Assignment on HRM in Tesco

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Assignment on HRM in Tesco
Assignment on HRM in Tesco
Assignment on HRM in Tesco


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                                           Assignment on HRM in Tesco

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Managing human resource is a process for managing the employees in the organization. The human resource managers generally look after three different areas such as staffing, defining or designing work and compose the employees. Tesco is popular public limited retail company founded by Jack Cohen in the year 1919 (, 2016). The human resource managers have managed more than 476,000 employees in 2014. HRM in tesco assignment have influenced them and motivate them towards the work. Therefore, it has been observed that the Tesco’s share have closed down almost 8% by the year 2015. According to the chief executive Dave Lewis, it is warning for Tesco. On the other hand the more than 2000 employees have resigned from the organization in 2015 (, 2016). Therefore the human resource management has planned to implement the new managing strategy for retaining the employees.  On the other hand the human resource management has tried to understand the work flexibility of the organization and tried to implement the employee management by following the legislative frame work such as European Union Act 2015, Employee health and safety act 1987 (, 2016).

HRM in Tesco Assignment - Uk Assignment Writing Service

Task 1:

1.1 Guest’s model of human resource management:

It has been observed that the human resource management department of Tesco has followed the Guest’s model. According to the Guest model the overall strategy of the human resource management is divided in five different stages such as human resource management practice, human resource outcomes, behavioral outcomes, performance outcomes and financial outcomes. 

Assignment on HRM in Tesco 0

                                 Figure 1: Guests model of human resource management

As stated by Guest (2011, p.6), the  human resource management  practices are depending on five important activities such as hiring the employees, training and development of the skills of the employees, performance appraisal of the employees, compensation and improvement of the relation with the employees. On the other hand the human resource outcomes are depending on three different qualities such as commitment, quality and flexibility. As opined by Camelo-Ordazet al. (2011), the behavioural outcomes of the human resource managers are depending on the three different qualities such as motivation, co-operation and organizational citizenship. It has been observed that there is good impact of performance outcomes. It improves the productivity, positive, innovation power, quality, and turnover. Chang et al. (2011) stated that good performance outcomes of the human resource management also reduce the negativity in the organization. Finally the human resource management needs to look after the financial out comes such as profits, revenue and rest of income.

It has been noticed that the Guests model has acknowledged that the concept of commitment so that the relationship between commitment and high performance is difficult to establish. As stated by Muethelet al. (2012), the Guest model clearly executes the progress of the human resource management activities in the organization. The human resource management also follows the Guests model in ‘Crab-like’ situation. The human resource management also maintains the legislation of the European Union, British Trade Union. The Guest model is genuinely long term commitment of the human resource management (Jiang et al. 2012). It has been noticed that Guests model constitutes soft HRM for strong recognition to the requirement of the employees such as motivation and development.

1.2 Difference between Storey’s definitions of HRM, personnel and IR practices in Tesco and marks and Spencer:

The entire retail market of the world is changing dramatically. The retail organizations have faced a strong market competition in global market (Hong et al. 2012). The organization has faced several challenged for the continuous changing socio economic, technological and political conditions.It has been observed that Marks and Spencer is the strong market competitor of Tesco. Both of them have faced different challenges in UK market.  As stated by Renwick et al. (2013), not only Tesco and Marks and Spencer have faced the challenges through globalization but also every organization have faced this issue. However, both organizations have maintained their product quality therefore quality revolution does not affect them. Hence for Tesco has faced the work force management and diversion of the work force issues but marks and Spencer managed their employees in a great manner (Aswathappa, 2013). In recent days, the Tesco has faced some issues while developing the work ethics and culture. However the human resource management of Marks and Spencer has maintained the work ethics and culture. According to the news report it has been observed that the Tesco has faced some legal action from the 17 staffs. According to those staffs, they are extremely unhappy after watching pay rates change for the weekends, bank holidays and night shifts (BBC News, 2016). On the other hand the revised employee management plan of the human resource management has increased the profit directly in 2016 (BBC News, 2016). Therefore, the human resource management of Marks and Spencer has taken good employee management strategy. It has been observed the market share of the Marks and Spencer has increased by 10% on the end of 2015 (BBC News, 2016).

According to the Story’s distinctive approach of employee management, the popular retail organizations like Tesco and Marks and Spencer need to achieve the competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a highly committed and capable workforce (Boella and Goss-Turner, 2013). The human resource management of the global firm like Tesco needs to understand the array of cultural, personal and structural techniques after implementing the new employee management strategy.

1.3 Implication for line managers and employees of developing a strategic approach to HRM in Tesco:

As stated by Armstrong and Taylor (2014), line managers are generally two types such as transactional leaders and transformational leaders. It has been found that the transactional leaders have maintained the relationship with their followers regarding trade and rewords. Sometimes the rewords have been exchanged for the loyalty and compliance. On the other hand the transformational leaders inspire and motivate the employees to achieve the goals. Purce (2014) stated that the transformational leaders have maintained their standards through the role modeling, team building, articulating goals, empowering and developing the people and process.The line managers of Tesco have facilitated but the managers do not understand the actual requirements of the employees (Storey, 2014). Through the line managers have tried to manage the employees in a great manner. However, the line manager of Tesco is strict but the line managers of Marks and Spencer is flexible.

As stated by Riley (2014), the role employees is important to establish the employee management strategy. The employees need to interact with the line manager to get best out. The management of the popular retail organization like Tesco needs to implement the correct motivational strategy for the employees (Knowles et al. 2014). The human resource management needs to implement the long-time strategy for the employees. The human resource management needs to develop the different strategy based on the generation of the employees.

Task 2:

2.1 Flexibility in Tesco:

From the view of the employer:  According to Boxall and Purcell, (2011) it is one of the most ill-defined and ambiguous words whose debate may tend to make you concentrate on the diverse perceptions of numerical and functional flexibilities and its implications for implementing either both or just the one. Generally functional flexibility is common in terms of responding to the several business changes and its needs. This can get achieved by possessing adaptable, multi-skilled employees (Guest, 2011, p.4). It will be requiring a committed and a competent workforce which only can get achieved by making a good investment in the long-spelled employment or in its training periods.It actually represents an approach that better be identified s ‘cost-cutting’ which appears to be externalizing the relationship of the employment and therefore is associated with the various conditions of precarious or short-term in its secondary segment of labour market.

As per the HRM Goals of Recall Guest, TESCO holds flexibility under four heads:


Commitment of the Employees

Adaptability or Flexibility


The entire plan gets structured well with complementary policies by the HR, line managers will be recognizing the staff importance and giving a try of management to the employees accordingly

Their engagement, Loyalty towards the organization

Flexibility of how they are performing, organic structures

Work Force quality balance, their performance rate, public image, their working standards

2.2 New flexibility planning of human resource management for Tesco:

Strategic Human Resource Management Planning: For TESCO, strategic planning becomes one of the most important elements of the strategic management. Directly it makes the nicest linking with the organization’s strategic plan. According to Armstrong and Taylor (2014), most of the organizations which can better be marked as ‘mid-to-large’ sized, offers a strategic plan which will be guiding them in their most successful meetings with a specific mission. An organization will normally make a completion of the financial plans so as to make sure about their achievement of the goals fixed by the organization and while the plans of the workforce may not be that common but they are needed to hold the equal importance.It has been observed that even the smallest organizations offering maximum of 9 – 10 staffs can easily prepare a strategic plan which will be guiding and making decisions about the future. According to Armstrong and Taylor, (2014), an organization can prepare a strategic plan for the staffs belong to HR department which will be allowing its staff to prepare decisions for the HR in order to put a support to the organization’s future directions.

The Application Stages for TESCO:

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                   Figure 2: Implementation stages

Types of Flexibility: According to Wright et al.(2011, p.100)altogether there exist four types of Flexibility. Such are:

  • Numerical FlexibilityIt mainly focuses on the ability of the management so as to bring the fastest adjustments to the composition and the numbers of the manpower.
  • Functional Flexibility: It concentrates on the various functions which the employee will be carrying out while they have been employed. It actually implies a worker offering qualities such as multi-tasking, multi-skilled and are liable and interested in carrying out their duties.
  • Temporal Flexibility: It is related to the time adjustment which the employees will be pursuing in days and years.
  • Financial Flexibility: It is linked with the several practices of variations with its standard payment methods.

2.3 Use of flexible working practice from both the employee and employer practice:

According to Armstrong, (2011), a business is needed to consider carefully about the employees who will be having the flexibility in terms of working. Those are gone when both the parents had to work from home just for the sake of their children. If an employer is needed to be serious enough about the equality then such kind of measures are required to be implemented for every people atleast wherever these are needed. And once they have successfully implemented such the HR department would readily need to carry forward the process as soon as possible and such has recently got devised at TESCO. It is authoritative that all the right policies of the technologies and the organization can enable in fixing the flexible hours (Chang et al. 2011). This will certainly be helping in the management of cost with an improvisation of the productivity.

The market of job has become all the more assorted as more number of young employees is joining into the working squad. They actually putting a challenge to the traditional patterns of working and is more accustomed with their flexibility and independence (Camelo-Ordazet al. 2011, p. 1443). Astonishingly they will be remaining as more responsible towards innovating a business wave over the next few years(Chang et al. 2011, p. 813).

2.4 Impact of flexible working practice on the labour market:

As of now we have examined as well as categorized separately the different varieties of flexibilities. However, in-practice all the firms including TESCO is making use of some versions of approaches in combination with flexibility. In the year 1984, John Atkinson, made a proposal of a model for the purpose of integrating approach and named the model as ‘flexible-firm’ (Scullion and Collings, 2011). Nowadays, it is one of the most well-known models in comparison with the traditional firms who will be employing enough number of employees to its both – full time and part time–categories (Armstrong, 2011).

Below comes a diagram showing the changes occurred under the heads of ‘regulatory’ and ‘de-regulatory’ during 1980s and 1990 and how they have left their mark on the use of the employer.

Assignment on HRM in Tesco 2

                         Figure 3: De-regulatory’ during 1980s and 1990

About Work Life Balance: According to Scullio and Collings, (2011), work life balance is defined as about staffs and a control over whatever they are doing such as where, when or how they are working. Such gets attained when some person has right to complete his life’s achievements under a suitable payment and gets respected and accepted as a mean of norm by the company (Lengnick-Hall et al. 2011, p.244)

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Task 3:

3.1 forms of discrimination in Tesco:

The employment discrimination is the unfair treatment of employees based prejudices. The forms of discrimination can be dependent up on equal pay compensation, sexual orientation, national origin, region, disability and language. According to Tyson (2014), the discrimination is based on the country of origin. It has been found that the discrimination is prohibited by the lo\aws and rules.

It has been observed that two Muslim Tesco workers had faced the work place discrimination. The human resource managers had forced to resign two Muslim employees for their prayer. After that the employees had reported about the discrimination (Muethelet al. 2012, p.526). Therefore the workers won the discrimination case against the religious discrimination. After that one of the Tesco managers said that the organization will take the responsibilities as an equal opportunities employer very seriously.

On the other hand the organization has faced legal action by the group of employees, who claimed their salary deduction for weekend holidays and night shifts. The auditors had found that the salary deduction was more than 20% (BBC News, 2016). After losing the case from the court the organization had agreed to pay $1000 to settle the legal action. The problem was reddened under the guidance of the human resource management. The authority of the organization has forced the human resource management to satisfy the employees so that the organization can focus on the main supermarket business.

It has been noticed that three Tesco employees have been punished by the court for some un wanted sexual; activities with the female employees in 2014. The managing director Mr Bush has told that the organization has taken the responsibility of the employees. The directors’ also warned the human resource management for this type of offensive behavior (BBC News, 2016). The human resource management also took the strong strategy for managing the employees.  

Therefore the employee behavior and management illegal decisions are the main reason for the discrimination in the organization.

3.2 Legislation for Tecso:

The organization has maintained several laws such as health and Safety Act 1974, Working Time Regulations 1998 and parental Leave 2009. Therefore the human resource management has observed that the employees are not properly satisfied with the working structure of the organization. Then the human resource management has planned to implement the performance management program. The new performance management is based on the role of the employees, purpose of work and types of appraisal. The human resource management has tried to implement the 360 degree feedback system to understand the issues of the employees and the performance of the employees also ensures their appraisal (Muethelet al. 2012, p.526). On the other hand the human resource management has planned to establishment a link between the appraisal and reward.

The human resource management has planned to arrange the counseling session for the employees to understand the issues they generally faced. On the other hand the human resource management has implemented the occupational health practices and policies. The human resource management has planned to arrange the medical session for the employees to maintain the occupational health practices and policies (Hong et al. 2012, p.62). The human resource management has planned to take the responsibilities for the health of the employees. The human resource management has planned to implement ill health at work, cost and absenteeism, accidents at work, ergonomics, alcohol and drug abuse, HIV and AIDS, stress and stress management and workplace counseling (Renwick et al. 2013, p.5). It has been observed that the human resource management has planned to implement some technological implementation such as e-recruitment, e-learning, flexible benefits, work-life balance, employee voice, changes to pension scheme.

Therefore, the human resource management has planned to implement the flexible working model for the employees (Alfeset al. 2013, p.331). On the other hand the human resource management has planned to recruit some temporary employees in the festive season for maintain the flexible work structure. Therefore the human resource management has planned to improve the work life balance of the employees.

3.3 Approaches to managing equal opportunities and managing diversity in Tesco:

It has been observed that the human resource management has implemented the managing strategy for Tesco (Kehoe and Wright, 2013). The human resource management has divided their work in different segment such as recruitment, training and skill development, work force management, monitoring, performance appraisal and retention. After that the human resource management and the organization has faced some discrimination. The brand value of the organization is affected by the legal discrimination (Bennett and Ho, 2014). Therefore the human resource management has taken different approaches to develop new work force planning and employee development. In that case the human resource management is very concern about the equal opportunity and managing diversity.

Those approaches are:

  • To implement new human resource managerial strategy after considering the survey answers
  • To provide equal opportunity in same grade staffs
  • To diverse the work force management ability among the team leaders
  • To implement some technological monitoring system for the floor managers and store supervisors
  • To adopt 360 degree feedback system for further improvement

According to the approaches, the human resource managers have planned to conduct a survey among the employees to understand their issues. As stated by Jackson et al. (2014, p.5), the survey process helps the human resource management to rectify their mistakes. The human resource management has planned to reviewed their codes and conduct for inclusions some opportunities. Actually they want to provide equal opportunity among the same graded staffs. The human resource management has planned to implement the digital attendance system and monitoring system to count their performance (Schuler et al. 2013). On the other hand the human resource management has planned to recruit some managers and supervisors for diverting the work.  It will improve the work efficiency and managing workers.

Task 4

4.1 Performance management of Tesco:

Appraisal for performance vs. Management: In comparison to performance management, performance appraisal does not hold the minimum similarity (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). This variance would only be revealing a performance fulcrum which remains in contrast with that of the appraisal which has become one of the ongoing methods in performance management (Flamholtz, 2012.).The term appraisal has got a proclivity in looking backward where it will only be focussing on the various reasons that have went wrong instead of waiting eagerly and expecting to all future demands of the development (Jiang et al.2012, p.1264). Appraisal based on performance is just only the formal valuation and calculation for rating all the employees during the review meeting held annually by the managers.

Ongoing Process need to be the key word for Performance Management: Hersey (1993) stated that the most basic and elementary resolve for management of performance is preparing a shared and widespread perspective which will consists of goals that have been accepted for complying all the desires of the organization and perceptions of the employees.

Performance Framework: So as to remain significant with any kinds of performance, a framework is needed to be evolved with the company so as to make a clear reflection of all the shifting precedence. TESCO has ably changed their line of strategic purposes.

4.2 approaches of human resource management for managing employees:

A skilled and talented workforce remains the spine for all organizations. As talent is getting a hike with every passing days, organization are giving a tough competition to each other with the quickest mean of leaning the various significance of getting the appropriate people. According to Bratton and Gold, 2012 talent remains the next limit for discrepancy.

An operative process of performance supervision sets out certain aligning foundation that implies:

By establishing a link with the work efforts of the employee along with the mission of the organization and their diverse objectives, an understanding of the organization and the employee about how that particular job will have its contribution towards the organization (Chang et al., 2011, p.813)

By setting attention towards making a clear expectation in terms of performance which includes behaviours, actions and results and will be helping the employees in understanding the different needs which are required to be accomplished successfully (Bratton and Gold, 2012)

The management process which can be accepted as an effective procedure can save you a lot of time but provided it offers a perfect plan and the proper implementation (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014).

Benefits: TESCO has finely tuned the HR department with the employee segment through a benefit cycle that has been given below:

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       Figure 4: Benefits receive by the employees of TESCO

4.3 health and safety legislation on human resource management:

Health and Safety Legislation: The  health and safety legislations controls a workplace standard with the key term of ‘health and safety’ and moves with the goal of preventing any accidents of a workplace with diseases and injuries and thereafter outlines the outcomes for bridging ofstandards. It will be detailing out all the responsibilities of the employers, employees and supervisors(Mendenhall and Osland, 2012). Usually the legislation will be requiring the employer attaining all the things which they can easily be doing as well as can put  smart protection to the ‘health and safety’ of its employees.

The Committee of Health and Safety: This remains to be a forumwhich will be improving the health and safety of the workplace. A committee will be needed to contain both the representatives from management and worker(Budhwar and Debrah, 2013). Usually the committee role will be identification as well as assisting in prevention of hazards within the workplace with some recommendation of solutions and promoting with the maintenance of the workplace with health and safety.

Working Time Regulations 1998: These regulations will be governing the time which people from UK will be working. For all workers such a regulation is applied and specify minimum break for rest in daily, weekly and monthly basis.

Family or Parental Leave: Parental and family leave are the employee benefits which are actually available in a lot of countries(Jiang et al. 2012, p.74).The term parental actually includes a lot of key terms such as ‘maternity’, ‘adoption’ and ‘paternity’ leave.

4.4 impact of topical issues of human resource management:

The main topical issues that will be focussing on are e-recruitment, e-learning, flexible benefits, work-life balance, employee voice, changes to pension schemes (Jiang et al. 2012, p.74).

E-Recruitment: It can be said as a form of recruitment that gets carried out with the help of several electronic means (Budhwar and Debrah, 2013). Internet, web-based or online recruiting are considered as the primary ways for recruitment (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). Therefore it can be said that with such tools a company can vastly bring a lot of change to the company.

E-Learning: With E-Learning the process of learning has become all the more easy and interesting (Mendenhall and Osland, 2012).

Flexible Benefits: This includes the several advantages obtained such as health insurance, benefits received during retirement, and the several reimbursements which employees can easily access whenever they are in need of (Hersey and Blanchard, 1993).


The report has emphasized on Human Resource Management, its various flexibilities, several implications etc. so as to get a preliminary idea about the developments and needs of employees.  TESCO  largely depends on its workforce and their expertises since their knowledge have the greatest contribution on the achievements of the company objectives. The report has presented an overall conclusion about the subject with its vibrant discussion about the topic implications and work force involvement. Dynamically it has drafted the social and technological trend of HRM and their significance over its vigorous utilization with the approaches and nature about how the entire subject can put its mark over the society.

Reference List:

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Aswathappa, K., 2013. Human resource management: Text and cases. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
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