Unit 4 Research Project Assignment Ryanair Airlines

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Unit 4 Research Project Assignment Ryanair Airlines
Unit 4 Research Project Assignment Ryanair Airlines
Unit 4 Research Project Assignment Ryanair Airlines


Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Unit Number and Title

Unit 4 Research Project

QFC Level

Level 5


Ryanair is the largest European airline company. Ryanair is an Ireland based public listed company which is committed to providing low cost services to the customers along with this Ryanair has successfully introduced competition to the European flag airline companies. The company is engaged in providing airline services to the customers with low fare prices and quality services of the airport. This Unit 4 Research Project Assignment Ryanair Airlines is a business research on this company regarding the company’s move for introducing low prices because these prices can affect the airline market as well the competition of the market. The main goal of this company is to meet the travel needs of the customers who are not able to use the airline services at high cost so these low prices will result to increase in the number of customers in Ryanair so this is possible that the company may not be able to treat its customers equally like before so this research is for determination of customer satisfaction in Ryanair.

Unit 4 Research Project Assignment - Ryanair Airlines- Uk Assignment Writing Service

Task 1 Formulation of research specification

1.1 Aim of the research, literature review and resource implications

Aim and objectives of this research: The main aim and objective behind this research is to conduct a research about the airline company Ryanair, research on the background of the company. The main focus of this report is identification of current strategies of the company in regard to lowering the costs and the impact of those lowered cost on the point of view of customers regarding the company. The report will research the level of customer satisfaction in Ryanair that company is able to manage the customer satisfaction level or it is leading to dissatisfaction among the customers.

Literature Review: Literature review defines the research till now on the particular research topic. Literature review on customer satisfaction is as follows.

According to Andrzej Kobylanski, customer satisfaction leads to creation of sustainable competitive advantages to the organizations in the market. Customer satisfaction plays a very important role in  quality management system where marketing literature does not consider this concept that quality management and customer satisfaction is related to each other. The main focus of organizations should be on providing the best quality rather than on importance of customer satisfaction because the satisfaction will automatically follow after the quality of the product.

According to SHAHZAD KHAN, every seller focuses on customer satisfaction because seller finds it very difficult to determine what exactly the customer wants so the marketing era has started focusing on customer satisfaction through competition in the market and providing more superior values to the customers in comparison to their competitors in the market. Relations play a very important role in customer satisfaction so focusing on providing the great values to the customers lead to the satisfaction of the customers. As it is like greater the values provided to customers, greater the level of satisfaction among them.

According to Kaltcheva, customer satisfaction is the key to success for every company. In order to survive in long run every company needs to satisfy its customers. Customer satisfaction and customer relations are related to each other as customer satisfaction leads to retention of customers in the same organization for long time which leads to the success of the organization in long run. The main target of every organization is customer retention which helps in growth of the organization which can be achieved by providing satisfaction to the customers.

Resource implications: There is proper identification of the resources conducted that will be used in this research also the ways are find out the minimise the cost of resources that will be used in this research so that maximum benefit can be obtained with minimum cost. Cost benefit analysis was also implemented to know the importance of the research. Research will be conducted through electronic resources such as internet, manual searching through books and journals, collection of primary data through questionnaires and interviews etc and all other resources from which data can be collected will be used in this research.

1.2 Factors that have contributed to the selection of this project

There are many factors that affect the selection of a project. As a researcher I have selected this business research on Ryanair on the basis of the following.

  •  Human resources are easily available for this research because Ryanair Company is a famous airline company and most of the people of the Europe know about this company and most of them must have used its services once so collection of data will be easy.
  • The main purpose of this report is to conduct a strategic analysis of the environment and industries in Europe along with this analysis of the company will also be conducted so the scope of this research is very wider.
  • Timely completion of the research is a great task and data collection plays a very important role in time involved in a research but data in this research is likely to collected timely so this research will consume less time.
  • The data for the research is likely to be collected easily through primary data collection through questionnaires, interviews and secondary data through newspapers, journals etc so there is lesser risk in this project as the main part research that is data collection can be done easily (Portugal, et. al, 2014).
  • A cost benefit analysis is also done for this research so that it is easy to understand the cost and worth of this project.

1.3 Critical review

Customer satisfaction: Customer satisfaction is a tem which is used to measure that how the company is able to meet the expectation of its customers through its products and services.

Influential factors on customer satisfaction: Customers are satisfied mainly with the cost and quality of the products and services of the company so there are some factors which can influence the satisfaction of customers such as services of the company, value of the products , price strategy of the company, quality of the product or services etc.

Primary and secondary sources of data collection: There are mainly two ways through which data can be collected first is primary data collection when the data is collected by the researcher for the first time for a particular research through interviews, locusassignments. questionnaires etc and second is secondary data collection where already collected data is used by the researcher for a particular research through journals, newspapers, internet etc (Farrell, L. 2012).

In this research project primary data will be collected through questionnaires and secondary data will be collected through various sources such as journals, newspapers, magazines, internet, articles etc.

1.4 Research proposal

  • Research proposal: Preparation of research proposal is necessary for every research as it enables the researcher to divide the research in various heading so that the collection of information becomes easy as well as the whole summary of the research is presented in an understandable manner which provides the brief of the research report. The research proposal for this research is as follows.
  • Research title: Business research on customer satisfaction.
  • Introduction: Ryanair Company is engaged in providing airline services and the company has reduced the prices of airline to make it affordable for people to use airline services. These low prices will result to increase in number of customers so this may lead to customer dissatisfaction.
  • Research objectives: Identification of the level of customer satisfaction of Ryanair after the low prices scheme is the main objective of this research.
  • Methodology: The methods used in this research are primary sources such as questionnaires and secondary sources such as newspapers, articles, internet etc.
  • Project plan: A project plan will be prepared as a list of activities which are to be conducted for fulfilment of this research.
  • Analysis: Analysis will be done on the basis collected data through primary and secondary data (Ondrusek, et. al, 2014).
  • Recommendations: Recommendations will be provided for improvement of the performance of Ryanair and for providing better facilities to the customers.

1.5 Action plan

Action plan for timely completion of this research is as follows.

Activity No.



Start date

End date


Selecting the title for the research





Brief research on the title





Implementing the research





Collecting the data





Evaluating the data





Analyzing the data









Gantt chart

Unit 4 Research Project Assignment - Ryanair Airlines

This chart represents the activities which are to be completed for implementation of the research. This Gantt chart represents the sequence of activities along with the time that is to be consumed in each activity so is the research is conducted as per the time specified by the Gantt chart this will help in timely completion of the research. This chart also shows the proper sequence of activities which is to be followed for the research for successful completion of the research (Sayeski, 2015).

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Task 2 Implementation of the research project

2.1 Research questions and research hypothesis

Research questions: Research contains the purpose of the research (Tenenberg, 2014). Following are the research questions for this research.

Q1. Do the Company have decreased the prices to mislead people?

Ans. Ryanair has not decreased the prices to mislead people or any such malafide intention but with the intention to make it affordable to use airline services for those people who cannot use them at increased prices.

Q2. Do the customers of Ryanair are satisfied with the new prices of the company?

Ans. The increasing revenue of Ryanair shows the satisfaction of the customers with the new prices of the company.

Q3. Do the qualities of the services of Ryanair have decreased after the low prices policy?

Ans. The qualities of the services of Ryanair have not decreased after the low prices as the company is focusing on providing the same quality to its customers.

Q4. Do the customers of Ryanair are satisfied with the current services of the company?

Ans. The increasing number of customers using the airline services of Ryanair shows the satisfaction of the customers with the new prices of the company

Q5. Do Ryanair have lowered its prices to make it affordable for people to use airline services?

Ans. Yes Ryanair has lowered its prices to make it affordable for people to use airline services

Q6. Do the revenues of company have decreased after the low prices policy?

Ans. The revenues of Ryanair has increased after the low prices policy this shows that the customers are satisfied with the services and they are using the airline services of Ryanair.

Q7. How Ryanair will measure the customer satisfaction level?

Ans. Ryanair will measure the customer satisfaction level through measuring the personal perception of the customers through collection of questionnaires from them.

Q8. Do the customers are enjoying the services of Ryanair in low prices?

Ans. Yes the customers of Ryanair are enjoying the airline services of the company this can be seen from the increased number of customers of Ryanair.

Q9. Do the prices of Ryanair are resulting to unfair competition in the market?

Ans. Ryanair has lowered its prices to provide airline faciltities to more and more customers and it its pricing strategies are not resulting to any unfair competition in the market.

Q10. Do the customers of Ryanair are willing to use to airline services of this company?

Ans. Yes the customers of Ryanair are willing to use the airline services of the company as the company is providing the best quality airline services in lower costs.

Research hypothesis: Research hypothesis means the conclusion of the research which can be called as the outcomes of the research. Research outcomes are the overall possible results of a research which can be concluded from a particular research (Connelly, 2015). The research hypothesis for this business research in customer satisfaction is as follows.

  • Ryanair is not able to provide satisfaction to its customers.
  • Ryaniar is able to manage the satisfaction of its customers.
  • Ryanair is providing the same quality as before to its customers
  • Low price policy of Ryanair has resulted into increased revenues of the company.
  • There is no change in customer satisfaction level with the low prices of the company.
  • These above are the research hypothesis for this research all these can be the conclusions of the research.

2.2 Proposed research investigation

This business research will be conducted through collected of data through questionnaires where the data will be collected on the basis of responses of the questionnaires. Questionnaires are one of the best methods for collection of data through primary sources. Questionnaires are prepared keeping in mind the main aim of the research as well as in this way that the responses of the questionnaires solves the purpose of the research properly (Padmamma, 2013).

Questionnaires prepared for this research in regard to identification of influential factors in customer satisfaction of Ryanair. These questionnaires were distributed to 20 students of my college as a sample.


Q.1 Have you ever heard about Ryanair airline Company?

a. Yes

b. No

Q.2 Have you ever used the airline services of Ryanair?

a. Yes

b. No

Q.3 Ryanair has lowered its prices are you satisfied with this?

a. Yes

b. No

Q.4 Do you agree that Ryanair is providing the same quality of services after the low prices policy?

a. Yes

b. No

Q.5 Do you think Ryanair has lowered the prices to create fair competition in the market?

a. Yes

b. No

Q.6 Do you agree with this fact that Ryanair has lowered the prices of its services in good faith?

a. Yes

b. No

Q.7 Would you like to choose Ryanair as your airline services?

a. Yes

b. No

2.3 Recording of data

The responses of 20 students of my college as a customer of Ryanair which was collected through questionnaires are recorded.




Question No.





Have you ever heard about Ryanair airline Company?





Have you ever used the airline services of Ryanair?





Ryanair has lowered its prices are you satisfied with this?





Do you agree that Ryanair is providing the same quality of services after the low prices policy?





Do you think Ryanair has lowered the prices to create fair competition in the market?





Do you agree with this fact that Ryanair has lowered the prices of its services in good faith?





Would you like to choose Ryanair as your airline services?




Collating of data by business students and tourism students


Tourism students

Business students






Have you ever heard about Ryanair airline Company?






Have you ever used the airline services of Ryanair?






Ryanair has lowered its prices are you satisfied with this?






Do you agree that Ryanair is providing the same quality of services after the low prices policy?






Do you think Ryanair has lowered the prices to create fair competition in the market?






Do you agree with this fact that Ryanair has lowered the prices of its services in good faith?






Would you like to choose Ryanair as your airline services?






Task 3 Evaluation of research outcomes

3.1 Research evaluation techniques

Research evaluation techniques are the methods through which evaluation of research is conducted. Choosing the right evaluation technique for the research results in concluding the research in right and proper ways. There are various research evaluation techniques which are as follows.

  • Systematic peer review: This method is one of the best useful methods for evaluation of a research in this method the company on which research is to be done is compared with another company of the same industry.
  • Bibliometric analysis: research evaluation can be done through bibliometirc analysis where the evaluation is conducted through the published matter in articles, journals which is related to the particular research.
  • Case study analysis: research evaluation in case study analysis in done through preparation of the case study just like creating an actual scene of the research and then the interpretations from them are applied to the research. This helps in research evaluation in proper ways.

All the above techniques can be used for research evaluation.

  • Survey method: Surveys are the best method to know the personal perceptions of the people in regard to any specific research. Surveys are conducted to know the responses of the people to evaluate the research (Kinsella, 2011).

3.2 Interpretation and analysis

The interpretation and analysis of the responses of 20 students of my college which was collected through questionnaires and the responses are present in chart form as follows.

Q.1 Have you ever heard about Ryanair airline Company?


Responses in %





Unit 4 Research Project Assignment - Ryanair Airlines 1- Uk assignment writing service

Analysis: This research shows that Rynair is a well known European airline company that most of the people know about this as this can be seen in this research that 80% of the people in the survey have heard about the company.

Q.2 Have you ever used the airline services of Ryanair?


Responses in %





Unit 4 Research Project Assignment - Ryanair Airlines 2- Uk Assignment writing Service

Analysis: Majority of the people have used the airline services of Ryanair as the result of this can be seen in the survey that 80% of the people have used the airline services of Ryanair

Q. 3 Ryanair has lowered its prices are you satisfied with this?


Responses in %





Unit 4 Research Project Assignment - Ryanair Airlines 3

Analysis: This shows the satisfaction of the customers in regard to prices of the company that majority of the people are satisfied with the airline prices of Ryanair.

Q. 4 Do you agree that Ryanair is providing the same quality of services after the low prices policy?


Responses in %





Unit 4 Research Project Assignment - Ryanair Airlines 4

Analysis: This shows that majority of the people in the survey doesn’t feel any change in the quality of the service of Ryanair this shows a positive result that the company is able to manage the satisfaction of customers (Liu, et. al, 2015).

Q.5  Do you think Ryanair has lowered the prices to create fair competition in the market?

Unit 4 Research Project Assignment - Ryanair Airlines 5- Uk Assignment Writing Service

Analysis: This research shows that customers of Ryanair are satisfied with this fact that company has not lowered its prices to take disadvantage of competition or any malafide intention. Company has lowered its prices to create fair competition in the market.

6 Do you agree with this fact that Ryanair has lowered the prices of its services in good faith?


Responses in %





Unit 4 Research Project Assignment - Ryanair Airlines 6

Analysis: This research also shows the faith of customers that they agree that company has lowered its prices to make it affordable for people to use airline services for those who cannot afford it and this step of company is in good faith.

Q.7 Would you like to choose Ryanair as your airline services?


Responses in %





Unit 4 Research Project Assignment - Ryanair Airlines 7- uk Assignment Writing Service

Analysis: This research concludes the purpose of the research that customers are satisfied with the prices and quality of the services and their positive response shows that the company is able to manage customer satisfaction.

3.3 Recommendations for Ryanair

Ryanair has been satisfied in managing the customer satisfaction level and company is following its proper plans and strategies but there are some recommendations for the company through which the company can increase the customer satisfaction level as well as considering these recommendations in future can help the company in improve its performance too. Recommendations for Ryanair are as follows.

Timely information for delayed flight: Delayed flights cause loss to the customers loss of money as well as of time so Ryanair should focus on informing the customers timely regarding the delayed flights. There should be proper system established that when an information is received for delayed flights the customers are informed regarding that as soon as possible so that they can minimize their loss (White, 2013).

Focus on proper scheduling: There should be proper scheduling system so that the customers can know the exact timing of arrival and departure of flights so that they can adjust their work accordingly and can manage things their ways. Free website of the company should be provided to the customers so that they can surf the website of Ryanair for free and can see the flights timings there only. This will help them to manage their schedule according to the time of flight.

Solving grievances of customers: For providing satisfaction to customers it is very necessary for every company to provide best quality services to its customers along with solving their grievances and problems regard to their airline experience in Ryanair. Ryanair should focus on establishing a customer relationship department where a customer relationship manager should be appointed who should be responsible for hearing the problems of the customers as well as solving their problems. Customer relationship manager should focus on speedy recovery of the problems of customers so that customers rely on the company and they carry a faith for the company always (Sorescu & Sorescu, 2016).

All these above recommendations will help Ryanair in improving its performance along with providing satisfaction to their customers.

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Task 4 Research outcomes in the form of a poster


Unit 4 Research Project Assignment - Ryanair Airlines 8- Uk Assignment Writing Service


Connelly, L.M. 2015, "Research Questions and Hypotheses", Medsurg nursing : official journal of the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 435.
Farrell, L. 2012, "Chasing Data: Sources of Data for the Study of Gambling Economics", Australian Economic Review, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 488-496.
Kaltcheva, V.D., Winsor, R.D. & Parasuraman, A. 2010, "The Impact of Customers' Relational Models on Price-Based Defection", Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 5-22.
Kinsella, J. 2011, "Survey", Overland, , no. 202, pp. 78.