Unit 3 Human Resource Management Assignment Sainsbury

Unit 3 Human Resource Management Assignment Sainsbury

Unit 3 Human Resource Management Assignment Sainsbury


The employees are the most fluctuating element of the companies in the current times and this is the reason that there is a human resource department in the working of the companies and the way they have been carried out by the companies is the method and the means that have to be studied and it will be done in the different parts of this assignment with reference to Sainsbury. (International Journal, 2015)

Unit 3 Human Resource Management Assignment Sainsbury - Assignment Help

Task 1

1.1 Based on your experience, distinguish between personnel management and human resource management.

The management of Sainsbury is very particular about the way they handle the human resource that they have in the company and this is the reason that there is a separate department for their management.  In the business world there are two concepts in relation to the management of the employees- human resource management and personnel management.  Human resource management  is a broader and a relatively complex term and working concept which is not just limited to the management of the employees but also their overall growth. The management has to manage the needs of the employees of the company and then also provide them with opportunities that the need to grow in their career. The HR manager is also there to ensure that the employees get the work which matches their caliber and interest. On the other hand there is personnel management which is limited to recruitment and selection of the employees for the vacancies in the company, allot them the work that they have to do and then make sure that they are achieving what they suppose to do. They are limited to the attendance and the pay check of the employees and this is followed by companies like target. (Morrison, 2007)

1.2 Assess the function of the human resources management in contributing to the purposes of your organization.

Sainsbury is a company that makes sure that employees are well taken care of in the working of the company since they believe that the employees are the biggest asset that they have and are the only ladder that they have towards success. This is the reason that it can be seen that the human resource management department of the company makes sure that they keep tabs on all the employees that work for the company and for this they have to monitor the roles that they have been given and the degrees success that they have got out of it. They provide all the opportunities that they need to grow in their career and feel connected with the company. The result of this is that the employees give in their best for the role that they play in the operations and this improves the quality and the quantity of the work that they deliver. Also since the employee turnover ratio of the company remains low, the image that they have in the market and amongst the competitors is very strong and present a united front which helps them to maintain a competitive edge that they currently have. (Pons, 2013)

1.3 Evaluate the role and responsibilities of a line manager in your organization.

Considering the fact that the Sainsbury is a company that operates on the international level, it becomes necessary for the management to have different departments and teams which have their own set of experience and expertise that they can use to deliver the kind of performance that is needed by the company to survive in the market and where there are teams and departments it becomes necessary for the management to have heads and managers to lead them. The role that is given to the line managers is that they have to act as the middle man between the management and the employees because it is not possible for the management to be available at all times and this is where the line managers will step in. They take up the instructions from the management, convey them to the team, assign them the individual roles that they will play and then also monitor the performance that they give. They also have to act on the side of the employees which mean that if there are any needs that they employees want from the management then it is the duty of the manager to arrange them with the senior level management.  (Ryan, 2008)

1.4 Analyze the impact of the legal and regulatory framework of the country in which your selected organization is based.

Every country has laid down certain rules and regulations that have to be followed in the country and this is so that they can maintain the peace and harmony that they have and also protect the interest of the people. The same applies to the companies of the business market as well and whether it is a small firm or an international company, they have to abide by the rules and regulations that are made by the government if they want to avoid any fines and legal hassles. In the United Kingdom the first rule that the companies have to follow is that they have to take care of the employees that work in the company and this has to be done in terms of the professional as well as the personal requirement of the employees. Another thing that they have to make sure is that they have to pay the employees for the work that they do and in the fair and just manner and then also ensure that they provide work opportunities to the backward and minorities of the society so that they can grow as a whole and this is good for the image of the company as well. (Edmunds, 2009)

Unit 3 Human Resource Management Assignment Sainsbury 1

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Task 2

2.1 Analyze the importance of human resource planning in your organization.

When it comes tot he working of the company, it is in the hands of the management to take the decisions that they think will be good for the future and the goals that they have for the market but in this decision making process, it is important that they include the aspect of the staff as well since they are the ones who will be doing the ultimate operations for the company. This is where the role of human resource planning comes in to the picture and it helps the management of the company to manage and develop the staff that they have on the overall level. As far as the company of Sainsbury is concerned, the one benefit that they have drawn out of the human resource planning is that the employees feel more connected with the company and in return they are ready to give in their best performance. Another thing that has come out of it is that the employees get the opportunities that they need to grow in terms of their career and this is the reason that the employee turnover ratio is always low and the management can depend on the staff. (Wise Geek, 2013)

2.2 Outline the stages involved in planning human resources requirements.

Every process in the business market has to be carried out with a lot of care and caution and the reason for this is that the companies like the Sainsbury have a lot at stake to loose if they go wrong in the decisions that they make and the processes that the follow and this is the reason that there has to be certain ordered steps that they have to follow in the human resource planning as well so that they know what they are going to be dealing with. The first thing that they need to do is to understand the demand of the company and its goals and then match it with those of the employees so that they can reach the middle ground which will be acceptable by both the parties. once this is done it is the duty of the management to arrange the resources that they might need in the execution of the plan and also keep an eye on the results that they have achieved at the end of the plan so that any improvement that they think is needed for better results can be made for the future for a higher degree of success. (Springer, 2009)

2.3 Compare the recruitment and selection process in your chosen organization with another organization.

Recruitment and the selection process of the company has to be carried out in the best possible manner and the reason for this is that it is employees that are going to do the work in the company and go towards the future and then in a company like the Sainsbury, they even have to interact and deal with the customers so its best that the management selects what happens to be the cream of the market. this is the root cause that the management of the company is so involved in the recruitment and the selection process that they have to carry out and everything is done by the company from the very start which includes the advertising fort he positions that have to be filled and inviting the people to apply with their resumes. Once this has been done, they go through all the resumes and the applications that they have got and filter them as per the requirements that they have. This helps the management to short list the candidates that they would invite for one on one interview with the related department head and the hr team. Once the employees have been hired, they are given training and an orientation session in which they know about the company and the role that they would be playing. On the other hand, the recruitment and the selection process that is followed by target is that they outsource this operations to the specialist companies of the market that provide this facility and they do not have to carry out the process on their own but they are provided with the eligible candidates by the recruitment company to fill up the position that they have to offer. The company supplies these employees from the database that they have made.

2.4 Evaluate the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection techniques in these two organizations.

Every process has its own advantage and disadvantage and the same is the case with the different types of recruitment and the selection processes that have been discussed in the last leg of the assignment. As for Sainsbury the process that they have gives them the freedom and the hold that they need over the employees that hire for the offered vacancies and for the other company of target, it saves them the trouble and the handling process that they will have to carry which in turn saves them time and money that they can use for some other purpose. (Jamieson, 2012)

Task 3

3.1 Assess the link between motivational theory and reward in the context of your chosen organization.

Motivating the staff is one of the most important things in the current times as the level of competition in the market demands them to be on their best foot forward. If the staff at all levels of the company are motivated enough then they will feel connected to the company and the department that they are working with which in turn will improve the dedication that they have towards the operations and the quality and the quantity of the work that they will deliver. But in order to motivate the staff, the management has to appreciate the good work that they do in the company and this can only be done if they are given something above the salaries and the wages that they earn. This reward can be target that they can set for themselves and on the achievement of the reward; the staff or the achievers can go further in their  personal and professional  life. This reward can be a source for further motivation in the staff members that they can push the staff to do even better and gain a higher degree of reward. This motivation cycle is good for both the company and the staff. (Hurst, Mauron, 2008)

3.2 Evaluate job evaluation process and other factors determining pay in your organization.

Just as the profit motive is the first objective that the companies have set for themselves, in the similar manner the first motive of the staff members in all the companies or in this case the Sainsbury is to earn the salaries and the wages that they can make out of the work that they do. This is the reason that the companies and the management of Sainsbury have to pay them well and reward them for the good work that they do. But for this the first thing that they need to do is that they have to value the work done by their employees in monetary terms so that the pay scale that they offer will be fair and just. The one thing that can be done for this is the company can make salary slabs in the company and place the employees in different brackets depending upon the work that they do and the designation that they hold. The employees that fall in the same bracket can get similar or same salaries and rewards and incentives. This is a good way to maintain transparency in the company and give the employees the money that they have earned. (Hurst, Mauron, 2008)

3.3 Assess the effectiveness of the reward systems in your chosen organization.

Reward system is something that has to be drafted in the best possible way so that it is attractive to the employees and also beneficial to the management so that it is a win-win situation for both the parties. Since all the decisions are in the hands of the management, it is best that they ensure that these decisions are taken after a good and deep research of the market and also policies and procedures that are used by the competitors of the company. When it comes to the company of Sainsbury, there are many benefits that they have drawn out of the reward system. The first thing is that the employees feel connected with the company and give in their best efforts. Another thing is that since the employees are motivated to work good for the company, the employee turnover ratio that they have is very low which is good for the future and the image of the company. Since the company is able to maintain a good image in the society, then the new talent that they attract towards the company becomes very good and it is easier for the company to recruit and select the required staff. (Peljan, 2011)

3.4 Using your organization as an example, examine the different methods used to monitor employee performance.

In order to reward the employees for the good work that they have done for the company, the management has to ensure that they have the means that they can use for the evaluation of the performance that is given by the employees and considering the scale and scope of the company it is best that what they use has been drafted after a good and thorough research of the tools and techniques and the vision of the management. The one thing that they can do is that they can have a meeting with the departmental heads and the team leaders at periodical times which can either be monthly or quarterly and these are the meetings that they can use to take feedbacks from the heads regarding the performance that is being delivered by their teams and departments. This will be a good for the management to keep the managers and the team heads on their toes since they will have to monitor the performance of the employees to report it to the management. It will also be a good parameter for the management if they want a practical and approachable technique to reward the employees that have done well. (Lundberg, 2011)

Unit 3 Human Resource Management Assignment Sainsbury 2

Task 4

4.1 Identify the reasons for cessation of employment with your chosen organization.

The  employee relationship  are the most valuable assets of the company and this is the reason that they need to make sure that the cessation policy that is there in company of Sainsbury are very strict and they are followed in very extreme conditions  so that the employees can be saved in the company. One of the many situations in which the process of cessation is carried out in the company is that of corporate theft wherein the employees is found guilty of leaking the important and confidential information about the company to the competitors which cane bad for the company and its goals so that the accused employee has to be terminated from the company with proper procedures and penalties. (Reymarie, 2013)

4.2 Describe the exit procedures used in your chosen organisation and another similar organization.

The one thing that can be said about the Sainsbury is that the company values the employees that they have in the working and this is the reason that they make sure that the exit procedures that they have for the employees are very easy for if any point they want to leave the company. The first thing that they can do is that they have to give a one month notice to the management so that they can arrange for substitute for the position that will be left vacant. As per norms the procedure is that the notice period has to be of four weeks and if it is a higher management post then the candidate is given the responsibility to train the next person who will be taking over the position. Since the management of the company wants to ensure that they maintain good relations with the employees that leave the company then they ask for the feedback and the reasons for leaving so that they do not face the same trouble again with the employees who are there. (Sheng, 2011)

4.3 Consider the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on employment cessation arrangements in your organization.

Like it is there for every operation of the company that there are certain rules and regulations that they need to follow in the market, the same is the case with the process of cessation as well. There are certain rules and regulations that have been laid down by the government and the first rule that they have to follow is that the employees cannot be terminated from their job without a very valid and authorised reason which can be considered in the eyes of the law and if the cessation is there from the side of the company then they have to ensure that they give surveillance packages to the employees so that they can survive the time that they will take to find a new job. These are the laws that are down by the government of the country so that the employees will not be exploited. (Bized, 2009)

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The working style of the company is the one thing that is there in the hands of the management and this is the reason that there are different cultures and structures that are carried out by the company and this applies to the way they handle the employees that they have as it is the one branch of working which determines the success that they will make in the future.


Bized, (2009), What are the Public and Private Sector, [Online], Available: http://www.bized.co.uk/educators/level2/busactivity/activity/intro15.htm [Accessed 16 July 2016]
Edmunds, A., (2009), Factors that Affect Decision Making, [Online], Available:http://smallbusiness.chron.com/factors-influencing-decision-making- business-environment-65082.html [Accessed 15 July 2016]
Hurst, S., Mauron, A., (2008), A Question of Method, The Ethics of Managing Conflicts of Interests, [Online], Available: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2246405/ [Accessed 15 July 2016]
International Journal, (2015), International Journal of Business and Management, [Online], Available: http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/ijbm [Accessed 14 July 2016]\
Jamieson, L., (2012), Why Good Front of the House Helps Create a Successful Hotel, [Online], Available: http://www.hotel-industry.co.uk/2012/08/why-good-front-of-house-helps-create-a-successful-hotel/ [Accessed 15 July 2016]
Lundberg, E., (2011), Evaluation of Tourism Impacts- A Sustainable Development Perspective, [PDF], Available: https://gupea.ub.gu.se/bitstream/2077/27968/1/gupea_2077_27968_1.pdf [Accessed 15 July 2016]
Morrison, M., (2007), Pestle Analysis- HR Department, [Online], Available:https://rapidbi.com/pestle-analysis-hr-department/ [Accessed 12 July 2016]
Pons, T., (2013), Tutorial Introduction to Revenue Management for Hotels, [Online], Available; http://www.slideshare.net/tomeupons/tutorial-introduction-to-revenue-management-for-hotels-hospitality-seminar-what-is-revenue-      management-in-hotel-industry-course [Accessed 13 July 2016]
Peljan, J., (2011), Challenges of  Sustainable Tourism  Development in the Developing World,[Online], Available: http://globalmj.eu/2011/05/01/challenges-of-sustainable-tourism-development-in-the-developing-world-the-case-of-turkey/ [Accessed 16 July 2016]