Unit 12 Hospitality Industry in Travel Tourism Assignment - Hilton

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Unit 12 Hospitality Industry in Travel Tourism Assignment - Hilton
Unit 12 Hospitality Industry in Travel Tourism Assignment - Hilton
Unit 12 Hospitality Industry in Travel Tourism Assignment - Hilton

Unit 12 Hospitality Industry in Travel Tourism Assignment - Hilton


Hospitality industry has always acted as the support system of the travel and tourism industry and the reason for this is that the kind of services that they offer to the people is one of a kind and is very essential if the people want to make sure that the travel experiences that they want are memorable and enjoyable. But for this the companies of the sector have to put in a lot of effort and some of them will be discussed in the different aspects of this unit 12 hospitality industry in travel tourism assignment Hilton with references to the company of Hilton which is a pioneer.

Unit 12 Hospitality Industry in Travel Tourism Assignment  Hilton - Assignment help in uk

Task 2


Like it has been mentioned in the last part of the assignment that the biggest exposure that came out of the integration process was for the companies of the market especially those that belonged in the hospitality sector and the reason for the same is that the companies have been doing extremely well and this is all because of the support and the business that they got from the tourism industry and it is the main reason behind their success. Again it will be the choice of the customers to choose the company that they want to connect with. (Seydel, 2013)

2.1 Analyze the implications of integration to the hospitality industry. You should include a range of examples from hospitality industry.

Like it has been discussed in the last part of the assignment that there is a process integration that is being carried out in the business world and the reason for this is that the demands of the people have reached such a height that it now not in the hands of a single industry to be able to stand up with the targets and this is the reason that they choose to collaborate with the other companies and the industries of the market so as to make it easier for them to carry out the work that they have do in order to reach the desired success. One of the most prominent integration in the business market have been that of the  travel and tourism  industry and the hospitality industry as these are the two pillars of the economy that have made sure that the economic development of the world is at its best. The reason for this is together these provide the people the means and the methods that they need to have cautious yet carefree travelling which is necessary in the current times given the kind of stress that the people have to bear in their everyday lives. The impact of the integration has been not just for the people of the society but also for the companies that work in these two industries and the bigger one is the travel and tourism so that the impact was more appreciated by the companies of the hospitality industry as it gave them the recognition that it needed to make it big in the world. for the company of Hilton it can be said that the company is one of the most popular names in the hospitality industry and even then the recognition that they needed to get more amount of customers but this was the thing that was sorted when they collaborated with the tourism industry as they got the means that they needed to promote the business and since they were connected with the company that offered international travel therefore the customers that they had soon became very diversified which pushed the management to have the best class of the employees and services so that the image of the company and its success is not affected in anyway. The integration was a good thing for the company to be able to handle more complicated operations and yet be good. (Tourism, 2007) 

2.2 Discuss how integration has affected a hospitality business. You need to use a business within the hospitality industry.

The one thing that can be said about the business world is that the companies of the market are there for a reason and mostly it is for the purpose of making the profit that they want out of the operations that they do and this will be possible if they have the customers that will make it possible for them to sell the products and the services that they have. But for this to happen in one the best possible manners, it is the duty of the management f the company to make sure that they have researched and analyzed plans and policies for the goals that they have as since risk is not something that they want to take given the complications and the complexities in the market and this is the point that has to be taken into account when the work is targeted to be done in an industry like the hospitality sector since the scale and the scope of the operation is very grand. This is the main thing that had to be taken into account by the management of Hilton when they decided that they need to join hands with the travel and tourism industry as they are the ones which were going to be bear the impact and mostly it will be safe to say that the result has been far more than what the management had predicted out of it. The first thing that can be said about the integration process is that it got the customers from the different parts of the world and this was a challenge for the management as well as the employees since they had to be on their best foot forward at all times and cater to the said needs and demands. Other than this the company also had to ensure that they had the resources that they required to meet the demand which the people had from them. Standing up to the challenge was the thing that brought success to the company as it improved the kind of products and services that they offered. Other than this catering to the large amount of people gave them the money, the profit and the good will that they needed to expand the operations that they have in other parts of the world and this is the reason that  Hilton hotel  today is one of the most popular names. (Take a Peak, 2014)


Given the kind of resources that the company has at their disposal the management has to choice that they can make regarding the decision making process and the kind of products and services that they want to offer to the people but this will not be the case if they cannot meet the demands of the people since that is the root cause of the loss of customer database. Even the company that is now as big as the Hilton has to ensure that they bow down in front of the customers that they have.

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Task 3

Your next task is to develop a plan for the development of hospitality-based project. You have to develop a rationale for your chosen project, clearly justifying decisions linked to target market (3.1) and then develop a plan for a hospitality business which includes the operational requirements of the business’ organizational structure in relation to human resource allocation (3.2).

Introduction - One of the most important things in the business marketing  is that the companies have to ensure that the connect that they have with the customers is maintained at all times but for this they have to ensure that the products and the services that they offer are being accepted by the people and also that from time to time they are launching new products and services which can keep with the curiosity of the people as this is the only way they can succeed and make sure that the tenure that they have in the market is long and healthy. (Seydel, 2013)

Stage 1- developing

The general idea of the business is to provide private rentable villas to the people that want hospitality services and yet find the privacy that they need to enjoy the time they have together. The vision is that the project should be different from what is being offered in the chains of hotels which can be a good change in the market and will be something new for the people to experience and experiment with and this is the one way where the people will have the privacy that they need away from and yet do not have to worry about the everyday chores that have to done. The market research for this kind of thing is that the management needs to know the thought process of the people towards this kind of services or whether they are being provided by some other company in some other parts of the world and if yes then the things that they are working around should be studied. The target for the project is going to be the young people who usually need the location like for the honeymoon or to spend some quality time together but it can also be a family getaway location as the life of the working people is not very easy and they need peace and quiet to spend time with their kids. This is the reason that the location for such a project should be somewhere where there is peace and quiet which can be used by the people and there is a lot of flora and fauna which will give the peaceful element to the people to enjoy and then it will be good for the people to enjoy the privacy that they want and after have researched all the locations it will be safe to say that the outskirts of London is a good place to start a process like this. In the beginning it will be good for the company if they start on the small say about 10-12 villas which are fully furnished with all the luxuries that the people expect from Hilton and this is going to be a big project so it will be best for the company to get bank finance for the construction that they will have to do and then the additional services and fixtures can be brought out of the money that they have in their reserves. The products and the services that can be provided in this kind of project will be the same as they are in the Hilton hotels and other projects but the only difference that in place of a suite or a room the people have a villa to themselves along with the additional benefits of space and staff for operations. The licensing that the company will have to figure out is going to be the land use and construction that they have to do and also for all other operations that they will do on the property like plantation, liquor etc. (MBA Skool, 2013)

Stage 2- design

The ambience of the place is going to be very peaceful and quiet that too surrounded by luxury which is expected from the brand and also the villas will be made with soothing furniture and other fixtures so that it is self sufficient for the people to pull themselves in the times that they have. The culture of the place is going to be highly professional wherein the staff who will work in the villa will not interfere in the lives of the guests other than fulfilling any requests that they have as the sole purpose is to give the people the quality time that they want. The brand of the villa is going to be under the name of the Hilton hotel as it will give them the publicity that they need to make it a success and the name is going to be good for the people to relate to as they know Hilton. The interior of the villas is going to scream luxury as that is one of the goals of the company and they need to do that so that the people will be happy with what they are being offered and the plan of the company is to take it a notch higher. The exterior on the other hand is going to be very natural where they is going to be loads of trees and plants and a landscaping which can be a good for the people if they want to take a break from the city life. the functional areas of the villas is going to be exterior, the terrace and the garden and also the other buildings that are public for the residents which is going to be the swimming pool and the gym area and the social club and restaurant where they can meet other guests. The flow of the customers is something that has to be monitored by the  strategic management  and the team of the hotel so that there is no confusion about the place that the people are going to be taking since this is not a visit for taking up different kinds of stress. In order to connect with the people who can be customers of the market, then the best way that the company can go about it is that they can promote it on the company website and also in the different hotels they have in different parts of the world so that it can get the publicity that it needs. It is quite natural that the needs of the people id going to be different from each other and therefore the staff has to be open to make any changes in the services that they offer to accommodate the people but there can not be any major changes. The staff of the villas are going to be the ones who will make sure that the people can get what they need and then also that the services are delivered on time and as per the standards that have been set by the management. (Net MBA, 2015)

Stage 3

The staffing of the place has to be carried out in a way that the staffs does not interfere with the activities of the guests so that they can get the space that they need but then the operations and the duties have to be completed on time as well so that the guests do not suffer. The specialist qualifications that will be needed for a project such as this one is that the employees should know what they are dealing with as there may be situations where they will have to take decisions on their own and then carry them out as well. In the industry such as the hospitality industry it becomes even more important for the companies to make sure that the number of staff that they have is enough for the operations that they have to do and in the project of the private villas it will be even more important for them to have proper staff. It may be possible that the people who villas may be those from the different countries and the culture that they have is different from what they have in the villas and therefore it will be best for them to have a staff which is ready to accommodate the needs of the people and make necessary changes. For this it will be best for the company to carry out the recruitment process where they are involved so that they can monitor the kind of staff that they are getting as they are going to be the ones who are going to be dealing with the guests and it is necessary for them to be on their foot forward. Also the management has to make sure that the plan that they have for the recruitment process is the best in the class and also that it falls within the line of the laws that are being created by the government. In order to promote the offering of the company in the best possible manner it is going to be best for them to follow both the traditional and the modern methods of promotion wherein the employees of the company can get involved in the personal selling process in which the people can know told about the offering of the company and then if they have any doubts, they can be cleared on the spot so that it does not hamper the selling process of the company and Hilton can meet the targets that they have set for the sale. The process of pricing has to be carried out in the way that it best for the company as well as for the company since it is necessary for both the parties to be involved and accepted in the price that they made. If the price is not acceptable to the customers, then the products and services will not be sold as the people will not buy them and this is not good for the company so it is best that the pricing of the product is done in a way that it is acceptable to both. (Linked In, 2009)


All the points that have been discussed in this report are there for the support of the management of Hilton hotel to make sure that the goals that they have for the new unit is going to be a success and for this the management have to careful to follow all that has been stated have to followed by the company as this is the only way that every element is going to be listed and they can work on them. This is the thing that they need to carry out for the purpose of success of the private villas.


All the elements that have been discussed in the different parts of this assignment have been stated after a good and deep study of the business market and the companies that work in them and in the end it will be safe to say that the companies have to do a  lot to make sure that they can get the customers that they need to be successful in the market and then to retain the ones that they have made also for this they need to make sure that they have the resources that they need for the expansion of the services.


Burridge, T., (2015), Spain remembers Madrid train bombings 10 years on
Linked In, (2009), Kenya Community Based Tourism Network, [Online], Available: http://www.linkedin.com/company/kenya-community-based-tourism-network [Accessed 17July 2016]
MBA Skool, (2013), Radisson Hotels, [Online], Available: http://www.mbaskool.com/brandguide/tourism-and-hospitality/4281-radisson-hotels.html [Accessed 16July 2016]
Net MBA, (2015), PEST Analysis, [Online], Available: http://www.netmba.com/strategy/pest/ [Accessed 17July 2016]
Responsible Travel, (2010), What is Community Based Tourism? [Online], Available: http://www.responsibletravel.com/copy/what-is-community-based-tourism [Accessed 17July 2016]
Seydel, L., (2013), Why the Travel and Tourism Industry is So Important for Protecting Our Environment, [Online], Available: http://lauraseydel.com/2013/04/why-the-travel-and-tourism-industry-is-so-important-for-protecting-our-environment/ [Accessed 16July 2016]
Take a Peak, (2014), Take a Peek into Travel and Tourism, [Online], Available: http://takeapeakintotravel.weebly.com/trends-and-factors-affecting-the-travel-and-tourism-industry.html [Accessed 1

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