Unit 11 Research Project Assignment - Carillion

Unit 11 Research Project Assignment - Carillion

Unit 11 Research Project Assignment - Carillion


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 11 Research Project - Carillion

QFC Level

Level 5


Research Title- The unqualified labour force in construction industry- a case study of Carillion

1.1 Research project description

This unit 11 research project assignment - Carillion is a study of the topic unqualified labour force working in construction industry of the United Kingdom. There are various aspects in which the workforce of any organisation makes impact on the overall effectiveness of the company.In the process of construction there are various aspects in which employees and workers plays important role and helps in achieving organisational goals and objectives. In the construction company there are employed unqualified workers who can provide their services physically in case when there is no requirement of any qualification and specialisation. There are facing various problems by the unqualified workers in the company (Bonneuil, et. al 2015). There can be safety and health aspects which can be focused to provide more secured and positive environmentof working and there are also defined various laws and regulations which are required to be followed by the company for effective management of unqualified labour in the construction industry. For this purpose there are taken for analyses a listed construction company Carillion.

Unit 11 Research Project Assignment - Carillion

1.2 Research Aim and Objectives

Research Aim- Aim of the study is to analyse and evaluate various aspects related to the unqualified labour workforce in the construction industry of the United Kingdom. This  research project  will provide effective knowledge about the various aspects related to the effective management of these people in the organisation. We will identify the requirements and applicable laws and regulation for ensuring the safety and security of these people and also eliminate problems which are facing by these people in the company.

Research objectives- Objectives are defined as the goals which are to be achieved by the researcher by the research process and make effective results from the research. This research is conducted for identifying various aspects of unqualified labour workforce in the construction industry of United Kingdom making impact on the overall performance of the organisation. Following are the main objectives of this research (Bonneuil, et. al 2015).

  • To identify the role of unqualified labour force in the construction industry.
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of management of unqualified labour force in construction industry.
  • To identify different problems facing by these people in the company.
  • To calculate the participation of these people in the effectiveness of organisation.
  • To assure adoption of all the rules and regulations required for their faith in the company.

1.3 Literature review

In the construction industry of every country there are required effective and huge workforces which can provide their physical efforts in the work of construction and make the organisational goals and objectives successful. In construction industry there are various companies and organisations are competing with each other making efforts to achieve effective market positioning which can be done with the effective management of work force of the company and lead the company to achieve the organisational goals and objectives. In construction industry there are three kind of workforce which make their efforts to achieve organisational goals and objectives and are defined as skilled or qualified, semi-skilled or semi-qualified and unskilled or unqualified workforce (PARFITT., 2014). All the types of workforce are required for the organisational effectiveness and have their role in the company which can be played by only them. To understand them effectively we will know about them as follows.

  • Skilled or qualified workforce in construction industry- These are the people with special skills and qualification about the processes involved in the construction industry and are specialised people. They are involved in the management or administrative activities of the company and provide their skilled knowledge by making those activities more effective and efficient in the organisation. Skilled people have effective role in the organisation as in they are having effective knowledge about thevarious aspects of management of construction industries (Galgóczi, et. al 2013). They make effective plan for the activities and take strategic decisions for effective construction which leads to management of other employees in the company.
  • Semi-skilled or semi-qualified workforce- In the construction industry there are required effective management in the company which helps in achieving organisational goals and objectives in the company. Semi-skilled employees or workforce are defined as thethose employees which are having knowledge at some level which lead to effective management and execution of activities and can lead to effective results of organisational activities in the company.
  • Unskilled or unqualified employees- In construction industry there are required labour to execute the physical work for the construction of different projects effectively. These people are very important in this industry and have strong role by which organisation is able to achieve its goals and objectives. Unqualified labour force does not have any expertise and specialisation in organisational activities. They can work only when they are guided and can provide their physical services at the construction sites which lead to development of the project. They are important as in without them it is not possible to complete any project (Lindsay, et. al 2013). These people are important from the point of view to the effective completion of the construction project and are guided by the semi-skilled people which are works on the plan of the skilled people in organisation.

This research project report will define important aspects of this unqualified labour force in the construction industry making impact on the overall effectiveness. For this purpose there are defined important reasons making impact on their working effectiveness. It is important to manage these people in effective manner and utilise them in effective way that can lead to improved and effective results. There are faced various problems by them which can influence their performance and effectiveness which should be resolved in effective manner and help them in achieving  health and safety  of life by providing positive and effective environment. This report will define in what way the construction company should manage its unqualified employees to achieve its goals and for this purpose we will analyse a listed company of UK which is indulge in the construction industry and competing in the market with its competitors (Goutor, 2014).

1.4 Research methodology

In a research there are required to make a research methodology which can effectively guide how to collect the data and what are the tools to be collect the required data in the organisation. There are defined various methods and techniques which can make impact on the overall data collection for the research project. For the achievement of solutions and results in the research project there are required to have effective methodology to collect data and analyse them in different ways and achieve effective results. In the research methodology there are taken both qualitative and quantitative methods to collect data (Habib, et. al 2014). Qualitative data can be defined as the data which is collected by using different primary sources and provide effective results in the process of research. This is descriptive in nature. Quantitative data is defined as the measurable data which provides data related to the effective measures and also helps in effective data collection.

Research Questions

In every research programme there are set some research questions which are treated as the base for the proposed study and provide effective results of the research programme. Following are the research questions for which answers are to be identified.

  1. Discuss roles and participation of unqualified labour force in the effectiveness of construction company Carillion?
  2. Define various aspects related to the effective management of unqualified labour force in construction company Carillion?
  3. Explain various legislative and regulatory requirements for providing effective and positive environment to these people in Carillion? 
  4. Identify different problems which are facing by unqualified labour force in construction industry?

1.5 Structure of the project

Action Plan- This is a strategic plan for the effective management of activities with the time horizon or time distribution to the activities which help in providing a framework to complete the research project in without any confusion and delay in deadlines. The action plan for this research project is as follows.



Starting date

Time Slot

Completion Date



Research Planning

05 October 2016


10 October 2016

Planning is done in the initial stage by taking strategic decisions.


Research plan Implementation

11October 2016

8 days

19 October 2016

The plan is implemented for the research by the researcher.


Collecting the data for the research purpose

20 October 2016

10 days

30 October 2016

Using different tools and techniques for effective collection of data which is required for the research.


Data analysis  and evaluation of collected data

31 October 2016

3 days

3 November2016

Collected data and information from different tools and techniques are analysed and evaluated.


Conclusions and recommendation

4 November 2016

1 day

5 November 2016

Analyses and evaluation of data and information can lead to effective conclusion and recommendation for the research.

Gantt chart- Gantt chart is defined as the graphical representation of activities and time lines in which the activities are to be completed and also define the sequence of activities in research project.

Gantt chart

Data collection and analyses- A research project cannot be completed without collecting data and information related to the research topic which will help in effective solution of research problems in organisation. There are available various tools and techniques for effective collection of data and information. There can be collected two types of data which are primary data and secondary data (Priyadarshani, et. al 2013).

  • Primary data is defined as the raw data collected by the researcher by its own by way of interacting with people personally and identify their views, perspectives and behaviour about the research topic and research questions which can make impact on the effectiveness of the research. Primary data is collected by the primary sources which are conducting survey and interviews andfilling questionnaire from the population (Noble, et. al 2011).
  • Secondary data can be defined as the pre researched data of any researcher and available for getting information which can be base for the study. This data can be collected from the secondary sources like newspapers, articles, books and other researches related to this research topic.

Limitation of research- The limitation of the research is the ability to gain trust of these people with the assurance to keep confidentiality and reliability of data and safeguarding them.

Ethical consideration of research- The data and information are collected by considering all the ethical issues in organisation and make impact on the confidentiality of people. There has been attached Research Proposal Ethical Review Form in appendix of this research.

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Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

In the construction industry there are required people with qualification, semi-qualified people and unqualified people in the labour force which help in achieving overall organisational goals and lead to growth to the company. Unqualified labour force includes people who do not have any qualification and can provide services which are physical services.This research project is a study of the topic unqualified labour force working in construction industry of the United Kingdom. There are various aspects in which the workforce of any organisation makes impact on the overall effectiveness of the company (Ross, et. al 2012). In the process of construction there are various aspects in which employees and workers plays important role and helps in achieving organisational goals and objectives. In the construction company there are employed unqualified workers who can provide their services physically in case when there is no requirement of any qualification and specialisation. There are facing various problems by the unqualified workers in the company. There can be safety and health aspects which can be focused to provide more secured and positive environment of working and there are also defined various laws and regulations which are required to be followed by the company for effective management of unqualified labour in the construction industry. For this purpose there are taken for analyses a listed construction company Carillion.There are collected information and data by using different methodology and data collection methods which analysed by using different techniques and tools and lead to organisational effectiveness in the organisation. On the basis of this analysis there are calculated results of research report. And effective conclusion is provided on the research topic (Ross, et. al 2012).

2.2 Literature review

This research report is to provide appropriate understanding about the different aspects of requirement and role of unqualified labour force in construction industry. These people are working to provide different physical services and help in achieving organisational goals and objectives. This can be done by effective analyses of identifying level of management and different ways to manage them and utilise their efforts and leading them in the right direction. In the construction industry of every country there are required effective and huge workforces which can provide their physical efforts in the work of construction and make the organisational goals and objectives successful. This research project report will define important aspects of this unqualified  labour force market  in the construction industry making impact on the overall effectiveness. For this purpose there are defined important reasons making impact on their working effectiveness (Vickers, 2011). It is important to manage these people in effective manner and utilise them in effective way that can lead to improved and effective results. There are faced various problems by them which can influence their performance and effectiveness which should be resolved in effective manner and help them in achieving healthy and safe life by providing positive and effective environment. This report will define in what way the construction company should manage its unqualified employees to achieve its goals and for this purpose we will analyse a listed company of UK which is indulge in the construction industry and competing in the market with its competitors (Mosoetsa, et. al 2012).

In construction industry there are various companies and organisations are competing with each other making efforts to achieve effective market positioning which can be done with the effective management of work force of the company and lead the company to achieve the organisational goals and objectives. In construction industry there are three kind of workforce which make their efforts to achieve organisational goals and objectives and are defined as skilled or qualified, semi-skilled or semi-qualified and unskilled or unqualified workforce. All the types of workforce are required for the organisational effectiveness and have their role in the company which can be played by only them (Venkatesh, et. al 2012). To understand them effectively we will know about them as follows.

  • Skilled or qualified workforce in construction industry- These are the people with special skills and qualification about the processes involved in the construction industry and are specialised people. They are involved in the management or administrative activities of the company and provide their skilled knowledge by making those activities more effective and efficient in the organisation. Skilled people have effective role in the organisation as in they are having effective knowledge about the various aspects of management of construction industries. They make effective plan for the activities and take strategic decisions for effective construction which leads to management of other employees in the company.
  • Semi-skilled or semi-qualified workforce- In the construction industry there are required effective management in the company which helps in achieving organisational goals and objectives in the company. Semi-skilled employees or workforce are defined as the those employees which are having knowledge at some level which lead to effective management and execution of activities and can lead to effective results of organisational activities in the company.  
  • Unskilled or unqualified employees- In construction industry there are required labour to execute the physical work for the construction of different projects effectively. These people are very important in this industry and have strong role by which organisation is able to achieve its goals and objectives. Unqualified labour force does not have any expertise and specialisation in organisational activities (Bright, 2014). They can work only when they are guided and can provide their physical services at the construction sites which lead to development of the project. They are important as in without them it is not possible to complete any project. These people are important from the point of view to the effective completion of the construction project and are guided by the semi-skilled people which are works on the plan of the skilled people in organisation.

There are faced different problems and disadvantages of unqualified labour force in the organisation as in they require effective guidance and monitoring in different manner which can be taken in different ways and make impact on overall organisational performance. There are increased chances of different mistakes and misconceptions in case of lack of monitoring which can be resulted as huge problem and can make negative impact on the organisational performance. Carillion is a construction company of United Kingdom listed on the London Stock Exchange. It was established in July 1999 with the result of demerger of Tarmac. The company is providing multinational facilities management and construction services. There are involved various aspects related to the management of different level of staff in which unqualified labour force is one of these levels. The company is making different policies and procedures to manage different level of labour and provided them proper and effective guidance (Tchidi, et. al 2012). The following are the points which are considered while managing the unqualified labour force in the organisation.

  • Unskilled and unqualified labour force must be provided effective guidance from the semi-skilled people in the staff who are having the knowledge about the proper process to complete the construction activities.
  • There are included boilermakers, concrete finishers and masons, carpenters, electricians, installer of floors Painters, plasterers and paperhangers, Plumbers and pipefitters etc. are the examples of different unqualified labour force in the construction industry.
  • In the construction projects there are included different type complexities which make the overall organisational process difficult. For this purpose there are defined various aspects related to the overall management of these level of labour in which there are defined various policies and procedures that can help in providing overall effectiveness their performance.
  • Effective leadership is provided to unqualified labour force in the organisation by which there can be effective communication about the activities to be performed and results to be achieved in the organisation. This will also help in effective monitoring and control over their activities and will help in providing right direction by guiding them the manner in which they are to perform their activities.
  • There are adopted and accepted various legislations and regulations related to the effective handling of unqualified labour force and to provide them most effective and positive environment for working by securing their lives and faith. These legislations can be including Health and Safety Act, dispute settlement act etc. (Vowles, et. al 2013).
  • There can be establish different tribunals and labour unions in the organisation in which there can be taken decisions related to the effectiveness and welfare of unqualified labour in the organisation and can register different problems related to the working conditions.
  • There are made effective contractor and labour relationship by which there can be developed effective management and appropriate communication between them which can effectively develop positive environment within organisation and that can make them motivated towards organisation and their performance.
  • There are define various policies related to providing effective compensation for these people by adopting different legal and regulatory requirements in accordance with the Minimum wages act which defines the minimum required of compensation in the organisation.
  • In the company there are defined various methods to be used in the requirement of providing effective health and enhance their capability by providing them different trainings and development programmes. This makes them feel important and increase the level of involvement in organisation (Bednarek, 2014).
  • Company make efforts in improving their standard of life by making them aware about their welfare and health and also make them aware about taking decisions by considering their faith.

Chapter 3: Methodology

3.1 Methodology, Methods and Techniques

Research is conducted by using different methods and techniques which are decided by the researcher for effective and smooth research programme andprovide effective analyses results in research.In a research there are required to make a research methodology which can effectively guide how to collect the data and what are the tools to be collect the required data in the organisation. There are defined various methods and techniques which can make impact on the overall data collection for the research project. For the achievement of solutions and results in the research project there are required to have effective methodology to collect data and analyse them in different ways and achieve effective results (Kumar, 2014). In the research methodology there are taken both qualitative and quantitative methods to collect data. Qualitative data can be defined as the data which is collected by using different primary sources and provide effective results in the process of research. This is descriptive in nature. Quantitative data is defined as the measurable data which provides data related to the effective measures and also helps in effective data collection.Methodology and effectiveness make impact on the overall analysis of data and information in research project. Research methods are defined as different ways and manner in which the research is to be executed and lead to effective results of research problem. These methods define how to collect data and conduct analyses and evaluation of the collected data in a research programme. There are different types of research methods which are analysed before taking any decision of adoption of research method which is in according to type of research. Some of the research methods which can be used are defined as follows.

  • Experimental research methods- This research method is defined as experiment based method of conducting research in which there are taken different independent variables based on the manipulation of quantitative data (Kumar, 2014). There are included different scientific research methods which are based on the effective scientific measurement. There are adopted different hypotheses which are tested by using different considerations.
  • Opinion Based Research Methods- In this type of research there are involved experiment design and collect quantitative data and measurement is arbitrary in nature. There are executed questionnaire by way of quantifying data as sample group. There are analysed different ways in which behaviour is analysed and decisions are made on that basis which can make effective results of research program.
  • Observational Research Methods- This research method can be defined as the group of different research methods in which the researcher make efforts to identify behaviour of different people and parties by observations. This can be defined as the quasi-experimental research methods.

In this research there are taken mixed research methods in which there are included experiments, opinions and observations which are analysed in different ways and make effect on research results. Techniques in a research are defined as the approaches which are taken for execution of research program and make impact on the overall research results and their effectiveness. There are three types of research approaches which can be selected Deductive, Inductive, and Abductive. In deduction technique there are required to achieve effective confirmation or rejection which is based on the effective use of hypothesis and      observation tests (Mackey, et. al 2015).In the induction technique of research there are no formulation of hypothesis and research is conducted based on the research questions and in a set pattern lead to the research objectives and find effective research results. And in the abductive technique there are further study of explanation of incomplete observations, surprising facts and puzzles which are defined in the beginning of the research project. In this research project there are taken mixed approach in which there are involved different elements of different approaches in the research.

3.2 Sampling

Sampling can be defined as the methods of collection of population for the effectiveness of the collection of primary data. There are adopted various methods and techniques to collects primary data but there is required to select and target a population who will be taken for collection of the primary data. There are different sampling methods which can be taken for research programme including simple random sampling, stratified sampling, systematic sampling and cluster sampling (6, et. al 2012). These methods are probability methods of sampling which have different attributes and effectiveness. In this research project there are taken simple random sampling method which helps in selecting effective target population. In simple random sampling there are available whole population. For collection of primary data it is required to take effective decisions while selecting the population as in this leads to effective collection of information which can lead to effective results.

3.3 Data collection

A research project cannot be completed without collecting data and information related to the research topic which will help in effective solution of research problems in organisation. There are required to select or choose effective data sampling method which can help in effective and efficient data and information which can be effectively used in the research and can generate effective results which are effective results of research. There are available various tools and techniques for effective collection of data and information. The effectiveness and efficiency of collected data depends on its level of reliability and assurance which can generate most trustworthy results in research programme. Data collection is a wide term in which there are included different methods and techniquesmaking impact on the overall effectiveness of data collection.There can be collected two types of data which are primary data and secondary data.

  • Primary data- In the different ways of data collection this method is one of the most important and essential data collection method making impact on the overall results if a research.Primary data is defined as the raw data collected by the researcher by its own by way of interacting with people personally and identify their views, perspectives and behaviour about the research topic and research questions which can make impact on the effectiveness of the research. Primary data is collected by the primary sources which are conducting survey and interviews and filling questionnaire from the population (6, et. al 2012).  In this research project there is collected primary data by filling questionnaire from the target population and making impact on the overall effectiveness of the research results. There is prepared a questionnaire including different questions related to the effective knowledge related to the research topic.
  • Secondary data- In primary data there are analysed behaviour of target population and there are also collected secondary data which can be defined as the pre researched data of any researcher and available for getting information which can be base for the study. This data can be collected from the secondary sources like newspapers, articles, books and other researches related to this research topic.

3.4 Ethical considerations

This research report is considering the ethical consideration related to the effectiveness of data collection and analysis. The data and information are collected by considering all the ethical issues in organisation and make impact on the confidentiality of people. Reliability must be there in the research report related to the effective data collection and analyses which make impact on the overall effectiveness of research project. There has been attached Research Proposal Ethical Review Form in appendix of this research.

Chapter 4 Data Collection and Analysis

4.1 Data Collection

Data collection  is important and essential in conducting any research or make impact on the overall process which is based on this collected data and information. A research project cannot be completed without collecting data and information related to the research topic which will help in effective solution of research problems in organisation. There are available various tools and techniques for effective collection of data and information. There can be collected two types of data which are primary data and secondary data. Primary data is defined as the raw data collected by the researcher by its own by way of interacting with people personally and identify their views, perspectives and behaviour about the research topic and research questions which can make impact on the effectiveness of the research. Primary data is collected by the primary sources which are conducting survey and interviews and filling questionnaire from the population. Secondary data can be defined as the pre researched data of any researcher and available for getting information which can be base for the study (Kubba, et. al 2012). This data can be collected from the secondary sources like newspapers, articles, books and other researches related to this research topic. In this research project there are used different articles based on the topic of the research and different reports of the organisation based on the policies and procedures using by the company for effective management of the unqualified labour in the organisation. For the collection of primary data there is framed a questionnaire which is filled by the target population and helpful in identifying different perspectives of population regarding the research topic is as follows.


1. There is requirement of different types of labour in construction industries.

  • Strongly agreed
  • Agreed
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree

2. Role of unqualified labour is effective and essential in the construction industry.

  • Strongly agreed
  • Agreed
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree

3. There is required proper guidance for unqualified labour in execution of their activities in construction industry.

  • Strongly agreed
  • Agreed
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree

4. Unqualified labour force is dependent on qualified employees for effective operations in construction industry.

  • Strongly agreed
  • Agreed
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree

5. Construction industry cannot operate without unqualified labour and their efforts.

  • Strongly agreed
  • Agreed
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree

6. There is no delegation of decision making power and any kind of authorities to unqualified labour force in construction industry.

  • Strongly agreed
  • Agreed
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree

7. Carillion which is a construction industry has adopted effective legal and legislative requirements related to the welfare of unqualified labour force in the company.

  • Strongly agreed
  • Agreed
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree

8. Different training and development programmes can enhance the level and quality of performance ofunqualified labour force in construction industry.

  • Strongly agreed
  • Agreed
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree

9. Carillion is arranging and providing different trainings to its unqualified labour force which can enhance quality of their performance.

  • Strongly agreed
  • Agreed
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree

10. Carillion is adopting different working patterns to provide effective health and safety and a better life to its unqualified labour force.

  • Strongly agreed
  • Agreed
  • Neither agree nor disagree
  • Disagree
  • Strongly disagree

4.2 Data Analysis and Discussion

Table 1: There is requirement of different types of labour in construction industries.


Responses (%)

Strongly agree








Strongly disagree


types of labour in construction industries

Discussion- On the basis of the above analyses there are maximum of the respondents are agreed with the statement that there are requirement of different labour in construction industry.

Table 2: Role of unqualified labour is effective and essential in the construction industry.


Responses (%)

Strongly agree








Strongly disagree


Role of unqualified labour

Discussion- In this analyses we have analysed that majority of respondents thinks that the role of the unqualified labour is essential and effective. The above analyses defines that the role of the unqualified labour force is essential in construction industry and this is agreed by major population.

Table 3: There is required proper guidance for unqualified labour in execution of their activities in construction industry.


Responses (%)

Strongly agree








Strongly disagree


guidance for unqualified labour

Analysis- The major population support the statement which defines that the unqualified labour force requires effective guidance while executing their work at site.

Table 4: Unqualified labour force is dependent on qualified employees for effective operations in construction industry.


Responses (%)

Strongly agree








Strongly disagree


labour force is dependent on qualified employees

Analysis- It is analyses that the unqualified labour is depended on the qualified and semi-qualified employees which is making them effectively working and making them to provide excellent services.

Table 5: There is no delegation of decision making power and any kind of authorities to unqualified labour force in construction industry.


Responses (%)

Strongly agree








Strongly disagree


elegation of decision making power

Analysis- There is huge population is supporting the statement that there is no delegation of authorities and decision making power which can lead to lack of involvement of unqualified labour force in the organisation.

Table 6: Carillion which is a construction industry has adopted effective legal and legislative requirements related to the welfare of unqualified labour force in the company.


Responses (%)

Strongly agree








Strongly disagree


legal and legislative requirements

Analysis- There are analysed by this analysis that the company is satisfying a level of legal and legislative requirements which leads to effective and safe working environment in the organisation which is required to be provided.

Table 7: Different training and development programmes can enhance the level and quality of performance of unqualified labour force in construction industry.


Responses (%)

Strongly agree








Strongly disagree


training and development programmes

Analysis- This analyses defines that there is a complex situation in determining that the performance of the unqualified labour force can be enhanced by providing effective training and development programmes.

Table 8: Carillion is adopting different working patterns to provide effective health and safety and a better life to its unqualified labour force.


Responses (%)

Strongly agree








Strongly disagree


adopting different working patterns

Analysis- This analysis defines that the company Carillion is effectively planning and providing effective services by considering the health and safety aspects of its unqualified labour force and make efforts to make their life better and effective.

Discussion- Data and information which is collected by using the questionnaire are analysed and evaluated by using different methods and techniques making impact on the overall research results. Findings are analysed by way of analyses of different data and information collected by different sources. This analysis defines various findings which helps in calculating the conclusion for this research project and make effective decisions and recommendations. We have analysed that target population make different responses in which they showed positive response towards the requirement of different labour forces in effective and proper operations and achievement of organisational goals and objectives. The role of unqualified labour force is defined as effective and important in the construction industry. But they require effective guidance and leadership so they are dependent on the skilled and semi-skilled labour force for effective execution of their activities (Twohig, 2014). It is also analysed by above analyses that the construction company Carillion is providing effective and health and safety conscious working environment to its unqualified labour force to make their life better by improving their performance by way of proving effective training development programs. Company is concentrating on providing better standard of living by reducing the chances of any problems facing by them.

Chapter 5: Conclusions and Recommendations

5.1 Conclusions

This research report is detailed study of different aspects related to the role of unqualified labour force in the organisation and ensures their level of efficiency in providing effective services by them in construction industry. The construction industry is purely based on the construction of different types of projects which can be only constructed with the contribution of unqualified people and their efforts make the construction industry work effectively. This research report is defining in detail that there is required effective management and guidance from the upper level of employees and they should provide effective services which make them provide effective services using their skills and different level of management and effective guidance (Abel, 2011). There are defined various types of legal and regulatory requirements in effective management of unqualified labour force and ensure their benefits and also helps in reducing chances of problems facing by them at workplace. The legislative requirements help in providing effective compensation to these people by effectively analysing their efforts and make them feel satisfied with their wages and also motivate them by enhancing their performance by providing effective training and development programmes.There can be increased level of communication and feedbacks by making effective committee and unions of labour in which there can make a leader who can effectively involve in the decision making process by transferring effective information and perspective of members of the committee and union (Lees, 2012).  Different aspects on the health and safety are adopted in the day to day activities and performance of the company which can lead to effective results. This research is concluded as the effective role of unqualified labour force in construction industry.

5.2 Recommendations

The research has defined various aspects related to the role of unqualified labour force in the organisation which is effective and also explaining different aspects of effective management and guidance in construction industry. There can be do some improvements as in there can be provided effective communication channel by which they can communicate the problems which are facing by them in the working area and what improvements they are expecting at the working area. There can be improved level and number of trainings and there must be arranged different health camps where they can ensure their health (Johnstone, 2012). There can be effective regulations and rules to control the hazards related to their work place and type of work and in case of any accident they should be provided effective help and support. There can be effective announcement of the construction company about the hazards and different level of risks involved in the construction work and there must be effective risk management should be there in organisation.

5.3 Areas for further study

After the study of effective management and role of the unqualified labour force in organisation there can be various other areas which can be studies by conducting different research programs these can be conducted study on the role of the construction industry on the overall economy. The rate of growth and increasing profit levels of the construction industry. There can be study on the future requirement of technology and its impact on the overall construction industry and on the different labour forces (Lester, 2014). There can be conducted research projects on these areas will result in effective knowledge and recommendation for increase in the effectiveness of the construction industry.

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6, P. & Bellamy, C. 2012;2011;, Principles of methodology: research design in social science, SAGE, Los Angeles.
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