Unit 25 Influences on HSC Organisations

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This unit aims to develop understanding of how the external environment, organisational structure and function impact on health and social care service delivery and the role that leadership plays in service provision.

Unit abstract

This unit covers the theoretical concepts used to explain how organisations function and investigates the role of leadership within organisations.Current thinking in management theory will be discussed with particular reference to health and social care organisations. Learners will be encouraged to apply theoretical concepts to organisations with which they are familiar and to analyse the leadership roles within these organisations. The relationship between individual and organisational effectiveness and their impact on health and social care services will also be discussed from the perspective of care workers and those who use services.Learners will be encouraged to explore the influences that the external environment has on service delivery and organisational effectiveness, using a range of business theories and analysing how these theories apply to health and care services.

Learning outcomes

1 Understand the relationship between the external environment and health and social care organisations

  • External environmental factors: public and media concerns; legal framework; political issues; resource and funding issues; demography; commercial pressures; external stakeholders eg Care Quality Commission, Department of Health, Supporting People, local government
  • Potential impact: on people eg users of services, workers, others; roles and responsibilities; accountabilities; functions and services; organisational restructuring
  • Responding to external stakeholder needs: approaches eg inspection, keeping records and statistics, conformance, accountability.

2 Understand the impact of organisational structure and culture on health and social care service delivery

  • Types of organisations: public, private, not-for-profit; formal/informal; function differences eg service-based, product-based, multi-functional
  • Individual behaviour theory: personality, motivation theories eg Maslow, Herzberg, McClelland, Vroom; job design; stress; conflict
  • Group behaviour theory: group formation; socialisation; roles; ambiguity; compliance; conformity; group think; team building eg Belbin, Janis, Asch, Milgram
  • Organisational structures: functional; geographical; matrix; centralisation versus decentralisation; tall versus flat
  • Organisational culture: power cultures; role cultures; task cultures; person cultures; cultural norms; how cultures develop.

3 Understand the role of leadership in health and social care organisations

  • Concept of leadership: vision; values; management style (participative, consultative); personal authority and self-confidence; transformational leadership; authority and power
  • Organisational effectiveness: best use of scarce resources; achievement of organisational objectives; successfully meeting needs of those who use services; meeting the needs of staff.


  • Bartol, K. M., & Zhang, X. (2010). Linking Empowering Leadership and Employee Creativity: The Influence of Psychological Empowerment, Intrinsic Motivation, and Creative Process Engagement. Academy of Management Journal .
  • belbin.com. (2016). belbin team roles. Retrieved 09 28, 2016, from http://www.belbin.com/about/belbin-team-roles/

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