encouragement for participation, they regard their work to have a lot of significance as well as get inspired to get more efficient that will be assist in better quality of work. (Iqbal, 2011)

The impact that humans relations theory is having on the management practice are as follows,

  • General scenario is considered to be a significant aspect in respect of human relations in the place of work in respect of business related functions. Staffs are required to operate jointly in a recurrent way in relation to projects, communicating the ideas and to offer the achievement of matters. When the workplace culture does not have stability, there is the possibility to occur different challenges both in the logistics for managing the employees and in the lower levels. Businesses that have improved places of work as well as effective workforce are having the improved capability for retention and to attract suitable candidates, cultivation of client loyalty as well as adapting the requirements in a very quick manner that needs to be actualised in respect of a marketplace that is changing. (Iqbal, 2011)
  • The quality in respect of workplace relation is very significant for the retention of the staffs. Staff retention might be having very little importance particularly in the place of work that will have high turnover ratio, as a result, the managers will be taking into consideration the aspect that turnover is regarded as a valuable matter. Every new employee is having the need for investing important amount of time and energy regarding their training and enrolment. (Jenkins, 2011)
  • Workplace relationships provide a motivational basis in respect of the employees that are important in maintaining the effectiveness. Employees that have a work related concern in their own work and in the other staff’s welfare are generally more competent. This effectiveness will offer substantial  financial management  gain for the organisation.

2.3 Evaluate the different approaches to management used by CAPCO and your chosen organisation.

There exists three types of management approaches that are,

  • Approaches for passive management
  • Approaches for building of capacity
  • Approaches towards staging of high control

It is seen that, CAPCO is following a working culture that is considered as participative. There exists no fixed command line and staffs are having the ability for reporting to more than a single line manager. Approaches for building capacity are being considered to be that sort of approach that is related with facilitative management that will be relying comprehensively on individual capabilities. (West, 2012) The approach will identify the requirement towards external stimuli to have an improved ability to perform. The management approach that CAPCO follow is generally considered as approach for building capacity because of the below mentioned scenarios,

  • Identifying a particular community of clients that is based on the domestic community.
  • Explaining the particular circumstances of problems and answers.
  • Combined as well as associative activities. (Iqbal, 2011)

TESCO follows the approaches towards staging of high control that is general regarding the particular as well as physical result oriented scenarios. The company is having the information that efficient navigation requires a lot of homework and directives towards growth. Proper processes to plan and regulate that are previously decided are regarded to be very important. (West, 2012)

Significant aspect regarding the approach of management that TESCO utilises are mentioned as under,

  • Assimilation of the growth of project within the extended range of planning method
  • Requirement towards particular assessment of task
  • Project planning, goals, methods that are referred clearly.

Task 3

3.1 Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation within period of change.

The influence that various styles of leadership might have on motivation in the period of change are mentioned as under,

  • Democratic style of leadership – The leaders who follow this leadership style encourage the staffs in sharing the process of decision making and the staffs are motivated for contributing towards team-vision as well as the team members opinions are valued by these leaders. This sort of approach does the creation of a sense of belongingness amongst the staffs. These leaders are successful in motivating their staffs by monitoring their ability to perform by observing closely.
  • Charismatic style of leadership – These leaders are concentrating on creativity amongst the staffs. These leaders are referred also as transformational leaders. The driving forces of these leaders are associated with earnestness as well as dedication to their cause. (Harrell, 2011)
  • Autocratic style of leadership – The other term that is given for these leaders is dictator leadership that concentrates on the policies as well as the organisational processes. The leaders are monitoring their staffs as well as driving their ability to perform with the help of regulation. This strict style of leadership is placing adverse influence for motivating the staffs. (Lancaster, 2010)
  • Laissez-faire style of leadership – This style of leadership provides all the power as well as authority in respect of the staffs. The staffs are determining the objectives as well as find solution to the problems on their own. With the help of such approaches, there can be the empowerment of the employees as well as there can be the placement of loyalty amongst them.

3.2 Compare the application of two motivational theories (e.g. Maslow’s & Herzberg theories) within organizational setting.

  • Maslow’s theory of motivation: This motivational theory states that there are hierarchy of requirements towards the desirability of the individuals. There is a requirement to fulfil the needs of different stages completely and without successful fulfilment of the needs of the lower stages it is not possible to approach the higher level needs. Maslow stated that the managers are required to evaluate the various need level of the people. (Lancaster, 2010) In this regard, Maslow has provided 5 stages that influence the desirability as well as need of the employees that are,
  1. Physiological Needs (at the bottom)
  2. Safety and security Needs
  3. Needs for love and belongingness
  4. Self-esteem Needs
  5. Self-actualisation Needs (at the top)
  • Herzberg’s theory of motivation: This motivational theory depends on the two factor model that states that there are specific issues that is invoking satisfaction as well as dissatisfaction in respect of motivation. The hygiene factors do the enforcement of dissatisfaction amongst the staffs whereas motivational factors increase the level of motivation amongst the staffs. The management of a company is required assessing the factors of motivation to increase the satisfaction of the staffs which are salary, rewards, job security and many more. (Harrell, 2011)
  • Similarities as well as differences amongst the theory of motivation for Maslow and Herzberg: The two theories state that there is a requirement to meet an absolute set of needs to influence the behavioural aspects as well as the performing abilities of the staffs and maintenance of the motivational condition. The two models are placing significance towards the actualisation of needs for motivating the people. According to Herzberg, the needs were divided into two segments viz. hygiene and motivation. Hygiene is depending on the needs that are considered to be physical as well as psychological. Maslow segmented the needs into 5 categories by also focusing on the physical as well as psychological needs.

The major comparison between the theory of motivation for Maslow and Herzberg is based on the aspect that Maslow’s hierarchical model did the placement of limited focus on the emotional aspects as well as other feelings within the psychological needs whereas Herzberg did the placement of concentration on the actual areas regarding psychological emotions. (Kotler, 2014) In the theory of motivation for Maslow, there does not occur the identification of the factors for dissatisfaction whereas there occurred a clear separation within the factors for satisfaction and dissatisfaction in the motivational theory in respect of Herzberg.

3.3   Explain the necessity of managers to understand and apply motivation theories within the workplace.

There is a necessity for understanding as well as applying motivational theories within the workplace by the managers due to the following reasons,

  • Satisfaction of the employees – The managers are having a significant task towards getting things completed by the staffs. Therefore, the staffs should get encouraged in an efficient manner for directing as well as encouraging them for better performing ability. In this respect, CAPCO’s management did the implementation of the hierarchical need theory of Maslow. (Kotler, 2014) By implementing this theory, the management can do the identification of appropriate level of satisfaction in respect of each and every staff. Through this, CAPCO is trying to do the placement of improved relation with the staffs.
  • Increased satisfaction of customers – With the assistance of the motivational theories, CAPCO’s managers are also having the ability for understanding the level of satisfaction as well as client needs and training or directing the staffs to provide appropriate services towards  customer satisfaction . With the assistance of the motivational theories, the managers working at CAPCO will be able to do the delivery of services as well as do the attainment of increased customer motivation. (Harrell. 2011)
  • Increased efficiency – CAPCO’s managers should have an understanding of the theories of motivation and do their implementation within the work environment appropriately for increasing the efficiency of the employees. By motivating the managers, CAPCO encourages the staffs for adapting constant growth for the enhancement of their ability to perform as well as effectiveness of the staffs.

Task 4

4.1 Explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within CAPCO or your chosen organisation.

There exist various kinds of groups depending on their nature which are,

  • Formal Group:
  • Informal Group:
  • Formal Group – For achieving a particular task, there occurs the formation of a formal group by an organisation. CAPCO’s management does the creation of such groups and there is the setting of previously defined objectives as well as targets towards the group achievement. There is fixed roles and responsibilities within this group. This group is again sub-divided into two segments viz. Command Group as well as Task Group.
  • Informal Group – There occurs the creation of this type of group by the organisational members. This type of group is formed on the basis of common interest and mutual friendship. CAPCO did the inclusion of the customers, staffs, various stakeholders that are collectively forming the interest groups. The friendship group is formed in CAPCO through the inclusion of every staff at every organisational level. (Frydman, 2013)

Group behaviour of these groups depends on the works that has been assigned as well as the team-mate’s behaviours or attitudes. The flat organisational structure of CAPCO as well as staff based cultural aspect takes into consideration creativity as well as innovative aspects in the development of the team.(Furnham, 2012) CAPCO is tending to do the building of team having mixed abilities for developing the efficiency of the group.

4.2 Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork within CAPCO or your chosen organisation.

The issues that might do the promotion of the development of competent team-work in CAPCO are mentioned as under,

  • Lack of communication – Communication that is distorted is considered to be an impediment towards team working capabilities and creates hindrances towards the growth in the efficiency of the team. Therefore, lack of communication will make it challenging for the employees in tracking the development or implementing the required abilities. This can create a serious hazard towards team development. (Fernando, 2011)
  • Lack of managerial abilities – In the absence of appropriate managerial abilities, there will not occur appropriate navigation of the team. In the absence of appropriate managerial abilities, the execution of team duties will not be possible to perform.
  • Goals that are unclear – When there are goals that are unclear to the people or the team members, the team is not able to function in an effective way. Goals that are unclear will also be influencing the individual accountabilities. (Frydman, 2013) In the absence of understanding the objectives, the members of the team are also not able to do the fostering of personal tasks.

4.3   Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within CAPCO or your chosen organisation. 

Technological improvement is affecting the functioning and organisational performances at CAPCO. To understand the modern use of technology as well as their implementation in the company is considered to be productive in respect of the business. The staffs that are working at CAPCO is enjoying the benefits of the various technological aspects that have been implemented in the organisation as they are able to do the development of more advanced services in the financial industry of which CAPCO is a part. With the implementation of new technologies in the communication channels, there can occur improvement toward team functioning. The relationship with the customers also develops the effectiveness through the placement of modern technologies in the communication process. The use of technology has also impacted largely towards the staff’s training and development at CAPCO. (Clay, 2013) Technological aspects can also influence adversely towards working in a team at CAPCO. To place advanced technological aspects in respect of communication in team functioning can impact the privacy of team members since they need to be online in groupware or social media when they are not present at the office.

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Organisational behaviour is the learning of the conception which is depending on the communication amongst the individuals in groups as well as organisation. Diverse structural aspects and cultural aspects are integrated within the organisational behavioural aspects. The organisational culture has been influencing the behavioural aspect of the individuals. CAPCO follows the flat structure of company and in certain tasks the company does the utilisation of approaches regarding hierarchy. Staff based cultural aspect drives the motivational aspect in the team-work for the organisation.


Clay, M. (2013). Sales Strategies for Business Growth. Thorogood Publishing
Frydman, R (2013). Rethinking Expectations: The Way forward for Macroeconomics. Princeton University Press.
Furnham, A (2012). The Psychology of Behaviour at Work: The Individual in the Organization. Psychology Press
Harrell D., G. (2011).  Marketing Management .  Simon and Schuster Pub.
Iqbal, T (2011). The Impact of Leadership Styles on Organizational Effectiveness. GRIN Verlag.
Jenkins, D (2011). Managing Empowerment. Random House.
Johnson, G (2011) Exploring Strategy, London, FT: Prentice Hall
Lancaster., G and Massingham., L. (2010). Essentials of Marketing management. Routledge.
Truman, P., (2010). The critical success factors of business process management. International journal of information management, 30(2), pp.125-134.
West, M.A. (2012). Effective teamwork. John Wiley & Sons.