Unit 19 Essay on Marketing Planning Assignment

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Unit 19 Essay on Marketing Planning Assignment
Unit 19 Essay on Marketing Planning Assignment
Unit 19 Essay on Marketing Planning Assignment


Diploma in Business (Marketing)

Unit Number and Title

Unit 19 Essay on Marketing Planning Assignment

QFC Level

Level 5


This program has been conducted over the topic Marketing and its application so as to enhance the knowledge of marketing which is an important element for every business. This Unit 19 Essay on Marketing Planning Assignment will discuss the different aspects of the marketing so as to develop the knowledge of these aspects. Organisations are using marketing plans for the purpose of enhancing their performance and develop the chances of survival and growth. This program will be divided into two parts and in the first part of the program a PowerPoint presentation will be prepared in which discussion will be made over theconcept of marketing with the current and future trends, overview of the various marketing processes, roles and responsibilities of the manager of the EE Limited, impact of these roles and responsibilities over the other functional departments, values and the importance of the role of marketing in EE Limited and the importance of the effectiveness in the interrelationships between the different departments divided on the basis of functions of EE Limited. In the second task of the program a report will discuss the comparison between the EE Limited and another company on the basis of the elements of the marketing mix of the process of the marketing planning for the purpose of attainment of the objectives of the business and it the second task will also include a marketing plan for meeting the objectives or the goals of the organisation.

Marketing Plan

Task 1

In this section a presentation will be prepared in which different aspects of the marketing will be considered in relation with the given case study. The case study is based on EE Limited Company a mobile phone company of United Kingdom which is facing problems due to poor communication between the different functions and lack of proper marketing strategies.

Power Point presentation

Power point presentation
PowerPoint presentation
PowerPoint presentation
power point presentation
Power Point presentation
Power Point presentation
Power Point presentation
Power Point presentation
Power Point presentation
Power Point presentation
Power Point presentation

Task 2

In this essay on marketing planning assignment case study has been given in which promotion has been given as the New Marketing Director of the EE Limited which is a mobile phone company of United Kingdom. As a New Marketing Director the first objective is to analyse the level of competition in the business environment and developing marketing plan which will include different aspects of the marketing process of the EE Limited.


Marketing mix can be explained a tool of business which is used in the marketing process of the business by the marketers. It includes the different set of actions which are being used by the business or the companies for the purpose of promoting the brand or the products offered by the business to its customers in the market (Brooks & Simkin, 2012). Marketing mix.is the sum total of different aspects related to the advertisement of a product and these aspects or elements include Price, product, promotion and place.But with the change in the business environment few other P’s have been included in the marketing mix and these are packaging, people, positioning and politics. Application of the different elements of marketing mix by the EE Limited and Virgin Media, mobile companies of United Kingdom in the process of the marketing planningwith a motive to achieve the objectives decided or set by both the organisations.These elements of the marketing mix affect the marketing planning process of the businesses at large as the plans of the businesses are planned on the basis of these elements of the marketing mix. Both EE Limited and Virgin Media are preparing marketing planning process by using the elements of the marketing mix.

Target market

These marketing mix elements are explained as follows:

  • Product: this element of the marketing mix includes the product as well as the brand which the business is providing to its customers. This element helps in the marketing planning process in preparing an outline for the purpose of ensuring the increase in the sales of the business by meeting the expectations of the customers and satisfying their needs (Sulaimon, et. al., 2016). This element helps the marketing planning process in identifying the needs of the customers, the manner in which the customers will use the product, the presentation of the product and its attractiveness in attracting the customers, how to brand the product and differentiating the products offered by the business from its competitors.
  • Place: this element of the marketing mix include the availability of the product to the customers for their use or consumption, defining the channels used for the purpose ofdistributing the product in the market for making it available to the customers, management of the ethical issues, analysis of the culture of the places and the supply to the place as per the requirement (Mirpuri & Narwani, 2012).
  • Promotion: in this element of the marketing mix the focus is over the promotion of the product in the market in an effective manner so as to enhance the performance of the business in the market.For this business need to adopt communication strategies or marketing strategies and mode of promotion.
  • Price: pricing is an important aspect which affects the purchasing decision of the customers or the potential customers. In this aspect the analysis is done over the demand and supply of the product in the market so as to determine the prices of the products to be offered to the customers and for analysing the price of the product for dealing with the competition in the market (Koi-Akrofi, et. al., 2013).

marketing mix elements

The manner in which EE Limited has applied or adopted marketing mix in the process of marketing planningfor the achievement of the objectives of the EE Limited is discussed below. EE Limited has involved marketing mix in the marketing planning process so as to enhance the performance of the organisation in the market. It has used the Four P’s of marketing mix as follows. It has used the element “product” so as to analyse the demand of the product in the market and the features or the trend prevailing in the market, “price” so as to determine the price of the mobile phones according to the reach of the customers as the purchasing power of the customers differs depending on the purchasing power of the customers and for this it is offering different mobile phones with different features on different prices, “place”so as to offer the mobile phones after analysing the place and the trend of the place and “promotion” is used for the advertisement of the mobile phones with the help of social media platforms, advertisements, newspapers, posters and radio advertisements (Giovanis, et. al., 2016). All these are used for the preparation of the marketing planning process an effective and efficient process for the purpose of enhancing the customer base, for communicating the information of the product to the customers, delivering the message to the society and for creating value.

On the other hand, Virgin Media has also used these four P’s of marketing mix in its marketing planning process so as to promote the products in the market. Virgin Media is using competitive pricing in which it analysis the pricing policies of its competitors in the market so as to gain a competitive advantage over the others. It is using different channels for the purpose of offering the mobile phones in the market. It has selected a three segmented approach for reaching the market and these segments include sales and service dealers, modern retailers and the distributors. They are focusing over creation of healthy relationship with these segments or the channels so as to reach the customers in a better manner. Virgin Media is offering discounts to the customers for motivating them to purchase the products. It has adopted a pull strategy in which it is focusing over creation of interest for a particular product in the market. For an example: various companies are offering variety of offers on the purchase of their mobile phones such as free internet and free calling for attracting the customers towards their products (Giovanis, et. al., 2016).


Marketing plan for EE Limited for ensuring the attainment of the objectives of the organisation

Marketing plan

Executive summary: EE limited is a mobile company of United Kingdom which is having a large customer base. In the recent years it has been analysed that the EE Limited is facing issues due to various reasons and it has created an impact over the customers of the organisation. This marketing report has prepared with a motive to formulate an effective marketing plan which helps in enhancing the satisfaction level of the customers and enhancing the customer base of EE Limited. In this marketing plan for the EE Limited analysis will be done of the strategies adopted by the EE Limited for the purpose of marketing its products. This will be done with the help of the internal analysis, external analysis and SWOT analysis (Ntale, et. al., 2013). The mobile communication industry is an industry where changes are taking place at fast speed due to the change in the technology used for the manufacturing of the mobile phones. This marketing plan will include the use of the marketing mix for solving the issues or the problems faced by the EE Limited. EE Limited is planning to offer better services to the customers by offering new models at affordable prices. For this purpose of EE Limited need to use marketing plans which helps in advertising the mobile phones offered in the market to the customers for improving their satisfaction level and gaining customer’s loyalty. And it also needs to adopt ways for promoting or advertising the products of the companies (Ghezzi, et. al., 2015).

Overview of the company:EE Limited is a mobile company operating its business in United Kingdom and it was established in 2010. EE Limited was the first company which had offered 4G mobile services for the first time in Britain. For the promotion of the products of EE Limited it is using promotional mix and is relying over the use of the social and digital media advertising. The major problems or the issues faced by EE Limited include decreasing satisfaction level of the customers and increase in the number of the complaints by the customers. EE Limited is having more than 574 stores which are providing or offering the products to the customers and it is also offering the products to the customers through its website. EE Limited is having a good and healthy relationship with its customers which have acted as an advantage for the company. But with the changing technology there is a need to make changes in the marketing practices of the organisation.

marketing practices

Analysis of the current market situations: analysis of the current market situations is an important aspect which helps in the analysis of the situations in the market which need to be dealt in an effective manner. Situations of the market create huge impact over the performance of the business as these affects the performance of the business (Banker, et. al., 2010).

  • Internal analysis: internal analysis refers to the analysis of the internal factors of the business which are under the control of the business and can be managed or the impact of whose can be reduced with the help of the adoption of different strategies or marketing techniques. The internal factors include the resources of the organisation which are responsible for the execution of the operations of EE Limited in an effective manner (Nikou, et. al., 2012).
  • External analysis: external analysis is the external factors which are outside the control of the business and affects the performance of the business. For the purpose of external analysis PESTLE analysis is done so as to analyse the external factors and their impacts over the EE Limited. PESTLE analysis covers the analysis of the political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors and their impacts over the performance of the EE Limited.
    • Political factor: there is less or no impact of the political factor of United Kingdom over the mobile and telecommunication industries. The mobile and telecommunication industry of United Kingdom is regulated by the Ofcom.
    • Economic factor: the economic condition of United Kingdom is good and stable which makes it suitable for the operations of EE Limited. The income level of the individual in United Kingdom has increased which has resulted into increase in the sales of the mobile phones in United Kingdom. But the unemployment is creating a negative impact over the sales of EE Limited (Hosseini, et. al., 2013).
    • Social factor: the demographics of the United Kingdom has shifted the focus of the people of United Kingdom towards the use of the technology and advanced technological equipments or devices. With the increase in the use of internet in the culture the sales of the mobile phones have raised and EE Limited can gain advantage over the competitors by using this aspect
    • Technological factor: the changes in the technology are taking place at a very fast speed and the technology used for the manufacturing of the mobile phones is changing at a very fast speed with the change in the features of the mobile phones due to improvements or innovations in the field of technology. EE Limited needs to make changes in its products as per the changing technology so as to satisfy the customers and enhance the performance of the business (Mukli, et. al., 2012).
    • Legal factor: there are rules and regulations framed by the government so as to guide the conduct of the different industries in a fair and legal manner. There are various organisations or authorities framed which controls the telecommunication market in United Kingdom. These authorities include Ofcom, Federation of communication services and Telecommunication Ombudsman (Hosseini, et. al., 2013).
    • Environmental factor: EE Limited need to offer recycling of the mobile phones offered by it so as to contribute towards the safety of the environment so as to fulfil its social responsibility towards the society and the environment which are providing resources for its operations.
  • SWOT analysis: in the SWOT analysis, analysis is done of the strength, weakness of the organisation and the opportunities and threats present in the environment.
    • Strengths: the major strengths of EE Limited include the largest 3G network around United Kingdom, the largest coverage area in United Kingdom, large number of customer base, effective and efficient workforce and a large number of the stores offering the products of the EE Limited to its customers (Ghezzi, et. al., 2015).
    • Weaknesses: the Weaknesses of EE Limited which are affecting the performance of EE Limited include lack of the brand popularity as the company has been launched in the recent years, technical issues faced by the customers in the mobile phones offered by it. This has resulted into decrease in the satisfaction level of the customers.
    • Opportunities: the rise in the mobile telecommunication industry has opened new gates for EE Limited so as to expand the area of operation and to enhance its performance at a wider level. It has offered 4G services which has enabled it to form a strong customer base.
    • Threats: there is huge competition in the mobile telecommunication industry which affects the performance of EE Limited. The increase in the threat and IT attacks has also acted as threats for EE Limited.
  • Objectives of EE Limited: the objective of EE Limited is to increase the customer base of the business by enhancing the satisfaction level of the customers. To provide better services to the customers by making changes in the products offered by it and removing the issues from the products,which affects the customers and their satisfaction level. Another objective is to improve the image of the business and to generate goodwill in the market for generating loyalty among the customers towards the business (Ghezzi, et. al., 2015).
  • Strategy: EE Limited needs to use the marketing mix so as to develop a healthy relationship with its customers for a long term period. The different elements of the marketing mix help in dealing with the issues faced by EE Limited.These elements of the marketing mix will help in the marketing of the products of EE Limited in a better manner. Marketing mix include price, product, place, promotion, process, people and various other elements which are important for the formulation or preparation of the marketing plan for EE Limited and for the purpose of enhancing the performance of EE Limited in the mobile telecommunication industry.

mobile telecommunication industry

  • Segmentation, targeting and positioning: segmentation can be understood as dividing the market into smaller sections or groups on the basis of the common features or characteristics. For the future growth of the business it is important for EE Limited to attract the new customers by retaining the existing customers. EE Limited needs to divide the society into groups and offer the products on the basis of the requirement and capability to pay of the product. After the segmentation and targeting process the next step is to position the products of the organisationand adopt strategies which help in the promotion of the product (Bedi, 2015).



Amount ($)

Analysis of the elements of the business environment


Evaluation of the elements


Formulation of the marketing plans


Salary to the experts for preparing marketing plan


Analysis of the effectiveness of the plan by conducting surveys




Conclusion: EE Limited is having prospects of growth in future and for the purpose of the attainment of the future growth prospects there is a need to formulate an effective marketing plan and this section has discussed the marketing plan for EE Limited.

marketing plan for EE Limited

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This program has covered different aspects of the marketing and generated the understanding of these aspects in a better manner. In this program a presentation has been prepared so as to discuss the aspects of marketing and its role in an organisation. It has explained the concept of marketing mix and its importance in the marketing planning process. A comparison has been made between the company given in the case study and another company United Kingdom so as to analyse the manner in which these organisations have used marketing mix in their marketing planning process. This program also covers a marketing plan which has discussed the different aspects of the marketing plan in relation with the EE Limited so as to understand the manner in which the marketing plan of an organisation is prepared.

