Unit 18 Facilities Operations and Management

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This Unit 18 Facilities Operations and Management will enable learners to gain understanding of the professional scope and practice of contemporary facilities management. Learners will use administrative systems and evaluate the effectiveness of facilities operations.

Unit abstract

This unit develops the essential skills and knowledge required to deliver facilities operations in a wide variety of contexts. These contexts include hospitality and leisure venues, public arts venues, tourist complexes, educational institutions (such as colleges, universities and halls of residence), hospitals and museums. These types of institutions are becoming increasingly dependent on facilities operations, in addition to the primary function of the organisation or venue. The unit focuses on the operational and administrative functions of the facilities role. Learners will address the broad responsibilities and duties of a facilities manager. They will consider the legal, health, safety and environmental obligations that fall within the remit of facilities operations and examine the various administrative systems that support them. Learners will also evaluate and review the quality and effectiveness of the facilities operation. Learners will adopt a critical and enquiring approach to the concepts and theories underpinning the practice of facilities operations and management. They will acquire a range of skills, enabling them to identify regulatory and related obligations that are appropriate to their environment. The unit will also develop learners’ skills in research, the formation of opinion, writing and presenting to groups, as well as seminar leadership and participation.

Learning outcomes

1 Understand the operational responsibilities of a facilities manager

  • Staff: structure and responsibilities; employment terms and conditions; training and development; appraisal; legal issues eg equal opportunities, discrimination, dismissal, working time regulations, transfer of undertakings
  • Buildings: uses; allocation of space; capacity; essential services and supplies (mechanical, electrical, electronic); maintenance and repair (planned, preventative, emergency/reactive); refurbishment and development; security
  • Customers: identifying and assessing needs; expectations and reactions; providing information and advice; providing customer care and control; accessibility; safety and security; legal obligations and liabilities; processing and monitoring sales and bookings; maintaining communication systems and databases; ancillary services and sales
  • Employer/funding agencies: private and/or public ownership of facilities; management board/trustees; local authority; funding partnerships and sources; financial management; personal contract and accountability; lines of management responsibility; impact on facilities operations

2 Understand the legal, health, safety and environmental obligations to be addressed by facilities operations

  • Statutory regulations: types eg local authority, fire authority (expectations and requirements), employment and insurance law, building and accessibility regulations, compliance; licences, recording documentation
  • Health and safety measures: risk assessment procedures; regulations eg Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH); relevant authorities eg Health and Safety Executive Inspectorate, Environmental Health Officer; compliance; recording documentation
  • Environmental and sustainability issues for facilities operations: definition; principles (environmental, social, economic); costs and benefits (from different perspectives) of planning and implementing changes as a result of environmental impact assessments
  • Measures to ensure a sustainable environment; examples of good practice; local sourcing; implications for businesses and customers in general as well as for facilities operations; environmentally-friendly operations within the context of the chosen industry/operation

3 Be able to use a range of administrative systems to support facilities operations

  • Information processing: communication channels; ICT systems; property management systems (PMS); management information systems (MIS); customer records; mailing lists/databases; archive and record keeping
  • Control systems: budgeting and accounting; purchases and sales; human resources/manpower planning; staff wages; salaries; statutory contributions
  • Building management: multi-use considerations; planning and scheduling; marketing and publicity functions; services management; maintenance and refurbishment schedules and records; equipment and resources controls

4 Be able to use appropriate criteria to carry out evaluation and review of the quality and effectiveness of the facilities

  • Criteria: qualitative; quantitative; objectives; targets
  • Evaluation: purpose; sources of information eg customers, colleagues, staff; management; methods of data collection; types of written and oral feedback; accuracy; relevance; reliability; validity; improvements and recommendations.


Essential requirements

Case studies to offer the opportunity to develop specific issues. Tutors must keep a database of documentation used in facilities operations, such as marketing and administrative materials.

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