Unit 36 Human Resources - Value and Contribution

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This unit gives students the opportunity to make links between the role and function of HR and emerging HR developments. This will enable students to show an awareness of HR as a key contributor to organisational success.On successful completion of this unit students will have a greater understanding and appreciation of the role played by HRM in adding value to activities which contribute to the success of an organisation. Students will understand typical aims and objectives of the HR function in a contemporary context, enabling them to make an effective contribution to the HR department of an organisation.

Learning outcomes

LO1 Evaluate the importance of organisational design to the delivery of sustainable performance

Organisational design (OD):

  • Organisational Design as an historical concept.
  • What is contemporary OD all about?
  • Designing organisations to meet strategic aims.
  • Considering the impact of the external business environment on OD.

Sustainable performance:

  • Understanding that an organisation must be designed and structured in such a way that delivering sustainable short and long-term objectives is achievable.
  • OD as part of a process where sustainability is a key factor of, and to, the process.

Agile organisations:

  • What are the characteristics of an agile organisation?
  • How are these implemented giving consideration to the existing people, processes and culture?

OD theories and models:

  • This could include change theory, McKinsey’s 7S model, typologies of change and transformation/transactional OD.

LO2 Analyse the requirement to develop motivated, knowledgeable and experienced individuals and teams

Motivation and motivation theory:

  • Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
  • Content versus Process motivational theories.
  • How motivation can be harnessed to support competitive advantage.
  • Issues associated with low levels of motivation.

Human capital theory:

  • Human capital as a concept which relates to the value of knowledge, habits and attributes which people have.
  • How can human capital be developed to support organisational growth?

Knowledge management:

  • As a concept and process where levels of knowledge in an organisation is captured and developed to achieve organisational objectives.
  • Using job analysis to identify the requirements of a job and to benchmark the required level of human capital required to meet aims and objectives.

LO3 Apply contemporary knowledge and research to support emerging HR developments

Developing knowledge through research:

  • Use of effective research skills to explore contemporary research based on emerging HR developments. These are contextual to a country/region but an understanding of how these are linked in a global environment should be considered.

The future for HR as a function and process:

  • How will the HR function evolve given advances in technology that have influenced workforce behaviour and culture, HR practices and skills requirements.
  • The increased demand for a better work-life balance.
  • The impact of cross-cultural engagement within organisations and the impact of globalisation.

Contemporary HR challenges:

  • Current external and internal factors which present challenges and barriers to effective Human Resources Management.
  • Forecasting potential challenges and barriers.

The non-HR manager:

  • How are non- HR managers supported by the HR function? How is the HR function key to effective and legal management of all employees?

LO4 Evaluate the relationship between organisational design and change management

The changing environment:

  • How does this impact on organisations to adapt?
  • Do they take an incremental or radical approach? The decision will determine how the organisation is designed and managed.

Change management:

  • Change management theories and theorists such as Lewin, Kotter, transformational change or the psychology of change.
  • Consider effective change management within legal and ethical constraints.

Barriers to change:

  • Considering these at the organisational and individual level where it is accepted that people are the biggest barriers. Self-efficacy perceptions and the relationship to organisational change.

Overcoming barriers to change:

  • Through communication, employee involvement, organisational re-design and/or preparing employees for change.


  • HAYES, J. (2014) The Theory and Practice of Change Management.4th Ed. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • LEWIS, L. K. (2011) Organizational Change: Creating Change Through Strategic Communication. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • MEE-YAN, C-J. and HOLBECHE, L. (2015) Organizational Development: A Practitioner's Guide for OD and HR. London: Kogan Page.
  • STANFORD, N. (2013) Organization Design: Engaging with Change. 2nd Ed. London: Routledge.


  • Journal of Change Management
  • Journal of Organisational Design
  • Leadership and Organisational Development Journal

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