Unit 7 The Developing Manager

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This unit enables learners to gain understanding of behaviour management principles and gain skills to review their managerial potential, show managerial roles and responsibilities and create a career development plan.

 Unit abstract

This unit focuses on learners’ personal development and their career in management. It explores a range of management behaviour principles and practices. Learners can then apply this knowledge to self-appraisal, examining their potential as a prospective manager. Using the knowledge developed throughout this qualification, learners will have the opportunity to actively demonstrate the roles and responsibilities of a manager in an appropriate context. This may be through part-time work, a work placement or simulation. This experience will enable them to consider how the unit and the programme can contribute to their career development. Learners must ensure that their evidence relates to the hospitality industry.

Learning outcomes

1 Understand principles and practices of management behaviour

Management theory and styles: assumptions and drawbacks, classical theories, main contributors, the influence of informal groups, hierarchy of needs, systems approach to management, contingency approach, leading authorities
Leadership characteristics: styles eg autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, action-orientated; motivation theories, factors affecting motivation and performance, motivation techniques, effectiveness; conflict resolution; the role of partnerships and stakeholders in the business
Communication: communications processes, verbal, written, non-verbal; lines of communication, linear, lateral, formal/informal; barriers to effective communication
Organisational culture and change: types of organisational structure and culture; factors influencing changes in culture; types of change eg demographic, economic, legislative; planned change theory; managing and measuring the effectiveness of change; sources and types of power; change drivers

2 Be able to review own potential as a prospective manager

Self-knowledge and appraisal: skills audit eg management skills, leadership skills, practical/technical skills, personal skills (eg interpersonal/motivational/communication skills), organising and planning skills cognitive and creative skills; qualifications (current/planned), strengths and weaknesses analysis; personal learning logs; personal development plans
Own potential: aims, objectives, targets, learning programme/activities, action plan, time management, work scheduling, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound (SMART) objectives, action planning, delegation, decision making, problem solving, management/leadership styles, value awareness, conflict management, giving and receiving feedback, influencing skills, self-confidence, positive thinking, communication, presentation, team building and membership, mentoring, counselling, coaching, facilitation, learning cycle, learning styles, action learning sets, management learning contracts, learning log, review dates, achievement dates

3 Be able to show managerial skills within a business and services context

Roles:leading and motivating staff, communicating, team building, processes and stages in team development, group dynamics, effective/ineffective teams, goals/objectives
Responsibilities: customer service, product and service knowledge and development; decision making eg strategic, planning; managerial/operational control, problem solving; authority, delegation and empowerment; effective working relationships with subordinates, peers, managers and other stakeholders
Context: eg hospitality, travel, tourism, sports, leisure, recreational industries

4 Be able to create a career development plan for employment within a business and services context

Career: relevant managerial skills eg communication, thinking, learning; personal skills eg attitude, behaviour, responsibility, adaptability; aspirations, openings/opportunities
Development plan: career development, personal development, current performance, future needs.


Manage your own resources
Manage your own resources and professional development
Develop your personal networks
Provide leadership for your team
Provide leadership in your area of responsibility.

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