Unit 12 Hospitality Provision in TT Sector Assignment Copy

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Unit 12 Hospitality Provision in TT Sector Assignment Copy
Unit 12 Hospitality Provision TT Sector Assignment Copy
Unit 12 Hospitality Provision in TT Sector Assignment Copy


Hospitality is the service which is provided by the hotels and the resorts which provides the home accommodation to the travellers and the tourists as per their needs. The hospitality sector is that which provides the accommodation and the home services with the exchange of the money. The tourism and travel industry are in need of the hospitality sector on the same side the hospitality sector needs the travel and tourism sector as these both industries are interdependent on each other. The travellers and the tourists need the hospitality services to stay and have an accommodation facility for the better convenience to the tourists. Tourism industry has the long and the wide aspect related to the hospitality services to the tourists.
n this assignment different aspects and the concepts related to the hospitality business and the impact of the travel and tourism sector on the hospitality services are discussed in detail. The assignment discusses the various hospitality and the customer satisfaction topics in this research with the help of the different examples from the hospitality sector. The assignment also includes the implications of the integration of the hospitality industry and its impact on the hospitality sector. This assignment further includes the business plan and the decisions of the hospitality sector.

Task 1


Interrelationships between the hospitality and travel and tourism business

The hospitality sectors are the sectors which provide the home accommodation and the services to stay and the customer satisfaction services. The hospitality sector has the major motive to provide the customer satisfaction and the best services to the customers so as to gain the competitive advantage and to attract the maximum customers. The hospitality sector is 70% based on the travelling and tourism industry which enhances the tourists visiting and the consumption of the services of the travelling and hospitality industry. The travelling and the tourism sector are the services which  provides the visiting and the travelling services to the customers in a manner to provide the fast and the effective travelling and the ease to visit anywhere within no time. The travelling sector provides the tourists guidance and the travelling in the various parts of the world and includes the travelling and tourists interactions with each other. The travelling industries now days offer various packages to the people who are willing to travel so as to make the convenience to the people or the tourist to get the maximum facilities in one package (Beritelli & Schegg, 2016). These packages includes the hospitality services, travelling guidance services, travelling services, etc. Tourists are more comfortable to avail these packages while travelling do as to enjoy the vacations or the holidays without having the tension or stress of searching the hotel to stay after reaching the destination. This activity also proves the dependability of these two industry on each other as they provides the facilities to the people together in a single package with both of the services having their cost and profit included in it. The tourism and the travel industry are consumed majorly together as in general the customer or the traveller or tourists visit to some place finds the different hotels and the places to stay. The different hotels and the service providers of the hotel and travel industry works in collaborations to increase the profit and the sales to work together by providing them the greater services and the facilities which can attract more and more tourists to the place.

Role of hospitality in the tourism business

The topic on which the article is based is the interdependency of the travel and tourism industry and the hospitality industry (Tsai, et.al, 2011). The services provided by these sectors are to satisfy the tourists and the visitors. The interdependency of these businesses can be more understood in a manner that they share their strategies of working and operating in the world. The travelling industry and the hospitality industry are interdependent on each other as they provide the services to the people who come to travel. The travelling industry has the variety of people or the tourists come to travel and experience their services these services are provided on the basis of attracting the customers and to provide the maximum satisfaction to the people or the tourists (Laeis & Lemke, 2016). 

Hospitality Provision in TT Sector

The travelling and the hospitality provision work in the profit gaining direction by providing the various services in a manner to increase sale in low prices and the highest customer satisfaction. The basis of the interdependency can also be determined as the hospitality sector provides the different facilities to the travel and tourism businesses as the people or the tourists which travel with the travelling an tourism industry are needed to be serviced and provided them the excellent services to the people travelling. The hospitality business is very important in the economy to generate the growth to the economy and in increasing the flow of currency in the economy. The hospitality sectors of the economy provides the services and the facilities to the people of the country as well as the travellers and the tourists in attracting them and in providing them the services related to the hospitality and increase the customer satisfaction among the people or the tourists. The hospitality services have an important role in the travel and tourism business in providing them the customer satisfaction and the various other facilities to the people who travel and are tourists to the place. The travelling companies or the agencies are needed to have the services and are to be provided the greater customer satisfaction to the tourists and the travellers so as to gain the attraction and the competitive advantage among the other agencies or the companies (Stasch, 2014). The tourism and the travel industry are consumed majorly together as in general the customer or the traveller or tourists visit to some place finds the different hotels and the places to stay. The different hotels and the service providers of the hotel and travel industry works in collaborations to increase the profit and the sales to work together by providing them the greater services and the facilities which can attract more and more tourists to the place.


The above article is based on the role of the hospitality services on the travelling and the tourism business. The hospitality services and the travel and tourism business have interdependency in each other business as they provide the services to the customer in order to gain the maximum customer satisfaction. Both of the industries are the service industry and have a dependent nature because of the common and the basic service providing ability. The role of the hospitality sector in the travelling and the tourism business is that it provides the basis travelling tourists the food, beverages, lodging, places of attractions and the stay accommodation for the days.

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Task 2


The report is prepared on the basis of understanding the impact and the affects of integration of the hotel industry on the business of the hotel and the hospitality business. The integration is to join or merge the company with another can be because of any reason so as to work together and make huge profits and to provide the better services and the facilities to the tourists to attract them to avail the same. The integration of the hospitality services with each other provides the various impacts on the sectors. The implication of the integration of the business of the hospitality sector provides the different changes. In this report the impact of the integration and the merging of the different hospitality business on the services of the same industry are discussed to understand it deeply with the help of some illustrations.

Implication of the integration on the hospitality industry

The integration involves the activity of joining and merging the two big hotels and the hospitality services to provide the better and the effective services to its customer to bring out the maximum customer satisfaction to the customers. The impact of the various mergers or the acquisition on the service or the hospitality industry is that it provides the long term objective of providing the customer satisfaction and in maintaining the customer relations, to increase the brand image of the service industry, to gain the maximum profits etc (Tigu, et.al, 2013). The hospitality industry includes the several of the services because it is the broader and the wide term which provides the facilities in the different sectors to the customers. The hospitality industry includes the services of the travel and tourism, hotel management services as well as the health and safety industry. These all industry provides the customers the maximum satisfaction and the basic understanding of improving the facilities and the services. As big and wide is the industry, the industry also has the big and the wide concept and the objectives to gain and attain. The industry works on providing the maximum customer benefit and satisfaction with the increase of the profit earning of the companies and the industry as a whole.
The integration of the hospitality industry is increasing in the today’s world because it provides the many benefits and the customer satisfaction to the customers or the person avails the services. The hospitality industry merge or integration can be the result of the loss and the decreased brand image of the hotel. The companies also merge so as to share the profits and the losses and provide some innovative services to the customers to make them satisfied with the services. The merging or the integration can be the result of repositioning, retiring a brand, rebranding the brand etc. This activity increases the competition in the economy as it provides the new merged company to present their services to the markets and the customers. The merging and the integration can be very expensive to handle as the business because of the large portfolio of the brand (Bharwani & Mathews, 2016).
The hospitality industry faces the different challenges and the pros of integration of the hospitality services and the business. Every impact has the positive and the negative impact on the thing.

The various impacts of the integration of the hospitality services on the hospitality industry are:
  • Centralized operator services- The merging or the integration also provides the centralization of the operations. The merged companies are the integrated brands works together and on the centralized operations from where the main or the central operations held is the same place for the two brands to operate their operations. For e.g. health and care sector
  • Dynamic rates- The integration of the hospitality industry also affects the rates of the industry as a whole because the dynamic rates of the different hotels. The hospitality services are charged according to the different brands and the mergers. The hospitality sectors include the dynamic rates of the services when merged. For e.g. tourism sector
  • Improved brand image- The brand image of the companies and the industry as a whole also increases and improved as the result of the integration and the merging of the companies and the brands. This also helps in gaining the customers attraction as it provides the brands to the customers they are familiar with and also in improving the image by providing the better services and the customer satisfaction.
  • Creates value of different cultures- Because of the different brands are getting merge or amalgamated the different cultures and the backgrounds and tradition of the people and the organization also amalgamated. The hospitality business from the different country gets amalgamated from the business from different country gets the benefit of knowing the different cultures and respecting them so as to create the value for the different cultures. For e.g.- tourism industry
  • Enhances competition- The integration of the hospitality business is also the reason to enhance the competition among the different businesses as it provides the better services and the maximum customer satisfaction (Marcoz, et.al, 2016). The hospitality businesses lie under this industry faces the challenge of attracting the customers as of the innovation increases competition for them. For e.g. hotel industry
Influence of the Integration on the Hospitality Business

The difference between the hospitality business and the hospitality industry is that the hospitality industry is the wider and the broad concept of the hospitality sector. The industry provides the broader concept of integration and the merging of the businesses and the impact of the merging and the integration on the industry as a whole. Here are some impacts of the integration on the hospitality business r explained below:

  • Larger markets- It is the activity of merging the companies and the businesses with other companies and also provides the larger markets to the business as it provides the companies to grow as well as to access the different markets for offering the services of the company to the different markets of the country. For e.g. The Radisson Blu
  • Brand repositioning- The impact of the integration of the hospitality businesses on the industry is that it provides the brand positioning to the different business of that industry. The merger of the two companies or the brands gives birth to the new company or the brand which provides the brand repositioning of the brands (Barron & Dasli, 2010). For e.g. The Blue Bay Resort

  • Development of the hotel chains- The hotel chains also gets developed in the integration activity of the hospitality industry as it provides the better services and the maximum customer satisfaction to the people and the customers at highly competitive prices. The development of the hospitality industry also takes place because of the high integration of the businesses in the hospitality sectors. 
  • Improves relationship between two companies or businesses- The amalgamation or the integration of the two companies provides the improved relationship and the better understanding of the company’s financial and the non financial conditions and the operations of the business (Chathoth, et.al,  2016). The amalgamation improves the relationship of the two business amalgamated as they became the partners and motive to work for attracting the customers and to provide them the better experience and the customer satisfaction to increase the profits of the business.

The experience related with the travelling of the tourists to the staying and the food as well as the attraction places are motive to make the beautiful and the enormous pleasurable to provide the maximum satisfaction to the tourists and to attract them to visit again to the place. The best services provided also improve the competitive ability of the travelling and the hospitality sector. In this way the hospitality services play an important role in travelling and tourism business and provide the interdependency of both the sectors and the business on each other (Pegg, et.al,  2012).

Task 3

Development Plan of the Hospitality Business

The selected business in the hospitality business is the Hotel Villenstra. This section is including the rationale business development plan in which the organization or the business is to be taken to provide hospitality services to the people or the customers. The benefit of providing the better services to the customers will be the increment in the profits of the business. This project is based on that the business is to be developed as well as it is the risky plan. The different stages to develop the plan are required which are mentioned below:

  • Concept- concept includes the general idea and the objectives of the new business plan and also includes the vision and the outline concept of the business is included in this heading.
  • Idea- The idea is to serve the customers the services related to the business and to provide them the services and the satisfaction to the customers in the hospitality sector.
  • Objectives- The objectives of the business is that to provide the excellent and the effective services to the customers in a way that they attract and find the experience of the customers attractive. The objective is to gain the competitive advantage of the business in the hospitality sector and to gain the profit advantage of the company.
  • Vision of the business- The vision of the business is to gain the level of position in a market that increases the effectivity and became the highest position grabber in providing the customer satisfaction effectively to the people of the business.
  • Location- The business is to be located in the UK because it is the country attracting the majority of the tourists and increases the demand for the hospitality facility.
  • Scale- The business is planned to conduct on the large scale.
  • Funding- It is done from the loans and offering the public shares.
  • Products and services- product and services of the business is the food and beverages as well as the hospitality service (Pratt & Hahn, 2016).
  • Licensing- Licensing of the business is done in the hospitality industry.
  • Ambiance- Ambiance refers to the business environment. It includes the various factors including in the environment and the vibes that the business or the organization have. It depends on the people working, customers, working culture as well as on infrastructure.
  • Culture- Culture is the organizational culture on which the organization works.
  • Interior- It is the infrastructure of the business.
  • Exterior- It is the external environment of the business and its factors which affects the organizational operations.
  • Functional areas- functional areas are the working areas of the business on which the organization aim to work. In this the organization aims to work on providing the better experience to the customers (Lupu, et.al, 2014).

Business Plan

  • Staffing by functional areas- The business works on the staffing of the employees on the basis of the functional areas. The staffing of the employees is done according to the functions and the need of the functions.
  • Specialist qualification- The operations of the business are conducted on the basis of the specialization the employees have they are allotted the business work in which they have the specialization to get the maximum effectivity and efficiency.
  • Seasonal staffing- The seasonal staffing is different than the normal staffing as the business faces the major challenges in the season because of the higher demand of the customers the selection and the staffing of the employees also increases to provide them the excellent services.
  • Diversified culture and methods to resolve conflicts- The diversified culture has the place in the business as it is the service industry where the people from different regions and the cultures come to experience the service. The cultures are respected and are provided the methods to prevent the conflicts in the organization related to the cultural diversity is that the education to different cultures and the training to give respect to the different cultures.
  • Recruitment policies and procedures- The different recruitment policies and the procedures are done in the business to employee the staff.
  • Promotional activities- Promotional activities of company are that the promotional mix including product, price, place and promotion. The business always considers the promotional mix tool to ensure the promotional activities in the organization and to provide the promotion to the services in the manner.
  • Pricing strategies- The pricing strategies of the company which the company uses are the cost margin based pricing, creaming and skimming, cost plus pricing, penetration pricing and the seasonal pricing. According to the seasons and the customers need as well as the profit and the increased brand value of the company these pricing strategies are used. (Abomeh, et.al, 2013).


In this report the discussed topics are the tourism and travel industry are in need of the hospitality sector on the same side the hospitality sector needs the travel and tourism sector as these both industries are interdependent on each other. The travellers and the tourists need the hospitality services to stay and have an accommodation facility for the better convenience to the tourists. Tourism industry has the long and the wide aspect related to the hospitality services to the tourists. It also focuses on the impact of the integration of the hospitality business on hospitality industry as well as on the various factors influencing the integration of the hospitality services on the hospitality on the business of the hospitality. The report includes the development plan and the business plan of the new business of the hospitality sector which includes the various aspects and the factors which are needed to be considered while planning the business.


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