Unit 22 Public Relations and Promotions in Travel and Tourism

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This unit enables learners to gain understanding of public relations in travel and tourism, the use of media, apply public relations skills and create a public relations plan.

Unit abstract

The unit explores the role of public relations (PR) in the travel and tourism sector, considering its importance as a promotional tool. Learners will be given the opportunity to develop the skills that enable them to effectively undertake PR activities in a travel and tourism context. Skills include written and oral as well as customer service. Learners will explore the different types of media that are used as part of a PR plan and will learn which media are most appropriate in different situations. The ability to construct a PR plan will also be developed through the delivery and assessment of this unit.

Learning outcomes

1 Understand the role and importance of effective public relations for travel and tourism businesses

Role: relationship to marketing and advertising; publics eg community, distributors, suppliers, stakeholders, employees and potential employees, investors, consumers and users, the media, opinion leaders, unions, regulators; purpose eg internal/external functions, in-house and consultancy PR, communication channels; the interaction of PR with other management functions eg the role of PR in support of the organisation’s strategy/vision
Importance: promotional tool; effective internal and external communication; awareness eg charity work, explaining objectives, public consultation, communicating change; identifying, establishing and maintaining publics/customers, credibility, perception, relationship building, planned communication, managing crisis, obtaining and maintaining sponsors, corporate identity, reputation, ethics

2 Be able to apply public relations and promotions skills within a travel and tourism context

Public relations and promotions skills: written eg writing brochures, leaflets, newsletters, letters, news releases, feature articles, interviews, puffery; selling and persuasion eg presentations, product launches, events, exhibitions, awareness raising, lobbying, influencing, networking; using electronic media eg website management, emails, mobile phones; customer relations eg conflict handling, crisis communication, contingency planning, formulating responses, reviewing and implementing emergency plans, creative communication strategies

3 Understand the use of media in public relations applied to travel and tourism

Types of media: types eg print, broadcasting, electronic
Use: editorials, editorial promotions eg competitions, feature opportunities, photo-calls, press conferences, infotainment; educational visits eg product launches, press junkets, ‘jollies’; press events eg the press conference, press reception; news manipulation, image manipulation, bias, authenticity

4 Be able to create a public relations plan in a travel and tourism context

Public relations plan: plan eg Jefkins model; appreciation of the situation eg initial research, turning a negative into a positive, short-term plan and longer-term planning linked to corporate plan; definition of objectives eg identify issues and key messages, clarify objectives; definition of publics eg means of reaching key audiences, realistic and achievable, selection of media and techniques; planning of a budget; assessment of results


Manage your own resources and professional development
Develop your personal networks
Monitor and solve customer service problems
Work with others to improve customer service.

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