Unit 13 Personal and Professional Development Assignment Sample

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Unit 13 Personal and Professional Development Assignment Sample
Unit 13 Personal and Professional Development Assignment Sample
Unit 13 Personal and Professional Development Assignment Sample


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 13 Personal and Professional Development

QFC Level

Level 5

Unit Code



Personal and professional development is very important for everyone at every stage of life. This helps the individuals to be competitive enough with everyone in the market. These days competition is so much that a lot of skills are required by the employers in the market to employee the individuals. The personal and professional development can be achieved by self-learning. Self-learning is one of the bets options for effective personal and professional development. There are several benefits of this kind of learning. These are cost free i.e. for self manages learning no money has to be spent; it is also not content specific. This means that anything can be learnt via self-managed learning and it does not have to content specific as it is in the case of training and development. There are different development needs of individuals depending on their strengths and weaknesses. Every individual has to make a proper plan for identifying the needs of the personal and professional development and them devising strategies to finish them. There has to be certain aims of the individuals and corresponding to them, the strategies has been planned for the personal and professional development and fulfil the needs. Apart from this personal and professional development, an integral part of this is effective communication. Communication styles at different levels are different as the people with whom the communication is done at different levels are different and there has to be a communication style which is understood by the people at that level. Apart from the communication, time management strategies are yet another important thing which is a basic necessity of the hour. The people need to have this skill as many this is required in the personal and the professional life to be successful. Many people don’t know how to manage time and they face a lot of problems in life in the personal as well as professional level. They need to know the way the time is effectively managed and there are many ways of doing that. So this skill needs to be acquired by the individuals for being successful in life. To be successful and to complete certain work, it is really important to work in group and have a proper synchronization with all the members of a team if they are working in teams.

Unit 13 Personal and Professional Development Assignment Sample

LO3 Understand the dynamics of working with others

3.1 analyse team dynamics, discussing the roles people play in a team and how they can work together to achieve shared goals

There are a lot of team dynamics in a company which needs to be taken care and made sure that the team work together to achieve a common goal. It is really important for the managers in the company to make sure that the team which is working under them should have good understand with each other and should work together and in a synchronization so that the work is completed in time and there is no dispute among the members of the team. There are a lot of things that needs to be considered before analysing the team dynamics such as informal and formal settings; discussing the roles people play in team specialist roles, such as skill and style/approach mixes and how they can work together such as team building, identity. There are different people in a team with different skills and expertise and different experience. All these people have their individual role to play in the team. The people in a team are usually assigned different tasks according to their qualification, skills and ability (Dolgui, 2010). All these tasks are them merged to achieve the objective of the team. The manager of the team has to make sure that there are a lot of team building activities which will ensure that the members of the team have a good relation with each other. These team building activities can include team outings, team parties, team building activities, games and fun activities. Al these activities will help the members of the team to know each other in a better way and will help them to gel with each other. There are different people in the group with different background, different level of loyalty and commitment and those people should be dealt in that way and to make sure that they are contributing towards the team’s objective.

3.2 discuss alternative ways to complete tasks and achieve team goals

There are a lot of alternative ways which can be adopted to complete the tasks. These ways can be setting standards for completing a particular work, by motivating people to perform better in the organization. Motivation is basically to encourage people to perform or to do any activity. There is another way of doing this is by setting standards for doing things. This will help to understand how things can be done and comparison can be done with the standards to understand the effectiveness of any activity. Another way of do any particular task is to be innovative and to do the task in a very different way which can be effective. This is one of the most effective and but people many times choose to do things in a standard way. Many a times it is found that a particular task can be done in a better way if done differently. The team goals can be achieved if the team members put their complete efforts and this can be ensured by motivating the team members. This can be done by providing them all the facilities and provide a good working environment.

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LO4 Be able to develop strategies for problem solving

4.1 review tools and methods for developing solutions to problems

There are many tools and methods which are available in the market which can be used to develop solutions of different problems in the organizations. These tools can include timescale, stages, resources, critical path analysis, etc. Therese problems are the solution to different problems in the organization (Howard, 1994). These can be problems like the work is much and it is becoming difficult to meet the deadlines or may be the task is too big and includes a lot of complexity. These problem can be solves if the task is being is divided into smaller subtasks and assigned to the correspondent team with particular deadlines. This will include the developments of the timescales for completing a particular task and this will ensure that the entire task is competed within time and the complexity of the project is divided and made simpler. If we consider the example of IT Company like RHA solution them this can be done with the help of training for around 6 weeks. But this also depends on the availability of the trainer and access to the training suite to the candidates. This happens in big companies that the access to the training suite is not given to all the employees to protect the copyright of the training materials. On the other hand when the training is considered it may be the case that the training himself/herself would be busy in some other project so it is important that the trainer is available to give proper training to develop the skills which is required in the company and the skills which the employees lack. These can include the technical skills including the new technologies which are being introduces. IT is a field where every time there is new innovation and the information technology gets updated every minute so the organization has to be update with all the latest technologies and use them accordingly.

4.2 develop an appropriate strategy for resolving a particular problem

There can be many strategies that can be used to solve different problems in the organization. There can be problems like unavailability of the trainer or devoting 6 weeks for training the employees. These can be solved by providing proper materials, journals which will enable the employees to study the same on their own and understand the same. These journal and study material can be made using the screenshots and easy step by step process to explain different things. This will enable for employees to do self-managed learning. There can be other problem also on the company as there can be team issues or disputes between the team members which can be solved by proper management and marinating good working environment where all the employees get equal opportunity to grow. This will keep the employees satisfied and motivated to perform better and will also avoid disputes between the employees if no discrimination is made among them.

4.3 evaluate the potential impact on the business of implementing the strategy

The problem which was disc used above regarding the unavailability of the trainer is solved with the help of aids which can be developed which can be used by the trainees themselves and learn on their won. The solution is proper can produces the desired outcome that is the training and development of the employees. This is completing IT training for all levels of the end user withinn6 weeks to enable certification despite the trainer may not be available for training the employees. This will also be solving the business need of developing the employee skills. In the case of the RHA solutions the solution is appropriate and this will also help the employees to do self-learning with the help of the documents that will be created for their training.


Every individual has a very important role to play in any group and team. They have to work closely with each other to attain the common objective and this is also very important for the organization for which the team is working. The team dynamics has to manage properly by the managers in the organization to ensure that the work is done properly and in time. Every individual has to work together with others in the team. There are also a number of alternatives which can be used to complete the tasks and achieve team goals which will be discussed in this paper. Also there needs to be proper strategies made by the organizations to solve different problems at different levels of the organization. There are various tool and methods available in the market to be used to solve different problems. Also these strategies have different impact on the business strategy which will also be discussed here.


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