Tours Operation Management Assignment

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Tours Operation Management Assignment
Tours Operation Management Assignment
Tours Operation Management Assignment

Unit 16 Tour operation management


The tour operation management emerging economy and increasing drastic change of the human behaviour has provided a different level of development in the tour industry. Tour operation has given wide variety of benefits to clients all over the world in order to increase the satisfaction level. Various business entrepreneur and new technocrats have made chunk of investment in such sector with a view to gain a good amount of growth in their investment. Tour operation is comprised of different service channel in which efforts are put with the consideration to enhance the quality of experience. Now a day’s client wants to work and enjoy at the same time. This level of change has given ample amount of opportunities in the market and various business tour operators are making their consistent efforts in order to gain more market share comprised with high growth of market. Therefor it could be said tour operation in today’s world has achieved different level of economic growth and also provides the big part in the growth domestic product of the country

Tour Operation

Task 1

2.1 Assess the stages and timescales involved in developing holidays?

Holidays are the time which is used by the visitors or clients in order to feel relax and enjoy the satisfaction level of time in the place that is out the normal living environment. Tour operators are making consistent efforts and timeless scales with a view to develop effective stages in order to develop holiday’s plans.

Stage-1 This stage is starting with the making various plans and procedure so that tour operators could make a good development plan in order to cater the different needs of the clients. Thomas Cook needs to develop an effective tours plan so that they make a good choice of action in differentclients’ needs and their satisfaction. These planning stepsinvolved such as

  • Journey scheduleand tour of the cycle.
  • Time of arrival and departure of the clients.
  • Planning of their special demands.
  • Special hospitality services.
  • Preparation of making good chart comprised of different level of activities.
  • Arrangement of guide, deriver, and proper other key individual to perform the functions.

Course of action- Thomas cook needs to make good course of action out the following options available to him.  It has to make proper arrangement and customized tour packages in that way which can be manipulated by the clients at the spot as per their choice of actions.

Finding the equilibrium point between services offered and demand of the clients- It becomes some time hard to find the actual mid-point where Thomas cook could make good communication with clients and can discover various choices and needs of the customer in order to develop  according services plans.

Implementation of tour plans- in this final stage Thomas group of persons implement the developed plan in the implementation process andprovide the standard footsteps in showcasing the effective services plan in the tour operation business worldwide.

Follow up of the plans implemented- in this process Thomas group has to determine and make valuable consideration in the comparison of the different standard implementation program. There proper comparison is made between expected and achieved results. It is consisted with the identifying drawbacks and shortcoming of the holidays plans in the market (Ritchie & Crouch, 2010).

2.2 Evaluate the suitability of different methods of contracting for different components of the holiday and different types of tour operator?

Tour operation business is comprised of different set of activities in which various program and plans are taken into consideration in order to provide effective satisfaction to the clients. There could be seen different methods which could be helpful in gaining bigger market share in the tour operation business such as-

Transportation services- This is required services which should be used by the Thomas group in order to attract clients worldwide. It includes picking up the clients at the time of arrival and drop till the departure destination. There are various tour operators who providetransportation services to clients in order to add advantage in the markets against their rivals. Thomas group has provided services like pick and drop of clients and their safe movement of goods and stocks. The other services which are used by the companies are providing free complementary drinks and fast refreshment foods.Driveaccording to the clients demand and instructions and furthermore.

Residential activities- This is the noticeable things in the market that tour operators need to find proper accommodation services to the clients as per their demand in the market. Tour operation has emerged to be a very effective and big market and covering different level of activities the market.  Thereforeorganization needs to provide valuable and budget hotels to the students at the places which are most suitable for them as per their visit (UK Travel Agents & Overseas Tour Operators Market Report, 2013).

Other site seeing and effective services- Tour operators areproviding travel and tourism services to the Chinese student. He has to understand the defend needs and demand of the students as it is considered for the time being in force that students are more interested in visiting historical places and other monuments in the countries. Touroperators needs to analyse. Tour operator could enhance his business in different sectors such as providing foods and drinks arrangement of parties and events for the student, local arrangement with other service providers and further more(Fraga, 2014).

2.3 Calculate the selling price of a holiday from given information below?

In the given question there is seen that Chinese student wants to calculate their tours and travel cost with the given data. With the wide level of network data from U.K. to all over the countries company has offered ample amount of tour packages to the chines students. There is a quotation from one of the known person this tours and travel business that St. Michelle hotel is providing different packages in the rooms and offering one room at the cost of 60 euro which can be shared by two persons at the same time there is supplement for BB is10 euros per person/per night.

There is made the different calculation of following packages given as per the data shown in the scenario-

Residential cost of the products offered by ST. Michelle: There is a room provided by the hotel in which two person could stay at a price of 60 euro and in order to increment in the number of stay 10 euro will be charged for each student in the room therefore 10 student could avail 5 rooms at 60 euro for each room and rest 5 students could take the advantage of the special benefit of 10 euro f or each student for adjusting extra bed for living in stipulated rooms

Total cost for the room would be as per

Euro (60* 5) +Euro (10*5) =1400 Euro

Transportation cost of the products offered by the tour operators would be £ 1000 for all the luxurious coach and it also provides two drivers in the same cost

Total cost for the all the tour would be as per the data shown given as below-


Price(in £)

Residential cost

1400 Euro equal to  1166(1400*1.20)

Traveling cost to the students


Tourist guide charges


Total cost


Add:- profit margin @ 10%


Sales price of the whole package


Individual cost of the tour packages to Chinese student


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3.1 Evaluate the planning decisions taken for the design of a selected brochure?

Brochure is the simple advertisement of the tour package which provides the ample level of information to the clients so that they can prepare the good course of action in the tour planning. It is the essential document which contains all the material information and required knowledge to understand the different level of package. This brochure of different organization contains different set of offers and quality of services so that clients could evaluate the effectiveness of the various offers of the organization. In this present era there has been the drastic change in the preparation of brochure such as digitalization and improved technology has provided the effectiveness of the brochure in very simple manner. There has been seen that brochure are distributed to the clients all over the world at free of cost with the help of different social media and other marketing channels (Buffa, 2015).

Step- 1 It is seen that for designing a good brochure firstly organization has to identify different set of needs such as time of the program and events, selected target of the market, growth of the economy, upcoming trends, and consumer’s interest. Therefore it is understand fact that in order to make good decision in this development of brochures a proper strategic plan should be generated in the timely manner.

Designing of brochure- It is the systematic content of the all the information regarding the tours packages and lucrative deals. Therefore it is considered that designing of the brochure should be in such manner that it covers all the target market needs and demands it covers the following information’s.

  • Name of the business tours and travel operators
  • Assets to transports the goods and clients all over the world
  • Travel chart list to development of travel program
  • Cost of the tour package.
  • Selling cost of the different tour offers as per the different clients
  • Other complementary services offered in market.
  • Completion of all the regulatory compliance.

Effectiveness of the designed brochure- Planning of designing brochurein this competitive market is very hard work. Each and every tour operators are making consistent efforts to enhance the market share. Different clients and customer’s attraction program are developed in order to grab the potential clients. Top management and other analysis makes budget plans and polices in order to develop a good budget plan so that target market of the different segments clients could be identified in easy manner. One of the essential intent of the brochureis that it should showcase the time of the tours and travel viable for the clients. In today’s era each and every person is very much involved in various matters and every person have different time schedule to maintain. Tours operator needs to understand the time need and has to show case how much days would be required to complete the visit of particular package (Fraga, 2014).

3.2 Assess the suitability of alternatives to a traditional brochure for different types of tour operators and recommend the most appropriate for your tour package?

Broachers are the complete set of documents which showcase the different plans and policies of the tour operators in terms of service offered in the market. The new upcoming technology in market has changed the perception of the various tour operators in deciding and developing an effective brochure in the market. Traditional brochures used to be effective flaunting different packages and intent of the tour operators. It was mostly comprised of showcasing the tours operator’scharacteristics. But now days with the increasing demand e-brochure and other electronics means are developed which fulfil the different needs and demand of the consumers worldwide (Visschedijk, et. al., 2013).

  • Social media platform.
  • Unique designed portal of the tour operators.
  • Consumer oriented designed portals such as trip advisor and so on.
  • Web channels.
  • Call centres and other communication channel.
  • Travel agents and brokers in the market.

With this entire different medium it could be said that newly generated brochure has proven to be captured big level of market as compare to traditional one. Furthermore there is also find other means such as video and audio vouchers are more effective in order to attract clients and increasing demand and need of consumers. With all the different views and perception I find that E-broachers are considered to be very effective as compare to all other brochures all over the world it contains the following intents which is very effective in influencing the consumers’ needs and expectation. Visual and audio functioning to convey material information to clients.

  • Cost effective.
  • Direct contact with clients.
  • Sharing of completion of all the required data.
  • Sophisticated technology and its different uses.
  • Incorporation of consumer oriented grievance portal in order to trouble shoot queries.

3.3 Evaluate the suitability of different methods of distribution used to sell a holiday for different types of tour operator and recommend the most appropriate for your tour package?


Different methods

Different type of tour operators


This is comprised of new technology and its use for generation of clients demand and need in the market (Wong& Lee, 2012)

It is useful for the tour operators which has coverage of big market but in the selected market segment

Social media

This is used to share the details and provide information to the clients all over the world

This is useful for the tour operators whose business has long distance relation with other service providers in the market in order to increase the satisfaction level of clients

Call centre

This is comprised of helping clients and troubleshooting platform for their grievances

Suitable for the organization which has vast number of clients and having problems in establish of direct contacts

Audio and video brochure

It showcase e different intent of the tour operators in various manner and helps clients to evaluate various packages

Suitable for the organization which has effective services and intents which could be beneficial by showcasing it to clients

Images of Tour


4.1 Evaluate the strategic decisions made by different types of tour operator

Tours and travel industry covers various set of activities and services in order to enhance the quality of tour packages offered in market. Strategic decision in tour operation is concerned with long term planning and analysing the situation in target market. Strategic decision is the set course of action of the tour operators which is consisted of different set of intents such as

  • Comprised of big chunk of investment.
  • Based on past data and companies past learning.
  • Analysed and effective decision process.
  • Long term planning and plotting.
  • Drastic negative effects once the plans got failed.
  • There are various matters in which top management of tours and travel industries needs to make decision making.
  • Demand for casting and analysing the market share and target market to capture.
  • Pricing policies and effectiveestablishment of impressive deals in the market.
  • Development of products and services in order to attract potential clients.
  • Proper augment of risk associated with each innovative idea.
  • Development and promotion of effective advertisement and communication channel.       

4.2 Compare the tactical decisions that could be taken by a selected tour operator in different situations?

Tactical decisions are the choice of action which is associated with the daily routine activities in the market. In much big organization there is segregation of authority to take decision in various matters tactical decisions are comprised of structured problems which are very common and recitative in nature. Tour operators are the biggest player of this fast changing economy and in order to develop a good market share he has to develop effective value chain so that core competency could be developed in the market against the rivals.

There are different situations are given in which tour operators could take their tactical decisions such as-

At the time of recession of the market- Tour operators has to understand the different need of the market with different life style. Tourism business is based on the luxuries and comfort level of the clients and at the same time it also focuses on the purchasing power of individual to enjoy such services. It is considered that at the time of no season or recessional tour operators has to make decision very effectively in order to reduce the Burdon of fixed cost in the business life cycle such as offering rooms and non-season offers in the market at lowest prices, providing complementariness services, providing promo codes in the market and so on.

Growth stage of the industry- Tours and travel industry is now a days at it growth stage and many attractive deals and offered are made by different tours operators in order to increase the effectiveness of the business channel. Tactical decision at this time is not given that much consideration. Top management at this stage believes that subordinate authority could handle all the structured problems in better manner.

Niche market- It is the market which helps tour operators to prove its core competency at the zero level of competition.  Tours operators in order to expand the business channeladopt or make different joint venture with other services providers. In this program tactical decision are the most effective medium in the success of new business. Daily routine problems e.g. cultural, process function, technological, political and other problems are taken into high consideration at this type of market share (Zhang, 2015).

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This whole sturdy has helped me to understand the various levels of  aspects of contract which are associated with different tourism and travel industry worldwide. It is the simple fact that many tourism industries are making consistent efforts to improve the service level in order to grebe a newly generated market share. Many tours operators are seeing that by adopting more value chain in providing expected services by the clients could give them a value addition in their services and products offered in market. I have also understood that travel and tourism business is not restricted with providing merely accommodation and travels services but other services are also taken into consideration such as GYM, spa, swimming pool, arrangement of events and parties, meeting conduct channel, collecting feedbacks or associating with other industries in various ways.

Images of Tour 1


Buffa, F. 2015, "Young Tourists and Sustainability. Profiles, Attitudes, and Implications for Destination Strategies”, Sustainability, vol. 7, no. 10, pp. 14042-14062.
Evertsz, R., Thangarajah, J., Yadav, N. & Ly, T. 2015, "A framework for modeling tactical decision-making in autonomous systems", The Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 110, pp. 222.
Fraga, V. 2014, "Tourist destination Azores", Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 458-465.
Nessel, K. 2013, "A born global gradually advancing its internationalization--a case study of internationalization process of a small tour operator in a niche market", Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 69.
Ritchie, J.B. & Crouch, G.I. 2010, "A model of destination competitiveness/sustainability: Brazilian perspectives" vol. 44, no. 5, pp. 1049.
UK Travel Agents & Overseas Tour Operators Market Report 2013 2013, Normans Media Ltd, Coventry.
Valeri, M. 2015, "Sustainability development and competitiveness of Rome as a tourist destination", Tourism and Hospitality Management, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 203-217.
Visschedijk, G.C., Lazonder, A.W., van der Hulst, A., Vink, N. & Leemkuil, H. 2013, "Modelling human emotions for tactical decision-making games: Emotions for tactical decision games", British Journal of Educational Technology, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 197-207
Wong, J. & Lee, W. 2012, "Leadership through service: An exploratory study of the leadership styles of tour leaders", Tourism Management, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 1112-1121
Zhang, C., Xiao, H., Gursoy, D. & Rao, Y. 2015, "Tacit knowledge spillover and sustainability in destination development", Journal of Sustainable Tourism, vol. 23, no. 7, pp. 1029-20