Unit 16 MCKI Assignment - Samsung UK

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Unit 16 MCKI Assignment - Samsung UK
Unit 16 MCKI Assignment - Samsung UK
Unit 16 MCKI Assignment - Samsung UK


This assignment based on managing communication knowledge and information focuses on providing the scope to demonstrate in what ways communications, knowledge and information can be developed as well as used for improving communication within the organization and with other organizations. The first part of the assignment delves with the aspect of understanding the ways by which information as well as knowledge needs get assessed. There is the need to elucidate upon a coherent business report describing ways by which information and knowledge are assessed towards the requirement in respect of Samsung UK market penetration plan. The second part of the assignment delves with the aspect of creating strategies for increasing personal networking for widening the involvement regarding the process of making decisions that requires planning as well as designing appropriate networking strategy that will be widening the involvement regarding the forthcoming Samsung product launch that will use various channels for communicating with the stakeholders. The third part of the assignment delves with the ability for developing the processes of communication that has the requirement for developing a robust communication network channels that will be linking Samsung UK with the local community more effectively than before.

Unit 16 MCKI Assignment - Samsung UK

Task 1

This part of the assignment delves with the aspect of understanding the ways by which information as well as knowledge needs get assessed. There is the need to elucidate upon a coherent business report describing ways by which information and knowledge are assessed towards the requirement in respect of Samsung UK market penetration plan.

Discuss different decisions to be taken by Samsung senior management team for this audacious plan to manifest [AC 1.1]

Information and Knowledge assists in the formation of the foundation and also the organizational assets. All the organizations are required identifying the different information as well as knowledge requirements towards the attainment of their strategic objectives. This explanation regarding need is required to move from the lower hierarchies to the top and then there is the requirement for undertaking the final decision by the Samsung senior management team of Samsung UK. To undertake the strategic decisions, at first the organizational needs are required to be evaluated. In an organization such as Samsung UK, the decisions are normally concentrated on the core committee (i.e. the Samsung senior management team) that is having its complete focus towards the internal development of information technology. (Cox, 2014) In respect of the significant decisions that needs to be taken to access the needs associated with information as well as knowledge, Samsung UK does the performance of the below mentioned tasks,

  • Value Chain Analysis
  • Analyzing the current setup for IT as well as the requirement for streamlining the different processes associated with business
  • Depending on these examinations, the decisions are taken on priority basis in respect of implementing and also regarding the requirement towards the IT infrastructure.
  • In addition to this, the decisions are taken at the process stage in respect of the different units that are required to be the part of the information and knowledge system for Samsung UK.
  • To manage these knowledge and information systems, there is the requirement for identifying resources that are considered to be productive as well as having efficiency. (Lind, 2014)
  • There also occurs the aspect of judging the decision skills to map the proper set of skills in respect of the different methods regarding data management.

Therefore, the above mentioned decisions are will be percolating to the senior management of Samsung UK who will finally undertake these considerations as well as do the planning of the strategic objectives that takes into consideration the knowledge and information process at Samsung UK.

Examine information and knowledge required to ensure that effective decision taking is possible across board in Samsung UK [AC 1.2]

Over the years, Samsung UK as an establishment did the development of different processes for enabling them in making decisions that are considered to be productive. In the present age of technology as well as innovation, there exist different types where information and knowledge base facilitates the making of decision that is considered productive. There exists various database software as well as knowledge bases that are considered as rich storage areas of various tools as well as data enabling the process of making decisions. (Cox, 2014) Basically, for having productive as well as fruitful decisions, there is the requirement to possess appropriate data in the organized set-up.  Samsung UK as a company utilizes different Enterprise Solutions for assisting them in managing the different knowledge and information as well as producing the same to those who will be making the decisions in the most productive way. (Lind, 2014) Various software are being used by Samsung UK that are acting as middleware to fetch the data from the different source methods as well as rendering efficient options for data mining with different data models as well as graphical illustrations in respect of effortless as well as productive analysis of data in respect of efficient decision making. There occurs the integration of each of these sources of data to the Enterprise system rendering data depending on the requirements of business or process.

Assess internal and external sources of information and understanding available in Samsung UK for decision making [AC 1.3]

There is the existence of numerous forums that the companies are using to define in a clear manner the strategies of communication in respect of information and understanding within the company. The different internal sources take into consideration the Bulletin boards, the Discussion boards, emails, communication groups and so on. The Human Resource department, in this regard is playing a key role to share the information regarding the internal front. The different external sources take into consideration the social networking sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and many more. (Lind, 2014) There is also the existence of various particular blogs that are being used by the different organizations and also the website of the company itself for capturing the insights and also the information from different sources to address the stories of success as well as factors for success regarding numerous businesses.

Justify your recommendations for improvement to the Samsung UK management team [AC 1.4]

Samsung UK as a company had taken the aspect of sharing knowledge and information to great standards and is considered to be one of those information technologies organizations having a set standard regarding the same. Nevertheless, there are some areas regarding which the company is required working upon such as,

  • The team of management for Samsung UK is required providing additional flexibility in respect of the staffs for connecting with one another on the social forums with the constraints to share information that is considered to be confidential. (Cox, 2014)
  • The team of management for Samsung UK is required possessing additional forums in respect of having discussions with the individuals who make decisions or the senior management regularly. This will be ensuring enhanced communication in relation to knowledge as well as information.
  • The team of management for Samsung UK is required having an improved method of planning in position that will be managing the knowledge bases on a more familiar environment. (Lind, 2014)
  • The team of management for Samsung UK is required implementing the most modern technological methods for having flawless methods of businesses that is integrating and aligning as well with the different goals of business and the organizational strategic aspects.

This part of the assignment discusses about different discussions that are taken by the senior management team of Samsung UK such as Value Chain Analysis, analyzing the present IT set-up and so on. Also, information and knowledge required to ensure that effective decision taking is possible has been examined through different Enterprise Solutions and different software. Also, internal and external sources of information have been assessed.

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Task 2

This part delves with the aspect of creating strategies for increasing personal networking for widening the involvement regarding the process of making decisions that requires planning as well as designing appropriate networking strategy that will be widening the involvement regarding the forthcoming Samsung product launch that will use various channels for communicating with the stakeholders.

Identify at least a minimum of four and maximum of six stakeholders that you will invite for this important occasion [AC 2.1]

Stakeholders are considered to be the individuals as well as groups that are having an interest in the organizational activities as well as functions. Samsung UK is having internal as well as external stakeholders. Internal stakeholders are regarded as the individuals as well as groups that are present within Samsung UK or those that are functioning directly in a company. Not being able to take into consideration the essential stakeholders in the process of making decisions might be leading towards resisting the outcomes by a single or more groups of stakeholders. (Jenkins, 2011)

The major internal stakeholders that the Samsung UK management team is required involving in the process of decision making and will get invited for this important occasion are the directors, managers, employees, trade unions, association of employees as well as team leaders. Nevertheless, the external stakeholders are considered being the people as well as groups outside a company or those that are not working directly with Samsung UK. (Lancaster, 2010) The major external stakeholders that the Samsung UK management team is required involving in the process of decision making and will get invited for this important occasion are shareholders, bankers, competitors, business associations, political groups, activist groups, suppliers, customers, local communities as well as government agencies.

Make contacts with your proposed invitees using appropriate and cost effective channels [AC 2.2]

To make contacts with the stakeholders as well as to build business associations with them is essential regarding the process of making decisions and there occurs the involvement of various stages. To make contacts with the stakeholders has the involvement of making communication with them effectively as well as efficiently. In respect of Samsung UK, this can get actualized through different processes like direct communication in conferences, communications through mass media, communicating through the internet social sites, communications through letters as well as communications through print media. (Jenkins, 2011)

Networking technologies is forming the foundation to strategize and develop the business depending on the requirements of the customers. There are numerous activities that are required to be taken into consideration in respect of having an effective business association and it is generally by using efficient skills of networking. Samsung UK as a company has undertaken numerous methods for communicating in a regular manner with the prospects that are identified in respect of the business by sending newsletters, business proposals, identification or creation of the solutions that depends on the needs as well as presenting and being in continuous connection with the prospects through the use of the sales team in respect of networking that is both personal and social. (Lancaster, 2010) The contacts are made as well through the use of different modern technological aspects such as Video Conferencing, Webinars and through Conferences.

Involve those invitees that have been contacted for this occasion to ensure that their interests are well represented throughout the occasion. [AC 2.3]

The focus towards the involvement of various stakeholders in the process of making decisions is not just preventing confrontation but getting benefitted from their involvement as well. The Samsung UK Management team will be involving the stakeholders in the processes for making decisions in different manners. For facilitating interaction, the Samsung UK management team will be inviting the stakeholders in respect of meetings that are conducted monthly or quarterly for discussing the apparent matters that needs to get resolved. (Giffin, 2015)

In a significant manner, the management team at Samsung UK is required developing methods of feedback as well as systems by which the stakeholders will be providing their feedbacks. This will be facilitating the aspect of sharing viewpoints regarding the matter. (Iqbal, 2011) Moreover, the Samsung UK management team is required soliciting the stakeholders for providing their viewpoints in respect of different matters and also, the management team is required incorporating the viewpoints of the stakeholders regarding the process of making decisions.

Design all-inclusive strategy that will make the event more interesting and memorable for all [AC 2.4]

Samsung UK can do the improvement of personal networking as well as stakeholder involvement in the process of making decisions in different manners. Samsung UK can actualize this goal through careful selection as well as creation of formal and informal individual networks with the stakeholders. For example, the Samsung UK management team will be inviting the customers, shareholders as well as staffs to formal conferences that will be allowing personal communications. Moreover, the management team at Samsung UK will be visiting such stakeholders in informal surroundings like the workplaces as well as during flights. The management team are required discussing about different matters with the stakeholders having an involvement in the process of making decisions. (Lancaster, 2010) Increased prominence should be provided on the major internal as well as external stakeholders.

One more strategic aspect is building social networks directly with the stakeholders or with the help of the social media (via the internet sites like Facebook as well as Twitter). For example, the Samsung UK management team will be forming forums in respect of social networking sites for discussing the matters that are having an involvement in the process of making decisions in respect of Samsung UK.

Another strategic aspect is making regular contacts with the stakeholders by the use of the most efficient process of communication and participating as well as interacting with them in a frequent manner in the recognized individual networks. The Samsung UK management team is also required building confidentiality, establishing trust as well as developing reputation regarding individual networks. This can get actualized by making sure that the stakeholders are always provided with correct information and the promises that are made to them get actualized. (Cox, 2014)The Samsung UK management team should also be identifying the availability of scopes in the individual networks that has been established in respect of comprehensive explanation of the projected matter.
Last but not the least, the Samsung UK management team is required forming relationships regarding business with the stakeholders when there is a requirement and the pertinent information should not be kept back from the stakeholders.

This part of the assignment is discussed about identifying different stakeholders that will get invited to the important occasion that comprises of internal as well as external stakeholders. Then, contacts are made with the proposed invitees through the use of proper channels such as video conferences, webinars, internet social sites and so on. (Ramaswamy, 2013) After that, various strategies have been inculcated such as building social networks, making regular contacts with the stakeholders, forming relationships regarding business with the stakeholders and so on.

Task 3

This part delves with the ability for developing the processes of communication that has the requirement for developing a robust communication network channels that will be linking Samsung UK with the local community more effectively than before.

Report on the existing communication structure and system in Samsung UK [AC 3.1]

The existing communication structure as well as system in Samsung UK can be explained by the communication that takes place between the managers and staffs of the organization as well as between the organization as well as its customers.

Between managers and staffs

Samsung UK is having a multichannel approach with the help of which the managers are communicating with the staffs. For example, the managers of Samsung UK do the introduction of organizational methods as well as values in respect of the staffs via in person communication at the time of organizational meetings as well as events. (Kotler, 2014) The managers at Samsung UK are using written communication as well by using newsletters, memo, notice-boards as well as instant messaging. When verbal communication is not having the involvement of in person communication, the Samsung UK managers are utilizing the technological gadgets like the mobile phones as well as telephones. (Harrell, 2011) Communication occurs within the managers as well as the staffs in formal setting like organizational meetings and also in casual settings like place for dining.

Between the organization and customers

Samsung UK is having different strategic aspects for facilitating communication with the customers. Samsung UK is dealing with the end users as well as the dealers which mean that the organizational customers can be segmented into business-to-business aka B2B as well as business-to-customer aka B2C. Samsung UK is using varied strategies for communication in respect of various kinds of customers. In respect of the B2C customers, Samsung UK make the use of communication channels like TV as well as press adverts, emails, POS communications as well as public relations. (Hayton, 2012) In respect of the B2B customers, Samsung UK make the use of advertisements that appear in trade publications, in person communication during Conferences, newsletters as well as internet sites.

Design appropriate methods to improve the overall communication systems in line with modern realities in the sector [AC 3.2]

The appropriate methods that designed for improving the overall systems of communication in line with modern realities in the sectors are mentioned as under,

  • Encoding: Encoding is generally the translation of information towards a methodical structure that will be resulting in productive communication. This is resulting in the creation of the message through the aspects of speaking, writing, or touching.
  • Transmission Channels: Samsung UK does the utilization of various verbal and non-verbal transmission channels such as phones, communicators or various applications to chat or send messages. (Frydman, 2013)
  • Decoding: It is very much significant to decode the messages and this is necessary regarding communication that is considered productive. It does the involvement of realizing the substance of the information sent and then determines the intention of the sender for its transmission.
  • Noise: Noise is something that is interfering with the process of communication. (Furnham, 2012) The success of the communication process is depending largely towards surmounting the noise.
  • Feedback: It is very much necessary to receive the feedback from the receiver for confirming that proposed message had permeated through the system of communication and the same has been communed back to the sender as an affirmation.

Implement plans that will guarantee better communication mediums between the local community and Samsung UK [AC 3.3]

The plans that needs to implemented, which will guarantee better communication mediums between the local community and Samsung UK are mentioned as under,

  • Gathering the outlook of the local community near the beginning, and making sure that they are built into the program as well as targets set and communicated
  • Taking advantage of the technology that is web-based
  • Taking time for researching as well as responding to the groups that are hard to reach in the local community (Freeman, 2010)
  • Communicating with the help of events, emails & websites, social networking, newsletters, leaflets, consultations as well as work plans & updates
  • Samsung UK needs to spread its net wide for making sure that the company’s message is heard by a large section of individuals in the local community. (Fernando, 2011)
  • The projects that are funded also assist in raising the profile of Samsung UK with the local community. Samsung UK is required making the most of this for getting the message across to the local community.

Create a personal plan to improve your own communication skills, as the newly appointed community liaison trainee manager [AC 3.4]

Individual SWOT Analysis



1. I have skills towards solving various challenges.

2. I have skills in dealing efficiently with various types of individuals.

1. I need to make improvement regarding my skills in IT.

2. I need to do the improvement of my skills regarding leadership.

3. I need to do the improvement of my skills regarding the management of time.



1. I have an opportunity to get access regarding the training courses in Samsung UK.

2. I have an opportunity to make great progress in Samsung UK as a liaison manager.

1. The industry is highly competitive and due to my lack of advanced IT skills, I might be considered less productive for Samsung UK.

2. The present financial turmoil is reflecting on the fact that companies are not employing new employees.

Personal Development Plan



What does the employee need to be able to do differently (improve skill/ knowledge/ change behavior)?



How could this be done (reading, coaching, formal training, other)?



The criteria which would determine that the objectives set have been met



When does the employee need to do it by?

Short Term Objectives


Effectively managing time

1. Coaching

2. Formal training

Capabilities in  meeting deadlines

31st April, 2017

Improvement of the IT skills

Formal Training Courses regarding IT Skills

1. Receiving Positive Feedback from Manager.

2. Successful completion of IT Courses and receiving certificates.


31st April, 2017

Long Term Objectives


Improvement of the skills regarding leadership  

1. Courses on Team Leadership

2. Reading pertinent books to improve knowledge regarding leadership

Receiving Positive Feedback from line managers and colleagues

31st March, 2018

This part of the assignment has discussed about the existing communication structure in Samsungs which is between the managers and staffs as well as between the organization and customers. Also, plans that will guarantee better communication mediums between the local community as well as Samsung UK have been discussed. Moreover, the appropriate methods for improving the overall systems of communication has been discussed such as encoding, decoding, noise, feedback as well as transmission channels.

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This assignment is discussed about different discussions that are taken by the senior management team of Samsung UK such as Value Chain Analysis, analyzing the present IT set-up and so on. Also, information and knowledge required to ensure that effective decision taking is possible has been examined through different Enterprise Solutions and different software. Also, internal and external sources of information have been assessed. In the next part it discussed about identifying different stakeholders that will get invited to the important occasion that comprises of internal as well as external stakeholders. Then, contacts are made with the proposed invitees through the use of proper channels such as video conferences, webinars, internet social sites and so on. After that, various strategies have been inculcated such as building social networks, making regular contacts with the stakeholders, forming relationships regarding business with the stakeholders and so on. Then, it discussed about the existing communication structure in Samsungs which is between the managers and staffs as well as between the organization and customers. Also, plans that will guarantee better communication mediums between the local community as well as Samsung UK have been discussed. Moreover, the appropriate methods for improving the overall systems of communication has been discussed such as encoding, decoding, noise, feedback as well as transmission channels.


Cox, S. (2014). Managing Information in Organizations. Palgrave Macmillan.
Freeman, R (2010). Stakeholder Theory: The State of the Art. Cambridge University Press.
Frydman, R (2013). Rethinking Expectations: The Way forward for Macroeconomics. Princeton University Press.
Furnham, A (2012). The Psychology of Behaviour at Work: The Individual in the Organization. Psychology Press
Griffin, R. (2015). Fundamentals of Management. Cengage Learning.
Harrell D., G. (2011). Marketing Management.  Simon and Schuster Pub.
Hayton, J (2012). Global Human Resource Management Casebook. Taylor & Francis
Iqbal, T (2011). The Impact of Leadership Styles on Organizational Effectiveness. GRIN Verlag.
Jenkins, D (2011). Managing Empowerment. Random House.
Lancaster, G (2010). Essentials of Marketing Management. Taylor & Francis. Publisher
Lancaster., G and Massingham., L. (2010). Essentials of Marketing management. Routledge.
Lind, P (2014) Monitoring Business Performance. Routledge
Ramaswamy., N. (2013). Marketing Management. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.