Unit 3 Organisation Behaviour Assignment – CAPCO vs HSBC

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Unit 3 Organisation Behaviour Assignment – CAPCO vs HSBC
Unit 3 Organisation Behaviour Assignment – CAPCO vs HSBC
Unit 3 Organisation Behaviour Assignment – CAPCO vs HSBC


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 3 Organisation Behaviour – CAPCO vs HSBC

QFC Level

Level 5


This assignment is made by taking into consideration one of the significant matters which is known as organisational behaviour. The scope of organisational behaviour is enormous and it is essential for considering it because of the direct connection with efficiency. This unit 3 organisation behaviour assignment CAPCO vs HSBC showcases two organisations which are CAPCO as well as HSBC. There is significance in having theories of motivation in the company for the maximisation of efficiency as well as for establishing a working environment that is considered positive. Other than that, the significance of the groups in the company is also considered to be significant for the actualisation of organisational objectives. In that respect, the issues that inhibit the efficient teamwork will be explained in the assignment.

Unit 3 Organisation Behaviour Assignment – CAPCO vs HSBC

Task 1

1.1 Compare and contrast CAPCO’s structure and culture with another organisation of your choice. Show the differences and similarities in these two organisations.

The structure and culture of an organisation plays a pivotal role in the business that helps in directing the staffs regarding the structure of work as well as discipline that an organisation will be following. The most important goal for formulating the structural aspect as well as cultural aspect is to build an efficient and effective company that will be resulting in productivity. For understanding these two variables there is a need for distinguishing the structural aspect as well as cultural aspect for the two organisations which are CAPCO and HSBC.

Functional Structure

Matrix Structure

The core department in the company has the eligibility in taking any decision and pass it to the varied functional aspects.

It is considered to be a complex structure where the small bodies are taking the decisions under the central body’s supervision.

There is less number of departments.

In this respect, focus is provided on the groups other than the departments for ensuring increased effectiveness as well as staff convenience.

There is a structured work process that will be reducing the communication gaps as well as assist in maintaining a positive environment. (Fox, 2010)

There is a focus based work process in respect of the small groups that are created in respect of the particular task as well as in respect of the specified time period also. (Marshall, 2013)

CAPCO is following the functional structure in which there exists a CEO having three partners who look after the departments such as consultants, Principal Consultantsas well as talent management. The three partners are accountable in managing each and every department. (Marshall, 2013)

HSBC is considered to be a banking organisation having branches throughout the globe. They are following the matrix structure in which there exist various departments for credit, loan, bank accounts and many more. The bank departments are segmented depending on the small groups for increasing the organisational productivity.

There also exists similarity amongst the two companies regarding the structure of the organisation that concentrates on the structure of work. The two organisations want to avoid the conflicting situations as well as create a healthy organisational environment. (Harrell, 2011). Organisational culture is considered to be the values that are followed by the company in respect of their process of work for establishing an effective environment for work. There can also occur difference in culture in respect of its nature that can be distinguished in the below mentioned manner,

Role Culture

Task Culture

CAPCO can observe the role culture in which there is the formation of the groups of financial consultants and sufficient training is provided to them for the enhancement of their knowledge in respect of the financial services. (Fox, 2010)

Task culture can be observed in  environment of HSBC  where there is the formation of the groups that depends on the functional aspects and also in respect of the particular geographical area. The most essential attribute in respect of task culture is empowerment where the staffs are very much encouraged for giving their best performances in respect of the targets. (Johnson, 2011)

Organisational culture in respect of a company is mainly created for the setting of an organisational discipline. The objective is towards increasing the efficiency while providing superior value in respect of the clients. (Ramaswamy, 2013) Therefore, all the companies are trying to set the cultural aspect that will be empowering the staffs as well as assist in the actualisation of the common target.

1.2 Explain how the relationship between CAPCO’s structure and culture can impact on the performance of its operations.

There exists a direct relationship in respect of the structural aspect as well as cultural aspect of CAPCO regarding the performances of the staffs and determination of that can be done from the below mentioned examinations,

  • The staffs are also human beings who are emotionally driven. There is a difference in their perception as well as attitude. Therefore, the formal structure of CAPCO will be establishing a direction that will be assisting the staffs in giving their optimum performances by attracting increased number of clients in respect of CAPCO. Other than that, CAPCO’s organisational culture will assist the staffs for getting motivation by providing periodic training to them. (Gagne, 2014)
  • CAPCO’s functional structure will assist in reducing the misconceptions as well as conflicts within the team. As there occurs the division of responsibilities depending on the departments that will assist the staffs in the maintenance of an organised structure for communication. (Fox, 2010) The cultural aspect that is followed by CAPCO is considered to be role culture since it brings increased effectiveness in the team for financial consultants.
  • CAPCO’s reporting authority will be easier because of the functional structure. The senior management can do the tracing of the status of work regarding the consultants very easily and the consultants can also easily convey the message that will be establishing effective team coordination. The culture that is followed by CAPCO will be motivating the staffs because of the significance that is provided to them. Since the staffs or the consultants are considered to be the pillar for CAPCO in respect of bringing increased number of clients as well as business. (Johnson, 2011)

Therefore, from the above discussion, there is clarity that the structure as well as culture is having a wider impact regarding the performances of the staffs. A staff will be providing their optimum performances when they get motivated and the environment will be supporting them. (Fox, 2010) Therefore, the two variables will be playing a significant task regarding the aspects of motivation as well as coordination that will assist the staffs in getting a route-map regarding the activities related to work.

1.3 Discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour in CAPCO or in any organisation of your choice.

Individual behaviour is considered to be the response provided by an individual that depends on a particular situation. There exists the issues that impacts the behavioural aspect of the individual working at CAPCO in the below mentioned manner,

  • Perception – It is the way by which staffs are interpreted depending on the given circumstances. For an individual to have a perception, sensory impressions are considered to be the determining factors. CAPCO is an organisation that is dealing with the clients depending on the financial advisory services. The training initiatives that CAPCO undertakes such as the skills for leadership and tools for client satisfaction are concentrated on the knowledge that depends on the financial situation. An impact has been created in respect of the initiatives towards the staffs working at CAPCO through the enhancement of their level of knowledge as well as making them have a feeling that they are the organisation’s assets. Therefore, there exists a positive perception at CAPCO within the people who works there and have the capability to provide effective performances. (Marshall, 2013)
  • Stress – This is regarded as a negative behavioural trait that will be influencing the staff performances. It is very true that tremendous work pressure or an adverse  working people environment  at the place of work will surely diminish the effectiveness and that will be considered as an organisational loss. In this respect, CAPCO is having senior consultants that are motivating the team of consultants through their involvement in any matter or opinion. Therefore, there can occur the removal of stress from the place of work with the help of a positive step from the management.
  • Attitude – This is considered to be one of the most significant issues regarding the personal behavioural aspect that will be determining the individual preferences. Companies such as CAPCO are functioning in the financial sector where there occur various scopes for the growth of the future prospects of the staffs. Through CAPCO’s developmental plan, there will be a change in the staff’s attitude as they will be feeling that CAPCO is considered to be the appropriate place for the fulfilment of their life’s desires. Positive attitude in respect of the company will be able to develop the efficiency at a major level. (Harrell, 2011)
  • Personal issues – The staffs are impacted by the individual issues such as personality. For instance, when individual staffs is considered to be an introvert, he/she might find it challenging for managing the clients at CAPCO where they have the requirement for approaching the clients in a rational manner and having a correct picture of the financial condition. On the other hand, in respect of an extrovert, it will assist in dealing with the clients because of the free techniques of communication they utilised for application while communicating with others. (Marshall, 2013)

Therefore, it can be observed that there exist various issues that can positively or negatively impact the behavioural trait of a person. There should be the analysis of the various issues as well as formulation of specific strategic aspects that will assist in overcoming the negative aspects as well as do the enhancement of the organisational effectiveness.

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Task 2

2.1 Compare the effectiveness of the different leaderships at CAPCO and any other organisation of your choice.

Leadership is considered to be the power that a person possesses for influencing others. From a leader, there can take place the expectation of enhanced motivation as well as enthusiasm that will be attracting others for following the person. There is the existence of various styles of leadership that an organisation follows for involving the staffs in the process for work that will be ensuring increased organisational efficiency. For the determination of the efficiency, there is a requirement for the comparison of the various styles of leadership that the two organisations, CAPCO as well as HSBC are following. (Harrell, 2011)

  • Transformational leadership – This is an effective style of leadership that is being used by a leader for motivating the team. In HSBC, the Chairman of the Group is holding the top position in respect of the hierarchy and below him there is the CEO of the Group who is administering the Finance Executives. Each and every manager in the individual departments is possessing enhanced skill set as well as experiences. They are relating their success with the beliefs as well as values they possess which is being followed by the staffs. In this kind of leadership style, the leader relates to the mission as well as vision in respect of the individual targets that are assigned to the staffs in which the staffs are also having a sense of belongingness in the workings of the company and also feel that they have an equal responsibility as the management towards the development of the business. (Fernando, 2011) In this kind of leadership style, the staffs are automatically impacted by the leadership approach. The positive influence is associated with increased efficiency from the end of the staffs but the negative influence is that as the leader is having the sole responsibility to encourage others in the company, therefore they need to be very much efficient and having little leadership skills and less experience can be detrimental for the company.
  • Participative leadership – This style of leadership majorly concentrates on the active staff involvement in the process of making decisions. At CAPCO, each and every consultants as well as senior consultants discusses various matters with the Principal Consultants and also provide organisational feedbacks. It is the kind of leadership style that takes into consideration each and every team member to take decisions. In this kind of leadership style, the leaders will be involving each and every staff to share their opinions and also will be communicating with each of the staffs to maintain a positive as well as healthy workplace environment. (Marshall, 2013) The positive influence is the encouragement that the staffs will receive to accept the leader’s opinions and the negative influence is associated with the complex situations that might occur through the involvement of everyone in the process.

2.2 Explain how organizational theories (e.g. scientific management and human relations theory) have had influence on the practice of management.

There is a huge relevance of the organizational theories in respect of the management practices. The theories are providing directives in regard to the practices that are required to be pursued to have increased organisational efficiency. When the theories such as scientific management and human relations management  theory are put into practice, there will occur increased efficiency. (Harrell, 2011) The relationship between the organisational theories and the management practices can be associated in the following manner,

  • Scientific Management - Scientific Management was developed by Frederick W. Taylor by concentrating more towards simplifying the jobs to maximise the level of productivity. Since there is a continuous change in the situations, there is a need to possess structural flexibility. Task allocation should take place through the assessment of the skills as well as the levels of experience of the staffs are required to be assessed by the management. To check the performances, there is a need to do the fixing of certain constraints by the management. This organisational theory can be associated with CAPCO where targets are provided to the consultants depending on their level of capacity. There is flexibility in CAPCO’s structure in which the consultants changes from one region to another depending on the targets as well as their capacity in dealing with the clients. Therefore, it can be stated that management practices are associated with the management theory. (Harrell, 2011)
  • Human Relations Theory - Human Relations Theory states that the staffs are the core part of an organisation. According to the researcher, Elton Mayo, it was stated that the social as well as psychological issues are the main determinants of organisational effectiveness. The management is required to provide motivational focus that will have the involvement of the staffs very much in respect of the business. (Ramaswamy, 2013) At CAPCO, the individuality is considered to be the major step for empowering the consultants and making them an individual leader that will be motivating the staffs immensely. Along with that excellent perks, health insurance, vacationing are considered to be the essential traits of CAPCO for motivating the staffs towards providing excellent performances. (Jenkins, 2011) Therefore, it can be inferred that there occurs the application of human relations theory in CAPCO’s management practices for maximizing the productivity level.

2.3 Evaluate the different approaches to management used by CAPCO and your chosen organisation.

The various approaches that are undertaken by the management at CAPCO and HSBC are as follows,

  • Scientific Management Approach – At CAPCO, the management is following the scientific approaches for bringing organisational flexibility through the replacement of the thumbs rule. Since there is continuous change occurring in respect of the financial situation, and in respect of that CAPCO’s consultants should be ready and have the flexibility for facing any circumstance. (Jenkins, 2011) The influence of this approach will be maximising CAPCO’s effectiveness and in respect of that they will be attracting increased number of clients in respect of the business. The positive aspect is associated with the means for allocating the targets that depends on the staff’s level of capability that will be providing more effective performances because of possessing experience as well as specialisation. The negative aspect is associated with fact that the procedures such as Business Process Re-engineering or Management by Objective (MBO) are not followed to measure as well as control the ability to perform. (Ramaswamy, 2013)
  • Human Relations Approach – In respect of this approach, the two organisations CAPCO as well as HSBC are following them in which every staffs are provided with benefits as well as effective remuneration for increasing their motivational level. Plans such as perks, health insurance as well as other incentives are provided to every staff for ensuring that they are giving effective performances. The result will be the growth in productivity because of the enhanced staff motivation. The positive aspect is that the misconceptions can be eradicated because of the inclination of the staffs in the process of work whereas the negative aspect is that there are the complex situations that can occur because of the involvement of each and every staff. (Marshall, 2013)
  • Social System Approach – The social system approach states that there is a relation between the internal as well as external environment in respect of the practices of management. At CAPCO, there is the formation of the team of consultants that depends on the background of the client. The results will be the effectiveness that is being offered by the company to deal with the clients. (Marshall, 2013) The positive aspect is to consider the issues that are influencing the process to make decisions in respect of the company. But the areas such as planning as well as controlling are not considered in this approach which is being considered as the negative aspect of the social system approach.

Task 3

3.1 Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation within period of change.

Leaders are considered as the individuals who are capable in influencing other individuals with their experience, knowledge, skill as well as styles of approach. The leaders have the responsibility for increasing the motivation of the organisational staffs. The organisational goals do the determination of the styles of leadership that should be followed for the establishment of a positive working environment in the place of work. (Jenkins, 2011) For example, certain changing scenarios in CAPCO such as staff rotation from team to another team. In this changing perspective, the styles of leadership that are having varied influences can be evaluated through the below mentioned manner,

  • For ensuring the organisational change, the management might be following the participative leadership style that will be involving each and every member of the team who are influenced by the changing decision. Staff involvement will be addressing the management regarding the challenging factors they are being faced with or can receive certain creative ideas for solving the crisis situations. (Johnson, 2011) The positive influence is associated with encouragement that the staffs will be having because of the contemplation of their outlooks by the management and the management will also be successful in convincing them regarding the positive aspect of the change that has occurred. The negative influence might be the association of various staffs that can make the process a lot more complex and might bring certain misinterpretations in this respect.
  • In respect of transformational leadership style it can be stated that the management activities will be automatically influencing the teams for following the changing aspects. The values or the goals related to the organisation can get visualised by the management in respect of the changing aspects that will be beneficial for the team to have the scope for growth. The staffs of CAPCO who are satisfied will be accepting the changing scenarios but the other staffs will be resisting the changing scenarios. (Johnson, 2011) The positive influence is that the management can easily impact the staffs with their values as well as objectives whereas the negative aspect states that the there should be the identification of those staffs who will not get satisfaction and they should be approached in an effective manner.
  • The prize as well as punishment approach is associated with the transactional leadership style. The staffs who will be accepting the changing scenarios will receive reward and the other staffs who won’t have an acceptance of the changing scenario will receive penalty according to this style of leadership. In the present context, there is no relevance of this theory as there has occurred a change in the working environment and the organisational strategies are implemented by the staffs. There will be reduction in motivation and this will be leading to organisational loss in respect of this theory that is considered to b the negative trait of this leadership style. (Jenkins, 2011)
  • Change will get imposed by the autocratic leadership style without having discussion with the staffs. The leader will be adopting the changing scenario without taking into consideration the other members. The positive trait is associated with the diminished complexities in respect of the process of work design but the negative trait is the de-motivational level in the working environment. The staffs who are de-motivated will not be providing their efficient performances and therefore, the company will not be able to do the actualisation of the objectives.

3.2 Compare the application of two motivational theories (e.g. Maslow’s & Herzberg theories) within organizational setting.

Motivation assists in driving the staffs for giving effective organisational performances. The staffs having high motivation will provide more efficient performances in comparison to the staffs that are de-motivated. Therefore, it is important in respect of the company for inculcating the motivational aspect in the working environment. (Jenkins, 2011) Motivation application can be understood from the  motivational theories  that are mentioned as under,

Maslow’s Theory - According to Maslow’s Theory, a human being’s needs are segmented in five parts. The needs keep developing with their fulfilment. The 5 kinds of needs of an individual in respect of an organisation can be explained as under,

  • Physiological Needs – It is the primary level that is ensuring a very general requirement in respect of human beings foe living their life. For instance, the need for food, shelter, clothes and so on. There occurs the fulfilment of these needs by the organisation such as CAPCO through employment. By getting employed the staffs will be receiving salary that will support them with their livelihood.
  • Safety Needs – Post the basic requirements, there comes the safety needs that impacts the people for securing their life. Companies such as CAPCO are providing medical insurance, excellent perks, policies for termination as well as retirement bonus that will be motivating the staffs for giving effective performances. (Jenkins, 2011)
  • Psychological Needs – After the safety needs, there occurs the psychological needs. This stage is also assisted by the company through the preparation of a consultant team in which the staffs will be finding a group. There is the formation of the groups at CAPCO that depends on the experience as well as skills that will be removing the conflicts within the members. (Furnham, 2012)
  • Self-esteem Needs – These needs take place when human beings develop their sense of accomplishment. They seek reward in respect of their accomplishment. At CAPCO, the schemes are recognised by the management that are provided to the staffs when they give outstanding performances. Other than that, there also occur promotions in respect of the consultants for becoming senior consultants as well as principle consultants.
  • Self-actualisation Needs – This is considered to be the last stage according to the theory cited by Maslow, in which a person realises his true worth and gives his utmost in respect of any work. CAPCO’s management does the allocation of critical projects in respect of the consultants for facing the challenging scenarios.

Herzberg Theory: Motivation is categorised by Herzberg in two segments viz. hygiene factor as well as motivation factor. In respect of satisfaction as well as dissatisfaction, the management stresses on these two scenarios in the below mentioned table,



Every achievement gets rewarded with the assistance of the promotions that the management does that assists in motivating the staffs for giving more efficient performances.  (Furnham, 2012)

There occurs the development of the organisational policies through the involvement of the staffs as a significant aspect to drive the income. The development of the staffs is also concentrated on the policy.

There is the delegation of the responsibilities prior to the process of work that assists the staffs in planning their way and also reducing their chance of getting doubtful.

There is the following of supervision through the consideration of the level of experience as well as information. Each and every Principal Consultants of CAPCO are having better experiences as well as have high skill set for supervising the consultant teams. (Furnham, 2012)

There occurs organisational growth in which the consultants are provided with huge scope for proving their finest.

Salaries, perks, benefits, allowances are offered in respect of the staffs through the consideration of the industry standard for motivating the staffs.

Therefore, it can be observed that the theories of motivation are associated with the practices of management for delivering the motivation within the staffs to get more efficiency in their ability to perform.

3.3 Explain the necessity of managers to understand and apply motivation theories within the workplace.

A manager’s role in a company is very much significant in respect of the businesses’ viewpoint. There is the responsibility of the manager in making the things done in the company. In respect of this responsibility, motivation is the sole need in making the things completed. For instance, when there occurs planning to change in respect of a company in certain process of work then it is the manager who will be implementing the changing aspects through the motivation of the staffs that are working for him. In that respect, there can occur the application of the theories of motivation. For instance, issues that lead to dissatisfaction according to Herzberg’s theory will assist the managers in understanding the reason behind getting dissatisfied and requirements for overcoming the situation through the consideration of the measures. It is quite common that the companies did not succeed in the achieving the targets because of the performing abilities of the staffs and in respect of that there is a need for a manager in understanding the motivational theories and applying it to the circumstance to develop the efficiency. It is the motivational aspect that will do the boosting of the performances of the staffs that will assist the company for the actualisation of the target. (Schein, 2012) Along with having a direct relationship with the achievement of target, motivation also impacts the working environment at the place of work. When every staff is involved by the manager in the process of decision making then there is a very less possibility for the staffs to give ineffective performances. The endeavour will encourage the staffs in giving their optimum performances as well as assist in creating a positive environment for work in the place of work. (Fox, 2010)

According to the motivational theory of Maslow’s Hierarchy, there exist five requirements that are actualised by the human beings. For instance, to support the basic requirements of a person can be associated with the scope for employment provided by the companies such as CAPCO. Then, to support the security requirements are realized by the CAPCO by offering health insurance, welfare schemes for the staffs, flexible policy and so on. (Schein, 2012) After that, there occurs the fulfilment of the psychological needs by CAPCO through the formation of productive team of consultants and also through the maintenance of a positive working organisational environment. Then, the staffs are supported by CAPCO through the fulfilment of their self-esteem needs by offering rewards as well as recognitions and also promoting the consultants to the hierarchy of senior consultants and so on. Last but not the least, there is the fulfilment of the self-actualisation needs by offering demanding tasks or work to the consultants to manage the quality clients. (Boone, 2015). Therefore, it can be said that, Maslow’s Need theory can be associated with the workplace to increase the motivational aspect that will encourage the staffs as well as participate in the organisational business which will be enhancing the business to gain profit.

Task 4

4.1 Explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within CAPCO or you chosen organisation.

The nature of group in CAPCO are mentioned as under,

  • Formal Groups – These are considered as group of consultants who are dealing with the clients and there is the formation of the groups by the management depending on the experience, specialisation as well as effectiveness. These groups at HSBC are very much organized and possess enough resources for effective management of the clients.
  • Problem Solving Teams – These are the teams comprising of CAPCO’s Principal Consultantswho dealt with the premium clients for creating a long term business relation.
  • Committee – CAPCO is having the committees who took care of the investors, staffs as well as the organisational functions. To encourage and for maintaining a long term relationship, a committee in respect of the investors is present that is headed by one of CAPCO’s partners. There even exist other committees that are being headed by CAPCO’s two partners. Therefore, it is also the senior management group that is managing various organisational aspects. (Morden, 2014)

Group behaviour is considered to be one of the significant issues for determining the efficiency of the group. Belbin’s team role does the determination of the group behaviour in the below mentioned manner,

  • Shaper – It is considered as that group member who addresses various means to accomplish the work and is mostly extrovert in nature.
  • Implementer – They are the perfectionists who minutely follow the guidelines and will be completing the tasks within the period of time that has been provided. They play a positive role within the team to actualise the target. (Miner, 2015)
  • Coordinator – In CAPCO’s team there will be certain consultants who will be taking the initiatives to coordinate with the members for removing the misinterpretations as well as for establishing a method of communication.
  • Complete Finisher – They are the team members who are aware of the target and impact the other members by reminding them about the task.
  • Resource-Investigators – They are the team members who will be approaching the seniors to provide additional resources that can be considered as time or any other physical resources in respect of the team for actualising the target.
  • Team worker – They are the group members who have huge commitment in respect of the team by providing their constructive contribution that will be ensuring team effectiveness.
  • Plant – Plant are considered as the group members who are well-known for their creative processes to give their performances. In respect of their innovative methods, the group performances are considered to be efficient and assist the members in actualising their target. (Miner, 2015)
  • Monitor-evaluator – These are the individuals who do the evaluation of the decisions depending on the advantages and disadvantages. They prefer following the analytical processes for evaluating the ideas prior to its use.
  • Specialist – Each and every team member at CAPCO are having specialisation in the area of finance to offer efficient solutions in respect of financial aspects for the clients that can be people, companies and so on.

4.2 Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork within CAPCO or your chosen organisation.

The issues that might do the promotion or inhibition for developing efficient teamwork in CAPCO are mentioned as under,

  • Group Process – At CAPCO, in respect of group process, the Principal Consultants will be taking the significant decisions and they will be communicating with the senior consultants to pass the decisions to the consultants. When any consultant faces any challenge for sharing certain feedback, they can approach the Senior Consultants directly who will be conveying to the Principle Consultants. In this manner, there is the formation of the method that will be providing the direction for the team members.
  • Group Structure – At CAPCO, the group structure is created by the management who are considered to be the Principal Consultants by taking into consideration the experience, previous records, specialisation for attracting the clients. Depending on the transactions of business, there occurs the formation of the team to satisfy the clients for a longer period. Group structure will assist the company in actualising the targets as well as for ensuring a constructive as well as effective organisational teamwork. (Kitchin, 2010)
  • Power Dynamics – There is the structuring of the process at CAPCO and the members are assisted in following the activities related to work. In this regard, the Principal Consultants are considered to be the strategy thinkers and they will be communicating the strategic aspects to the senior consultants. By this manner, the members in the group will be interacting with the reporting authority. This issue will assist in bringing a process of communication within the team and assist the members in following it. (Kreitner, 2010)
  • Personal Factors – These factors will also be influencing efficient working in a team. For instance, when certain team members will bypass their designated work without contributing then it can influence the teamwork or in another instance, when the management is following the participative styles then it will be efficient in respect of the team for discussing the factors or specific feedbacks that are considered significant in respect of the business.

4.3 Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within CAPCO or your chosen organisation. 

Technology is considered to be the technique that is utilised through the involvement of computers, machineries or different electronic appliances. Technology will assist in providing effective functioning of the team. Not just in the functioning of the team but will also assist the company in reducing the functional cost and simultaneously will be bringing effectiveness in the process of work as well.

The merits of CAPCO’s team functioning can be evaluated as follows,

  • The teams of the consultants are associated with one another through the use of the electronic appliances such as the smart phone apps, tablets and so on. It will assist the members in communicating with one another at any point of time.
  • There is the accounting software that assists the members in giving their presentations in respect of the clients. (Gagne, 2014) Each and every financial circumstance that depends on the analytical devices are also constituting the software that assists the members in giving presentations that are more comprehensive by projecting the future profits or losses.

The de-merits of CAPCO’s team functioning can be evaluated as follows,

  • Since the teams are communicating in a virtual manner, therefore the members will be doing data manipulation with absolute ease that will be hampering the functioning of the team. (Fox, 2010)
  • Connectivity that is not very strong as well as the jamming of the network are considered to be the technological barriers that are considered to be the adverse technological influences on the functioning of the team.

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For concluding the assignment on the organisational behaviour, it can be said that it takes into consideration various traits that influences the organisational productivity. The assignment delves with the two organisations that are CAPCO as well as HSBC, in which the cultural aspect as well as structural aspect in respect of the organisation can be observed. Along with that, there also occurs the explanation of the different styles of leadership in addition to the various organisational theories. Moreover, there is the showcasing of the theories of motivation that is associated with the organisational requirements as well as the efficiencies. Finally, there is the mentioning of the significance of the groups as well as the behavioural aspects.


Boone, L (2015).  Contemporary Marketing.  Cengage Learning
Fox., W. (2010). Managing Organisational Behaviour. Juta and Comapny
Furnham, A (2012). The Psychology of Behaviour at Work: The Individual in the Organization. Psychology Press
Gagne., M. (2014). The Oxford Handbook of Work Engagement, Motivation, and Self-Determination Theory. Oxford University Press.
Harrell D., G. (2011). Marketing Management.  Simon and Schuster Pub.
Jenkins, D (2011). Managing Empowerment. Random House.
Johnson, G (2011) Exploring Strategy, London, FT: Prentice Hall
Kitchin, D., (2010). An introduction to organisational behaviour for managers and engineers. Routledge.
Kreitner., R. (2010). Principles of Management. Cengage Learning.
Marshal., A. (2013). Priciples of Economics. Palgrave Macmillan
Miner, J. B. (2015). Organizational Behavior: Essential theories of motivation and leadership.USA : M.E. Sharpe
Morden., T. (2014). Principles of Management. Ashgate.
Ramaswamy., N. (2013). Marketing Management. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
Schein H., E. (2012). Organisational Culture and Leadership. John Wiley and Sons.