Unit 2 Marketing Essentials Sample Assignment

Unit 2 Marketing Essentials Sample Assignment

Unit 2 Marketing Essentials Sample Assignment


Everything everywhere Limited (EE Limited) is the British mobile network operator, internet service provider. The essential of the marketing includes service and goods that are in current trend, consider the desire of the buyer and competitor, selection of suitable communication, marketing strategy and provide standard services to the customers. The report will compare the marketing mix of EE Limited and its rivalry firm. Both the organizations are working on the same platform and using the same marketing mix for the growth of the organization. The report will identify the objectives of both the organization and try to compare them and analyze the contribution of marketing mix in the development of the businesses. In addition to this report will develop the marketing plan for the EE Limited to development of existing approach and brand value of business. The report will analyze the internal and external environment of the organization for betterment of the organization.

Unit 2 Marketing Essentials Sample Assignment1

Task 1: Presentation

Unit 2 Marketing Essentials Sample Assignment2

Unit 2 Marketing Essentials Sample Assignment3

Unit 2 Marketing Essentials Sample Assignment4

Unit 2 Marketing Essentials Sample Assignment55

Unit 2 Marketing Essentials Sample Assignment6

Unit 2 Marketing Essentials Sample Assignment7

Unit 2 Marketing Essentials Sample Assignment8

Unit 2 Marketing Essentials Sample Assignment9

Unit 2 Marketing Essentials Sample Assignment10

Task 2 : a) Marketing mix for EE ltd and Vodafone UK.

Marketing mix help the organization to build the strong base in the market and also provide the innovative marketing strategy for the growth of the products in the market. Marketing is the base for all the organization right use of marketing may create the positive brand image of organization. The marketing is successful with the help of marketing mix and extended marketing mix. It is the way to achieve the competitive advantage and may help the EE Limited to attain the set goals. Marketing activities are being considered to the most common initiative to aware the people about the services offered by the organization in the market. The marketing mix is the element that helps the organization competes in the market. The 7’P being included in the extended marketing mix elements and assists the business to achieve the set objectives easily and effectively. Following are the extended marketing mix that helps the business:

Physical evidence: It is the most important element in the growth of the organization that delivers their services and products and gets the good interaction with the clients. To gain the trust of the customers is the most important factor for the organization that helps the business to retain the clients with organization. The management must be loyal with the customers by which they are able to sustain in the market. Physical evidence gives an existence and reliability to the business. However, there is no any physical form of the services that are served by the EE Limited so management has to give extra efforts to sell the services to the clients. The element reflects the presence of the services provided by the EE Limited in the market and helps the organization to give the proof to the clients that services have their identity in the market.
It is not necessary that physical evidence must be applicable on the tangible goods it can be applicable on the intangible services (Lee.et.al.2016). In context of EE Limited, the services offered by the organization with the help of effective marketing activities, better network, quality 3G and 4G services and client may experience extra ordinary services. On the other hand Vodafone UK provides quality products in reference to mobile phones, tablets, mobile SIM and other useful accessories on the stores. These kind stores may reflect the presence of organization in the market and this may help the business to gain the competitive advantage.

People: The element that is present in the organization are employees, leaders and managers that plays very vital role in the growth of the organization. The main role of people in the organization is to provide the quality services to the clients and retain them with the organization for linger period. It has been identified that services provided by the EE Ltd must satisfy the needs of customers and makes them attached with the organization. It is compulsory for the organization that services offered by the organization must suits the demand of the clients. Organization must plan the suitable strategy for customers make it understand to the employees. In relation to the EE Ltd that people in organization must solve the queries of the customers and satisfy their need in more effective way. EE Ltd must assure that leaders and managers must be motivated by which they give their best in order to achieve the organizational goals. To keep the employees motivated organization provides them monetary and non-monetary benefits thus they retain with the organization for longer period (Khan, 2014). On the other hand VodafoneUK only gives non-monetary benefits like advertisement and promotion, insurance, performance appraisal etc.

Process: This kind of extended marketing mix signifies the overall process of the marketing or it is related to the mechanism or procedure under which flow of activities has been done. According to this marketing mix organization must conduct the actual flow of activities so that management can easily deliver the services to the customers. Customers in the present era want to know the service delivery procedure of the organization that may help them to flow of services in the organization (Mintz and Currim, 2013). In context of EE Ltd, it has been identified that organization use the systematic flow of services in the organization and provide good network to the customers they did not face the problem of network in any place. The distribution process of EE Ltd is very good and manager always try to focus on the distribution channel of the organization. On the other hand Vodafone UK provides the services with the help of outlets in the different locations and carry out the proper planning process to distribute the products and services in the market.
 So the extended marketing mix may help the EE Ltd to reach the demand of the clients with proper services and distribution channel. The performance of the organization may improved by adopting the extended marketing mix. It has been identified that marketing is the most important element in the growth of the organization and it may help the business to compete the other multinational organizations. Both the business either EE Ltd or Vodafone UK adopt the extended marketing mix but both have the different marketing plan that make them different from each other (Sheau-Ting.et.al.2013). All the extended marketing mix may help the organization to gain the desired growth for the business but satisfaction of the clients is most important part. The 4P’s of marketing mix like price, product, place and promotion may help the business to sustain in the market.

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Task 2 : b) Marketing plan for EE ltd

The report will compare the marketing mix of EE Limited and its rivalry firm. Both the organizations are working on the same platform and using the same marketing mix for the growth of the organization. The report also has been evaluated the development work and marketing strategies to enhance the business branding and revenue model. The report has been presented the enough information to enhance the customer relations in EE limited.

Company overview
EE Ltd is listed as the most competitive organization in the market and leading network operator in UK. The organization was established in 2010 as the joint venture between Deutsche Telecom and Orange S.A. It is the largest mobile operator in UK with more than 25 million clients and the largest operator 4G services. The organization was headquartered in Hatfield of United Kingdom. It is also largest operator of 4G in the market and also provides the services like broadband, mobile telephone, fixed line etc. All the services which are provided by the organization are based on the latest technology and based on the government provision that is set by the local and national government. EE Ltd also offers very unique services that are additional from the current services like online television and IPTV options. In the current market the 4G network of the organization is more than 95% of the whole population of UK which makes the organization more competitive in the market of UK.

Unit 2 Marketing Essentials Sample Assignment11


In context of marketing activities E Ltd make use of various tools and techniques that help in making the services and products more competitive and suitable for the customers. At the time of launching the 4G network EE Ltd use various promotional activities that make the organization more unique. In order to cover the large number of market share organization takes the initiative to sponsor the festivals to create the brand awareness among the people about the 4G network of the organization. It has been identified that organization provides high quality products to the clients and target the customers by effective marketing strategies. With the help of online marketing activities management has gain the trust and loyalty of the customers. EE Limited is the fastest growing organization in the market of UK and beat the competitors with its innovative marketing practices.

Current Marketing Situation Analysis

Internal analysis
EE Ltd has the potential to serve high number of clients in the market but due to internal factors organization is not able to serve the customers. The internal structure and activities of the organization are based on the quality performance and try to meet the expectations of the customers. Management has the suitable number of the employees that fulfill the demand of the customers. The major quality of the organization that leaders try to enhance the capability of the employees in the organization but due to lack of interest of some employees may affect the efficiency of organization. The financial and intangible resources are available with the organization that helps the business to achieve the marketing goals and aware the clients about the services of organization. The cultural and structural potential of the organization make the business different from its customers and achieve the organizational goals easily. On the other hand lack of training among the employees may influence the overall activities of the organization (Soteriou and Stavrinides, 2013). EE ltd has the boundation that employees are not properly trained and leaders are not focusing on their disability that may affect their performance.

External analysis
EE Ltd has to identify the external factors that may affect the organization from the outside the boundaries of the organization. Sometimes competitors pricing and marketing policy may affect the organization. The government rules and regulation may affect the organization in various ways like marketing activities are affected with the government rules; government boundation may affect the business operations etc. The lower pricing and good quality along with perfect arrangement of raw material assists the business to decrease the competition in the market. International economy has impact on competition, distribution service and pricing. The organization has strength by adopting the latest technology in the market to provide reliable to the customers (Fleisher and Bensoussan, 2015). In the present global market organization has to identify the international competitors that may affect the organization.

SWOT analysis
EE Ltd use the SWOT analysis organization can easily identify the threats and opportunities in the market. SWOT is the most effective technique in the market and also helps to determine the taste and preference of the customers. It also helps the organization to determine the current market position of the organization in the market.  The table may depict the SWOT analysis of EE Ltd:

Table 1 SWOT analysis



  • Quality services at reasonable price
  • Technological support
  • Big customer base
  • Lack of training among the employees
  • Poor promotion scheme
  • Lack of mixing among the market policy and organization policy



  • Adoption of online services for delivery of products.
  • Go global
  • Joint venture with international firms.
  • Threat of new entrant
  • Lack of talented employees
  • Lack of financial support (Brooks.et.al.2014).

 EE Ltd needs to set the objectives in terms of market scopes and product outcomes to achieve the organizational goals and to achieve the suitable growth for the organization. The business can define the goals on the basis if opportunities and strength along with suitable reflection of risk and weakness to market.  Following are the objectives of EE Ltd:

  • Promote the business at the global level and make the business global.
  • Increase the brand image with the help of customer satisfaction.
  • Reduce the cost of services and provide the reasonable priced services to the clients.


Various strategy may adopted by the organization to maintain the quality and sustainability of services in the market. Following are the strategy adopted by the EE Ltd for the growth of organization:

Merger: It is the trendiest strategy in the market that helps two businesses to grow together.  Under this strategy two organizations come closer to do the business and merge their services and resources together to achieve the organizational goals. It is an opportunity for the organization to expand the business at global level. This kind of strategy supports the business to decrease the cost of developing the infrastructure and appoint the human resource for performing the task according to the set strategy. Merger is the process under which big organization do the merger with small business for the expansion of the business and make the products as per their desire. For instance, EE Ltd can do the merger with the Vodafone UK for the expansion of business and perform global activities with the help of merged organization. This kind of merger strategy would help the organization to capture the large market share and perform the activities as per the set standards (Li.et.al.2014). Merger helps the organization to train the employees to perform as per the international standards. Merger may help the organization to reduce the work load from the employees and also get the help of finance from the merged organization. EE Ltd may the help of raw material from the partner organization.   

Joint venture: This is the most effective way to expand the business in the market. EE Ltd may adopt this kind of strategy for the development of the organization that it will be very beneficial for the organization. EE Ltd may do the joint venture with the international organization than it will also encourage the moral of the employees in the organization that they are working with the international organization. The joint venture may be beneficial for the global image of the organization and it also assists the business to gain the competitive advantage. In relation to this through strategic alliance EE Ltd will evaluate the needs and maintain the high quality internet facility to the clients and also provide the good quality voice calling facility to the consumers. The joint venture may improve the overall efficiency of the organization and also help the businesses to get the improvement in telecommunication facility to the customers. Improvement in the services may help the organization to create the strong customer base for the organization and also attract the new clients towards the organization (Killing, 2012). The major reason behind the recommending this strategy is to low cost and increase the profits by adding the resources of another organization. This type of strategy may help the business to create the brand awareness among the customers.

Segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP)

Segmentation: This may help the organization to divide the clients in various factors and try to find the potential customers for the development of organization. EE Ltd may divide the clients on the basis of demographic factors, geographical and preferences of the clients. This will help the organization to identify the potential clients for the organization (Canhoto.et.al.2013). In context of EE Ltd, organization will divide the clients on the basis of demographic factors like age, gender and income of the consumer. 

Targeting: It is the strategy that may helps the organization to identify the exact customer for the organization and target them to provide the services to the potential clients. In addition to EE Ltd, it has been identified that undifferentiated targeting technique would prove to be the most beneficial technique for the business. EE Ltd may send the messages to the clients for the development of the organization and make the buyer aware about the innovative products of organization.

Positioning: It is the most important business strategyfor the organization that may help the business to set the fixed position in the market. It is very important for the organization to design the effective positioning strategy of the organization to establish the effective brand image in the market (Ganai.et.al.2014). In relation to EE Ltd, it could be said that organization has to set the positioning strategy for different services.

Tactics and actions
For implementation of the designed plans organization has to set the correct tactic and take the suitable action for the organization. The action must match the mission and vision of the organization which facilitates the EE Ltd to gain the competitive advantage. The design of tactics must match the culture of the organization and also suit the working culture of the organization. The top management of EE Ltd always try to improve the capability of the employees by which they are able to perform as per the set standards of the organization. The action are based on the various problems like reduce the cost, increase the production, set the positive brand image etc. The action are related to the improvement of the employees that there welfare is necessary for the organization and then set the tactics as per the demand of the customers demand for the services. The organization promotes the business culture towards the productivity and performance as employees are encouraged to use innovative approaches to accomplish the objectives.
The organization has effective set of skilled and experienced employees to perform the objectives and to generate the brand values through continuous improved services (Badre, 2013). Approaches to reach the customer are effective to meet the market competition and to sale the products and services within maximum returns. Customer relationship related strengths help the organization to make the competitive advantages.

It is necessary to determine the flow of finance in organization to make use of marketing plans. The organization needs to define the investments and predicted expenses in all activities based on the historical data in organization. Following budget structure is issued to handle the marketing plan with effectiveness:

Table 2 Budget


Market research

Marketing Planning

Human resources


Use of technology

Implementation of strategy


Cost in pounds








Control and monitoring are essential part of marketing to enhance the productivity and performance. EE limited uses the proper utilization of resources through distribution and reallocation in workplace. The organizational strategies are made to review the personal results and performance in workplace. The employees are monitored regularly and analyzed for the need of training and development programs. The professional real time support and control on employees’ activities help the organization to attain the desired result in business operations (Martín-Merino.et.al.2016). Feedback and suggestions are collected from customers to enhance the overall performance in workplace.


The report has been concluded that merger approach is effective for EE limited to scale the business in specific areas. The report has been presented the enough information to enhance the customer relations in EE limited. The report also has been evaluated the development work and marketing strategies to enhance the business branding and revenue model in future scopes and opportunities.


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