Unit 4 Research Project Assignment - EasyJet and Ryanair

Unit 4 Research Project Assignment - EasyJet and Ryanair

Unit 4 Research Project Assignment - EasyJet and Ryanair


BTEC Higher National Diploma in Travel and Tourism

Unit Number and Title

Unit 4 Research Project

QFC Level

Level 5


Air transportation is fastest growing sector of the world. The air transportation is considered as a major contribution of global economy. More than $415 billion has been contributed by global airplane service providers every year. Almost every company have contributed their business strategy to increase their profit. Some companies are focused on the premium service for business class passengers.  On the other hand some airplane service companies are focused on the economic services. It has been found that EasyJet and Ryanair have implemented the economic passenger service for low income people. Therefore, the airplane companies has faced passenger rush issues. It has been noticed the dissatisfaction level of the passenger is decreased. Therefore the budget airlines have not maintained the customer service properly.

Unit 4 Research Project Assignment - EasyJet and Ryanair

Task 1

1.1 Formulate and record possible research project outline specifications. You should include possible aims and objectives, literature review and resource implications

Customer satisfaction in a service provider industry is important. As stated by (Fahimnia et al. 2013, p.2) the customer satisfaction is an important marketing term which measures how products or services can fulfil customer’s expectation. Apart from that, in airlines industry customer satisfaction is important because the passengers have spent high charges to buy flight tickets.

It has been noticed that Easyjet and Ryanair have reduced ticket price to attract customers and provide moderate service to them. It has been noticed that profit of those organizations have increased. However, the service quality became low. It has been observed that Easy Jet has stopped complimentary meal service for their passengers. On the other hand Ryanair has stopped the complimentary baggage allowance for their passengers. Apart from that the quality of meal also decreased in Ryanair airplane. As per the feedback of the college student both airplane are comparatively cheap but not used for travelling. Therefore, the researcher has planned to conduct the research report to understand the impact of dissatisfaction on the business of that airline business.


The aim of the research is to investigate the services provided by the low price flight service providers such as Easyjet and Ryanair. The research is also done based on the passengers’ feedback and books and journals.


  • To understand the impact of low pricing strategy in business
  • To analyse the services provided by of the Easy jet and Ryanair
  • To assess how far customer dissatisfaction affect the pasengers
  • To identify the loopholes in the services in the services of Easyjet and Ryanair

Literature review:  In this literature review section, the researcher has investigated many theoretical structure and conceptual facts to find out the proper ones correspondence to service improvement of both airlines. The researcher has desperately analysed theories with the new concepts of maintaining proper customer satisfaction along with low pricing strategy.

Resource implications:  The learner has planned to consider two different types data for this research project. The learner has planned to understand the issues by conducting the survey process among the passengers. The learner has develop survey questionnaires and planned to conduct survey among the group of 20 UKCBC students (Fahimnia et al. 2013, p.2). On the other hand, the researcher has planned to take the help of different theories and model from various books and journals to identify proper solution for those aviation industries (Sarason et al. 2014).

1.2 Identify the factors that contribute to the process of research project selection

The researcher has followed specific steps to conduct entire research (Engeström, 2014). Firstly the researcher has chosen the research topic asLow coststrategy is the main reason for poor service or customer satisfaction in Aviation industry: a case study of easyJet and Ryanair”. After that, researcher has identified the issues of both organizations (Driskell and Salas, 2013). Then the researcher has finalized the problems and designed the problem presentation. The learner has designed the research design by following research onion. After that the researcher has planned to collect the primary data through survey and implemented the sampling techniques for storing those collected data. The researcher has planned to analyse the collected data and express the motive of group of people. After that the researcher has planned to write the suitable recommendation base on the issues of those organizations. Finally the researcher has planned to develop an action plan to improve their services.

1.3 Undertake a critical review

Customer satisfaction

It is tough, harder and important to fulfil the customer requirements in any kind of business. Therefore, the organization has to understand to provide their services to fulfil expectation of customers. In aviation industry, customers usually want better time management,hospitality provision, discipline and meals. If the plane company has can fulfil the expectations then they can provide customer satisfaction. On the other hand the customer satisfaction is related with Word of Mouth marketing strategy. If the customer satisfied with the service, then customer spread the word among their relatives and friends. On another hand, unhappy customer never come back and would not refer anybody to take flight service. According to the Gaps Model of Service Quality, there are five gaps between the service provider and service renders. There are generally five factors working in 5 gaps such as customers’ expectation, company’s perceptions of customers’ expectations, customer driven service designs and standards, service delivery, external communications to customer, presided service. If the perceived service is not matched withthe  customer’s expectation then customer dissatisfaction arise.

Gaps Model of Service Quality

Fig 1: Gaps Model of Service Quality

Influential factors on customer satisfaction

There are some factors which increase customer satisfaction such as service quality, separation anxiety, nice atmosphere and responsibility. It has been observed that premium quality flight service providers always maintain quality and nice atmosphere. The flight attendant always takes responsibility and serves meal as per customer requirement. On the other hand economic flight service providers have aimed to fulfil basic requirements of the customers. Therefore, basic services do not match with the expectation of the customers. That creates gap between the company’s strategy and customer satisfaction. As stated by (Fahimnia et al. 2013, p.2), price factors is considered as a prime factor to attract the customers’ attraction but customer satisfaction helps to retain the customers. It has been noticed that during rush hours the operation staffs cannot manage passengers properly. Hence the passengers became confused about boarding process. Therefore, some economic flight operators have implemented customer satisfaction model to provide better satisfaction. As per the customer satisfaction model, the flight attendant always ask customers about the new services and provide additional services if the passenger agreed. On the other hand there are some list of services which are free and some are payable. If the customer wants some payable services, then they have to pay for that additional service.

Customer Satisfaction Model

                     Fig 2: Customer Satisfaction Model

Apart from the secondary source of knowledge, the researcher has planned to conduct the survey process among 20 students of UKCBC. After that researcher has analysed the survey data and found that the students are not satisfied with the services of both airlines. As they are student, so they do not have enough money to travel in other flights. If they will earn money, they will not travel atleast these two flights. According to them, the flights are quite old and the air condition veins are not. On the other hand the behaviour of the flight attendants is not good enough to convince the passengers.

1.4 Research project proposal

Thisresearch project is based on the investigation into student satisfaction with easyJet or Ryanair. The researcher has observed that both airlines have not provided proper satisfaction to their customers. The low pricing strategy give a competitive advantage in UK market but customer dissatisfaction is only one drawback for then to retain customers. The researcher has taken help of research onion to find out suitable research techniques.

Research onion

                                 Fig 3: Research onion

Types of investigation:  The researcher has taken help of two different investigations such as books and journals and personal experience of passengers. The researcher has considered different models and theory to understand the process of providing customer satisfaction. On the other hand, the researcher has taken help of survey process to understand the types of problem that the passengers usually faced.

Research philosophy: There are generally three types of research philosophy such as realism, interpretive and positivism. In this particular research, the researcher has planned to choose positivism philosophy because it will help researcher to find out the solution in two different ways such as logical and scientific.

Research approach: There are generally two types of research approach used by the researcher such as deductive and inductive (Schunk, and Zimmerman, 2012). The researcher has planned to follow deductive method because the researcher will consider old theories and concepts and hypothesises to examine the topic.

Research design: There are generally three types of research design such as explanatory, exploratory and descriptive. The researcher has planned to take help of descriptive research design which will provide clear view about the topic of the research. On the other hand the researcher will make comparison with the research topic design.

Research purpose: The main aim of this research is to find out alternative way to provide better customer satisfaction without changing pricing strategy.

Data collection: The researcher has planned to focus on qualitative data collection techniques. As the managers of the Easyjet and Ryanair are very busy and the researcher cannot contact with them so the researcher cannot make the interview process with the managers. The researcher has planned to arrange a survey round with atleast 20 students of UKCBC (Allan, 2012).

Data source: The entire research is based on two different data sources such as primary data source and secondary data source. He researcher has planned to collect primary data from the survey process. On another hand, the researcher has collected secondary data from various books and journals.

Data analysis: The researcher has planned to take help of different charts, graphs and statistical formulas to analyse and evaluate collected primary data.

1.5 Planning research project

Time Table (Gantt chart)

Time Table of Gantt Chart

Task 2

2.1 Research question or hypothesis

(A) what are the resources required to carry out your research?

The research resources are generally the old and submitted research papers (Schunk, and Zimmerman, 2012). The researcher has often taken the research resources to find out some knowledge.

(B) What is the relationship between ‘research resources’ and the ‘research question or hypothesis’?

The researcher has found that some theories and models are used by old researcher. Therefore, the researcher is considered on only outcomes. The research resources helps researcher to find out proper directional the research process.

2.2 Questionnaire

  • What is your gender?
  • Which age group you are in?
  • Are you satisfied with the instruction of the executives while you are collecting ticket or boarding pass?
  • How long are you satisfied with the boarding luggage related rules and regulation?
  • How long you are satisfied with the welcome process and instruction process of cabin crews?
  • How long are you satisfied with the meal quality and policies ofeasyJet and Ryanair?
  • How many times do you travel by plane?
  • Does the cabin crew check and help to manage the seat belts and luggage?

2.3 Primary data analysis

The researcher has collected the survey results and tries to discuss and evaluatye those data.

1. What is your gender?



No. Of Respondents

Total Respondents













                                                   Table 1: Gender of the passengers

Gender of the passengers

                             Chart 1:Gender of the passengers

2. Which age group you are in?



No. Of Respondents

Total Respondents







Above 35


                                             Table 2: Age group of the respondent

Age group of the respondent

                     Chart 2: Table 2: Age group of the respondent

3. Are you satisfied with the instruction of the executives while you are collecting tickit or boarding pass?



No. Of Respondents

Total Respondents









Don’t know




                                     Table 3:  satisfied with the instruction of the executives

satisfied with the instruction of the executives

          Chart 3: satisfied with the instruction of the executives

4. How long are you satisfied with the boarding luggage related rules and regulation?



No. Of Respondents

Total Respondents

Strong agree
















Strongly disagree




                                     Table 4: satisfied with the boarding luggage









                                                Table 4.1: Statistical analysis

satisfied with the boarding luggage

                     Chart 4: satisfied with the boarding luggage

5. How long you are satisfied with the welcome process and instruction process of cabin crews?



No. Of Respondents

Total Respondents

Strong agree
















Strongly disagree




                        Table 5: satisfied with the welcome process and instruction process









                                                   Table5.1: Statistical data table

satisfied with the welcome process and instruction process

      Chart 5: satisfied with the welcome process and instruction process

6. How long are you satisfied with the meal quality and policies of easyJet and Ryanair?



No. Of Respondents

Total Respondents

Strong agree
















Strongly disagree




                                   Table 6: satisfied with the meal quality and policies









                                                Table 6.1: Statistical data table

satisfied with the meal quality and policies

                  Chart 6: satisfied with the meal quality and policies

7. How many times are you travelling by plane?



No. Of Respondents

Total Respondents

Once a year




Twice a year




Thrice a year




More than thrice




                                     Table7: time for travelling by plane in a year

time for travelling by plane in a year

               Chart 7: time for travelling by plane in a year

8. Does the cabin crews check and help to manage the seat belts and luggage?



No. Of Respondents

Total Respondents





















                      Table 8:cabin crews check and help to manage the seat belts and luggage

cabin crews check and help to manage the seat belts and luggage

Chart 8: cabin crews check and help to manage the seat belts and luggage

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Task 3

3.1 Research evaluation techniques

The researcher has planned to conduct the research process after following the research onion section. The researcher has used positivism philosophy, deductive method, descriptive research design and qualitative data collection techniques for this research (Donohoe, 2012). The researcher has planned to conduct survey process among 20 students. After that the researcher has evaluated the collected sample through qualitative data analysis (Druskat et al. 2013). The researcher has implemented statistical data analysis to express the mean, median, mode and standard deviation values. The data analysis process helps to extract the reasons for passenger dissatisfaction (Aggarwal and Zhai, 2012). It will help the researcher to conduct suitable solution for two economic airlines company.

3.2 Interpret and analyse the results in terms of the original research specification by using ‘Frequency’ and/or ‘Percentage’ calculations

Data analysis of Question 1: As per pie chart it has been observed that 60% of the respondents are male and rest are females. Therefore it can be considered that males are more frank to share their experience than females.

Data analysis for question 2: According to the pie chart it is clear that maximum respondent (45%) belongs in the age group of 21 to 25 years. They are generally last year students. They have to go different places for their project (Tannenbaum et al. 2013). Apart from that 30% respondent belongs in the age group of 30 to 35 years. Most of them are new employee or job seekers.  On the other hand, 25% respondents are belonging in the age group of 15 to 20. They are just started their college life and travel from their homes before the college started after long vacations. It has been noticed that well established people or executives have not travelled by this two air plane.

Data analysis of Question3: Accordion to the pie chart it has been noticed that almost 45% respondents are not happy with the intuition of the executives while they are going to collect tickets and boarding pass. However, 25% respondents are happy with the instruction of the executives. 30% respondents are not interested to share their experiences.  Therefore, maximum negative feedback proves that the executives are not actually cooperating with the passengers.

Data analysis of question 4: According to the statistical data analysis, the mode value is 4 that means maximum respondents (30%) have chosen option no. 4. That means 30% respondents are disagreed that they are not happy with the baggage allowance policy of the easyJet or Ryanair. Apart from that 25% respondents are strongly disagreed with the baggage allowance policy of the easyJet or Ryanair (Ritchie et al. 2013). Therefore, maximum respondents have provided negative feedback about the luggage allowance policy of the air place companies. Hence, 25% respondents have given neutral feedback of this question. There are not so happy but they can manage their luggage in this luggage allowance contract.  It has been noticed that little number of respondents such as 20% have given positive feedback about the boarding luggage allowance. The standard deviation value is 1.1909 that means this organization has faced risk regarding the baggage allowance. Therefore the organization has to increase the baggage allowance atleast 7 to 10 kg for 1 passenger to satisfy them.

Data analysis of Question 5: According to the statistical data analysis, the mode value is 3 that mean maximum respondents (35%) have chosen option no. 3 that is neutral. After that 15% and 10% respondents have agreed with the welcome process and instruction of the crew members. However, the standard value is 1.2680, which indicates the airlines companies are in risk condition regarding welcome process and instruction process. It also express by the negative feedback of the passengers. It has been noticed that 25% passenger have chosen disagree option and 15% passengers have chosen strongly disagree option regarding the hospitality of the cabin crews. However, both organizations have to improve hospitality to increase the customer satisfaction.

Data analysis of Question 6: According to the statistical data analysis, the mode value is 4 that mean maximum respondents (30%) have chosen option no. 4 that is dissatisfied. After that 15% and 10% respondents have agreed with the meal quality and policies of the airplane. However, the standard value is 1.268028, which shows that the airlines companies are in risk condition regarding meal and meal policies. It also express by the negative feedback of the passengers. It has been noticed that 20% passenger have chosen strongly disagree option regarding the meals quality and policy. However, both organizations have to make contract with a private catering services for providing complementary meals to the customers.

Data analysis for question 7: According to the pie chart it is clear that maximum respondents (35%) have travelled by those aeroplanes. Apart from that 30% respondents have tour & travel by these aeroplanes twice a year. 20% respondents have travelled by these aeroplanes thrice a year. Therefore it is clearly visible that the organization cannot retain the passengers through their services. 

Data analysis for question 8: According to the chart it is clear that cabin crews have not maintained their job responsibility properly. It is clear that 35% respondent have seen that cabin crews have checked that seat belt status and hand baggage storage often. 25% respondents have observed the cabin crews have checked seat belts and luggage storage system. It has been noticed that more than 20% passengers have provided negative feedback about checking seat belts and luggage storage. Therefore, the airplane authority has to arrange the training session of the employees and implement the monitoring system for the employee management.

3.3. Make recommendations and justify areas for further consideration customer satisfaction in easyJet or Ryanair

  • Employee training

According to the maximum feedback it is clear that the organization does not maintain proper hospitality with their passengers. As a result the customers are dissatisfied. Therefore the organizations have to arrange proper training session for the cabin crews and the managers have to monitors the performance of the employees. The managers can develop reward strategy to increase the employee performance. better employee behaviour will increase customer satisfaction.

  • Contract with private catering service

Many respondents have provided negative feedback about the meal quality and meal policy. It has been noticed that Ryanair has stopped their complementary meal policy. Therefore, Easyjet has to contrast with another catering service to serve good quality hot meal to passengers. It will increase the passenger satisfaction.

  • Increase luggage allowances

Both organizations have to increase the baggage allowance for the passengers. Atleast 7 to 10 kg luggage allowance for every person will increase the passenger satisfaction.

  • Conclusion

This research is based on the dissatisfaction of the Ryanair and Easyjet passengers due to different reason. The researcher has considered both primary and secondary data and provides suitable recommendation to increase passengers’ satisfaction (Schunk, and Zimmerman, 2012).

Task 4: Poster


Appendix 1: Questionnaires

What is your gender?

  • Male
  • Female
  • Transgender

Which age group you are in?

  • 15-20
  • 21-25
  • 26-35
  •  Above 35

Are you satisfied with the instruction of the executives while you are collecting tickit or boarding pass?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Don’t know

How long are you satisfied with the boarding luggage related rules and regulation?

Strongly satisfied

  • Satisfied
  • Neutral
  • Dissatisfied
  • Strongly dissatisfied

How long you are satisfied with the welcome process and instruction process of cabin crews?

  • Strongly satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Neutral
  • Dissatisfied
  • Strongly dissatisfied

How long are you satisfied with the meal quality and policies of easyJet and Ryanair?

  • Strongly satisfied
  • Satisfied
  • Neutral
  • Dissatisfied
  • Strongly dissatisfied

How many time are you travelling by plane?

  • Once a year
  • Twice a year
  • Thrice a year
  • More than thrice

Does the cabin crews check and help to manage the seat belts and luggage?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Sometimes
  • Often
  • Rarely


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