Unit 4 Marketing Principles Assignment – Vodafone

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Unit 4 Marketing Principles Assignment – Vodafone
Unit 4 Marketing Principles Assignment Vodafone
Unit 4 Marketing Principles Assignment – Vodafone


Diploma in Business (Marketing)

Unit Number and Title

Unit 4 Marketing Principles Assignment – Vodafone

QFC Level

Level 4

Company Background

Marketing Principles Assignment – Vodafone

Vodafone is the world’s major mobile telecommunications corporation in UK which has the employee base of about 65000 employees and has about 130 million customers. The company operates in almost 26 countries across the world. This report tates the different fundamentals of the marketing process which Vodafone Company has implemented in its business strategy and marketing strategy. The researcher has also examined new positioning of its services along with the costs and benefits of a positioning of the market. The study also includes how buyer behavior impacts marketing functioning of Vodafone in different buying conditions and also shows how Vodafone Company integrated its promotional activities in order to achieve its marketing goals and objectives. The report has also described how Vodafone Company designs and develops its products and services for sustaining competitive advantage.


Week 1 Define and contrast the different definition of marketing and elements that compose marketing process

Contrast of different definitions

The definition of the marketing in older times is described as the study of the market to supply and demand for the goods and marketing department of the company. This definition is now too old for the current business situation and does not cover all the marketing disciplines.

Now, according to the latest definition of marketing stated by American Marketing Association (AMA), “marketing is described as an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to consumers for managing relationships with them in a way that benefit the organization and all related parties…”

Marketing is referred as a set of various activities performed by human being for the achievement of business objectives with the help of meeting customer requirements and demands far better than the competitors or rivals (Kerin, 2006). Marketing is about fulfilling and at the same time satisfying the consumer’s demands and requirements as customers are the key factor of marketing process.

Composition of the Marketing Process

The marketing process can be modeled as given in the illustration below, which highlights the importance of opportunities identification in the first stage of situational analysis, thereafter the formulation of marketing strategy helps in value proposition, which is followed by tactical decision making as a part of the marketing mix decisions, followed by the final implementation of the plan and periodic monitoring of the results.

the Marketing Process

The composition of the marketing process of Vodafone comprises of the following elements:

  • Situation Analysis: identification of opportunities to satisfy the needs of the customers need not be the only outcome of the thorough analysis of the situation, it is important for Vodafone to examine its own capabilities and its operating environment thus making the process of situational analysis relevant to internal as well as external environmental analysis of the organization. The past, present and future aspects are considered in the process of the analysis so that a thorough study about the history of its evolution to the present state from its inception and its future direction can be made a part of the analysis procedure. Several frameworks such as 5C analysis, PEST analysis and SWOT analysis are utilized to add structure to the process.
  • Marketing Strategy: Vodafone Company operates its marketing strategy in order to identify the strategy plan to know the effective opportunity for satisfying the needs and demands of its both loyal customers and future consumers. The company also uses basic but yet strong marketing strategies such as positioning of its goods and services in a right place, in an exact time to its customers as well as segmenting its products appropriately (Ferrell and Hartline, 2005).
  • Situational Analysis: With the help of situational analysis Vodafone Company can able to understand its rivals and competitors, its consumer and its shareholders to know the gap between what customers required and what is to be offered them (Clarke, 2005). The company uses SWOT analysis in which it’s the strength and weakness of the company are being analysed and at the same time opportunities and threats of the company are also being studied. 
  • Marketing Mix Decision: Vodafone company uses its marketing mix decisions which includes promotional strategy development, commodities development, place acquirement and at the same time pricing decisions (Kerin, Hartley and Rudelius, 2009). With the help of this decision the company gets allowance to do marketing of right products to its target customers at the appropriate time and place.
  • Implementation and Control: This stage witnesses the development and launch of the marketing plan and the product respectively. A close monitoring of the results of the marketing effort is done so that with any kind of registered change in the market conditions the marketing mix can be adjusted to accommodate itself within that changed framework. Changes in the expectations and wants of the consumers are addressed by making alterations in the advertisement messages. Significant amount of changes calls for redesigning of products or a new product introduction. Implementation is the not the end of the marketing process as adaptation and a continuous process of monitoring should be in place so that Vodafone sustains itself in the long run competition by fulfilling the expectations of its varied customers

Week 2 Different market orientation and benefits and cost of adopting a marketing orientation

The different kinds of market orientation help in designing, building and developing the service or the product on the basis of the needs and wants of the customers keeping focus on the aspects of production, marketing, sales, customers and product. The different market orientations and its cost of adoption have been discussed below:

  • Production Oriented Organisation: here the volume of the production is increased through the cost reduction so that the level of profits are enhanced. These businesses are required to adopt production efficiency procedures having impact on the quality and design of the product. Either the company would engage more human resource or would introduce automation even if it is expensive since both the profitability and the productivity would record an increase. According to Lindgreen (2010), the cost involved in its adoption would entail losing track of the main objective of customer satisfaction and building of customer relationships and rather putting emphasis on the company operations.
  • Sales Oriented organization: these companies are focused on [producing and selling the products at the market place. These kind of firms does not at all invest on market research rather impulsively takes decisions on the basis of the random proposals of the needs of the clients. There are no additional costs towards the products and although the customers are successfully lured to the products because of its cheap price, whether their wants are fulfilled or not remains doubtful (Kotler and Armstrong, 2010).
  • Customer Oriented Organisation: for these firms customers mean everything and their focus simply is stuck on the fulfillment of the wants and need of the customers and that is why these firms engage in a lot of market research activities to understand the mindset of the customers in all the stages from development of the product to its sales. They place the product to get comments about it from the customers so that they can accordingly improvise and make them suitable to their needs. It is time consuming and involves the utilization of different kind of resources but in the long run is always quite profitable (Lindgreen, 2010).
  • Market oriented Organisation: Market orientation is a corporate model which mainly targets to provide commodities which is designed on the basis of the consumer’s requirements, demands as well as desires. Marketing orientation is the best approach that Vodafone Company adopted as the marketing orientation has the benefits of evaluating that the company is highly related to its customers and associates with their ideas, demands, and opinions as well (Urde et al., 2013). With the help of marketing orientation Vodafone company can able to understand the current market shares and at the same time can able to know the customer’s perceptions regarding its products. This approach helps the company in order to understand the demands and requirements of its customers but at the same time it is quite vital approach in order to develop and maintain its relationship with its consumers. With the help of marketing orientation approach Vodafone utilizes extensive use of marketing research, and also provides broader product lines.
Cost of adopting Marketing Orientation for Vodafone

Vodafone Company spends on advertising cost that helps it to lead the company in a more standardized way and also leads new customers. Vodafone contributes in global sponsorship strategy that helps the company to set a strong result all over Vodafone markets (Vodafone Case Study, 2012). It contributes over central sponsorship agreements that includes the UEFA Champions League as well as contributes in a small sponsorship of the Vodafone McLaren Mercedes F1 team which helped the company’s multiple business goals and at the same time allows the company for providing customers with distinct product experiences.

Week 3 Macro and micro environment impact on the marketing decision of Vodafone

Micro and Macro environmental factors are the two kinds of factors that even though beyond the control of the business organizations but still manage to influence the business decision in the creation of a marketing strategy.

Macro and micro environment impact on the marketing decision of Vodafone

The marketing environment of Vodafone Company includes various forces which directly and indirectly encourages the firms’ ability and potentiality for carrying out business. The marketing environment of Vodafone can be categorized in micro environment and macro environments:

  • Microenvironment: Micro environmental factors have direct impact on the organizations operations and also on its performances. Some of the internal factors for the organizations are customers, suppliers, competitors and employees.
  • Suppliers: Suppliers plays the most significant role in Vodafone Company as it delivers all the necessary resources which fulfill the company’s requirements for producing products and services. Shortage or delay of supply and even workers strike can damage satisfaction of customers and create bad image of the company in the view of customers which leads tremendous loss of sales (Horlait, 2003). Even the increasing costs of supply can increase price that can have impact on the sales volume of Vodafone.
  • Customers: Customers are the key point for Vodafone as this includes consumer markets, international markets, business markets and government markets which require to be identified closely. Customer markets are those markets that purchase commodities and services for personal use which includes households and individuals (Best customers, 2010). On the other hand business markets are those markets which purchase products and services for the utilization within their own production.
  • Competitors: Vodafone believes that to get accomplished and to be successfully achieving their goals they should deliver maximum consumers value as well as satisfaction than their rivals. Vodafone verifies and adjust its planning and approaches by taking into account its rivalries along with their functioning for surviving more than competitors.
  • Macroenvironment: Macro, the external factors that influences the operations of the business. Some of these external factors are technological issues, demographic issues, economic factors, political and legal factors natural or environmental factors and socio-cultural issues.
  • Demography: Demography is basically referred as the observation of population of the country by taking into account its sex, age, density, occupation, size and much more statistics (Brand champion (Vodafone strategy), 2007). Under this environment, Vodafone is always aware of demographic environment because it includes individuals who significantly constitute the market.
  • Political and legal factors: these refers to the governmental legislations and rules of law like creation of employment opportunities, restrictive trade practices etc which can create trade hurdle for Vodafone to enter new markets.
  • Economic factors: the economic factors of the enterprise are the basis of creating influence on the decision making process and production aspects. For instance the impact of inflation affects product demands and it would mean Vodafone would lose much of its value in this kind of economic crisis
  • Socio-cultural issues: the demand of the product or service of Vodafone can be affected negatively or positively by the aspects of standard of living, power of spending, preferences, social cultures and interests prevailing within the communities.
  • Technology: Technology is basically means the technique of creating new commodity and new market opportunity. Technology involves Ecommerce, Internet system, Information Technology and much more (Technology, 2006). Vodafone started its business through online services, it provides recharge, data recharge etc. through online that enhance consumers and sales volume of the company.
  • Natural or environmental factors: Vodafone must ensure in its operative procedures that it does not contribute negatively to the environment with bio waste, generation of carbon footprint which support global warming thereby causing widespread harm to humanity and communities in its area of operations.

Vodafone understands well its internal and external factors to prevent its influences on its performances. So of the techniques to examine the internal and external environmental factors of a company are PESTEL analysis, SWOT analysis, Porter 5’s forces and few more. A SWOT analysis of Vodafone has been presented below:

SWOT analysis

Internal analysis:


  • Different geographical presentation
  • Great network infrastructure
  • Merged several companies into it
  • Integration of the subsidiaries under its name
  • High brand awareness and excellent customer service department


  • weak presence in some of the developed countries such as USA
  • almost no presence in Latin America and many African countries
  • majority of the business operations are done in Europe

External Analysis


  • have great opportunity to conquer emerging markets
  • development in mobile and network technologies
  • to be the global brand in telecommunication


  • High competitive market
  • High penetration rates in Europe
  • Lack of market in some of the developed countries like USA
  • High price for mobile data packs

Week 4 Define, compare and contrast the concept of buyer’s behaviour in the B2B and B2C

Customer behavior is quite critical portion where there is no smooth way for Vodafone in order to examines and identifies buying behavior of buyer and even critical to identify that who is the decision maker in the purchasing procedure as well as even more vital to understand the motive of the buyer regarding the purchase of a particular product (Padua, 2012). It is important for Vodafone for understanding the buying behavior of the buyer who is using the products by purchasing it. For understanding the buying behavior of the buyers Vodafone handles two kinds of purchasing condition that are mentioned below:

  • New techniques of works guides that the consumers are deciding for buying new and trendy commodities, under this type of buying nature consumers are decide to buys trendy commodities. Vodafone must setup campaigns in order to modify its commodities and also should concentrates on the awareness of the products.
  • Vodafone should modify its commodities in order to reduce the cost as well as to improve standard, even the company must be attentive of purchasing nature when buyer wants the replacements in order to expand cost and to improve its quality. Under this type of purchasing condition, Vodafone must focus mainly on the standard and amount of its commodities rather than initiate new product.

Market segmentation helps Vodafone for growing the attractiveness of its market and at the same time improves the concentration of the company. It also helps Vodafone in monitoring for having outstanding communication with its customers (MAYHEW and ROSEWELL, 2009). Market segmentation can be categorize into two various distinct groups, without a proper market segmentation the company cannot meet its target group, Vodafone uses segmentation measures for various markets that are mentioned below:

  • Demographicsegmentation: Under this segmentation Vodafone divided its market into groups’ according to the demographic variables like, sex, age, gender.
  • Geographicsegmentation: Under this segmentation, Vodafone divided its market on the basis of its geographical units like country sizes, climates, regions.
  • Behavioural segmentation: under this segmentation, Vodafone divides its market according to attitude, perception, and knowledge.
  • Socio-economicsegmentation: Under this segmentation, Vodafone categorize its market into groups on the basis of occupation, employment, income, purchasing and capacity.
  • Psychographicsegmentation: Under this segmentation group, the company categorizes its market according to social class and standard of lifestyle.

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Week 5 Product screening” segmentation, targeting and positioning

The process of streamlining the marketing strategy, most businesses practice market segmentation which entails division of broad-based target markets into specific consumer groups so that appropriate marketing methods can be devised to appeal each of the groups. A well-defined market segmentation criterion ensures identification and purchase of products by the consumers, minimization of resource wastage and reduction of the time spent in marketing wrong products to the wrong set of consumers. The company’s market segmentation strategy is usually planned keeping the following criteria in mind:

  • Measurability: Sales volume or value is the basic platform of measurement of market segmentation. Identification of the market segment size to help the strategists decide the extent and the importance of their focus on the marketing efforts should be the part of the reliable market research.
  • Substantiality: It is important for the organization to understand that the marketing budget cannot be wasted on an unusually large or low spending market segment. Longevity and homogeneity of products, clearly defined brand perception, and viability of the market segment is most essential as no market experts would recommend to focus either on an unstable group of customers or a segment which is subjected to frequent changes. 
  • Accessibility: During the process of market segment demarcation, it is important for the company to understand the strength of their marketing department in accessing the segment group targeted so that the marketing promotions in the form of advertisement campaigns, television infomercials, and social media campaigns can be accommodated into its plan.
  • Differentiability: Internal homogeneity is the symbol of an ideal market segment which on the other hand should be externally heterogeneous. A clear definition of the market segments would reduce the chances of overlap in regard to the application of marketing tools and campaigns to market the produce.
  • Actionability: The market characteristics should provide enough data for marketing or sales approach in their quantifiable outcomes in regard to the initial data that was identified in the course of the primary research of the market segment.

Positioning strategy is a strategy of Vodafone Company in order to convey that what creates it a famous organization as well as why the company is much more appropriate and effective than its competitors. So it is proved by Vodafone that differentiation is importantly the process that it carries out its positioning through promotion as well as benefits which the company provides (Jackson, 2007). Positioning strategy of Vodafone Company contains the different ways which marketers use for developing its goodwill and reputation the company and at the same time its services and products in the perception and view of its consumers.

4G mobile network services

Vodafone launched its 4G mobile network services on 28th August, 2013 with its limited coverage which was only for London. And now, Vodafone has over 85% of UK population coverage in its 4G network.

Types of Vodafone 4G service

  • Average 4G – Naturally 6 times quicker than a normal 3G linkage.
  • LTE Advanced (LTE-A) –Characteristically 20 times quickerthan normal 3G networks.
Comparison of 4G Vodafone Data services with EE

Vodafone has launched 4G LTE network, but the specified company has to face stiff competition with the UK’s first 4G network service provider, the EE. Vodafone has implement price strategy to give challenge to its biggest competitor. The company is giving more data packs for the company, though the relative price is quite higher than the prices of EE (Vodafone Case Study, 2012).

The cheapest 24-month tariff in the data services of EE cost a customer about £26 per month, in which the company provides 500MB of data. The cheapest similar tariff plan of Vodafone comes in a significant price of £34, but provides much better amount of data, which is nearly 2GB.
Call and text price of both these companies comes in unlimited version, and they competing each other in data services.

The speed of data network of Vodafone is fast, but EE has doubled its data speed in major or populated areas of UK, so that customers can enjoy the benefits of high network. The average speed of EE and Vodafone are quite same with a network speed of 12-15Mbps, but after EE has doubled its speed, the services are being provided at the speed of 24-30Mbps to its customers.

Week 6 The product development process and comparison of different pricing strategy

a) Definition of concept of Product in marketing, process of new product development, gaining competitive advantage through product portfolio creation

In the marketing parlance, the concept of product refers to an object or an item that can be sold. The form may be either tangible or intangible in nature but usually it has a clause of cost involved in its making and through its sale a price can be obtained. Price that can be obtained is purely on the basis of the demand in the market where it belongs and caters to, the quality and the way it is marketed to the clients. The product must be relevant, functional serving its purpose of getting made, should be adaptable, should have an identity and most importantly must be communicated appropriately to the segment of the customers that it addresses.

The process of new product development involves the following stages:

  • Generation of an idea: this stage involves brain storming over various kinds of concepts and in this stage it is vital that a SWOT analysis is performed on the idea to understand its final implications on the customers, the company, the competitors and the market.
  • Screening of Idea: at this stage the ideas generated randomly are screened for the best and the most suitable one on the basis of ROI, market potentiality and affordability.
  • Development of the concept and testing: the concept is developed and a small group of customers are now involved so that their feedback and reaction can be gathered to understand the practicality before it can be developed or improvised further.
  • Business analysis: at this stage after the finalisation of the product concept the assessment of its profitability would be done by the use of the tools of positioning of the product in its target segment, the use of the marketing mix and the target market so that the breakeven point can be identified and its demand can be gauged.
  • Development of product: a prototype would be created and all the stages of production process would be monitored so that the needs specified by the customers can be included and they could be provided with a product on which feedback can be given.
  • Commercialisation: after the development and testing at this stage the pricing and the plans for the marketing the product is done and accordingly the brief is produced to the sales and distribution team.
  • Launch: this stage includes making decisions about the time and place for its effective launch and the associate decisions that are to be undertaken so that it reaches its primary target of customers and the producer in turn waits to see the market response so that a review could be done and success of the product so developed can be assessed.

Sustainable competitive advantage is something that can gain an advantage for a business corporation. By gaining an advantage in its strategy over others, a business firm can be able to attain its objectives and goals. It is the primary material that is required for a firm to gain a financial benefit. Gaining a competitive advantage over others can diversify a business from others. It also adds in gaining competition between the alternative products. This competitive advantage in the business would make a customer to choose between the products or services between different brands (Kotler, 2003). In order to gain a global position in mobile communication the competitive strategy is basically based on the company’s unique vision. The best strategies that Vodafone implement to attain a competitive advantage are described below:

  • VAS- It stands for Value Added Service and this is the best strategy that the management of the company has implemented in years. This service has led the company to achieve a noteworthy advantage over its competitors. The specified service offered by the company is available at wide range, namely alerts, caller tunes, and many more.
  • Advertisement- The promotional activity of the company is best in the terms of advertisement. The Company has developed a character named Zoo Zoo and used it as a tool for the promotion of their products and services. This character has helped the company to gain new customers and also to promote their new services. Vodafone advertise most of its products through the visual media as its advertisement are always of good quality (Kotler, 2003). The company also promotes best plans that suits accordingly to the mobile handsets regarding the age and profession of the customers. 
  • Internet service- The internet or broadband service plans of the company are best for the customers as it helps the users to stay connected to the internet for the commencement of their business and other valuable works via everything through which internet can be accessed, such as mobile phones, laptop, etc.
  • Incentives for the loyalty- The major reason that the company is in top ten position of tele-communication Company is because of its faithful customers. Vodafone provides excellent offers both to its new and old customers for continuous improvement in the numbers of customers (Kotler, 2003). Company provides incentives for maintaining the long-term relationship as there is always a less probability that a customer would change his/her service provider if they have strong relationship with them.
b) Comparison of different pricing strategies and Significance of Price Discrimination

Vodafone utilize very aggressive pricing strategy and is in no sense in cutting down its rates in relation to its other competitors (Padua, 2012). The services and products of the company are easily available to the customers. The management of Vodafone has ensured that the company offers the best services for its price. The company also offers prepaid and post-paid offers at different tariffs to its customers. Other amazing pricing strategy that company use is the technique of reward pricing that depends on the amount spent by the customers on the vouchers.
Comparison inprices of 4G services of Vodafone with its competitor EE

4G services of Vodafone with its competitor EE

The pricing structure of Vodafone is quite higher than the pricing structure of its rival EE. It is mainly because of the difference in quality of services. Vodafone uses aggressive pricing strategy and are in no mood to degrade its services for reducing the prices for the services.

The aspect of price discrimination is a strategy of micro economic pricing which involves pricing of the similar products by the same producer differently in different markets. This difference is due to the factor of the customer’s willingness to pay and their demand elasticity. The discriminatory pricing system is introduced results in enhanced revenue which the firms invest in research and development for making improvisations in their product and service line. This kind of discrimination also helps a section of consumers as instances of lower train fares for senior citizens etc. Through this method often the companies who have been making losses gets to make smaller volume of profits preventing a closure of the company which in turn proves advantageous for the customers as their choices of services and products gets enhanced. The companies get to reduce the prices for the price sensitive segment of customers like that of students’ discounts etc.

Week 7 The purpose of distribution and how it is customer-focused and IMC process of the Vodafone

a)  Purpose of Distribution and its focus on customers

Distribution is namely termed as the process of delivering the manufactured products and services developed by a business firm to its end users. The chain of intermediaries which helps in transporting the manufactured product and service to the end users are called the distribution channel.  Vodafone provides end to end distribution of management and other inventories over the MPLS services. The specified company place routers on the depots and manages the whole network process which includes the routers that are inside the company premises.

The major function of the distribution channel of the Vodafone is to decrease the gap between them and the end consumers. They have opened their Vodafone mini stores at the every city they are operating to for the convenience of the customers. The proper implementation of the distribution channel of the Vodafone saves the incurred cost of the company and also the time. Through the store outlets customers can receive the financial receipt of their periodic expenditures which is to give valuable intimation to the customers.

b) Assessment of IMC Process

For a company, it is very essential to utilise its promotional activities affectively in order to achieve its marketing objectives and pre-determined goals. Promotional activities are vital for the commencement of any business, as it is the process through which consumers gets attracted towards the services and commodities of any company(Padua, 2012). Vodafone has utilised and implemented numerous promotional strategies to reach its target market. Some of the strategies used company are listed below:

  • Sales Promotion- The specified company has implemented this strategy beautifully that boosts the customer’s efficiency of buying company services. Company also portrays its activities by organising many social shows, college events and many other social exhibitions to attract customers.
  • Customer service- the after selling service of the company was very enthusiastic and is always eager to solve the problems of their customers (Padua, 2012). This service has gained the company by giving more number of loyal customers.    
  • Advertising- Vodafone is best in gaining customers through visual advertisement and uses very unique video content to attract customers.

The IMC process of Vodafone and its Competitor EE: Before the acquisition from Vodafone, the best campaign from HUTCH Essar was the famous statement from the company and the introduction of an adorable Pug Dog. The statement was very illustrative and was stated as “Wherever you go, our network follows”. The campaign benefited the company by proving new customers who are attracted from the statement style (Vodafone Case Study, 2012).
Another famous, campaign happens at the acquisition of Hutch from Vodafone. The company again portrayed a beautiful statement commenting that “change is good, HUTCH is now Vodafone”. 
The most visual campaign or advertisement from the company that benefited it by providing millions of new customers is the introduction of Zoo Zoo and 3G network. 

Campaign of EE: Though the company is not the best when it comes to visual advertisement, but the most noteworthy statement that company has created which has literally positive for the company is statement in which it is conveyed that “The waiting is over, Literally”. The statement conveyed that the wait of people for the best 4G network is over.

Week 8 The creation of two different marketing mix for two different segment for product and service

The marketing mix for two different markets segments that is implemented by Vodafone are discussed below:

Product Segment

  • Product- Vodafone provides varieties of products which include messaging, voice, data services and much more related to telecommunication services and products. The main objective of Vodafone is to support and satisfy its consumers through their interaction requirements and demands. The main use of handsets carries out to be messaging as well as voice services (THE MARKETING MIX: A REVIEW, 2014). For providing various consumers demand and requirement the firm provides huge varieties of tariffs aimed at various consumer segments.
  • Place- Vodafone source its discoveries to the dealers as the customers of rural area are low in number than the urban segments whereas in urban locations Vodafone can sell the commodities to its consumers as the highest number of people in this segments is quite high.
  • Promotion- Vodafone tremendously utilizes local name appreciation for reaching and gaining trust as well as loyalty of its local customers in UK (Padua, 2012). The company also advertises its brand worth and provides with TV commercials, social media outlets for reaching a huge amount of individuals.
  • Price- Vodafone’s services and commodities are competitively amounted as well as smoothly available to various people (Vodafone Case Study, 2012). For beating the competition the firm has confirmed that it offers standard products and services like offering maximum speed data as well as excellent network range in comparison to its rivalries.

Service Segment

The following brief analysis will detect the various aspects of Vodafone on its extended marketing mix for service:

  • Physical Layout: Vodafone has successfully installed its layout in most populated areas and also provide its services through other retailers. Company has also enriched their stores in the way that consumers can feel free in accessing the services of the layouts
  • Processes: Processes in an organization comprise the management of customer problems and their queries. The 24*7 customer’s service providing solution of the company has enriched it in handling the complaints and queries of the customers in an efficient manner.
  • People: Every organization can achieve its goals and objectives, if its consumers are satisfied with the products and services. Company also hires efficient employees that do their best in solving the issues of meeting the goals.

Week 9 Difference of marketing products and services

Marketing activities in Business to Business is very dissimilar to Business to Customer marketing activities. In the activities between B2B, the buying and selling of the commodities and services are done between business enterprises to another business enterprise. Every company has dissimilar strategy for its products and services irrespective of the fact that to whom the activities are taking place. The Vodafone Business to Business handler’s team works strongly with its business company. It is done to ensure that B2B enablers deliver everything to the enterprise who is seeking to take the services of the company. Vodafone delivers wire line services to other business that diminishes the geographical boundaries and also helps to control the intensive communication charges incurred by the company (Sanchez and Freiling, 2005). With the expansion in a company, it is compulsory that the company will have to bear the requirements of developing Internet. Vodafone also delivers solution for this that enables the buying company to gain noteworthy potential for the phenomenon of Internet. The services of Vodafone help the buyer company to reduce their cost and risk associated with Internet.

Week 10 Difference between the domestic and international marketing


Worldwide Market

Domestic Market


Global Market provides huge possibility for the expansion of the business.

In comparison to International marketing, the possibility of enhancing the business is quite small. 


An organisation has to face great difficulties in overseas markets as they have to compete with the cheap local markets. Organisations also have face legal barriers and the production guidelines of the specified company (Padua, 2012).

Domestic markets don’t have to face any barriers as they are well known to rules and regulations of the country.


If a company, is enable to sell products in a foreign company, then the profit margins on the products is very high.

In domestic markets, people know the actual cost associated in a product, so companies can’t afford to implement high margins on profits. 


Multinational companies utilise modern technologies (Jackson, 2007).

In contrast to global marketing, local marketing implements old expertise.

Governmental relation:

Multinational organisations have to follow the rules and regulations of foreign land in which it is operating. 

National entrepreneurs don’t have to bear any political relative.




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Reference list

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