Unit 22 Topical issues on Managing Human Resources assignment

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Unit 22 Topical issues on Managing Human Resources assignment
Unit 22 Topical issues on Managing Human Resources assignment
Unit 22 Topical issues on Managing Human Resources assignment


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 22 Topical issues on Managing Human Resources

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Level 5


This unit 22 Topical issues on managing human resources assignment is detailed study of various aspects related to Management of human resource within organisation including various theories and practices of human resource management which can make impact on the overall effectiveness and results of the organisation. There will be explained various aspects related to the theoretical knowledge of the human resource management within organisation that can be used in further achievement of the organisational goals and objectives. We will have knowledge about the different aspects related to the effective management of the human resource within organisation. There has been taken different organisations for the purpose of making others understand about the various aspects of human resource management required within an organisation.

Unit 22 Topical issues on Managing Human Resources assignment

Task 1

1.1. Explain Guest’s model of HRM as applied to the organisation of your choice.

Human resource management is defined as the techniques, policies and procedures which are using by the organisations for effective management of its human resource that are making their efforts for making the organisation to achieve its goals and objectives.  There are included different activities like recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation and motivation etc. In the year 1987 there has been developed Guest model by David Guest which is focused on the assumption that the traditional approach of personnel management is different from the human resource management in different aspects (Kramar, et. al 2013). This model is based on the assumption which supports the assumption that human resource management is effective and required to achieve organisational goals and objectives. There are also included six factors which are important and effective from the point of view of personnel management and HRM and these factors can make impact on the overall effectiveness of the organisation. Following are the factors which are included in the Guest model help in achieving organisational goals and objectives (Kramar, et. al 2013).

  • HRM strategy
  • HRM practise
  • HRM outcomes
  • Behaviour outcomes
  • Performance outcomes
  • Financial outcomes.

Analysis of Guest model of HRM defines various aspects which can make impact on the overall effectiveness of the our very important organisation behaviour. The analysis shows that this model is similar to the Harvard model of HRM and there includes commitment aspects which showed the relations with valued business consequences (Sparrow, et. al 2016). Barclays is a financial institution based in UK and providing different financial services to the customers and expanded its business in different countries around the globe. The expansion of the organisation is showing the huge number of human resource involved in the organisational activities and required to be managed in effective manner. The company is adopting Guest model to manage its human resource in effective manner. This model is helping the organisation to achieve the goals and objectives that can make impact on the overall growth and effectiveness of the organisation. The company adopted this model for effective recruitment and selection, organising different trainings and development programmes for employees that can help in making positive working environment which can make impact on the overall effectiveness of the organisation (Sparrow, et. al 2016).  This will help in achieving effective level of productivity within organisation and also make positive impact on the quality of the services providing by the company due to effectively managed human resource in company.

1.2. Choosing two organisations of your choice compare the differences between Storey’s definitions of HRM, personnel and IR practices.

There are available different models of HRM which are using by different organisations and can make impact on overall effectiveness of the organisation. Storey’s model of HRM is focused on the making theory which differentiates between the commitment of the employees and their actual capacity to perform. This theory defines the importance of the availability of HRM and its function in the strategies of organisation which are planned initially in the organisation that can make impact on the overall effectiveness of the organisation. The merger of HRM with the overall organisational activities and decisions can lead to effective growth of the organisation (Härtel, et. al, 2015).
In Barclays there has been adopted effective human resource management and its activities which help in achieving the organisational goals and objectives in effective manner. This is done by the company by effectively adopting the HRM in the overall strategic management of company and this leads to effectively show the importance of the organisation (Jackson, et. al., 2012).

Royal Bank of Scotland is financial company which is providing financial services to customers and employed huge number of employees making their efforts for the organisation to achieve their goals and objectives. The company is adopting personnel and IR practices in which there are defined the human resource is liable to follow the conditions included in the contract between employees and organisation. There is taken participation of the employees in the process of taking effective decisions which make the process slow but increases involvement of employees in organisation (Härtel, et. al 2015).

1.3 Assess the implications for line managers and employees of developing a strategic approach to HRM for any organisation of your choice.

In every organisation there played important role by the line managers who are liable to take decisions and make them implemented in effective manner to achieve the organisational goals and objectives. There are different aspects which are required to be adopted by the line managers for effectively providing their services to manage human resources within organisation in effective manner and make impact on overall effectiveness of the organisation (Stone, 2014). For effective implication of human resource activities within organisation there are taken various management steps which can help in making it possible to effectively adopt HRM practices in the organisational overall running. For implementing HRM activities in the strategic approach and adopt any model of HRM in the organisation like Barclays there must be taken following steps which can make effective results.

  • Strategic decisions- Line managers are required to take effective and strategic decision for the organisational effectiveness and also consider different aspects of HRM activities while taking these decisions. Key managers of Barclays consider different aspects related to its human resource while taking any decision within organisation (Stone, 2014).
  • HRM policies- Key managers of the company are liable for making effective policies for the management of human resource within organisation which can make impact on the overall results of the company. In Barclays there are framed effective policies for human resource which can make impact on the overall effectiveness of the organisation (Jackson, et. al., 2012).
  • Delegation of authorities and responsibilities- Key managers are liable for taking effective decisions related to delegation of authorities and responsibilities to the employees which can help in managing the human resource in effective manner of the company. There has been effective process adopted by the organisation in effective manner and that make impact on the involvement of employees in the company (Nankervis, 2011).

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Task 2

2.1 Explain how a model of flexibility might be applied in your organisation.

The term flexibility can be defined as to change with the change in the conditions and requirements of the market and environment which provide effective approach to accept and adopt the changes. The business environment is dynamic and there comes different changes and in the pattern of working which can make impact on the overall effectiveness of the organisation so it is required to be changed with the changing environment and fulfil the requirement. This flexible model provides effective motivation to the employees to change themselves in accordance with the requirement of the environment and help in achieving organisational goals. Flexibility in the business environment and different aspects related to the overall business that can make impact on the effectiveness of the organisation (Bach & Edwards, 2013).

Barclays is a financial company which works by considering different legal, social, political aspects which are dynamic and there is potential for changes in them, make impact on the overall working of the company. So the company has adopted the flexibility model in which the company have scope for the changes within business environment for the employees of the company (Nankervis, 2011). Flexibility in working can provide effective motivation to the employees of the company that can be noticed in their performance as in there is increase in their performance level. There are different aspects related to the flexibility model including the job specification which helps in providing the right job to the right person. Flexibility in the decision making related to the scheduling of the work in effective manner that can make impact on the overall effectiveness of the organisation.

2.2 Discuss the types of flexibility which may be developed by your organisation.

Flexibility model includes providing flexibility within the work model of the employees that can improve their performance in effective manner. In organisation like Barclays there are taken various steps related to providing flexibility to the employees and motivate them in effective manner (Thomson Gale 2013). Following are the flexibilities providing by the company to its employees.

  • The employees of Barclays have flexibility to take effective decision for scheduling their work in accordance to their convenience.
  • Employees of the company can take decisions related to the working shifts and timings in accordance to their convenience which can make impact on their level of motivation and can help in enhancing their performance.
  • There is flexibility to go out at the lunch time and to take leaves defined by the organisation and get pay for those leaves.
  • There must be flexibility to apply to transfer in different branch of the company which can be in different country also (Thomson Gale 2013).
  • There are various aspects which are important from the point of view of providing flexibility in the working environment which is different facilities providing by the company that can be provided to the employees and make them feel important.
  • There should be provided flexibility to communicate within employees who can help in identifying their views and ideas and can help in resolving their problems in effective manner and help in achieving effective performance (Bach & Edwards, 2013).

2.3 Assess the use of flexible working practices from both the employee and the employer perspective.

Flexibility helps in enhancing the working environment in the organisation which can help in effectively managing employees of the company and motivating them in effective manner to improve their performance and level of involvement in the organisation. Flexibility is effective in the working practices which can make impact on the overall effectiveness of the employee and employer perspectives (Wilton, 2013). Flexible working situations helps employees to make them comfortable in working place and make them involved with their work that can make impact on the overall effectiveness of the company. Increased performance of employees makes impact on the overall productivity of the company which can make impact on the overall effectiveness of the organisation which is a situation of benefits for the employer of the company so it is beneficial for them. This flexibility model helps in retaining employees and organisation for long term and takes advantage of the various aspects related to the overall effectiveness of the organisation. So it is effective for both employee and employer to have flexible working conditions in the organisation (Wilton, 2013).

2.4 Discuss the impact that changes in the labour market have had on flexible working practices.

There are different aspects which can make impact on the overall running of any organisation in effective manner and make the organisation to work in the way to achieve effective growth in the market. Changes in the labour market can make impact on the changes in the overall flexible working practices in the organisation like Barclays. Changes in the labour market is seen in different countries which can make impact on the various decisions and availability of resources within organisation that can make impact on the overall results of the company which can be positive and negative (Bratton, 2012). Changes in the technology and its up gradation can make impact on working flexibility which can be resulted in the positive impacts on the industry. There can be various changes like demographic changes, labour availability, and variation in the average age of the employees in the market. All these situations and conditions make impact on the overall effectiveness of the company and its working patterns. These changes in the pattern of labour and their activities can help in making the activities of the company easier and more effective and can help in achieving organisational goals and objectives (Cascio, 2013).

Task 3

3.1 Explain the forms of discrimination that can take place in the workplace using examples of recent discrimination cases which has made the news.

Discrimination can be defined as the differentiation between the employees of the company on the basis of different aspects related to them. Employment discrimination can be defined as the way of handling employees in an organisation which can make impact on their level of performance and also their level of involvement within organisation which can make impact on the overall effectiveness of the organisation (Buckley, et. al 2016).  There are different forms of discrimination which can take place in any organisation can make impact on the organisational effectiveness. In the workplace there should be considered different legislations and regulations which are formed to prevent employees from any kind of discrimination which is involved in all the activities of the company. Following are the potential forms of discrimination (Tomal & Schilling, 2013).

  • Hiring Discrimination- There can be discrimination at the workplace related to the hiring and recruitment which can be due to the reason of giving priority to others. This act is defined as the violation of the equal opportunity act which provides equal opportunity for the selection in the organisation. There can be discrimination related to the unfair conditions of recruitment and unfair dismissal, retrenchment and demoted and this can be treated as the policy of the organisation. A pending case of Marymount Manhattan College is a case of hiring discrimination in which a 64 year old dance instructor was not hired in the college due to her age (Buckley, et. al 2016).
  • Gender discrimination- There are huge chances of discrimination based on the gender of the employees which make impact on the overall performance of the employees in different aspects. This discrimination can be based on the various factors like recruitment, promotion, reward, decision making and participation. Case of Bank of Albuquerque was filed by the long term management for the gender and age discrimination in the organisation.
  • Discrimination arising from disability- This form of discrimination is based on the discriminative behaviour with the disabled people in the workplace. Employees cannot be discriminated based on their disability as in they must be treated equal and provided equal opportunities and rights. Women with dyslexia won the case of disability discrimination against his employer in Starbucks (Tomal & Schilling, 2013).

3.2 Discuss the practical implications of equal opportunities legislation for an organisation.

There are defined various aspects in the process of the implications of the legislation of equal opportunities in the organisation which can make impact on the overall employee motivation and retention that can help in achieving goals and objectives of the company. Equal opportunity in the organisation can be defined as providing effective and equal opportunity to work, making decisions and scope to grow. There is required to adopt equal opportunity act and practices in the overall effectiveness of the organisation which can make impact on the effectiveness in the working policies of the company. There have been adopted equal opportunities at the work place of the EY which is financial company providing its services in different segments and employing huge number of employees which make it requirement to adopt the Equality Act 2010. Implication of this act in the strategic plan and overall business environment leads to the overall effectiveness of the organisational employee retention level and its different aspects (Tomal & Schilling, 2013). Equal opportunity Act is a legal requirement of the companies to adopt this in the actions of the company which make impact on the various aspects of handling the overall activities in the organisation of the employees of the company.

For implication of the Equal Opportunities legislation by Equality Act, 2010 in the organisational environment and activities which can make impact on the overall effectiveness of the employee retention and leads to effective employee involvement within company. Equal behaviour can be lead to motivated employees who can effectively achieve organisational goals and objectives that can make impact on the overall effectiveness of the organisational results (Azmi, et. al 2015).

3.3 Compare the approaches to managing equal opportunities and managing diversity. You should give examples from a selected organisation and discuss the similarities and differences in their approaches to managing equal opportunities and diversity.

In every organisation there are required to have working environment which supports equal opportunities and diversity by maintaining equality which can help in effective employee retention and loyalty that can make impact on the organisational effectiveness. There are defined various aspects in organisation which can make impact on the overall effectiveness of the organisation influenced with the employee performance (Azmi, et. al 2015). EY is a multinational financial service provider company which is making all the policies and business environment which can make impact on different aspects of business. There are adopted different approached by the company to maintain equal opportunities within organisation for its employees who are liable for providing effective services in the company (Tomal & Schilling, 2013).
There is established effective communication channel by the company in its working environment which is helping in creating environment in which it is possible to communicate with employees and flow of information can be effective that can make impact on interaction level in the organisation.

Opportunities are providing by the company to all the employees in every aspect which can make impact on their level of involvement in the organisation and motivation of employees making increase in their performance and make impact on the overall effectiveness of the company. EY is providing various opportunities and decision making power to the employees making impact on the employee retention and loyalty (Tomal & Schilling, 2013).
EY is effectively planning for the rewards and promotions to the employees based on their performance and considering all the aspects related to the equality act which can make impact on the motivation level of the company and make it effective to manage financial decisions related to the overall performance of the company. There are required to consider different aspects of performance of employees which is based on the decisions taken by the company.   

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Task 4

4.1 Select an organisation you work or have worked for, identify and compare the performance management methods used.

In Barclays the method that get utilised for the purpose of the performance management is Graphic rating scales and according to this method rating scale make inclusion of list of assigned duties along with performance standards and a scale of 1 to 5 in order to rate the performance of employee. It is the easy and quick methods of evaluating the employee performance among the different and larger departments (Wells-Lepley, et. al 2015). There are various other methods are also available that get discussed below such as: -

  • Management by objectives:- As per this method employees performance is measures with the effective of managerial or supervisory positions. According to this method they identify goals of employee and also identify the necessarily required resource in order to achieve their goals. After this they set adequate time line in order to attain their set goals. So in order to evaluate the overall performance of employee, manager effectively evaluate the goals achieved by the employee along with all other factors such as used resources and timeline (Wells-Lepley, et. al 2015).
  • Forced ranking:- As per this method overall employees are segregated into three parts such as top performers (in which 20% of the population included), average performer (70% of population is included) and lowest performers (10% of total population). Under this method employee's past performance or their achievements taken in to consideration in order to rank themselves whereas they can't compare the current or recent performance of the employees in order to measure their immediate efficiency (Wells-Lepley, et. al 2015).

4.2 Assess the approaches used to managing employee welfare in your organisation

Barclay's make use of effective approaches in order to manage employee welfare as they adopt intra mural facilities (in order to make employee welfare within the premises) and extra mural facilities (in order to make employee welfare outside the premises) (Gruman, et. al 2011).

Within the premises Barclays: -

  • take care of the safety and cleanliness within their working premises in order to safeguard their employees.
  • provide their employees adequate safety in the form of security guards at the entry and exist gates.
  • render canteen services in order to facilitate their employees (render one time meal to their respective employees)
  • arrange rest rooms, games room, recreation rooms, etc. for their employees in order to do relax or make them refresh(Gruman, et. al 2011).
  • arrange medical services such as dispensary, health education, counselling, 24*7 Ambulance services
  • render special arrangements for female staff in the form of maternity leaves, medical treatment to child and mother, etc. medical care.
  • render them adequate training and development sessions in order to enhance their employees capabilities.
  • provide them adequate loan facilities in order to help out their employees in the emergency situation or in the situation of need (Gruman, et. al 2011).

Outside the premises Barclays: -

  • provide them accidental insurance to their every staff member
  • make adequate reimbursement of the medical bills if employee took treatment from their specified hospitals, etc.
  • provide educational facilities to their respective employees in the form of distance learning.
  • also provide housing facility for a time period in which the employee need to arrange residential place for their purpose (Gruman, et. al 2011).

4.3 Discuss the implications of health and safety legislation on human resources practices

The implication of health and safety legislation on human resources practices are: -

  • They need to train and educate their employees in order to follow the safety measures to remain safe from getting infected to the diseases.
  • They tried their level best in order to make continuous improvement within their health and safety within their respective organisation (Jones, 2010).
  • It become important for them to make everyone aware about the medical consequences in order to safeguard their employees.
  • They need to build up new health safety measures in order to protect their employees.
  • They need to run health and safety awareness programs so that their employees become much aware about the diseases and their precautions (Jones, 2010).
  • They become highly focused over following good housekeeping facilities in order to make their working place free from diseases.
  • If required then distribute safety clothing and make use of proper equipments.
  • In every health and safety activity they need to involve their employees in order to protect them as well as make them aware about the harm (Jones, 2010).

4.4 Evaluate the impact of another topical issue on human resources practices.

With the effect of another topical issue there is huge impact put over human resources practices as they need to made effective changes in their processing. With this they need to do various changes such as: -

  • They need to arrange sessions in order to make their employees aware about the topical issue.
  • They need to implement adequate changes as per the requirements of the topical issues (Snell & Bohlander, 2013).
  • With the effect of the topical issue they need to arrange effective training and development sessions for the betterment of their employees.
  • There is need to remain updated with that topical issue in order to make others aware about the changes (Snell & Bohlander, 2013).
  • They need to indulge their employee or make their employees participate in the activities in order to reduce the negative influence of the topical issue.


In the end it is concluded that Human resource management plays a major role in managing employees within an organisation. They perform diverse activities in order to manage as well as take care of their employees along with they are also held responsible in order to develop flexibility within the organisation so that their employees perform in effective manner. It's their responsibility to render them equal opportunities to their respective employees for their respective growth. With the help of it they effectively try to satisfy their respective employees and retain them adequately. It helps in reducing employee turnover ratio within their organisation. Organisation follows different employee welfare approaches in order to safeguard their employees. Health and safety legislation put adequate impact over the human resource activities as they need to implement these in their organisation as well as make their employees aware about it.


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Bratton, J. 2012, Human resource management: theory & practice, 5th edn, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke.
Buckley, M.R., Wheeler, A.R. & Halbesleben, J.R.B. 2016, Research in personnel and human resources management, Emerald Publishing, United Kingdom.
Cascio, W.F. 2013, Managing human resources: productivity, quality of work life, profits, 9th edn, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York.
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Kramar, R., Bartram, T., De Cieri, H., Noe, R.A., Hollenbeck, J.R., Gerhart, B. & Wright, P.M. 2013, Human resource management: strategy, people, performance, Fifth edn, McGraw-Hill Education, North Ryde, NSW;North Ryde, N.S.W;.
Nankervis, A.R. 2011, Human resource management: strategy and practice, 7th edn, Cengage Learning, South Melbourne, Vic.
Snell, S. & Bohlander, G.W. 2013, Managing human resources, 16th edn, South-Western, Andover;Mason, Ohio;.
Sparrow, P., Brewster, C. & Ch?ng, C. 2016, Globalizing human resource management,Second edn, Routledge, New York.
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