Unit 4 Project Design Implementation and Evaluation

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To develop learners’ skills of independent enquiry by undertaking a sustained investigation of direct relevance to their vocational, academic and professional development.

Unit abstract

This unit provides opportunities to develop skills in decision making, problem solving and communication integrated with the skills and knowledge developed in many of the other units within the programme to complete a realistic project. It requires the learner to select, plan, implement and evaluate a project and finally present the outcomes, in terms of the process and the product of the project. It also allows learners to develop the ability to work individually and/or with others, within a defined timescale and given constraints, to produce an acceptable and viable solution to an agreed brief. If this is a group project, each member of the team must be clear about their responsibilities at the start of the project and supervisors must ensure that everyone is accountable for each aspect of the work and makes a contribution to the end result. Learners must work under the supervision of programme tutors or work-based managers.

Learning outcomes

1 Be able to formulate a project

  • Project selection: researching and reviewing areas of interest; literature review; methods of evaluating feasibility of projects, initial critical analysis of the outline specification, selection of project option, initiating a project logbook/diary, estimating costs and resource implications, identifying goals and limitations; value of project, rationale for selection, agree roles and allocate responsibilities (individually with tutor/supervisor and within project group if appropriate)
  • Project specifications:developing and structuring a list of requirements relevant to project specifications eg costs, timescales, scale of operation, standards, legislation, ethics, sustainability, quality, fitness-for-purpose, business data, resource implications
  • Procedures: planning and monitoring methods; operating methods; lines of communication; risk analysis; structure of groups and collaborative working eg learner groups or roles and responsibilities within a work-based project; targets and aims
  • Project plan: production of a plan for the project including timescales, deliverables, milestones, quality assurance systems and quality plans; monitoring progress

2 Be able to implement the project within agreed procedures and to specification

  • Implement: proper use of resources, working within agreed time scale, use of appropriate techniques for generating solutions, monitoring development against the agreed project plan, maintaining and adapting project plan where appropriate
  • Record:systematic recording of relevant outcomes of all aspects and stages of the project to agreed standards

3 Be able to evaluate the project outcomes

  • Evaluation techniques: detailed analysis of results, conclusions and recommendations; critical analysis against the project specification and planned procedures; use of appropriate evaluation techniques; application of project evaluation and review techniques (PERT); opportunities for further studies and developments
  • Interpretation: use of appropriate techniques to justify project progress and outcomes in terms of the original agreed project specification
  • Further consideration: significance of project; application of project results; implications; limitations of the project; improvements; recommendations for further consideration

4 Be able to present the project outcomes

  • Record of procedures and results: relevant documentation of all aspects and stages of the project
  • Format: professional delivery format appropriate to the audience; appropriate media


Essential requirements

The required resources will vary significantly with the nature of the project. The identification of the equipment and materials required, and their availability, is a vital part of the planning phase. Learners should therefore have access to a wide variety of physical resources and data sources

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