Structure and Culture of Organisation Behaviour Assignment

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Structure and Culture of Organisation Behaviour Assignment
Structure and Culture of Organisation Behaviour Assignment
Structure and Culture of Organisation Behaviour Assignment


Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Structure and Culture of Organisation Behaviour

QFC Level

Level 4


This structure and culture of organisation behaviour assignment talks about relationship between structure and culture of the organisation that has vast impact on the operations of the organisation. In this report we will also talk about the individual behaviour and Leadership styles that affect the organisation culture and its employees. Different approaches like human relation approach and others have great impact on the management of the organisation also will describe with the supportive examples. Need of technology in the organisation is also described that makes organisation culture more challenging and better.

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Task 1

1.1 Compare and contrast CAPCO’s structure and culture with another organisation of your choice. Show the differences and similarities in these two organisations.

Capco is the prominent leading brand in consulting, information technology solution for financial services. Capco is unique brand which is fully dedicated to financial services at global level. Capco provides financial services which are related to financing, banking and investments. CAPCO’s organizational structure is influenced by so many factors. These factors include size of the organisation, objectives, purposes, goals and intricacy of tasks of the organisation. Hierarchical structure of the organisation includes so many layers and chain of command as well i.e. at the top level it has senior management, than middle management, junior management and lastly staff members. It has flat hierarchical structure because a tall structure cannot fit in this organisation. CAPCO’s inventive culture supports its structure. The culture of the organisation mainly supports respect for the diverse workforce of the organisation, integrity they say that whatever they do, they do with professionalism, commitment towards their work, excellence in quality of the services they are providing and knowledge by sharing their insights to mould the finance future (Shypulina, 2010).  On the other hand the Wal-Mart is the largest retailer as well as a huge earning revenue company. It has highly structured organisation but needs to improve its culture. Wal-Mart has the hierarchical functional structure at the organisation. That includes CEO, directors and middle managers and has departments like HR, finance and research and development etc. culture of the Wal-Mart includes the services to the customers, respect for employees as well as customers, more focused towards the  quality management  of the products and integrity. Difference between the two organisations can be that they are less focused towards knowledge and commitments in terms of solving the critical problems of the employees as well as customers. The organisation structure of the Wal-Mart is best suitable for the global market. By including belief in the culture it can move up. The organisation has to be more focused towards its basic or fundamental business philosophy.

1.2 Explain how the relationship between CAPCO’s struture and culture can impact on the performance of its operations.

Culture of the Capco consisting respect for the individuals by listening them directly, integrity that shows them right path not the easiest path and they work with pride as well as professionalism, commitment of providing the best quality to their clients and customers, excellence in their work and knowledge that make them different from others.  At Capco the employees are inspire towards to new challenges and to shape the future market of finance. They believe in four pillars of the culture these are named as opportunity to the employees for growth, performance of the employee, challenging work and learning by sharing their insights.  Structure of the organisation includes is not tall because the environment of the organisation is entrepreneurial and more innovative so flat structure suits best. For different projects matrix structure is required for the variety of skills and knowledge. After completing the project, employees of the organisation move on to another project with different strategy (Momeni, et. al., 2013).

Organisational cultural and structure have forthright link with the organisational performances. Structure provides the frame work for the culture on the other hand the organisation culture act as a charter or path provider for the structure of the organisation. The culture of the organisation frame the management of the organisation that is helpful in accomplishes the goals of the organisation effectively. If adequate structure provided to the good performance employees of the CAPCO the productivity can be increased. Structure of the organisation is helpful in strengthen the capability of the CAPCO (Shypulina, 2010). As in CAPCO the employees are free to communicate that can motivate the employees innovative employees are also help in capturing the huge pie in the market. Culture of the organisation provides sustainable competitive advantage to the CAPCO. Additional, the culture of the CAPCO will also help the employees to understand the objectives which will enhance the efficiency of the organisation. Strong culture of the organisation increases the confidence as well as commitment towards the job or works and create ethical environment in the organisation and it is also helpful in decreasing the stress of the job (Wartini, et. at., 2014). So we can say that culture and structure of the organisation plays a vital role for the growth and development of the organisation.

1.3 Discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour in CAPCO or in any organisation of your choice.

There are certain factors that can affect the individual behaviour at the CAPCO because each and every individual have their own capabilities, ambitions and motives. That may include the work culture, four pillars and corporate social responsibility of the organisation (Rossi, 2014).  The culture of the organisation includes respect for the employees that create the feeling of dignity in the mind-set of the employee; integrity creates the honesty at the work culture; commitments that enhances the performance of the employee because it foster employee’s performance upward, excellence work environment leads the employees towards professionalism and work diversity. For promoting the diversity at the work culture the organisation has started the campaign that is “Be Yourself at Work” that also influences the individual behaviour by preventing the barriers and promoting individuality at the CAPCO (Momeni, et. al., 2013). The organisation also supports and encourages the entrepreneurial activities that inculcate the leadership characteristics in the employees. Other than this personal development opportunities, performance rewards and recognition given by the CAPCO to the employees also influence the individual behaviour in positive direction. Challenging work at the organisation also has great impact on the behaviour of employees because that helps in increasing the skills, knowledge and handling stress issues etc. CAPCO also believes in direct communication at the work that influences the behaviour in positive aspects of the employees. Managers acknowledge the long haul employees that create a positive impact on the personality of the employees of the organisation. CSR policy of the organisation also create ethical working environment at the CAPCO, which create belongingness in the minds of the employees to the organisation (Trevithick, et. al., 2012).  

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Task 2

2.1 Compare the effectiveness of the different leaderships at CAPCO and any other organisation of your choice.

Leadership is the activity done by the leader for creation of the vision of the organisation and make involvement of the employees with that vision. An effective leader is able to get the best of the employees. At the Capco the transformational leadership is more effective rather than any other leadership style like- Autocratic style i.e. leader who rarely involve employees at the time of  decision making , democratic style i.e. in all decisions employees of the organisation take participation, quiet leadership style in that leader sit back and all decisions are made by the employees of the organisation and transformational leadership style the leader belief in creating vision for the organization and also make his/her employees success. At the Capco organisation the transformational leadership style is much effective because here leader is the charismatic personality and involve with the employees of Capco to identify the requirements of the employees and generate vision for the organisation (Ameziane El Hassani, et. al., 2015). By adoption of that kind of leadership-

  • Style a fair and integrity model can be generated at the CAPCO,
  • Clear goals can be set for the organisation,
  • Encourage and inspire employees to achieve the goals of the organisation,
  • Support is provided and recognition is given to the employees at the organisation,
  • Such leaders make employees to look beyond the self-interest,
  • Leaders also inspire workforce of the CAPCO to reach at the peak.

Other than this if any other style is adopted that cannot be more affective like that style. If auto critic leadership is adopted in CAPCO than the culture of the organisation can degraded. This leadership is helpful only when decisions are taken on daily basis for the daily operational activities. Such organisations which have adopted that style is seem to be less innovative. Sometimes employees may lose their affiliation with the organisation. So by above discussion we can conclude that for CAPCO transformational leadership style is best suitable (van der Voet, 2014).

2.2 Explain how organizational theories (e.g. scientific management and human relations theory) have had influence on the practice of management.

Scientific management theory which is given by the Frederick Winslow Taylor influences the practice of management.  This theory has four principles which are described below-

  • Work can be replace by the “rule of thumb” this focus on the using the common sense at the work to perform the efficient task rather than using most typical scientific ways. CAPCO can also increase its performance by implementing rule of thumb.
  • Matching the employees on the basis of jobs according to their capabilities and skills. And make them more effective by motivation, training and development programs. At CAPCO if right people get right job that will reduce the cost of training and development programs at the organisation.
  • Employee’s performance should be monitor or we can say employees should be work under supervision. That will ensure efficient performance of the employees. CAPCO can monitor and supervise their employees to make them more efficient (Brazer, et. al., 2014).
  • Work or tasks should be allocated between top management and employees at the Capco. So that proper planning and drafts can be designed by the managers and employees can perform them more efficiently as well as effectively.

By implementing that scientific management the positive effects can be seen on the productivity that can be enhance at vast level (Ameziane El Hassani, et. al., 2015). This theory provides important contribution to the management. This theory more focuses on the systematic selection and training and development programs at the organisation that has vast impact on the efficiency of the work force and also helps in creating systematic design of the organisation. In this approach the tasks are allocated in small parts by this the employees of the CAPCO will be able to perform in specialised way.

2.3 Evaluate the different approaches to management used by CAPCO and your chosen organisation.

  • In CAPCO Total quality management (TQM) approach is adopted. Total quality management approach is focused on the more customer satisfaction with the employee’s growth and development. As CAPCO’s culture is more focused towards the fulfilling the commitment of the clients inefficient manner with the highest professionalism. Other than this approach is totally process centred that takes inputs from the society that is human resources and as output provide financial information technology solutions. Total quality management approach mainly focuses on the continuous improvement of the quality services as well as employees of the organisation. Same in CAPCO the management provides the insight knowledge to mould the financial market in positive way. Total quality management is the fact based decision making. In CAPCO the decisions are also made on the basis of the facts and figures of the financial market. (Schneider, et. al., 2010). In TQM approach communication has a vital role, in CAPCO there is open and direct communication between the top management and employees of the organisation. That is helpful in increasing the confidence of the employees that further increases the productivity of the organisation.  TQM approach is an integrated system that inculcates so many departments at the same organisation. At the CAPCO there is a flat organisation structure or horizontal organisation structure that has less levels of middle management so by this direct communication is possible in this organisation. By adopting this approach the organisation is able to reduce the defects and able to provide high quality services to the clients and customer satisfaction level has increased.
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Task 3

3.1 Discuss the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation within period of change.

Effective leadership is very essential to achieve the organisational goals. In today’s changing era the organisation have to ensure that organisation is effective and efficient enough to achieve the organisation goals. Managers require excellent approach to motivate the employees which is very important to motivate the employees and to make their optimum benefaction to the organisation. Motivated employees at the work perform far much better. There are so many kinds of leadership styles that play a vital role in motivating the employees. Certain democratic styles are described below which are foremost to motivate the employees. These are named as autocratic leadership, democratic leadership and laissez faire leadership. (Ali, et. al., 2013)

  • Autocratic leadership- Autocratic leaders are the leaders who are the only decision taker at the organisation. Autocratic leaders always show the path to the employees that what they have to do and how they have to do. Other than this the dictator leaders gives the right and clear path and at the same time also motivate to achieve the organisational goals. At the CAPCO this approach is used at less level. (Nwokocha, .et, al., 2015).
  • Democratic leadership- This leadership style is totally different from the autocratic leadership. Such leaders involve employees in decision making regarding the organisation. When this approach is used in the organisation employees get motivated to their work. They feel committed to their work. It is an open approach to the employees because in this there is involvement of employees and their values in decision making. At the CAPCO this style is used to make employees esteemed. This approach makes employees more hard working.
  • Laissez faire leadership- In this approach the managers of the organisation gives all the decision making power in the hands of employees in which the employees set their goals and targets and problem solving is also done by them only. This approach motivates employees to enhance their skills related to work and loyalty as well. At the CAPCO team leaders and manager use this approach only when they have to improve the level of productivity and commitment level of the employees.
  • Transformational leadership style- Transformational leaders seeks for change in the organisation. Such leaders are strongly desired and motivate their employees to work in the same direction. In CAPCO leaders’ foster creative thoughts in decision making and more committed to customer services in the employees.

3.2 Compare the application of two motivational theories (e.g. Maslow’s & Herzberg theories) within organizational setting.

Motivation theories are used to build behaviour of the employees. Most of the organisations are adopting motivational theories because motivated employees are more efficient, more effective and more productive. The steps in the motivation theories were developed by Abraham Maslow. If positive feedback is given by the managers to employees the employees will get motivated. If the basic or fundamental needs are fulfilled than second level of needs takes place that is safety needs. Whereas the Hertzberg talks about the two factors that motivate employees at the work. First factor is called as hygienic factor which is not much effective in motivation of employees. If in the CAPCO organisation there is lack of motivation factors that can lead to de motivation of employees. Second factor is motivators. This theory is mainly focused on satisfaction of unsatisfied needs of the employees.  On the other hand Hertzberg’s theory is talks about the intrinsic factors of motivation that includes recognition, growth and achievement (Heckhausen, et. al., 2010).

There we have certain differences between Maslow need hierarchy theory and Hertzberg’s motivation theory.  Maslow talks about that higher level of satisfaction level of the employees increase only when the basic needs fulfil whereas Hertzberg does not talks about the hierarchy in motivation level. It suggests that there are mainly two types of individual needs that include intrinsic and extrinsic motivation (Sengupta, 2011). Intrinsic motivation includes interests, satisfaction, pride and sense of achievement. Extrinsic motivation includes rewards at the organisation, competition and career etc. In organisation theory X and Y used to represent the managers style. X type managers are mainly considered as influenced by the negative aspects. And Y type managers are influenced by the positive aspects.

3.3 Explain the necessity of managers to understand and apply motivation theories within the workplace.

Motivation theories are necessity to understand by the managers for achieving the organisational goals effectively. Motivation theories also build the friendly relationship at the organisation. In the CAPCO motivation plays a crucial role. The role of the manager is to motivate the employees and to make them more efficient at work. Other than this the usefulness of the motivation theories is giving rewards to the employees at CAPCO who perform extraordinary which is beneficial for the organisation. As stated in Maslow’s need hierarchy employees can not motivated only by the monetary rewards, there are so many factors that influence the behaviour of the employees at work. Other reasons can be using of  motivation theories  are to make CAPCO’s employees more hard working. However the motivational theories help the manager of the CAPCO in implementing the professionalism which leads employees to achieve the organisational goals. The CAPCO Company exists to accomplish the objectives and employees are working in the organisation for the benefits in achieving the companies’ objectives (Ali, et. al., 2013). In organisation like CAPCO it become crucial to keep motivates their employees as well as for improving the performance of the employees. By this the organisation becomes more innovative and creative. However in organisation like CAPCO for providing the excellent services to their clients usually the managers has to follow the participative team management system. The reason behind this the manager of the CAPCO organisation is that they also have certain roles, responsibilities and duties to perform and they also responsible for the confidence of the organisation’s employees. Managers of the CAPCO believe in the form of economic reward which is more fruitful and leads the organisation towards its objectives and goals (Heckhausen, et. al., 2010).

Task 4

4.1 Explain the nature of groups and group behaviour within CAPCO or your chosen organisation.

Group is the way of involvement of employees of the organisation who are with different skills but come together to perform the organisational tasks. A group is the collection of two more employees who come together to achieve the same goal. When individuals come to work together the organisational goal can be achieved easily and in effective way.  However working in a group is the dexterous task. Working together in the organisation as a group is very essential for the social treats of the employees in the CAPCO. Nature of the groups in the CAPCO is that, there are so many groups with so many different skills and capabilities. The teams who are performing tasks at the CAPCO become dependent on each other. Team members have mainly three views at the CAPCO that is normative which tells how to perform and organise team, second view consist of group building and roles which have to be played in the organisation and third view is team dynamic that includes the internal nature of the employees of the CAPCO. At CAPCO there are mainly two types of groups these are formal and informal groups. In formal group tasks and assignments are assigned to the teams and in informal groups people come together for need, supports and interests. At the CAPCO organisation the five stage model for the group formation that includes forming, storming, norming, performing and adjourning.

  • Forming- It is the first step where groups creation takes place (Frölich, et. al., 2013).
  • Storming- It is the second step in group formation. In this step people disagree because of their personal values and ethics.
  • Norming- In this step people comes together for cooperation and motivation.
  • Performing- In this fourth step, employee’s work or perform together to achieve the common goal of the organisation.
  • Adjourning-In this last step groups are adjourned after achieving the mission of the organisation. Some get happy because of accomplishment of goal and some get sad because of losing their friends.

Other than this the impact of technology also has a vast impact on the team functioning of the CAPCO because by using vast technology the CAPCO will be able to provide better IT solutions to shape the financial market.

4.2 Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork within CAPCO or your chosen organisation.

Team can perform more effectively at the CAPCO if the employees are satisfied enough with the organisation. Here we have so many factors that play a vital role in successful management. These factors can be proper communication at the each level, effective leadership in the organisation and adequate planning for the diversity etc. team leader not only in CAPCO only but also in each organisation play a crucial role. Leaders are the individuals who are capable to manage the motivation level of the employees and make affirmative environment at the work. Motivation of the team members makes organisation to achieve goals easily and effectively (Choi, et. al., 2010).

Such as, CAPCO follow an effective leadership style. Leaders at the CAPCO help employees to motivate. They also encourage their employees to create a friendly environment. Group leaders of the CAPCO always give priority to their group members so that they can share their views and make the performance of the organisation better. The staff members of the organisation are also encouraged to create high morality at the work environment of the CAPCO. The organisation also provides training and development to their employees for leaning effective and impressive communication skills because communication is the vital factor for the interpersonal relationship at the organisation as well as outside the organisation (Nelsey, et. al., 2012). Other than this another factors at the CAPCO can be open and direct communication between top management and employees. By that open communication team of the CAPCO is able to express their plan, feelings and ideas. Diversity at the CAPCO organisation also promotes the creativity and innovation and also grows up CAPCO’s goodwill and awareness among people which help to support effective team work.

4.3 Evaluate the impact of technology on team functioning within CAPCO or your chosen organisation.

Outside influences at the CAPCO’s organisation like technology affects the working of the organisation. If there is any change in technology that also influences operation strategy of the organisation. Technology is very broad term it can be adopted in the organisation to control and to change the working environment. Technology innovations help in increasing productivity and efficiency of the workforce at the CAPCO. In today’s competitive era modern technology is introduced and adopted by CAPCO. It is think that modern technology is helpful in reducing cost of the organisation and also benefitted in so many terms like to attract the clients and customers. At the CAPCO most of the working is dependent on the technology because it is providing information technology services to the clients and also providing innovative tools to mould the financial market. Because of adoption of innovative technology CAPCO has reduced their staff member that is helpful in reducing the cost of the man power and developed roles and responsibilities of the members at the organisation and has also mount the satisfaction level of the employees at work. By using innovative and modern technology at the work working environment of the organisation has improved and reduces the group functions. Technology change also updates the knowledge of the working members of the CAPCO and maintains the creative working culture. As we see that because of vast use of emails, mobile phones, computers and internet the performance of the organisation has increased to peak level. CAPCO’s employees are able to communicate at any time and at any place through social media and mobile phones that reduces the wastage of time and update them effectively (Choi, et. al., 2010).

Additionally, CAPCO use personal computers that encourage employees of the organisation to find out innovative tasks and communicate more effectively. CAPCO also increase the security at the work by setting up of security equipment’s like CCTVs etc.

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By this structure and culture of organisation behaviour assignment we can conclude that how individual as well as group behaviour at the organisation influence the working of the organisation. This reports also talks about the culture and structure of the organisation and their impact on the individuals and organisation. Additionally, it also described that different leadership styles are adopted in organisation according to the structure of organisation and how different leaders motivate their employees to accomplish the goals of the organisation effectively and efficiently. Nature of groups and their behaviour also impact on the organisation and how team functioning is effected by the technology.


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