Unit 6 Contemporary Issues in Travel and Tourism Assignment Copy

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Unit 6 Contemporary Issues in Travel and Tourism Assignment Copy
Unit 6 Contemporary Issues In Travel and Tourism Assignment Copy
Unit 6 Contemporary Issues in Travel and Tourism Assignment Copy

Unit 6 Contemporary Issues In Travel and Tourism Assignment Copy - Assignment help in uk


This report has been executed over Contemporary issues in travel and tourism. Contemporary issues can be understood as the issues or problems faced by the people which are discussed by them for the purpose of evaluating a solution for the issue. Travel and tourism is an important sector which is gaining much importance in this world. It facilities movement of people from one place to another in the form of a trip or tour so as to explore places around the world. For the purpose of better understanding of the trends and aspects of the program a country has been selected which is UK. This unit 6 contemporary issues in travel and tourism assignment copy discusses the issues currently faced by the travel and tourism industry in UK, analysis of the various current issues faced by travel and tourism industry with the use of suitable methods or resources for UK and evaluation has been done over the trend which creating an influence over the change in travel and tourism industry in UK and the manner in which travel and tourism businesses in UK respond to the changes in the industry. There are various places or tourist destination in UK which attracts the visitors. For the purpose of dealing with these changes in a better manner a strategy need to be developed by the travel and tourism business and a justification will be provided for the strategies used or adopted for dealing with the changes by the travel and tourism business. Analysis has been made over the impacts or effects of the issues and trends which initiate change in the travel and tourism industry and the possible consequences of the failure of the businesses in responding to the changes (McWha, et. al., 2016;2015).

Unit 6 Contemporary Issues In Travel and Tourism Assignment Copy - Assignment help in uk

Task 1

For the better understanding of the aspects of this section of the program a tour operator of UK has been selected named as “Blue Danube Holidays”(Blue Danube Holidays). It is conducting its operations since 1983. The main focus of Blue Danube Holidays is to provide a unique and comfortable trips or tours to the customer for making their experience memorable. It is offering variety of services to its customers at reasonable prices. It is offering various tours in different countries of the world covering different tourist destinations. As an assistant manager of Blue Danube Holidays there is a need to identify the issues which affects the performance of Blue Danube Holidays and the  travel and tourism in UK.

1.1- Analyse issues currently driving change in the travel and tourism sector for a selected tourist destination. You have to include at least three issues and give a detailed explanation of the issue and its impact on the travel and tourism sector.

UK is of the top most tourist destinations of the world and it has seen a tremendous increase in the numbers of visitors in last few years. There are various issues which lead to initiating a change in the travel and tourism industry in UK. These issues are creating a huge influence over the travel and tourism industry. There are various tourist destinations in UK which are attracting the tourists towards UK (McWha, et. al., 2016;2015). These tourist destinations of UK includes London, Manchester, Bath, York, Windsor, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Cambridge, Glasgow, Belfast, Skye, Oxford, Scottish Highlands, Birmingham, Canterbury and Bristol and many more. Travel and tourism in these destinations is getting affected due to various issues. The major issues which are affecting the travel and tourism industry in UK are change in the technology or technological advancements, increasing criminal activities against the tourists, terrorism, fluctuations in the value of currency and exchange rates, availability of the transportation and communication facilities, change in weather conditions and actions of the industries (Dickinson, et. al., 2013). Actions of the industries affect the services offered by travel and tourism industry in UK as travel and tourism industry is dependent on these industries for providing their services to the visitors or customers. Strikes by the employees of Airline industry, hotel industry, telecommunication industry and transportation industry can create a huge issue in front of the Travel and tourism industry in UK. For example strike announced by the French air traffic controller created a huge issue for the British tourists. Change in the weather conditions of UK affects the choice of visitors for visiting the destination. For example earthquake in Scotland Highlands in May 2013 has affected the tourism in the area which affected the travel and tourism industry in UK. Terrorism also affects the travel and tourism as the most important concern of the visitors is the health and safety. Availability of the transportation and communication facilities also affects the travel and tourism as these facilities ensures the movement of the people from one place another without creating any trouble for them. UK being a developed country is having well developed transportation facilities, communication and accommodation facilities which enhances the quality of the experience of the tourists.Blue Danube Holidays is a tour operator and these issues affect the functioning of Blue Danube Holidays (Dickinson, et. al., 2013).

Travel and Tourism - Assignment help in uk

1.2- You should analyse at least two different current issues using appropriate methods and resources in depth focusing mainly on the impact of political unrest in the Middle East and North Africa, terrorism and counter-terrorism measures, severe weather, local and international laws.

Travel and tourism plays a vital role in supporting and enhancing the economy of a country. It increases the generation of employment opportunities, enhances the standard of living of the people as well as generation of the income. Change in weather conditions of UK influences the travel and tourism in the country in a positive as well as negative manner and actions of the other industries also creates huge influence over travel and tourism industry of UK in positive as well as negative manner and fluctuations in the value of the currency also affect the travel and tourism (McWha, et. al., 2016;2015).

  • Positive influences of these issues: change in the weather conditions creates a positive influence as the warm and pleasant weather conditions promotes tourism in UK as more number of visitors visits the destination as people who look for a warm and pleasant weather conditions prefer this location and due to the various tourist destinations in UK.For an example: increase in the rainfall at a place makes the place pleasant for the visitors and they prefer these types of destinations over the others. Fall in the exchange rates and value of the currency provides cost benefit to the tourists and results in increase in the number of visitors visiting UK. Actions of the other industries also affect the tourism in UK. For an example: decrease in the prices of tickets of aeroplanes, accommodation and transportation results in increment in the rate of tourism of tourist destination (Buckley, 2011).
  • Negative influences of these issues: all these issues can create negative impact over the travel and tourism of UK. Hot destinations or cold destinations affects the health of the visitors as the temperature can affect their health and causes infections. Or natural disasters affect the tourism of a destination as well as economic conditions also. Increase in the value of the currency of UK results in decrease in the value of currency of other countries which makes the tours expensive and different people have different income level and their budgets get affected due to this change. Actions of the other industries play a vital role as the services of travel and tourism in every country are based on the other industries. Hotel services, food services, transportation services, communication services and airlines services. Lack of these services creates huge impact over the travel and tourism (Buckley, 2011).

fluctuation in the currency of UK - Assignment help in uk

The graph shows the change or fluctuation in the currency of UK which resulted into increase or decrease in the tourism in UK.

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Task 2

As an assistant product development manager of Blue Danube Holidays the main responsibility is to identify the issues and trends in travel and tourism in UK. These trends create huge impact over the travel and tourism industry in UK. For the purpose of providing better understanding of these issues and trends, statistics, graphs and tables have been used. For the purpose of expansion of business in a niche tourist market, analysis needs to be done of a current trend in the market.

2.1 You should evaluate current trends influencing change in the UK travel and tourism sector.  Your information pack should include latest available statistics regarding the number of tourists and main tourism markets in UK. You need to make use chart, data and text tables.

There are various types of tourist activities which need to be introduced as a major trend in the travel and tourism industry. Tourists travel from one place to another due to different reasons. These reasons affect the selection process of the tourist destination. Different types of tourism are discussed below:

  • Inbound tourism: This type of tourism can be understood as tourism in which people travels within the boundaries of a country. UK is one of the top most tourist destinations and this reason has led to increase in the inbound tourism of UK.
  • Outbound tourism: Outbound tourism can be understood as the form of tourism when people are travelling outside the boundaries of their country so as to explore the other places
  • Recreation tourism: in this type of tourism visitors visits a place so as to relax themselves from their normal routine life.
  • Cultural tourism: when visitors travel so as to gain knowledge of the culture and history of a place.
  • Nature tourism: when the visitors travel so as to wildlife and nature of a place or a destination.
  • Pleasure tourism: this type of tourism take place when visitors feel a need to spend a stress free time and refresh the soul and inner spirits (Frey & George, 2010).
  • Sports tourism: This type of tourism takes place when the visitors are visiting a place for the sports field.
  • Religious tourism: this form of tourism involves travelling for the purpose of visiting a religious location.
  • Medical or health tourism: This form of tourism takes place for the purpose of improving the  health safety  or fitness by visiting a destination and involving an individual in the activities related to health (Mayer &Priszinger, 2010).
  • Adventure tourism: this is the most common form of tourism. In this form of tourism visitors visits a place for the purpose of adventure or joy or enjoyment or entertainment. The activities involved in this form of tourism are rock climbing, mountain climbing, river rafting, Waterfall Rappelling, Hot Air Ballooning, Caving, Trekking, Skydiving or Scuba diving and Snorkelling (Frey & George, 2010).

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The type of tourism which has been selected for this program is adventure tourism. There are various tourist destinations in UK which are famous for adventure. These destinations includes Mountain Biking in Wales, Mountain Experiences in the Lake District, Sea Kayaking in Scotland, Motor Safari in Cheshire, Archaeology in the Scillies, CenterParcs, Walking in North Yorkshire, Coasteering in Pembrokeshire and Sailing in Devon. All these destinations attract the visitors who are willing to visit adventurous destinations. The graph shows that there is an increasing trend in the adventure tourism in UK. This increase has resulted into increase in the employment opportunities in UK and generation of income which has provided a support to the economy of UK (Mayer &Priszinger, 2010).

Current trends - Assignment help in uk

Current trends in the travel and tourism industry in UK are as follows:

  • Discovering the unique and undiscovered places.
  • Less or no barriers to travel.
  • Visitors are looking for adventures.
  • Development and growth of the regional airports.
  • Offering reasonable and affordable packages (Frey & George, 2010).

2.2 Your company wants to expand into the niche tourist market. You should analyse a current trend using appropriate techniques and resources and produce a fact sheet to be included in your information pack. You need to analyse one niche tourism market and provide detailed description about it, including reasons for its increasing popularity, and most recent travel statistics.  You should include data and text tables, and charts in the fact sheet.

The most effective technique for the purpose of analysing the current trend in the market is market research which helps in analysing the trend. Travel and tourism operators of UK have been using this technique so as to operate in an effective manner. It helps in analysing the trend of the market and providing or offering packages to the visitors according to the trend in the market. With the change in the environment, the taste, preference or choice of the visitors regarding the tourist destinations is also changing. Tourists also use this technique so as to analyse the trends of the market and the destinations which are visited most by the tourists. The choice of the destination differs from one tourist to another on the basis of type of tourism the tourist is selecting. There is an increase in the number of visitors visiting UK.Young people prefer adventurous destinations (Frey & George, 2010). For the purpose of expansion a niche tourist market has been targeted which is adventure tourism.From the  data analysis  it was analysed that the number of outbound visitors for adventure tourism in UK is increasing at a tremendous rate and the number of trips are also increasing. For the purpose of analysis the trend, analysis and evaluation of the data related to the number of visitors visiting UK for the purpose need to be done so as to collect the information in qualitative and quantitative form by using the primary as well as secondary sources of the data collection. From the collected information various conclusions have been drawn so as to present the information and to analyse the impact of the trends in UK. The data related to the overseas residents who have visited UK in the last few has been analysed and conclusions have been drawn, analysis have been done of their reasons or purpose of the visit, the number of UK residents visiting other destinations, purpose of their visit and earning and expenditure of UK by the means of travel and tourism has been analysed which is shown in the below mentioned table (Piso, 2016;2014).

the overseas residents who have visited UK - Assignment help in uk

Table showing the data related to the overseas residents who have visited UK and the purpose of the visit

residents of UK visiting other destinations - Assignment help in uk

Table showing the data related to residents of UK visiting other destinations and the purpose of the visit

            (In millions and not seasonally adjusted)





Overseas residents visiting UK (earnings)




UK residents visiting other destinations (expenditure)





- 13,250

- 13,680

- 16,970

Table showing the earnings from the overseas residents visiting UK and expenditures from the UK residents visiting other destinations and their balance

Graph of trends - Assignment help in uk

Task 3

As a member of a strategy development team at International Airlines Group the major responsibility is to analyse the different factors available in the market or environment which creates impact over the business and the manner in which International Airlines Group gives response to the changes occurring due to the various external and internal factors(International Airlines Group UK).

IAG - Assignment help in uk

3.1 Analyse how International Airlines Group businesses could respond to change.

International Airlines Group is one of the leading airlines Group of the world with a headquarter in London, UK. Its businesses includeVueling, British Airways, and Iberia and it is having more than 500 aircrafts which are flying over 250 places or destinations. The manner in which International Airlines Group can give a response to the changes is analysed with the help of  SWOT and PESTLE analysis.  It can analyse the current situation of the business so as to analyse the manner of change, it can refer to the past examples so as to use the past elements for the purpose of initiating change (Scott, et. al., 2012). SWOT analysis can help in the identification of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to International Airlines Group. It strengths includes the wide coverage area and the huge customer base, the quality of the products or services offered by the business, image in the market and loyal customers. Its weaknesses include the rigidity of functions, limited services and less use of technological advancements. There are various opportunities available to it which includes expansion of the business, offering different and enhanced services, offer new products or services and merging with other companies for greater support. The threats to IAG include increasing inflation and exchange rates, changing technology and increasing competition (Arturas, et. al., 2015). PEST analysis can help in analysing the external factors. These include political, economic, social and technological aspects. Political analysis helps in the analysis of the impact of the change in the political parties or conditions in the country over the business. Economic analysis helps in analysis of the impact of fluctuating inflation rates, exchange rates and value of currency over the business. Social analysis helps in analysis of the impact of the choice, taste and preference of the customers over the business. Technological analysis helps in the analysis of the impact of the technological changes over the performance of the business (Scott, et. al., 2012).   

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3.2- Develop strategies on how International Airlines Group businesses such as British Airways, Iberia, Vueling and Aer Lingus could respond to change. You need to select and develop strategies for at least two businesses. Provide detailed explanation of your strategies.

For the evaluation of the manner in which British Airways and Iberia will respond to the change, strategies need to be prepared. For this purpose the most effective strategies can be adaptation and creation of the new products and services and technology and marketing mix. This strategy helps the business by providing new opportunities to it and by providing an advantage for dealing with the increasing competition, which need to be grabbed so as to develop or expand the business.This strategy will help in attracting the new customers towards the business. Adaptation and creation of the new products and services and technology helps IAG group and its businesses by providing a chance to develop or enhance the quality of the existing services or products. It is having brand name, strong financial condition, sound knowledge of the market and skilled and knowledgeable staff or employees which can lead to the company towards growth and development. Adoption of technological advancements can help IAG by acting as strength as use of technology helps in providing quality services to the customers by focusing over the improvement which can be done in the products or services for meeting the needs of the customers. Marketing mix is related with price, product, promotion and place. It helps in promoting the product among the customers in an effective manner so as to attain the objectives (Burgess, et. al., 2015).

3.3 Justify strategies for how selected International Airlines businesses could respond to change. Your strategies in 3.2 need to be clearly justified with supporting arguments.

Use of adaptation and creation of the new products and services and technology and marketing mix strategies can help IAG and its business by providing an opportunity for attracting new customers by retaining the existing customers. With the help of SWOT and PEST analysis the impact of the various internal as well as external factors have been discussed. This analysis can help International Airlines Group to use its strengths in applying these strategies in the business so as to grab the opportunities available to it in the environment and dealing the threats in an effective manner. There are different types of customers which sum up the society and for the purpose of meeting their expectations and satisfying their needs there is a need to use technology so as to develop or create new products or services according to their needs. Offering different types of services will provide a wider option to the customers and to select the most suitable product or service which matches with their requirement. IAG can offer products and services at different prices for different types of customers so as to attract them and to form a strong customer base (Akoumianakis, 2010).

Task 4

For the purpose of better understanding of the aspects discussed under this section two travel agencies of UK has been selected named as  “Thomas cook”  a British global travel company(Thomas Cook UK) and Myla. It was founded in 2007 and its headquarter is located in Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, England. Myla is an independent travel agency which offers luxury travel services and is having 10 offices located in UK. Myla has an option to merge with Thomas cook as it wants to expand the area of operation and the other option is to join The Travel Network Group which is the largest travel consortia in UK. For reaching to a conclusion a report need to be prepared and presented to the directors.

Thomas cook

4.1 Analyse the impacts of issues and trends that drive change in the travel and tourism sector with reference to Myla Travel, Thomas Cook and The Travel Network Group.

There can be various impacts over the business due to change in the travel and tourism industry. These impacts are discussed below:

  • Employment level: the employees working in both the companies have different types of working patterns and behaviour. Changes in the structure of the organisation affect the employees of both the organisations (Dickinson, et. al., 2013).
  • Technology: Myla is offering luxury travel services to its customers and by using technology it can enhance the quality of the services for providing better experience to the customers.
  • Impact on the products or services: the products and services offered to the customers are focused over a single type of customers. Different products at different prices need to be offered so as to attract the customers of different groups (Amelung& Moreno, 2012).

The options available to Myla for expanding its business are:

  • Merger: merger can be understood as combining two companies for the purpose of creating a single company.
  • Forming Consortia: In this a group of companies is created so as help each other by supporting each other.
  • Acquisitions: in this one company purchases another company and the selling company is no more in existence (Dickinson, et. al., 2013).

4.2 Discuss the likely consequences of businesses failing to respond to market change with reference to Myla Travel, Thomas Cook and The Travel Network Group.

There can be various consequences when the businesses fail to respond to the market change in related with Thomas Cook and Myla. These consequences are discussed below:

  • Decrease in sales and profitability: lack of adoption of the strategies and measures may results in failure in responding to the change and it may leads to fall in the sales and reduction in the profits.
  • Change in attitude of stakeholders: failure to adopt the changes may results in change in the attitude of the employees, suppliers and customers towards the business.
  • Negative impact over the image of business: it can affect the quality of the services or products as well as image of the business (Cohen, 2013).

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This program has been conducted so as to analyse the various issues which are initiating change in the travel and tourism industry of UK and the analysis of these issues with the help of suitable methods for UK. Trends of the market create huge impact over the industry as these influences the travel and tourism. Information related to travel and tourism in UK has been presentedin the form of graphs and tables so as to provide a better understanding. SWOT and PEST analysis has been done so as to identify the manner in which business gives response to the changes due to numerous factors present in the internal as well as external environment. A strategy has been developed with a motive to analyse the response of business to change.


Akoumianakis, D. 2010, "Electronic community factories: the model and its application in the tourism sector",Electronic Commerce Research, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 43-81.
Amelung, B. & Moreno, A. 2012, "Costing the impact of climate change on tourism in Europe: results of the PESETA project", Climatic Change, vol. 112, no. 1, pp. 83-100.
Arturas, S., Jasinskas, E. &Svagzdiene, B. 2015, "RISK ASSESSMENT MODELS IN THE TOURISM SECTOR",Amfiteatru Economic, vol. 17, no. 39, pp. 836-846.
Blue Danube Holidays. (n.d.). Retrieved July 22, 2016, from Blue Danube Holidays: http://www.bluedanubeholidays.com/
Buckley, R. 2011, "Tourism Under Climate Change: Will Slow Travel Supersede Short Breaks?", AMBIO, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 328-331.
Burgess, S., Sellitto, C., Cox, C. &Buultjens, J. 2015, "Strategies for Adopting Consumer?generated Media in Small?sized to Medium?sized Tourism Enterprises",International Journal of Tourism Research, vol. 17, no. 5, pp. 432-441.
Cohen, I.G. 2013, "Transplant Tourism: The Ethics and Regulation of International Markets for Organs", The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 269-285.
Dickinson, J.E., Robbins, D., Filimonau, V., Hares, A. & Mika, M. 2013, "Awareness of Tourism Impacts on Climate Change and the Implications for Travel Practice: A Polish Perspective", Journal of Travel Research, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 506-519.
Dickinson, J.E., Robbins, D., Filimonau, V., Hares, A. & Mika, M. 2013, "Awareness of Tourism Impacts on Climate Change and the Implications for Travel Practice: A Polish Perspective", Journal of Travel Research, vol. 52, no. 4, pp. 506-519.

This unit 6 contemporary issues in travel and tourism assignment copy discusses the issues currently faced by the travel and tourism industry in UK, analysis of the various current issues faced by travel and tourism industry, We are posting free  Locus units solutions so scholars can explore the our assignment help in uk and get review the quality of our work.