Unit 33 Small and medium Business Enterprise Assignment

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Unit 33 Small and medium Business Enterprise Assignment
Small and medium Business Enterprise Assignment
Unit 33 Small and medium Business Enterprise Assignment


Diploma in Business (Marketing)

Unit Number and Title

Unit 33 Small Business Enterprise

QFC Level

Level 5

Credit value

15 credits

Unit Code



This Unit 33 Small and medium Business Enterprise Assignment is based on the two concept i.e. leadership and learning styles. Leadership is the concept that is highly important for the organization growth and success. It is important that the qualities of the leadership should be utilized in the effective and efficient manner in the organization especially Small and medium Enterprises (SME). These organizations required a better and effective leadership that would help the organization and its employees to accomplish its goal of expansion of its business and making it run on the long run. So for this purpose a good leadership style is selected by the organization and its leaders. Another concept that is discussed is the learning styles that are important for the individual. Many theories are described by various theorists in that concern that are discussed in this report. Along with that the concept of self-reflection is also considered as the prime focus for the development of the personality of the individual. Self-reflection in one of the learning styles is also being implemented to evaluate the personality of the individual that would help the running of the SME and make it successful on the long run.

unit 33 Small Business - HND Assignment

Task 1


Leadership is the criteria through which all the followers are guided all the aspects of the organization to accomplish various task and make the organization successful. Different areas around the world treat leadership in different manner. So it is important that each and every aspect of leadership be studied in the detail. In respect to small and medium sized enterprises there is large importance of leadership to make the organization successful as a good leader with better managing aspects will able to accomplish the task of making the organization successful in all the areas. According to the US academic business environment leadership is the criteria in which many persons work to accomplish a common goal via leader. European approach has given emphasis on the aspects of the personal power apart from the communication skills. Apart from that various theories are also present that gives the overview about the leadership is different aspects like the integrated psychological theory in which a good and efficient leader make a proper presentation of all the key aspects of previous theories and make necessary adjustment via introducing new theories in the organization (Altimier, 2016). The new attributes that were integrated in this theory were the attitude that is shows towards its followers by the leaders and the flexibility in the behavior of the leader in the dynamic situation that always encompasses the organization. Apart from that there are certain qualities that are essential for a good leader in the organization that can be help it achieve the goal in all sort of the organization especially in the SME( Small and medium enterprises). These are mentioned below-

  • It is important that leader must possess the quality of the making visions for the organization. A good and effective vision whether small or on the large parameters is important to be maintained to accomplish the goals.
  • A good leader should able to evaluate its strength that may be helpful in the working. Similarly, able to scrutinize its weakness that may be hindrance in the success and taking necessary steps to overcome the problems.
  • He must have the ability to motivate its employees or followers so that working is done in a proper and effective manner.
  • A good leader must always be aware of the risk that may damage the working and success of the organization. It is also important that he must have the quality of social awareness so that any person that may hamper the growth can easily make necessary adjustment to remove those flaws.

Another aspect of the leadership is based on the emotions. A leader with the ability to control its emotions can easily conquer its objectives. Not only a leader has to control its mood and behavior but also has to make necessary steps to change the foul behavior or mood of its employees or followers for the effective working of the organization with all the accomplishment of goals (De et.al, 2014).

Importance of leadership

Leadership is the base for the success of the organization. It is highly beneficial for the organization in the small and medium enterprises to have good leaders as he may able to help to accomplish the goals of the organizations with the effective management skills and leadership quality. There are certain importance of the leadership that are mentioned below-

  • Leadership helps to initiate the task of the organization as all the tasks that are assigned to the followers are made through the way of the leadership knowledge and effectiveness.
  • It helps to provide motivation to the followers of the organization. Motivation may be in any form i.e. in economic or non-economic.
  • Leadership also helps to provide guidance to the leaders in the area of the needs.
  • It also helps to form the coordination among all the working by designating roles to each and every followers and employees. It also helps to avoid the ambiguous situation related to any task in the organization.
  • A good and effective business environment helps the organization employees to work with the full potential. An effective working can only present when there is proper management that may help to conquer the available problem in an effective manner (Garcia, 2014).

Leadership styles in SME

SME (Small and medium enterprises) are the important part of the economy. For the effective growth and success of this organization it is imperative that better and effective leadership skills be used so that no problems may arise in future (Giltinane et.al, 2013). So given below are some major leadership styles that can help the organization to grow in an effective and efficient manner.

  • Democratic style- In this style of leadership, a leader has to create the environment in the organization where employees takes part by giving ideas and necessary suggestion in various aspects of the organization. Leader’s decision is final but this style helps the leader to make the situation in which employees feels itself a part of the organization and work with more potential.
  • Authoritative style-This style can be helpful when the leader is more experienced then the employees. Here a phrase called ‘take my hand approach’ is used. Employees are given full power to make all imperative tactics that are essential for the business after setting the goals made by the leader.
  • Transactional style- It is type of military operation in which followers has to follow each and every word of the leader and at the end the best work is rewarded and the worst weak is punishes. But this would not help the employees to give different ideas that can be helpful for the organization. This is the fast and better working as outcome would be fast and more effective in the overall sense (Cr?ciun et.al, 2015)..
  • Coaching style-It helps inthe personal development of the employees by providing them guidance and training on their flaws that can help in overcoming there problems and become beneficial for the organization. It can only be provided when employees are not restraint to this concept otherwise it’s a complete wastage. With this leadership style all the weakness of the employees is overcome and better effective working can be performed.
  • The Laissez-Faire style- This is based on the employees that are highly qualified educated and possess all the imperative knowledge about the organization perspective. Leader gives the employees all power to conduct the work with their full potential without any hindrances. This is a type of the delegation style of leadership. But some control is required to be encompasses with the leader so that situation and working environment do not go out of control (Validov et.al,2016).

Summary of task 1

Leadership is the important concept that is important for the organization for the effective working with accomplishing its goal. A good and effective leader requires all the marketing essentials and qualities that would help to accomplish all his as well as of the organization. He must be visionary, motivator, social awareness and many others. Leadership is the important in every aspect of the organization so leadership should be given priority in the small and medium enterprises. Another concept is to choose the best leadership style by the leader so that new and effective working may be accomplished in the organization. These styles be used with proper judgment as if wrong style is selected then there are chances that organization would fail and desired result may not be accomplish.

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Task 2

Leaning styles

There are various ways through which an individual may be able to learn by using different styles. These styles can be effective when appropriate style is implemented in a proper manner
(Allen et.al, 2010). There are many theories and models that are formulated in that concern by various theorists. These theories are explained below-

  • David Kolb model- This model is based on two parameters one is grasping approach and another is transforming experience. Grasping approach is further divided into concrete and abstract whereas reflective observation and active experimentation. For the effective learning all these approach is required to be implemented in a systematic manner. This can be made by implementing any four learning style they are accommodator, converger, diverger and assimilator. This style is highly adapted but some amendments are still needed for the effective working.
  • Peter Honey and Alan Mumford model- They have followed David Kolb model with some changes and modifications. Like they have made changes in the learning cycle stage as follows- managerial, reviewing, concluding and planning for the future. Apart from that they have changed the learning styles as activist, reflector, theorist and pragmatist. Questionnaire made by them as has served as an effective tool in the learning style as compared to the Kolb model. These styles are also easily adapatable in all the changed circumstances in which an organization work in the suitable manner (Hatami, 2013).
  • Neil Fleming’s VARK and VAK model- VAK stands for visualizing, auditory and kinesthetic modality. This model is in relation to the model made by the Barbe and Colleagues are taken into consideration for the effective learning along with the system of representation is also used. Sensory modality used by the theorist is visual, auditory, read- write and kinesthetic sensory models. According to him learners learning style is depended on these four sensory models suggested by him. It is depended on the learning style as if thelearner prefers auditory mode then they can easily use them and gain learning effectively and efficiently. Same concept is applicable on the other learners like kinesthetic, visual and read and writes sensory models.  Students should choose the style that is best suitable and the most preferable to them.
  • Anthony Gregorc’s model- This is based on the concept that different person pursue the information differently so learners chose the best learning style in that context as per there priority. Again this model is also based on certain parameters like concrete and abstract means the perpetual qualities and sequential and random being the order quality.  Each and every aspect has its own importance and style of learning and gaining information like idea, qualities etc. comes under the abstract learning whereas learning through sense organs comes under the concrete abilities. Apart from that when learner learns the information through the sequence and order then it is sequential order ability whereas when information is learned through various hurdles and blocks that is random. Every individual learn differently from the different learning styles and qualities. This showcases there strong and weak points in the learning capacity (Rolfe et.al, 2012).
  • NASSP model- It stands for national association of secondary school principals that also carried out the theory of learning style i.e. cognitive, affective and physiological. Apart from that various variables and theories such as VAK and many other variables are also taken into account. Learning style is depended on the behavior of the learners as well as its observation. These styles have its own elements like cognitive are the various ways that can help to retain or observe the learning. Apart from that affective style constitute the attitude and behavior of the learners. There are many aspects of the human life that differ from person to person. So if all these parameters are taken into account then this leaning style can be effective (Blevins, 2014).


Self-reflection is the self-appraisal of oneself to diminish the flaws and enhance the strength for the better development of one’s personality. It is the key aspect that is required to be used by the every individual or the organization so that a better and more prospects are present in future. Immanuel Kant has described a human being as rational animal that is different from the others animals. Due to the mental strength present in the person it become important that no wrong measures are taken into account so in that way it is the best tool to evaluate oneself over a period of time. In relation to the organization self-reflection is the important concept that is highly essential for the effective growth of the organization and for its unsustainability also.

Self-reflection cannot be avoided and ignored as it gives the personal judgment of oneself. It is used to give ideas about the strength and weakness so that these weaknesses cab be reduced to the great extent. Apart from that it is also true that a person oneself is the best scrutinizer and he knows its strength and weakness that no nobody else knows. So by self-reflection all the matter are analyzed and evaluated in a systematic and effective manner. It also increases the potential of the person that ultimately increase the productivity of the organization.

Self-reflection in the learning style

Learning style constituted many theories that help to adopt various styles of learning. Many models and theories are made that can enable a better understanding of the learning style. A person should chose the learning style as per there capability as well as their ability. So to accomplish this task the learning style that is best suited is the Peter Honey andAlan Mumford model as this is the model that has adapted the principles of Kolb as the base and makes certain amendments in that regards. This is widely used learning style so it can easily be used for the purpose of self-reflection.

So for the purpose of self-reflectionthe four learning style of the theorist is taken into account i.e. activist, theorist, pragmatist and reflector. All four styles have its own significance and importance such as activist always tries to learn from the experiences of the work that is performed by him. Theorist is the person who always tries to learn from the theory and the reason of those actions. Pragmatist is the person who always tries to make necessary adjustment before implementing learning style in the reality and last is the persons who take necessary data and make necessary learning accordingly by standing on the sidelines (Crosier, 2010).

I am a person who is has the attribute of the theorist. I always try to learn from the theories that are present by the way of statistics, models, quotes, backgrounds and many other different sources. I cannot learn from the way of brainstorming, competition and many others practical approach. Even I also cannot stand on the sidelines and wait for the task to accomplish. Similarly I also cannot learn through the way of collection of data and all the necessary information associated with it. I have to learn by the systematic manner as the information & knowledge that is available in the form of chunk is not help me to learn in the effective and efficient manner. I am a sort of the person who always tries to work in a logical way so that no point is skipped in the process of learning. I always want that my work and learning be neat and tidy with all the proper reasoning so that a better presentation can be available for it. But then also there are certain aspects in my working that needs improvement as I am not brainstorming person so I am not able to learn from that practical experiences that are required in the today’s world scenario. I also always tries to avoid myself from the life changing experiences that is required a great deal of improvement for the better personality.

I am working towards the goal of diminishing my learning problems so that if any problems arise then I would able to learn from it. Even I am taking classes and guidance and classes from all the trusted sources so that I may able to conduct a better approach of learning. I am also trying to adopt all other attributes in my learning styles. I am working hard on it and hoping that I conquer the desired result that is beneficial for my better learning. With my effective approach and better learning style I would be able to implement my strength in the organization that ultimately would increase the overall performance of the organization. With my learning style SME would be benefited as with the combination of pragmatist and activist would help to enhance the working of the organization and effective growth shall also be constituted for the long run of business (Taylor et.al, 2010).

Summary of task 2

This task comprises of the learning style that help the person to learn and retain knowledge about the business or any other key aspects that is beneficial for one self. In this concern many theories are evolved by the theorist so that learning style is used in an effective and efficient manner. Various models that were discussed were Kolb, Peter honey and Alan Mumford model, Neil Flemings and many others in these aspects of learning style. Apart from that a self-reflection concept is also focused that is essential for every individual for the personal growth and development. By self-reflection if the person is able to overcome its flaws then it became beneficial for the organization in the long run. So for this purpose Peter honey and Alan Mumford model is used to perform self-reflection that can become beneficial for the individual and organization on the overall basis.


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Altimier, L. (2016). leadership. Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews,doi:10.1053/j.nainr.2016.10.001
Blevins, S. (2014). Understanding learning styles. Medsurg Nursing : Official Journal of the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses, 23(1), 59.
Cr?ciun, L., N?stase, M., Stamule, T. & Vizitiu, C. 2015, "Leadership in Romanian Small to Medium Enterprises", Sustainability, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 4183-4198.
Crosier, J. (2010). The creative soul of
emily bronte: A study of the role of self-reflective learning theory in the development of a writing genius. Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table,
De Feo, J.A. & Juran, J.M. 2014, Juran's quality essentials: for leaders, McGraw-Hill Education, New York.
Garcia, I. (2014). Emergent leadership: Is e-leadership importance in the quality of virtual education RIED. Revista Iberoamericana De Educación a Distancia, 18(1) doi:10.5944/ried.18.1.13798
Giltinane, C. L. (2013). Leadership styles and theories. Nursing Standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987), 27(41), 35.
Hatami, S. (2013). Learning style s. ELT Journal, 67(4), 488.
Rolfe, A., & Cheek, B. (2012). Learning styles. Innovait, 5(3), 176-181. doi:10.1093/innovait/inr239
Taylor, P. G., & Cheung, M. (2010). Integration of Personal/Professional self (IPPS) through Reflective/Experiential learning. Journal of Teaching in Social Work, 30(2), 159-174. doi:10.1080/08841231003705248
Validov, A. F., & Pulaj, E. (2016). leadership styles in transitional economies. Academy ofStrategic Management Journal, 15, 1.