Unit 20: Sales Planning and Operations - London School of Science and

Unit 20: Sales Planning and Operations - London School of Science and

   Unit 20: Sales Planning and Operations    
Assignment Title:   Module Leader:        Internal Verifier: Issued on:      Deadline:      Submitted on: Sales Planning for L’Oréal Imad Guenane Dr. George Panagiotou 26th September 2016 21st December 2016  
Campus:     Alperton/Luton/Birmingham (delete as appropriate)Pearson Registration Number: 

National Diploma in Business Unit 20: Sales Planning and Operations – September 2016

  Introduction and guidance
Selling is a key part of any successful business, and most people will find that they need to use sales skills at some point in their working life – if only to persuade or win an argument. For anyone who is interested in sales as a professional career it pays to understand the basics of selling, to practice, and plan. This unit will introduce learners to the theory of selling and sales planning, and give them the opportunity to put their personal selling skills into practice. The unit starts with an overview of how personal selling fits within the overall marketing strategy for a business. Learners will be taken through the main stages of the selling process, and be expected to put them to use. Once they are confident about the selling process, learners will investigate the role and objectives of sales management. This is knowledge that can be applied to a wide range of organisations. Finally, learners will be able to start planning sales activity for a product or service of their own choice – this is another valuable skill that is transferable to many different situations learners may find themselves in as they move into employment or higher education. The tutorial sessions, facilitated by a tutor, are used to support and enhance student understanding and include a variety of classroom-based exercises that consolidate on the material visited in the lectures.
Case Study 
L'Oréal Established in 150 countries across five continents, L’Oréal group’s international success represents an international marketing model based on skill, knowledge and an unshakeable reputation. As a senior L'Oreal manager stated they key success of L'Oréal is: "You have to be local and as strong as the best locals but backed by an international image and strategy. We have made a conscious effort to diversify the cultural origins of our brands." L'Oréal sells more than 5 billion individual products each yea. Each and every purchase is the result of a free choice by a consumer or by a professional using their products (beauty salons). This is certainly a source of pride but even more a call for responsibility. They have to do their best in order to deserve the consumers' confidence. This is why they are committed to satisfying and empowering the consumer further. Sales Strategy of L'Oreal has enabled the company to spread its' business not only in Europe but also in Asia and Latin America. In the year 2015, the Brand L'Oreal was ranked first among all the cosmetics companies of the world. L'Oréal Sales Strategy has achieved success throughout the world. Over the years, the company is successfully producing and selling different cosmetic products, haircare and skincare products in more than 150 countries of the world. This has been possible because of the well established Brand Name and Brand Image of L'Oreal. L'Oréal has been successful in generating a worldwide Brand Identity only because of the company's powerful and efficient sales and promotion Strategy. This successful Global Sales Strategy of L'Oreal helped the company to earn significant levels of revenue in the past years. In short, it can be said that, reason behind the success of Brand L'Oreal lies in the fact that the company succeeded in reaching out to the customers of different countries of the world, across different income ranges and cultural patterns. Source: •        International Marketing with PowerWeb by Philip R. Cateora, John Graham, Hardcover, Publisher: McGraw-Hill/Irwin •        Global Marketing Management by Masaaki Kotabe, Kristiaan Helsen, Hardcover: 720 pages, Publisher: Wiley •        http://www.loreal.com/_en/_ww/LOREAL_RDD_2008.html •        http://www.marketingpower.com/Community/ARC/Pages/Research/Journals/Other/default.aspx •        http://www.getinternationalclients.com/guide-4-build-your-international-marketing-strategy/ .html •        http://www.globalnegotiator.com •        www.coursework4you.co.uk/.../l-oreal/P_M_773_L_Oreal_s_marketing_strategies.php Please complete the following tasks in relation to the L’Oréal range.


L’Oréal is launching new cosmetic lines for L’Oréal; these lines are aimed at customers from diverse gender, age and tastes As a Sales Manager you have been asked to prepare an essay on the importance role of personal selling within the overall marketing strategy to promote these lines
  Task One   - Essay LO1 Understand the role of personal selling within the overall marketing strategy  
  Task 1-This tasks offers you an opportunity to achieve LO1: 1.1, 1.2, & 1.3, M1 and D1 Write an Essay in which you: a)   Explain the importance of personal selling in supporting the promotional mix for an organisation like L’Oréal (1.1)   Guidelines: In order to complete the above task, you need to: •        Define the role of personal selling •        List the components of the selling task •        Discuss the importance of information that is gathered by sales people in reference to L’Oréal •        Show how personal selling supports the promotional mix.   b)   Using the scenario compare the stages of the decision making process of Corporate with Consumer buying behaviour in both B to B and B to C. (1.2) Guidelines In order to complete the above task, you need to: •        Identify the stages of the buyer decision making process •        Compare the corporate decision making process stages with consumer buying process. •        State how sales people impact buyer behaviour •        Using L’Oréal as an example compare how sales people have an impact on buyer behaviour in both B to B and B to C   c)Analyse the role of sales team within L’Oréal’s marketing strategy. (1.3) Guidelines: In order to complete the above task, your answer should: •        Include a list of sales team responsibilities •        Analyse the role of the sales team within L’Oréal marketing strategy   Merits and Distinctions  M1
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In the UK, the percentage of people that shop online is on the increase.  Personal selling is being affected by this increase. Write a report analysing the role of personal selling in the marketing process.   D1 In your report provide a critical evaluation of the role of the personal selling process M1. ? Include a description of your recommended strategies to improve the personal selling process as in M1 and the advantages and disadvantages of the various strategies you have recommended for L’Oréal.  
  In this task, you have been assigned a task to prepare a presentation for your executives regarding the new cosmetic ranges that L’Oréal is aiming to launch.
  Task Two  Power point Presentation with Speaker Notes   
  This tasks offers you an opportunity to achieve LO2: 2.1, 2.2, M2 and D2 LO2 Be able to apply the principles of the selling process to a product or service   a)You are the Sales Manager for L’Oréal. Prepare a PowerPoint (PPT) sales presentation and present in front of a panel on the company’s products and services.   Guidelines In order to complete the above task, your answer should: •                   Include a PowerPoint presentation with at least ten slides and the presentation should last no more than 10 Minutes (2.1)  •                   Provide prepared speaker notes for each slide which you will use when making the presentation.(2.2) •                   Meet the attributes of a good presentation, (flexible, clear, credible, describe benefits, arouse interest and motive action). (2.1,2.2)  •                   Include screenshots of the slides within your assignment. (2.1) ?    Use the context of the business chosen to answer the question. •                   Remember that your presentation is meant to be delivered to Senior Management   Instructions on carrying out the presentation •                   The presentation time and date will be communicated by the module leader/Tutor •                   Include a PowerPoint presentation with at least ten slides and the presentation should last no more than 10 Minutes •                   The presentation is recorded for internal and external verification •                   Students should adopt a professional dress code and use an appropriate jargon during the presentation. •                   Students are welcome to rehearse with the guidance of their tutor prior the summative presentation

  Merits and Distinctions  M2 You need to use an attractive and interactive presentation, using an extensive range of sources and including speaker’s notes and references.   D2 Write an in-house letter in which you explain how personal selling will help boosting L’Oréal’s sales.    

As a part to develop the company sales strategy. Your CEO has requested you to write a report explaining the roles and objectives of team sales management.
Task Three Report  LO3Understand the role and objectives of sales management This tasks offers you an opportunity to achieveLO3:3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4,3.5, M3 and D2
a)   Sales strategies are usually developed after corporate objectives have been devised. Explain how corporate objectives impact on sales strategies and vice versa. Use the L’Oréal case study to support your answer. (3.1) Guidelines In order to complete the above task, your answer should: •                   Explain the role of sales strategy on corporate objectives •                   Explain how and why sales strategies are developed in line with corporate objectives   b)   You are about to hire new members to join the sales team of L’Oréal.  Explain the significance of applying rigorous recruitment and selection procedures to your recruitment campaign. (3.2) Guidelines  In order to complete the above task, your answer should: •                   Define recruitment and selection •                   Explain why it is important to have a rigorous recruitment and selection process in place •                   Use the context of L’Oréal •                   Use examples to support your answer.   c)   In a section of your report evaluate the role of effective motivation, remuneration and training on sales management. (3.3) Guidelines In order to complete the above task, your answer should: •                   Define motivation using a reliable source •                   Evaluate motivation tools (team building, target setting, financial incentives, salary and commission based remuneration) and how they will apply to sales management •                   Evaluate training initiatives that can be adopted for developing your sales team for example, training on specific products, on-going training and CPD.  Relate this to L’Oréal •                   Review the role of remuneration in sales management     d)   Explain how you plan to organise sales activity and what measures you will take to control sales output. (3.4) Guidelines In order to complete the above task, your answer should: •                   Describe how you will organise sales activities in case of L’Oréal •                   Explain the various sales control measures (sales budgets, performance standards, performance against targets).
  e)Explain the use of databases in effective sales management for an organisation like L’Oréal (3.5) Guidelines In order to complete the above task, your answer should: •                   Explain the importance of database building in sales management •                   Discuss some of the key issues with using databases (including security and data protection) •                   Explain the possible benefits of using databases in sales management for L’Oréal     MERIT THREE  This question relates to Q3.2 In your report, indicate what specific skills you will look for when recruiting sales people for an organisation like L’Oréal. How will these skills differ from someone selling cars or hotel rooms, and what skills will they have in common? Guidelines •                   Discuss specific skills that would be required for a sales person selling •                   Evaluate the common attributes for sales person and mobile sales person          .    


As a part of its global expansion. L’Oréal is investigating selling these cosmetic lines internationally. As a Marketing Manager you have the responsibility to create a sales plan for these lines.
Task Four:  Sales Plan LO4Be able to plan sales activity for a product or service This tasks offers you an opportunity to achieve LO4: 4.1, 4.2,4.3 and D3    
You are required to develop a sales plan for any chosen lines. The sales plan should include a strategy to investigate selling the new lines internationally. Your plan should also look into using exhibitions and trade fairs to increase sales. (4.1,4.2, 4.3) Guidelines   In order to complete the above task, your answer should: •        Identify and justify the lines choice. (4.1) •        Develop a sales plan for your new lines. (4.1) •        Include appropriate titles and appropriate sales plan headings. (4.1) •        Investigate how you can increase your sales by selling internationally.(4.2) •        Investigate how you can increase your sales through exhibitions or trade fairs.(4.3)   DISTINCTION THREE Recommend prominent trade exhibitions/trade fairs (based in Europe) that would be worth attending for your new line.  What activities will you need to do in order to prepare for these exhibitions / trade fairs?   Guidelines   •        State and justify your chosen trade/exhibition •        Develop a plan of activities to prepare for attending the exhibition. •        In your sales plan, include the time scale, Gantt chart, budget and human resources needed, plan review and the mile stones. Additionally, the learner should clearly demonstrate how the sales plan is meeting the marketing objectives. ? Executive summary and conclusion  


Merits and Distinctions
  M1 In the UK, the percentage of people that shop online is on the increase.  Personal selling is being affected by this increase. Write a report analysing the role of personal selling in the marketing process.   D1 In your report provide a critical evaluation of the role of the personal selling process M1. Include a description of your recommended strategies to improve the personal selling process as in M1 and the advantages and disadvantages of the various strategies you have recommended for L’Oréal. M2 You need to use an attractive and interactive presentation, using an extensive range of sources and including speaker’s notes and references.   M3 This question relates to Q3.2 What specific skills will you look for when recruiting sales people for an organisation like L’Oréal? How will these skills differ from someone selling cars or hotel rooms, and what skills will they have in common?   D2 Write an in-house letter in which you explain how personal selling will help boosting the sales of the sports ranges   D3 Recommend prominent trade exhibitions/trade fairs (based in Europe) that would be worth attending for your new line.  What activities will you need to do in order to prepare for these exhibitions / trade fairs?  


Merits and Distinctions
Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutionsEffective judgements have been madeIn the UK, the percentage of people that shop online is on the increase.  Personal selling is being affected by this increase. Write a report analysing the role of personal selling in the marketing process. Task 01
Select/design and apply appropriate methods/techniquesA range of sources of information has been used   Complex information has been synthesised and processedYou need to use an attractive and interactive presentation, using an extensive range of sources and including speaker’s notes and references. Task 02
Present and communicate appropriate findingsThe appropriate structure and approach has been usedThe sales plan that you have provided in task three should be coherent and logical for the intended audience (SMT). Adopt a professional language in your Marketing plan •          Include appropriate titles •          Include appropriate sales plan headings •          Executive summary and conclusion. Task 04
Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions Conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and have been justified In your report provide a critical evaluation of the role of the personal selling process M1. Include a description of your recommended strategies to improve the personal selling process as in M1 and the advantages and disadvantages of the various strategies you have recommended for L’Oréal. Task 01
Take responsibility for managing and organising activitiesSubstantial activities, projects or investigations have been planned, managed and organisedIn your report, indicate what specific skills you will look for when recruiting sales people for an organisation like L’Oréal. How will these skills differ from someone selling cars or hotel rooms, and what skills will they have in common. Task 03  
Demonstrate convergent/lateral/ creative thinkingConvergent and lateral thinking have been appliedIn your sales plan, include the time scale, Gantt chart, budget and human resources needed, plan review and the mile stones. Additionally, the learner should clearly demonstrate how the sales plan is meeting the marketing objectives. Task 04  


  Unit 20 Sales Planning and Operations  
LO  Learning OutcomeAssessmen t CriteriaIn this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to:Task no.  Evidence (Page no.)
LO1Understand the role of personal selling within the overall marketing strategy1.1Explain how personal selling supports the promotion mix1 
1.2Compare buyer behaviour and the decision making process in different situations1 
1.3Analyse the role of sales teams within marketing strategy1 
LO2  Be able to apply the principles of the selling process to a product or service2.1Prepare a sales presentation for a product or service2 
2.2Carry out sales presentations for a product or service2   
LO3  Understand the role and objectives of sales management3.1Explain how sales strategies are developed in line with corporate objectives3 
3.2Explain the importance of recruitment and selection procedures3 
3.3Evaluate the role of motivation, remuneration and training in sales management3 
3.4Explain how sales management organise sales activity and control sales output3 
  3.5Explain the use of databases in effective sales management3 
LO4Be able to plan sales activity for a product or service4.1Develop a sales plan for a product or service4 
4.2Investigate opportunities for selling Internationally4 
4.3  Investigate opportunities for using exhibitions or trade fairs.4 

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[/vc_cta] Reading List  Recommended learning textbooks Course notes

  1. Recommended learning textbooks


  1. BPP Learning Media (2013) Marketing and Promotions – Business Essentials, BPP Learning Media Ltd, London
  2. Jobber, D. and Lancaster, G., (2012), Selling and Sales Management, Pearson, London, 9th
  3. Schwartz, M (2006) Fundamentals of Sales Management, Amacom, USA
  4. Tanner, J., Honeycutt, E. and Erffmeyr, R, (2013), Sales Management: Pearson New International Edition, Pearson, London.


  1. Websites
    1. Amacom(2012) Going Social: Excite Customers, Generate Buzz, and Energize Your Brand with the Power of Social Media – Available at
    2. http://www.amacombooks.org/book.cfm?isbn=9780814432556&TextID=1015230 [accessed 6 January 2014].
    3. University of Dayton (2010). "Business-Oriented Sales Promotions." Available at http://campus.udayton.edu/~jrs/promo/notes/Trade%20Promotion.pdf.
    4. "Trade Promotion Best Practices." Demand Metric Analyst Perspectives. Analyst

Perspectives Blog, 11 Nov. 2010. – Available at <http://demandmetric.wordpress.com/2008/07/23/trade-promotion-best-practices/>.

  1. MarketingProfs.com
  2. http://www.marketingpower.com/Pages/default.aspx
  3. http://www.cim.co.uk/Home.aspx