Unit 18 Facilities Operations and Management Assignment Sample

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Unit 18 Facilities Operations and Management Assignment Sample
Unit 18 Facilities Operations and Management Assignment Sample
Unit 18 Facilities Operations and Management Assignment Sample

Unit 18 Facilities Operations and Management Assignment Sample - Assignment Help in UK


This Unit 18 Facilities Operations and Management Assignment Sample discusses the action plan for the management and execution of conference related to the education, training and skill development of the students of EThames Graduate School. The contract for this purpose has been made by the school with Fizz bang which is renowned provider of services of management of facilities and operations. The company prepared a plan for the execution of conference for students in London. In accordance with the plan the report to be sent to client is also enclosed in this report. The checklists for the determination of completion of action plans are also discussed along with the rationale for justification of the elements of checklists. The steps to be taken for management and control during the running of conference are also mentioned. (Russell, 2011)

Unit 18 Facilities Operations and Management Assignment Sample - Assignment Help in UK

Task 1

Report to the Client

The Facilities Manager
EThames Graduate School

Sub: Education, skills and training conference to be held in London.

This is to provide you with the relevant information related to the essential requirements of the event and recommendations for the same. This has been explained below in detail in context of different areas related to the conference.

Compliance Issues

While planning and executing the conference which relates to the education skills and training in United Kingdom, the ethics and legislations and regulations of UK shall be adhered to. Along with this the policy of EThames School shall also be considered by us. The regulations include statutory regulations as well as health, safety and environmental measures. The statutory regulations include legislations of UK which prohibits discrimination in education and supports inclusive education, obligations under international human rights law and obligations of Equality Act 2010. The environmental compliances will be adhered to by creating an environmental policy which shall include management of energy consumption by choosing environmentally preferable products, appointment of green team and managing energy in hotel and venue of conference. The use of efficient lighting for optimum consumption of energy will be made. The management of water and optimum use of sources of water will be done using techniques and methods such as Graywater Recycling System. The quality of indoor air in hotel and conference hall will have to be controlled and improved. Other amenities and basic facilities will have to be made green by using eco-friendly products, methods and processes for the distribution and supply of these facilities at hotel and conference hall. The environmental audit will have to be conducted to ensure the compliance of environmental issues and regulations. The compliance of health and safety measures will include arrangement of full time doctors during the conference, proper arrangements for vaccination of the participants who are coming from different places to participate in the conference, use of hygienic material and processes for preparation of food and supply of food in hygienic manner, cleaning of rooms and other areas on regular places, placing of dustbins at the venue in order to ;prevent the people from throwing the garbage anywhere within the hotel and other health and safety matters. (Shane, 2013) The compliance of other regulatory measures such as laws related to local authorities and government for conducting the conference in London. The policy of our company shall also be taken into consideration to determine the procedures of the conference along with the policy of EThames. The eligibility criteria for the participants in accordance witty the laws of London shall also be considered. The set of standards and policies framed by the funding agencies shall be strictly adhered to by our team members since the non-compliance of the same may result in the withdrawal of funds or payment of compensation. The legislative and legal requirements shall also be strictly adhered to the non-compliance of which may result in the penalties and compensations. The conference is a public event that too related to students therefore special attention shall be paid to illegal activities that may take place in the crowd. Measures shall be taken to prevent public smoking and entry of any person who is not authorised to enter the venue. For this purpose the security agency shall be contracted with who shall appoint security personnel’s to prevent entry of unauthorised persons at the conference venue. The security guards shall be kept on duty at the entry and exit doors to prevent any person carrying irrelevant or illegal stuff with him. The students shall be pre informed about the code of conduct and guidelines to be followed during the conference through incorporating them in the invite/entry pass or brochure of the conference. In this way all the compliance issues whether it be legal, statutory, health and safety issues, environmental issues, security issues and compliance of code of conduct in accordance with the standards set by the funding agencies and management of school and our company policies shall be considered during planning as well as execution stage.(Jacobs, 2011)

Responsibilities of Facilities Manager

The facilities manager has a crucial role to play in the organization of an event and its successful execution and implementation. The school already has a facilities manager therefore the role of our facilities and operations manager will also include aligning the operations and policies with the policies and plan made by your facilities manager in order to avoid duplication. The responsibilities of our facilities manager are discussed below:

  • Towards the staff – This responsibility includes the appointment of suitable and talented personnel to be the part of team for planning and implementing the conference and volunteer the event in accordance with their qualification, skills and talent.  Before appointing the manager shall define their roles and responsibilities and duties and tasks well in advance. After appointment the manger shall make efforts to co-ordinate the tasks to be performed by different managers and enable them work in a team to achieve the purposes of the conference. The staff of the conference will work in accordance with the directions and guidelines of the manager therefore the manger is also responsible for the good quality work of the staff members and completion of their tasks on timely basis so that the conference is not delayed. The manager shall make efforts to motivate the team members in order to enhance their performance and enable them undertake the tasks assigned to them willingly and enthusiastically. The manger shall ensure that the conflict of interest does not arise between the team members and they work with team spirit and co-operation. (Kensek, 2015)
  • Towards the operational aspects – The entire responsibility of the operations of the event lies with the manager. The manger shall be responsible for effective and efficient implementation and execution of operations of the conference. From the initial stage of planning of the conference, its marketing, advertising and promotional activities, adherence of compliance standards, health and safety measures, execution of conference, inviting speakers and participants, arrangement of basic facilities and amenities, management of staff, supply of food safety, maintenance of venue, compliance with contracts, conducting meetings and all other operational activities related to the conference ending with the winding up of conference and payments and settlement  is entirely the responsibility of the facilities and operations manager. The contractual arrangements and their timely compliance and settlement are part of manager’s role. The manger shall also make arrangements for collection of funds and resources from finding agencies and other sponsors and payment of amounts due to vendors and suppliers and providers of services to the participants of the conference.The responsibility of the maintenance and cleanliness of the hotel building and conference hall is also the responsibility of the manager.
  • Towards the customers– The customers being the participants of the conference seek the accountability of the manager for the success of the conference in achieving its goals and objectives set forth at the planning stage by the manger. The reputation and image of the manger is the reason which attracts the customers to attend the conference willingly and with excitement. They look forward to the fulfilment if promises made by the manger through the conference brochures. Therefore the manger is completely responsible to resolve the grievances of the participant’s reform and modify his plans in accordance with the requirements and suggestions of the participants. The recommendations from the customers shall be considered while planning and implementing the operations related to the conference. (Media, 2011)

In this way the facilities and operations manager has to undertake the entire responsibility for the successful execution of the conference and he shall be accountable to the persons who relate to the conference therefore he shall ensure that the conference is implemented in accordance with the objectives to provide training to the students to enable them enhance their knowledge and skills and improve their level of education.

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Systems to implement

The facilities and operations manager shall be responsible for the effective management of the venue building i.e., the hotel where the conference is proposed to be held. For this purpose the manger shall make arrangements to identify the suitable location and venue, approaching the vendor for entering into contract with the hotel for the organization of the conference, discussing the terms and conditions which has to be complied with along with the requirements of basic amenities and facilities for the participants which shall be needed by them during the conference. The extra arrangements which will be needed at the hotel need to be clearly defined well in advance and the terms and conditions including the costs need to be agreed upon by both the parties. The payment requirements along with method of payment, time of settlements details of cost to be charged by the hotel for the services to be provided also need to be defined clearly. The manager shall make arrangements at the hotel for the compliance of environmental issues through adopting methods such as purchase of environmental friendly products, preparation of food in hygienic conditions, optima=um use of water and energy resources, management of energy conservation etc. The arrangements for the health and safety measures shall also be made at the hotel to ensure the health and safety of participants. The employment of hotel staff during the conference shall also be determined by the manger in consultation with the authorised person being hotel representative. The duties and tasks performed by the hotel staff and amount to be paid to them also needs to be decided in order to avoid confusions at the time of execution of conference and duplication of work.(Delegation, 2013). In this way the manger shall put in place all the systems, objectives and requirements for facilities and operations management, adhering to compliance issues and undertaking the responsibilities for the event.

Facilities and operations Manager
Fizz Bang

Task 2

Planning the event and Portfolio of evidence

The meetings which were conducted for the planning of the event included detailed discussions for the arrangements of facilities and operations for the conference and management and monitoring of these operations to ensure the success of event. The planning started with deciding the budget of the conference along with determining the sources of funds and compliances of requirements of funding agencies. The purposes, goals and objectives of the conference were established prior to the determination of budget and financial sources. The main purpose of the conference was established as to focus on the training, education and skill development of students in accordance with the policies of EThames Graduate School. The code of conduct along with the standards and guidelines were determined which needed to be consistently followed during all the stages of implementation of conference. The compliance issues in accordance with the statutory and legal regulations and environment, health and safety considerations were discussed and plans were made to regulate the true compliance of these aspects. In accordance with these requirements and compliance norms the plans and procedures were made for entering into contracts and arrant=gerents with various suppliers and vendors for the supply of facilities and services for the participants of conference. The conditions and procedures for recruitment of staff members to perform the tasks of conference were determined along with defining the roles and responsibilities of different persons occupying different positions. The methods for management of risks and control systems to be adopted for the control and mitigation of risks were also defined. The actions to be taken during emergency and safety measures to be adopted to cope up with the unexpected situations and uncertainties were also determined to avoid losses during the conference and prevent the harm that is likely to be caused as the result of these uncertainties. The plans and procedures that were discussed were documented in order to keep them for future reference and consider for the implementation and execution.(Lei, 2011)

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Task 3

Preparing Checklists

The checklist for the event having clear actions linked to the control system, communication process and evaluation criteria is as follows:

  • Whether the appointment of staff is made in accordance with the operations and tasks required to be performed considering the legal issues such as equal opportunities, discrimination, dismissal , working time regulations etc. and the employment terms and conditions and their roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and communicated well in advance.
  • Whether the contract for the building has been entered into determining the terms and conditions related to use of building for the purpose of conference, allocation of space, mechanical and electrical services within the building, expenses of repairs and maintenance of building, security norms and reimbursement and development related aspects.
  • Whether the needs and requirements of the customers are identified and assessed, proper information related to the guidelines and code of conduct to be followed by them, safety and security, customer care and control is provided to them and effective communication systems have been developed to interact with customers.
  • Whether contracts and agreements have been entered into with employers and funding agencies for the sources of funds, management of funds and deployment and disbursement of funds.
  • Whether arrangements have been made for the monitoring and processing of sales and bookings of the customers for attending the conference.
  • Whether policies and standards have been framed for ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation and execution of the conference.
  • Whether the statutory and legal obligations have been complied with
  • Whether the measures have been adopted for the management and control of health, safety, security and other risks in accordance with the compliance requirements of relevant authorities such as Health and Safety Executive Inspectorate, Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) and environmental health officer.
  • Whether proper documentation has been made for all the required compliances and operations.
  • Whether arrange=mints have been made for safety measures in cash of emergency such as fire extinguishers, emergency exit and other control systems.
  • Whether procedures have been determined for management and control of internal and external risks. (Shen, 2010)

Rationale for Justification of checklist

The facilities and operation manager is responsible for the overall execution and implementation of the conference in accordance with the requirements and needs of the participants and providing them all the required facilities and amenities. Therefore all the operational, technical and legal compliances that need to be adhered to are included in the checklist. The contracts and agreements that are to be entered with various suppliers and vendors are an essential part of the management of the conference. Therefore special attention has been given to these aspects in the checklist so that the requirements for the conference are not compromised causing delay in the conference. The compliance of legal and statutory provisions is also necessary part therefore these are also considered to be important while preparing the checklists.The most important of all is the documentation of all the compliance s and tasks and operations since it is the only evidence which can be used as a tool in case of occurrence of disputes and breach of contract or conflict of interests between parties to the conference contracts. The code of conduct, standards, guidelines, policies and procedures are the base for the execution of conference effectively and in an efficient manner since they guide the path for the steps to be taken and procedures to be followed. This is the reason the compliance of them are included in the checklist. The checklist is prepared in consideration with all the relevant information and knowledge, requirements and compliances which are necessary to ensure that the conference will be able to achieve its intended purpose. (Teicholz, 2013)

Task 4

Manage the Facilities and Operations of the Event While it runs

After the preparation of an effective plan for the arrangement of operations and facilities for the conference, the management of such facilities and operations while the event is taking place is also an important part having a crucial role in the success of the conference. While the event is taking place the manager has to continuously monitor and evaluate that the systems and processes put in place are working properly and effectively and if any discrepancies are noticed steps shall be taken to overcome them. The conflict of interest and disputes that arise between the team members during the conference shall be resolved and steps shall be taken to co-ordinate the tasks for the effective running of the conference. The monitoring and evaluation will be done in accordance with the checklist to ensure the quality of the services and products of the conference. If any difficulties are faced at the time of conference due to conference And doubts which are not resolved and made clear by the conference brochure the manger shall take steps to resolve the problem and ensuring that the same issue do not arise in future. (Wallace, 2011)


The above Unit 18 Facilities Operations and Management Assignment Sample detailed planning procedures discussed in the meetings held for the planning of conference, checklists for the action plan of conference and rationale for including the items in the checklist and procedures to be followed while the conference is running it can be concluded that the conference will be conducted in an effective and efficient manner by the manager of facilities and operations and it will be managing successful in achieving its intended purpose of training and development of students in London. (Niknam, 2013)


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Teicholz, E., Books24x7, I. & IFMA Foundation 2012;2013;,Technology for Facility Managers: The Impact of Cutting-Edge Technology on Facility Management, 1. Aufl.;1; edn, Wiley, US.
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Unit 18 Facilities Operations and Management Assignment Sample discusses the action plan for the management and execution of conference related to the education, training and skill development, Locus Assignment Help in UK posting units solutions so scholars can explore assignment help and get review the quality of our work.