Unit 15 Resort Management

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The aim of this unit is to enable learners to gain understanding of the function and structure of resort operations, quality systems and procedures and management issues relating to incidents.

 Unit abstract

This unit is designed to develop learners’ understanding of the complexities of the management of a tour operator’s resort operations. Learners will investigate the function and structure of tour operators. Their research will consider different types of tour operators and develop their understanding of how the operation is organised to meet the needs of a variety of tour operators that are providing very different types of holiday programmes in different locations. Learners will examine the role and impact of quality systems and procedures in relation to services, health and safety and the legal environment. They will examine the importance and effectiveness of these systems in different types of tour operator. Learners will explore a range of incidents and their effect on the resort office and tour operator. They will examine procedures used to manage a range of incidents and how they are guided by government and trade associations.

Learning outcomes

1 Understand the function and structure of resort operations

  • Function:coordination and provision of services with suppliers; customer service, customer information; communication (between a country, resort office; resort based representatives; suppliers; customers), legal requirements eg health and safety, contracts, provision of service, meeting local laws; profit margins and budgets, setting and achieving targets; training personnel; differences between the different types of tour operator; understanding the role of handling agents.
  • Structure: different structures for different types of tour operation eg summer and winter sun programmes, programmes for developed and developing countries, camping and selfcatering programmes, sports programmes; specialist programmes eg sailing, trekking; other elements of structure eg job titles, seniority, lines of communication, line management, links with head office and other offices

2 Understand the role and impact of quality systems and procedures

  • Quality systems and procedures: health and safety eg ensuring that health and safety standards are achieved and maintained, audits and checks are undertaken, reporting of and dealing with irregularities including documentation, communication and efficiency to minimise disruption, conflict and critical incidents; legal eg responsibilities including consumer protection legislation, contract law, relevant regulations and appropriate local laws; contractual obligations, reporting and dealing with irregularities; guidelines; codes of conduct; services eg reporting and dealing with irregularities, documentation, minimise disruption, conflict and critical incidents; training of personnel

3 Understand the management issues relating to incidents

  • Types of incidents: natural incidents eg hurricanes, avalanches, floods and fire; transport incidents eg crashes, hijacks, unsuitable vehicles; medical incidents eg food poisoning, Legionnaire’s disease, typhoid outbreak; political problems eg civil disputes, riots, strikes; accommodation issues eg safety, fire
  • Management of incidents:appropriate guidelines; role and function of personnel, duty office; decision making; liaison and communication with external organisations, affected customers and families, other passengers; contingency planning; internal communication channels, media coverage


  • McAuley, J. 2012, "Volunteering to save lives", Thepractisingmidwife, vol. 15, no. 11, pp. 29.
  • McLeod, S. (2016). Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Retrieved 09 28, 2016, from http://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html

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