Unit 3 Customer Service

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This Unit 3 Customer Service enables learners to gain understanding of customer service policies and the purpose of promoting a customer-focused culture and to gain skills to provide customer service.

Unit abstract

This unit introduces learners to the principles and objectives of customer service, with a focus on business and services operations, for example hospitality, sports, and travel and tourism. The unit will help learners develop an understanding of the nature of a customer service culture and the principle of quality service in the business and services management environment. The units will help learners to appreciate how important information gathered from customers is and its relevance to improved delivery of services. Learners must ensure that their evidence relates to the hospitality industry

Learning outcomes

1 Understand customer service policies within business and services contexts

  • Policies: policies (structure, use, focus, customer requirements/expectations, product and service knowledge, consultation, confidentiality, customer perceptions and satisfaction, monitor customer service and satisfaction, influences affecting implementation, effective communication)
  • Quality of service: methods of assessment; customer expectations; standardised procedures; codes of practice; staff levels (staffing levels, staff competency, flexibility, reliability and responsiveness)
  • Evaluation: purpose; sources of feedback; accuracy; relevance; reliability; validity; methods of data collection; improvements; staff training and development
  • Hospitality industry: industries within the hospitality industry eg hotels, restaurants, pubs, bars and nightclubs, contract food service providers, hospitality services, membership clubs, events

2 Understand the purpose of promoting a customer-focused culture

  • Communication: types eg verbal, non-verbal body language, written; types of response; use; effect
  • Customer: central role; customer service culture; identifying and analysing customer requirements and expectations; influences of service provision on customer perceptions
  • Benefits of improved service: customer satisfaction, repeat business, improved reputation, increased profit

3 Be able to investigate customer requirements and expectations

  • Requirements: sources of information eg customers, staff, management, customer records, past information
  • Primary research: primary research eg sampling, qualitative, quantitative; interview eg individual, group, survey, observation; contact methods eg mail, telephone, personal
  • Secondary research: internal eg sales records, yield data, financial information, client databases; external eg government publications, trade journals, periodicals, professional associations, national organisations, commercial data
  • Satisfaction levels: planning; strategy; assessment of options using researched information; role of the business and services manager; staffing levels; motivating staff; improvements

4 Be able to provide customer service within business and services contexts to meet required standards

  • Types of customers: different age groups eg the elderly, children; different cultural backgrounds; special needs eg physically disabled; satisfied; dissatisfied; under influence eg drugs, alcohol, medication
  • Customer needs: customer needs eg products and services, urgent, non-urgent, special requirements, quality of service, value for money, cultural, social; trends eg fashion, ergonomic, equipment, training, products and services, consumer protection legislation
  • Customer service: consultation; advice; personal selling; complaints procedure; reception skills; confidentiality


Essential requirements

The use of appropriate case studies will enhance the relevance of the unit and show how Different  organisations, both local and national, have developed their customer care policies.

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