Unit 22 Developing Counselling Skills for HSC

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The aim of this unit is to enable learners to investigate the role of counselling in health and social care, and to use and evaluate their own counselling skills.

Unit abstract

The focus of this unit is on the identification, practice and development of counselling skills. On completion of the unit, learners will have had the opportunity to develop inter-related skills required to initiate, maintain and conclude a counselling interaction. Learners will also explore appropriate theoretical perspectives that underpin counselling and how the core models of counselling may be applied in health and social care situations. Learners will acquire an understanding of ethical considerations in counselling and the ethical codes that govern counselling practice. Learning should take place through the use of role play, with peer and tutor observation and feedback supporting learners to develop the self-awareness and skills needed for counselling interactions. This unit will enable learners to develop appropriate counselling skills to support their work role in health and social care.


Learning outcomes

1 Understand how theoretical perspectives apply to counselling work in health and social care

  • Theoretical perspectives: psychodynamic, humanistic, cognitive-behavioural
  • Contribution of major theorists: theories of Freud, Klein; theories of Rogers, Perls, personality theory; theories of Ellis, Beck, 4-stage problem-solving

2 Understand how boundaries and ethical codes are applied in counselling work in health and social care

  • Counselling relationship: boundaries eg political, social, organisational; context of work; policies and procedures; professional counselling contract
  • Ethical guidelines: British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) Code of Ethics; other emerging guidelines as appropriate; other professional codes eg Nursing and Midwifery Council
  • Legal factors: legislation relating to data protection, anti-discriminatory practice, protection of vulnerable people; professional liability, indemnity
  • Role of supervision: nature of counselling supervision, different models of supervision,

3 Understand the role of counselling interactions in health and social care services

  • Individuals: users of health and social care services; health and social care workers
  • Scope: access eg availability, internal or external to service organisation, referral, funding
  • Potential benefits: to individuals, groups, communities; those who work in the organisation; benefits eg behaviour change, enhanced health and wellbeing, alleviation of symptoms
  • Factors influencing the use of counselling interactions: influencing factors eg access, confidential environment, resource availability, organisational culture, professional boundaries

4 Be able to demonstrate appropriate skills in a simulated counselling interaction

  • Initiate and establish: satisfactory demonstration of skills relating to: setting boundaries, confidentiality, opportunity to disclose, clarification of counsellor role, recognising feelings, reviewing techniques, managing self in interaction, use of Stage 1 skills
  • Maintain and develop: satisfactory demonstration of skills relating to: managing silence, timing of responses, managing personal feelings and agendas, use of challenging skills, use of ‘here and now’, facilitating of client self-understanding, setting goals with client, use of an integrated and structured approach, use of Stage 1 and 2 skills
  • Conclude: demonstrate Stage 1, 2 and 3 skills; satisfactory demonstration of skills relating to: exploration of strategies for client to achieve goals, enabling client choice, information offered acceptable and free from bias, managing ending
  • Evaluate development of own skills: outcomes for client of the interaction; skills used and their effectiveness; management of self eg own feelings, strengths and weaknesses, learning from personal journal, responses to feedback from others, application to workplace role, personal insights, self-awareness gained.


  • McLeod, S. (2016). Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Retrieved 09 28, 2016, from http://www.simplypsychology.org/maslow.html
  • Nilsson, L., Eriksén, S. & Borg, C. 2016, "The influence of social challenges when implementing information systems in a Swedish health?careorganisation", Journal of Nursing Management, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 789-797.

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