Unit 3 Organizations and behavior - CAPCO

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Unit 3 Organizations and behavior - CAPCO
Organizations and behavior - CAPCO
Unit 3 Organizations and behavior - CAPCO



Diploma in Business

Unit Number and Title

Unit 3 Organisations and Behaviour

QFC Level

Level 4

Unit Code



Organizational behavior is area of study where the organizations investigate the impacts of individuals, groups and organizational structure on the behavior of the employees within an organization (Robbins and Judge, 2013). OB is a distinctive area of expertise with a common body of knowledge. It studies the behavior of the organization from three dimensions which are individuals, group and structure. The main purpose of OB is to ensure efficient operation of the organization studying the behavior and making plans and policies accordingly. The outcome from this study is how the behavior of individual, group and structure affects the organizations performance. Organizational Behavior includes the area of motivation, leadership, power and control, interpersonal communication, learning, group structure and processes, attitude, perception, conflict resolution, work design and stress etc (Robbins and Judge, 2013). An organization is mostly defined by its culture and structure which also influence the performance of the organization. Several factors of organization’s culture formulate the individual characteristics in an organization. Culture and organizational structure also formulates the leadership style and motivational theory practices within an organization. In addition, leadership style has a direct influence on the motivational theory practices of an organization. Because the democratic leader motivate employees by providing flexibility where the autocratic leaders force the employees towards work. Managers have to analyze and understand the motivational theory in order to apply them in real world. Finally, group behavior is very important for the success of and organization. The responsibility of managers is to create effective group for special job. Groups are formulated mostly based on the purpose and on the similarities among the group members. The advancement of modern technology has made it easy to communicate among the group members.

unit 3 capco


This part of report will focus on the impact of different leadership styles on motivation, application of motivational theories, and necessity of managers to understand and apply of motivational theories.

C.1 Discussing the impact that different leadership styles may have on motivation within period of change

Motivation describes the ways by which the managers influence the productivity of employees and the overall performance of an organization. Motivation is greatly influenced by the leadership style that the managers follow.  Motivation is very important to the performance of an organization. So, the managers are required to adopt a proper motivational theory in the organization. In most of the cases, the employees are resisting to change. As a result, managers have to convince the employees through motivating them. The crucial work of motivating employees is greatly influenced by the leadership style which formulates the motivation style of an organization.
The motivation process requires an effective leadership style which will encourage the employees and push them towards work. The autocratic leadership style of CAPCO is not supportive to motivate the employees. In CAPCO, the employees enjoy less flexibility and sometimes resist changing. The autocratic leadership style of CAPCO is the main reason why the managers cannot motivate the employees properly although the employees are forces towards the goal of the organization. Most of the time, employees don’t feel the need for change and oppose to the decisions of managers.
On the other hand, the democratic leadership style of an organization permits the participation of employees in decision-making. In addition, the democratic style establishes a friendly relationship between the managers and employees. The employees find them important in the organizations they can influence on the decision of the organization. As a result, any resist to change happens on the participation of the employees and the employees don’t resist changing.
Finally, the laissez-faire leadership style is also used in different organizations. In such leadership style, the employees take most of the decisions and the managers or leaders work as a mentor of employees. Thus, managers don’t directly take any decision under such leadership style. As a result, this leadership style is not as effective as the democratic leadership style. So, organizations should democratic leadership if they want to motivate the employees and to increase the productivity of the organization.

C.2 Comparing the application of two motivational theories in organizational setting

Motivation is directly connected to the productivity of an organization. An organization with motivated and dedicated employees can perform better than an organization with the unsatisfied employees. As a result, organizations try to apply several motivational theories in order to influence the productivity. The most popular theories of motivation are Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory and Herzberg’s two factor theory.
The application of Maslow’s hierarchy of need theory requires the managers of CAPCO to identify the needs and wants of the employees and to classify them according to the stages suggested by the theory. The theory suggests five stages of needs of human being and to use these needs in order to motivate the employees. The five stages of hierarchy theory are physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs (Shaw, 2012). If the employees fulfill the one stage of needs, the successive stage can be used by the managers as a tool for motivating them. In such way, the manager can use the needs of human being as a tool for motivating them towards work.
The two-factor theory of Herzberg identifies two factors related to motivation- hygiene and motivators. In order to apply the theory, the managers of CAPCO have to identify the hygiene factors and motivating factors. The theory suggests that the absence hygiene factors create dissatisfaction among the employees (Shaw, 2012). These factors are common in every organization such as environment, wage policy, job security. At first, the manager has to ensure the presence of these factors. Then, managers of CAPCO have to identify the motivators as the presence of motivators motivates the employees.  The theory suggests that the presence of motivators will motivate the employees and the absence of these factors keeps the employees neutral. So, he managers can use the factors such as challenging job, growth of company advertisement and promotion as a tool of motivating them. In applying the theory, the manager of CAPCO is highly required to identify the motivators and hygiene in order to create an opportunity to increase the productivity of the organization. But, the problem is that some elements are motivator to some employees and at the same time they are hygiene to the other employees.

C.3 Explaining the necessity of managers to understand and apply motivation theories within the workplace

Managers of CAPCO are assigned to operate the organization properly and make the works done by the subordinates. For this reason, the most important task of managers is to managing and encouraging the human resource of CAPCO.  In addition, the productivity of an organization is largely related to the motivation that the managers provide to the employees (Shaw, 2012). So, the managers of CAPCO are required to apply a proper motivational theory in order to influence the productivity of the organization. To apply the motivational theory, the managers of CAPCO have to analyze and understand the theories properly.  In order to apply the hierarchy of need theory, the managers are required to understand the needs of the employees. As there are several racial, gender and cultural people are working in CAPCO, the managers have to understand the different needs of these different types of people. After that, managers of CAPCO have to classify the needs into five categories according to the suggestions provided by the hierarchy of needs theory. Then, managers can apply the needs of employees as a tool of motivating them (Shaw, 2012).
To apply the two factors theory, managers of CAPCO have to understand which factors are motivators and which factors is hygiene. After that managers have to ensure the hygiene factors in order to ensure the common facilities. Finally, managers can apply the motivators for motivating the employees. Some other managers apply X theory and Y theory provided by McGregor. The theory wishes to find out the particular characteristics of employees. Then, treat the employees according to the result. If managers of CAPCO want to apply the X theory and Y theory, managers have to find out whether the employees are devoted to work or not. If the employees like their work and involve highly with it, then managers will apply the Y theory. Otherwise, managers will apply X theory in order to put pressure on the employees. Thus, managers of CAPCO are required to understand and apply the motivational theories in order to increase the productivity of the organization.

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In this part of report, the discussion will be made on nature of group and group behavior, factors that promote teamwork, and evaluation on the impact of technology on teamwork. This will provide an understanding of effective teamwork of organization like CAPCO.

D.1 Explaining the nature of group and group behavior within CAPCO

 Is a combination of people who are assigned to attain a particular goal by working in a combined way (Luthans and Kreitner, 2015).  Most of the important tasks of CAPCO are assigned to a particular group by considering the nature of the work and the specialty of the group members. The group objective is defined by the managers and the group leader is liable to the manger for performing the work with the help of the group members. The group members are bound to follow the instructions of the group leader and interact with each other in order to attain the group’s goal. A particular time period is bounded by the managers of CAPCO to a particular group for performing a particular goal. As the end of the time period, the performance of the group is measured and compared with the standard that is set by the manager at the beginning of the task. As the management of the CAPCO is liable to run the organization properly, the management creates some specialist group based on the similarities of the group members in respect to their personality, skills, education, race, gender etc. and assigns them with particular goals (Shaw, 2012). These groups are R&D group, customers’ research group, credit risk group, market analysis group. The group members interact with each other to do the work in the best possible way. As the people of a group are similar kind, the interaction of the members become more effective and the performing to assign work become more easy and effective. The most important thing is that the achievement of the organizational goal of CAPCO is a combined success of different group of people in the organization. So, the effectiveness and success of groups of CAPCO is directly related to the success of the organization. So, the responsibility of managers of CAPCO is to create several specialized group and assign them with special goals in order to influence to success of the organization.

D.2 Discussing the factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective teamwork within CAPCO

Teamwork is the best to make a work done and is very important for the success of an organization. But the effectiveness of teamwork depends on several factors that have a direct impact on it (Lewis, 2013). The cooperation among the group members is the most important element to make a group effort successful.  In addition, the respect of group member to each other and believe in each other are the important determiner of a group effort. In addition, the formation of group is also important for the success of a group. If the members of a group are selected in accordance with the similarity of their personality, skills, education, attitude etc., the success of the group is very possible. Because, the individuals of similar category will be able to interact with each other easily... As a result, the performing of group task will be easier. In addition, the diverse members in respect to culture, race, personality will gather more ideas and will promote creativity of group work.
In contrast, the effectiveness of teamwork can be hampered by the misunderstanding among the group members (Luthans and Kreitner, 2015). In addition, the lack of proper communication also decreases the effectiveness. The worst is happen when the team members don’t have a proper understanding on the objective of the teamwork.
Managers of CAPCO select the members of a group in accordance with the nature of task and the characteristics required for the member to perform the job (Shaw, 2012). Managers make the members understand the goal and assign them by binding a particular standard and time. Later, the group leader determines the role and responsibilities of each member and interacts with the members to attain the goal. Managers of CAPCO follow Belbin’s team role to classify the responsibilities of each member.

D.3 Evaluating the impact of technology on team functioning within CAPCO

Teamwork directly influences the performance of the organization that a team belongs to. As a result, a proper teamwork is very important for every organization (Lewis, 2013). Like other successful organization, CAPCO forms several group for encourage the success of the organization. The teams are assigned with particular goals. In the modern world, the advancement in modern technology has paves the way to facilitate the teamwork by using the communication devices.
The success of teamwork of CAPCO is largely depends on the proper communication among the members of the group. The communication technology has made it easy to communicate with the group members. The groups in CAPCO use virtual ways of communication through the use of communication technology. As a result, the members can communicate with each other at any time they wish. CAPCO conducts its business throughout the world. As a result, the organization has to create group with people who are belonging in different corners of the world (Luthans and Kreitner, 2015). In such situation, communication technology is playing a vital role for establishing communication among the group members. In addition, group members have to share different files and information. The technology has made it possible to do the job easily. The use of computer and other digital devices has increased the productivity of group members of CAPCO.


In this report, a broad discussion has made on the structure heritage culture of CAPCO and comparison has and with that of HSBC. The influence to CAPCO’s culture and structure on the leadership style of the organization also discussed and the detailed was said regarding the influence of leadership style on the motivational theory practices of CAPCO. The discussion reveals that the structure has a great influence on the behavior on individuals within the organization. The application of motivational theory by the managers of CAPCO is also discussed. In the later part, the formation and functioning of team and teamwork of CAPCO has discussed and the impact of technology on the group performance is also discussed.


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