Benefits and Cost of Marketing Orientation Assignment

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Benefits and Cost of Marketing Orientation Assignment
Benefits and Cost of Marketing Orientation Assignment
Benefits and Cost of Marketing Orientation Assignment


The achievement of the Easton & Otley College in United Kingdom depends on the aspects which concentrate on the internal and external environment of the college, and by concentrating on the research depending on these scenarios the college can be at a better situation. A better college will evaluate the previously available scenarios and in addition to that assess the alterations that are needed to be made which will allow small college to be in an improved state in comparison to its competitors in the environment where it is present.

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Task 1

a) The benefits and cost of marketing orientation approach for the small college of further education.

Taking into account the scenario of the Easton & Otley college for further education, in respect with marketing orientation, the student is considered to be the main focus of the college which states that every effort is based on the student’s want criteria. The Easton & Otley college of further education depends on its marketing orientation which is focused on identifying the wants and needs of the student, and after that implement the education which depends on marketing that is supported by the evaluation of the market that mainly targets the development of the educational service. Post admission of a student’s re-evaluation is made to assess the interest of the student and the student’s evaluation in regard to the course for improving the content of the course. Because of the dynamic scenario of the education business, appropriate evaluation of the market and professional development of the education scenario is an unremitting aspect for the Easton & Otley College of further education which mainly concentrates on the scenario of marketing orientation. As a result, in the current market scenario, the stress is mainly attributed to the actualization of a research which depends on marketing orientation. In these constantly altering phases of technological impact, there is a major chance for the students to re-assess the choice of colleges which are available in the market in a very little time period. Due to certain reasons, if the Easton & Otley College of further education cannot provide the students with the facility to select the course of their choice, then there is a major chance for the students to move to another college that will as a result diminish the share in the market for the college. Hence, the above summary states that marketing orientation has an important part in the problem-free functioning of the college. (Lancaster, 2010)

b) What are the elements of marketing process?

For ascertaining the different elements of the marketing process, it is needed to portray a small detailing on the scenario of marketing audit, purposes of marketing, research based on surrounding, research based on SWOT, marketing constraints, marketing targets, and marketing mix. Let us briefly discuss each of the aspects for assessing their connection with the marketing processes.

  • Marketing audit: It is an extensive, self-adaptable, alternating evaluation of the Easton & Otley College, for understanding the challenging scenarios and opportunities and recommending an action procedure to replenish the marketing aspect of the college.
  • Purposes of marketing: These are goals which are taken into consideration by the college, for the promotion of its educational aspects to the probable students that are needed to be accomplished in a given phase of time. These are majorly needed to actualize the overall objectives of the Easton & Otley College.
  • Research based on surrounding: It is normally a research which dependent step. It is the scenario for the evaluation of the external and internal characteristics, which have the possibility to impact the operational aspect of the college. The research majorly concentrates on the assessment of the opportunity that is expressed by the characteristics of the Easton & Otley College.
  • Research based on SWOT: It is the research that depends on the balanced making scenario for evaluating the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats that are linked with the responsibility of the college.
  • Marketing constraints: It includes constraints that depend on the physical aspect, communal and monetary that includes a specific step in the direction of a specific aspect in the responsibility of the college.
  • Marketing targets: It is the scenario that involves the group of students who are aimed by the Easton & Otley college for the use of the marketing processes and as a result inspire the group of students to get attracted by its study based service.
  • Marketing mix: It is the tactics of the college of further education to choose the suggestions given by the study aspect and is associated with the four P’s of product, price, place and promotion. (Housden, 2007)

c) Report to include an explanation of the audit and allow sufficient coverage of the macro and micro environmental factors which will influence marketing decisions for the small college.

The achievement of the Easton & Otley College depends on the aspects which concentrate on the internal and external environment of the college, and by concentrating on the research depending on these scenarios the college can be at a better situation. A better college will evaluate the previously available scenarios and in addition to that assess the alterations that are needed to be made which will allow Easton & Otley College to be in an improved state in comparison to its competitors in the environment where it is present. The macro and micro environmental factors which will cause an impact for the college in taking marketing decisions are as follows: -

  1. Macro Environment: The external scenario which cannot be controlled by the Easton & Otley college and with the help of which the college aspires to monitor the macro environment in the beneficial process of enrolling a decent number of students and as a result have the maximum revenue by the college.
  2. Micro Environment: The internal scenario which can be controlled by the Easton & Otley college and which the college could possess for enrolling a decent number of students and as a result, earn revenue for the college.

Let us now get an insight on the PEST evaluation to assess the different internal and external scenarios that affect the development of the business environment for the macro environment of the Easton & Otley College. Hence, by the research of the college’s political, economical, social and technological scenarios, it could be assessed the environment for the college. Along with this, legal and environmental scenarios also influence the environment of the Easton & Otley College to a specific degree.

  • Political aspects: The Easton & Otley college’s actions are based on the scenario of the government, regulative and de-regulative schemes, and making the colleges private and altering the syllabus.
  • Economic aspects: The activities of the Easton & Otley College are based on the recent and expected monetary development, government aids, interest rates, product scarcity.
  • Social aspects: The college’s activities are based on the developmental aspect of the population, alterations in the demographical scenario, and assumptions for the alteration of the qualifications.
  • Technological aspects: The activities of the Easton & Otley college is based on a number of pioneering technologies that influence the matters and the development aspect based on the investigation and growth that helps in preparing improved educational aspects for the students.
  • Legal aspects: The college gets affected by the different legal aspects like the legislation depending on betterment and safeguards, child safety laws, the safety guidelines that they need to abide by for avoiding any sort of legal aspect that could portray them in negative aspect before the students.
  • Environmental aspects: The aspects in connection with surroundings and the Easton & Otley college’s tasks are the main causes in this matter which portrays a positive picture on the students. (Palmer, 2011)

Task 2

Part 1) The use of segmentation and how it can be used for products in different markets and then related to the small college.

It is mainly a strong endeavour to concentrate on all of the probable students available in the market; as a result the basic goal of the Easton & Otley College is to aim its educational service at concentrated sections of the market. As a result, after selecting a definite section, the college should evaluate its likings very specifically to analyse that the right decision was taken. Hence, in absence of the full evaluation, if the Easton & Otley College begins the promotion of its study topics then there is a strong chance for collapse. Hence, appropriate segmentation aspect is needed to be used which are as follows: -

  • Separation of section: To bypass the uncertainty of not understanding on which the aimed section is concentrated on, it should be defined in a very clear aspect. Failing which, there is a scope for risk of the marketing characteristics to get squandered to varied sections. Hence, the chosen section is required to be compared specifically from varied sections. For instance, if a first semester and second semester students of theEaston & Otley college displays the same attitude when purchasing reference study material, and then there is no need to place them in varied sections.
  • Determining size of section: Assessing the size of the present student accumulation in the section is very important prior to taking into account the research depending on it. The Easton & Otley College is required to evaluate the aspect which is the extent to which the student’s likings are developing in the specific section.
  • Ease of section: It is the scenario of lessening the gap between the students and the materials they need by having interactions with them which normally takes with the help of digital media, television or radio. But, when the focused student is not utilising any of the discussed mediums then it will a great hurdle to get in touch with them. Hence, the faulty type of marketing communication does not let the Easton & Otley College to concentrate on the section which is focused on and because of which the students will have no idea of the courses that are being taught at the college for further education.
  • Aptness of section: The Easton & Otley college is required to give stress on the aptness of the section which mentions the students who are in the section are required to grow a preference in selecting the courses and should also possess the financial strength to carry on with the course curriculum.
  • Reserve want of section: In absence of the sufficient reserve to satiate the want of the section all the discussed attributes will be futile. (Lambin, 2007)

Choosing a targeting strategy for the small college

In regard to the Easton & Otley college, the below mentioned tactics can be used to concentrate on its aimed student section which takes into consideration researching and bifurcating the education industry into different segments.

  • Non-partition marketing: Marketing that depends on partition does not concentrate on a particular section of the market. In that respect, what the Easton & Otley College does is, it takes into consideration a specific tactics which will have a holistic plea and its major concentration is to target the total education business. The college in its primary stage followed this type of marketing strategy when they only had a single course but after it commenced with more courses, then it moved its tactics of marketing to the marketing that depended on partition. Non-partition marketing is a value saving tactics in contrast to various tactics the reason being the presence of only one course for building, distributing and marketing and another aspect is that the college is focusing at varied section of students in the market.
  • Partition marketing: For aiming varied sections of the market, the Easton & Otley College will take into account the tactics of marketing that depends on partition. Under this method, the college will take into consideration tactics that depends on separated marketing mix scenarios for the different sections which the college wants to target at.
  • Concentration marketing: This type of marketing majorly concentrates on the specific section of the market and the service that will be expanded in a particular aspect as to satiate the want of the chosen segments of students. It also focuses on the aspect that the Easton & Otley College has chosen the correct section of the market for its educational service.

Proposing a new positioning for the small college

A significant matter for the Easton & Otley College is to assess in what way it will place itself in the particular section of the education market. It majorly associates with the colleges’ potentiality in propagating the required knowledge about the course to the particular section of students in the education market. For actualizing this, the below mentioned tactics are considered,

  • Developing a tactics depending on positioning: To actualize this, the major scenario to consider is evaluation of the education market. It is required to be analysed about the need of the student from the Easton & Otley College for which evaluation of the same is required to be done. Post evaluation, it is needed to make a table of all the identical kinds of colleges which are similar to the Easton & Otley college and then to analyse as to where the college is situated in the aimed market in connection to the rival colleges and then appropriate positioning tactics is required to get developed for increasing the rank of the Easton & Otley college and develop its intake of students.
  • Cultivating a final tactics depending on positioning: A tactics that the Easton & Otley college has to display while positioning itself is based on two scenarios, one is if it requires growing a tactic that will help to stay in close proximity of its rivals so that the probable students can do a direct comparison amongst the colleges or it requires to keep it at bay from the rivals so that they have specific characteristics which the competitive colleges do not have at all, which could have been declared at the time of assessment of the market by the Easton & Otley college of further education.

Part 2) Forces affecting buyer behaviour and its impact on marketing activities in the various scenarios of buying

In case of the Easton & Otley college, the below mentioned tactics are required to be used to assess the college’s aiming scenario which is concentrating on the knowledge gathering attribute of the students. Let us elucidate it briefly through the following points: -

  • Choosing the need: It is needed to choose the want for the course material. It may be required at the time of probing by a student for a specific course and to do research for the course for which the aspiration level of the student gets aggravated.
  • Searching for knowledge: When the requirement for studying a specific course has taken place, he starts probing for a college. Then the need is to choose the appropriate college, it may be the Easton & Otley College or any other college. The student may take the assistance of the media in this regard and will get affected by it and because of this the college will frame tactics that will assist the students to apply for a specific course.
  • Evaluation of different college options: There is a strong chance for the student to get perplexed about selecting a particular college for studying his choice of course and in this respect the Easton & Otley college can utilise specific marketing impacts such as attractive study material, and digital promotion via the personal website of the college for the growth of the option for the study material in the mind of the student.
  • Option for college: Post evaluation the student is ready to take admission in the college, and if everything occurs as desired by the Easton & Otley college, the student will enrol for the course but at this juncture there is a probability for the student to alter his mindset and discard the course, therefore it is a requirement for the college to keep clear and lucid admission method so that the student does not face any kind of problem while taking admission to the course.
  • After admission behaviour: Post enrolment of the student, the Easton & Otley college is required to implement tactics to assess the various aspects in which the enrolled student may motivate his friend to take admission at the college which in other words states that the enrolled student grow a loyalty for the brand and in this regard the Easton & Otley college should design sound endorsement tactics that will make the student proud of his institute.

Task 3

Explain how products are developed to sustain competitive advantage

The products are developed to sustain competitive advantage in the following ways: -

  • Framing the course material: Course material majorly concentrates on the aspect that is needed for the course and this is important characteristic of a course.
  • Attributes of the course material: It is regarded as to which kind of attribute is required to get included because of which the course grows its demand in the education market it is targeting for.
  • Worth of the course structure: In case of varied students, the worth of the course differs. It is required to be analysed that the worth of the course is based on the different scenarios of the marketing mix.
  • Aiming at the education market: By doing evaluation of the education market, the Easton & Otley College concentrates on the definite section of the market. (Porter, 1998)

Explain how distribution is arranged to provide customer convenience

There are certain distribution strategies for providing convenience to the students which are as follows:-

  • Focused distribution: For the distribution of low demanding courses or courses that depends on the need of the student.
  • Limited distribution: It concentrates on focused distribution for a specific course which is of high worth and there is a want for the mediator to play a significant role in the student enrolment method.
  • Cautious distribution: In this type of distribution, a few stalls are chosen for giving the pamphlets for the study courses that the Easton & Otley College is offering. It mainly delves with helping the probable students to take a look at the various courses that are there in the course structure of the college.

Explain how prices are set to reflect an organization’s objectives and market conditions

  • Price depending on entry: Value gets diminished to increase the different scenarios of the education business.
  • Value depending on soaring: The Easton & Otley College’s cost gets reduced at an alarming rate from a higher cost in order to give the option of the course structure to a varied section of student.
  • Value depending on the rivalry: Having the definite value in regard to the rivals. For the Easton & Otley College there are three alternatives which are decreased value, similar value and increased value of the course structure.
  • Value depending on course structure scenario: Evaluation of the different scenario inside a specific course aggravates the worth of the course which is the main choice at the present moment. (Doole, 2008)

Illustrate how promotional activity is integrated to achieve marketing objectives

  • Broadcasting: Broadcasting the communication depending on specific scenario of interaction for publicizing.
  • Public Relation: The major concentration is to face the positive effect of advertising and also to focus on the negative effect and take care of it cautiously.
  • Direct Mail: It helps Easton & Otley College to utilise their course structure in a positive aspect by concentrating on the specific students in their aimed section.
  • Online Promotion: Endorsing the various tactics of the Easton & Otley College via the online promotion.
  • Financing: The State and Central Government assists the Easton & Otley College with finance for developing the course structure for acquiring more and more students.

Analyse the additional elements of the extended marketing mix.

  • People: Homework and staffing of the true talent builds a beneficial aspect. Teachers of the Easton & Otley College of further education need appropriate interpersonal knowledge, behavioural aspect, and college related knowledge concentrating on the ultimate goal of the college.
  • Scenario: This is majorly needed to ascertain the different characteristics that are required for the endorsement process for taking an improved outlook at the scenarios and take into consideration the different scenarios of the Easton & Otley College.
  • Physical Assessment: It majorly concentrates on the Easton & Otley colleges’ illustration of the true outlook which is majorly a significant scenario for the students. This assists in choosing the probable students for the college. In this regard, the Easton & Otley College charges a bigger amount for physical assessment.

Task 4

Plan marketing mixes for two different segments in consumer markets of which one should in relation with the small college

  • Product: A concentrated step is required to be taken in respect of a course structure which will assist more students to come to the Easton & Otley College. It is assessed by the nature of college in regard to their objective for involvement in education business. For example: - In the Easton & Otley college, a focused step is done for improving the quality of the course and for the online courses a varied initiative is taken.
  • Price: The monetary aspect set by theEaston & Otley College concentrates on the value that will be used for the course structure in the institution. For this, advertising has an active role to play to place the college ahead of the rival colleges. The same takes place for the online education course where the payment is to be made with the help of credit cards.
  • Place: It concentrates majorly on the creation of the course structure, its version and where it can get implemented so that the students can use it. The same scenario takes place for the online courses as well where a digital platform is needed for studying.
  • Promotion: In absence of appropriate promotion, the Easton & Otley College has no scope for making students aware of its course structure. In the same way, online study courses also endorse themselves in the online platform. (Zikmund, 2002)

Illustrate differences in marketing products and services to business rather than consumers.

  • Lack of Ownership: in absence of ownership, the Easton & Otley College cannot function properly and in that regard they concentrate on a specific time frame to get a positive result.
  • Entangled phase: The Easton & Otley College can lose its course structure but the college itself cannot be perished as it delves with different aspects of course structure.
  • Temporary Usage: The Easton & Otley college course structure has a particular time span and it cannot be used for later. For that, a student again has to enrol for the course structure.
  • Heterogeneity: The Easton & Otley College has structures and methods for having a dependable course structure but it is quite challenging to do for all the courses.

Show how and why international marketing differs from domestic marketing in connection with the college

  • Major individuality is required for the Easton & Otley College’s course structure in relation to rivalry with other colleges.
  • Global markets are trying to hamper the domestic markets by helping to grow the educational services life sequences.
  • International markets have business depending on contrast on varied educational scenarios of the market which functions domestically.
  • Problem free global interaction and recent growth are changing domestic colleges to globally well-known colleges and motivating the growth into international markets. In case of the probable students, they get familiar with the pioneering courses that are coming in the market and taking care of their educational requirements. (Shaw, 2008)


A tactics that the Easton & Otley college has to display while positioning itself is based on two scenarios, one is if it requires growing a tactic that will help to stay in close proximity of its rivals so that the probable students can do a direct comparison amongst the colleges or it requires to keep it at bay from the rivals so that they have specific characteristics which the competitive colleges do not have at all, which could have been declared at the time of assessment of the market by the Easton & Otley college of further education.


Doole, I. (2008). International Marketing Strategy: Analysis, Development and Implementation. Cengage Learning EMEA. Copyright
Housden, M. (2007). Marketing Research and Information. Routledge. Copyright
Lambin, J. (2007). Market-Driven Management: Strategic and Operational Marketing. Palgrave Macmillan. Copyright