Skills for Computing Assignment

Skills for Computing Assignment

Skills for Computing Assignment


1. Definition of word processing software

Word processor software refers to an electronic device or computer software applications that provide the functions for composition, formatting, editing and printing of the documents. Moreover, word processing software is being used for manipulating a text document in which this software used for copying, deleting and correcting the grammar and spelling. There are various type of word processing software are available that can be used according to needs and requirements (Morphy and Graham, 2012).  The user can attach the word processor to the database for better performance. The major word processing software is Microsoft office, Corel Corporation and OpenOffice by Apache.

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2. Benefits of word processing software

Word processing software development is being used over the typewriter to create and develop error free documents that can be edited again (Rao and Yip, 2014). Following are the key benefits of word processor software:

  • Individual can make change in the document without retyping in the entire document
  • Easily correct the typing mistake
  • Easily insert a word and sentence or paragraph in the middle
  • Individual can send documents direct to the printer to get the hard copy as well as create number of copies.
  • Easy to correct mistakes
  • Create the customized documents
  • Can do statistics work
  • Version control of document, permitting reconstruction

3.  Key features of word processing software

Following are the key features of word processor that have significant impact on the document processing at workplace and individual working using the computer:

  1. Provide the function for collaborative editing, allowing multiple users work on same document
  2. Indexing assistance
  3. Creation of table of content and make changes accordingly
  4. Offer professional visual material and add the sound file as well as the diagram
  5. Automatically update cross-reference to pages or notes
  6. Provide the functionality of non-printing command and annotation (De 2013).  
  7. Style which automate consistent formatting of the text body titles, subtitles, highlighted text   

4. Presentation software

Presentation software is a category of software those are used to present a series of words and picture to describe something in a more understandable manner. Presentation software can be used story or supporting material for a speech. Normally, high quality graphics and animations are used to present the animation. Powerful presentation software may support graphs, video, images, animation sequences and text. Initially, only computers support the presentation programs but in today’s context, mobile devices and many of small computing devices support the presentation programs. There are number of presentation software available but some of them are: Microsoft Power Point, Prezi, Haiku Deck etc.

5. Benefits of Presentation software            

Presentation software helps the speaker and audience to establish nice understanding with the subject. Speaker may highlight the topics of discussion and can use images and graphs with animation. Presentation software may contain checkbox, circle, diamond, flip charts and poster etc animations (Perron and Stearns, 2011). Most of software also supports the audio visual graphics with text information. Some of the major benefits from presentation software are:

  • Audio-visual and animation based presentation helps the audience to develop more adequate understanding with topics.
  • Speaker gets the assistance in remembrance of points of discussion.
  • Attractive than a textual speaks.
  • Need minimum time to prepare.

6. Key features of presentation software

Today, presentation software is used in almost every industry to guide the team and worker because of following features those make it different from text based processors:

  • Animation: Presentation software uses a number of animations on text, graphs, images and other type of data. Animations like circle, fade in and out, zoom and so many are capable to present the information in beautiful manner and attractive for audience.
  •  Slides:Presentation software uses the slides to partition the whole information into slides which helps in navigation and sequential presentation of information (
  • Time: Presentation software contains the information which is short but complete to explain the topic. Thus, it saves a lot time to create presentation and formatting of data into slides.

7. Definition of spreadsheet software 

A spreadsheet is been defined as an arrangement of rows and columns in the forms of table. Each and every value could acquire a predefined connection to the other value. It one value is changed, it might happen to change the other values as well. In other words, the spreadsheet software is a computer program which allows an individual to create and control the spreadsheet electronically (, 2015). In a singly spreadsheet, the values are placed in individual cells and it could be defined that what type of data is placed in each cell and how the diversified cell are dependent on each other.

8. Benefits of spreadsheet software

The spreadsheet facilitates in various aspects and makes the work much easier. Spreadsheets helps in carrying out the calculation more easily and even assist in understanding the same by displaying the stages of the sum in a proper manner. Spreadsheets even help in automatic re-calculation as if one value in changed it automatically makes changes in the other values as well. Effective graphics and tables could be produced which makes the work more presentable and easy to understand (, 2015). In addition to this, the spreadsheet is even a safer mode to store the data and information effectively. It could be also used with the other databases and enhance the productivity as well.

9. Key features of spreadsheet software

There are wide ranges of features of spreadsheet which assist in carrying out the work in an effective manner. Some of the major features which are included in a spreadsheet are:

  • Data management
  • Report generation and communication
  • Data analysis
  • Automatic calculations (, 2016)
  • Pivot tables
  • Sorting and filtering
  • Formulas
  • Functions
  • Visual design

However, these are some of the common features of spreadsheet which helps in developing an effective database and make use of the same. The features contribute in organising the data properly and extract an effective outcome from the same.

10. Commands of Microsoft 2010

In order to complete the task using the Microsoft 2010, I have gained the understanding about the different commands and functions that are easy to use and perform the tasks. Following are the key commands that I have used for managing the work using the Microsoft 2010:

  • Ctrl+O: For opening the file or a document, I have use this command which is easy and useful to access the document.
  • Ctrl+S: In order to save document, this command is being used many time. This provides the facility to implement the changes and save the document in the desired form ( 2013).
  • Ctrl+P:To get the printout of the final document, this command is being used that helps to get the numbers of copies in quick time by setting the format of document once.


Books and journals

Bendre, M., Sun, B., Zhang, D., Zhou, X., Chang, K.C.C. and Parameswaran, A., 2015. DataSpread: unifying databases and spreadsheets. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment8(12), pp.2000-2003.
Cuccurullo, S., Francese, R., Murad, S., Passero, I. and Tucci, M., 2012, May. A gestural approach to presentation exploiting motion capture metaphors. In Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (pp. 148-155). ACM. Aivaloglou, E., Hoepelman, D. and Hermans, F., 2015, September. A grammar for spreadsheet formulas evaluated on two large datasets. InSource Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM), 2015 IEEE 15th International Working Conference on (pp. 121-130). IEEE.
De Souza, Y.G. and Greenspan, J.S., 2013. Biobanking past, present and future: responsibilities and benefits. AIDS (London, England)27(3), p.303.

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