Marketing Management in the Italian Mobile Networking Industry

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Marketing Management in the Italian Mobile Networking Industry



The essay provides an interpretative framework for Mobile networking operators in Italy. There has been a discussion of the multiple causes of the telecommunication industry. In a competitive environment, disruptive changes in the technology and business dimensions are determined. It has been evaluated that the issues of mobile bandwidth scarcity and decreasing voice-related revenues within MNOs (Ghezzi et al., 2015).

The key focus on the increase in the mobile data traffic coupled with the value-added services by the over-the-top operators has been determined in the study. Based on issues and proposed framework, the study will highlight the strategic routes to the Italian MNOs at the reasonably competitive western markets in the study (Deepak and Jeyakumar, 2019). The role of marketing and perceived value for customers as well as market orientation will be analyzed to meet the dynamic competitiveness and strategic decision-making of the business in the telecommunication sector in the study.


In today's competitive world, the role of marketing in organizations is too important to be ignored. This would represent the escalating competition for major inroads ways to use technology for improving the situation of the MNO’s in the market (Deepak and Jeyakumar, 2019). It has been evaluated that the social media or vital use of the technology has helped the MNO industry to capture the needs of the audiences and offer them with the valuable products and services. It has somehow provided success and informed reliability to the business.

In the current scenario, Marketing within the MNO’s of Italy has focused on establishing the relationships with the customer to understand the decrease in the voice-related data and increase in the online surfing to a wider extent. It will help the organization to produce new products and services for the customers (Mirabeau and Maguire, 2014). It can provide a strategic direction to the Italian MNOs regarding the products demand in the market. For example, the case of the MNOs operating in Italy i.e., Telecom Italia Mobile, Vodafone and Wind and Tre would shape marketing aspects of the business by associating the organization's products and services among the customers. The marketing function would also be encounter on the brand name that attracts the customer and supporting the business towards their organizational goals (Hollensen, 2019).

In the case of Italian Mobile networking operators, the growth of the mobile subscribers has become stagnant in most countries particularly with western Europe. It has faced the situation of the subscriber’s saturations and tight competition related to the voice-related revenues. This has extensively turn out to be less profitable for the MNOs. The marketing managers would somehow converge the act in the ICT industry and mirror on the technological change and updating the internet and electronic devices to add more values to the business (Ghezzi et al., 2015).

The disruptive change factors have certainly affected the marketing role and technological discontinuity to a certain industrial level. For example, Apple has focused on the distribution model for the emergence of their customers on the computing platforms. But due to the low level of engagement, they have significantly discontinued at both marketing and technology levels of the firms (Cheung and McColl-Kennedy, 2019). Radical regulatory change was invariably the result of the marketing innovation in the industry. This has somehow deemed the necessary assumptions. Therefore, the need to revamp the regulatory backdrop regarding consumer privacy following has been captured. Other than this, change in the customer habits and preferences would also provide exogenous disruptions in the marketing role of the business to perceive the value in the market. The marketing role would significantly meet with the customer perceived value along with the actual price of the products (Sista, 2019). The customer perceived benefit to the customer perceived cost would provide the perceived value to the business.

At Italian MNOs, the focal role of the marketing aims to meet the current strategy of the business. The makers of the business need to evaluate the contemporary areas of developing perceived value. The competitive advantage to the business can be attained by meeting the network access and economies of scope (Ghezzi et al., 2015). With the element of the proposed framework, mobile data traffic has somehow decreased the voice calling rates and reasons needs to be evaluated by addressing the perceived value for the business. This can somehow provide the diffusion of easy-to-use internet-capable smartphones and decisive marketing efforts by Italian MNOs (Sista, 2019). It has been pinpointed that the spectrum management policies would strongly impact 4G network business models of MNOs. Therefore, the MNOs must set the strategic potential directions which provide the MNOs business with revamping value with the appropriate range dimensions.

This can help them in gaining the knowledge of new players in the market with the arrival where web-originated companies can expand meet the proposed value of the delivery channel for the mobile applications (Tarka, 2018). The main role of marketing in the mobile telecommunication market has somehow provided a clear picture of the challenges and opportunities to withdraw the insights of the market in a generalized manner. Western Mobile market might provide the explanatory and descriptive range of the different aspects of the business through managing the entire value chain setup with the partners (Tarka, 2018).

By offering the new product and services, the need to convince the customers can be experienced at greater cost if they do not avail the offers provided by the organizations. Other than this, the emergence of VoIP has turned out to be another value proposition factor that has captured the business structure in an appropriate way (Ghezzi et al., 2015). Conversely, MNOs need to explore additional frequencies to meet the analogic and digital transmission of the services in the Western countries to a wider extent. This may help improvise the quality of service as well as peer-to-peer usage in the business in a better way (Mu, 2017). The marketing department of the telecommunication industry at Italy has focused on the distribution paradigm for promoting their products through OTT, TV, eBook and targeted advertisement, cloud computing and application stores to efficiently meet the customer perceived values to the business.

Perceived values to the customers in the marketing terminology of the MNOs has helped in understanding the needs and expectations along with the comparative analysis of the peers. The attitude of consumers towards goods or service at the consumers. It has provided relationship between the perception of quality and willingness to pay on the consumers ways (Mu, 2017).

Technology innovation is a constant factor in the mobile telecommunications. It helps in the characterization of disruptive changes in the business dimensions. The strategic routes where Italian MNOs the disposal to the face the turbulent competitive times (Kopp and Khartit, 2020). It can reasonably representative ways to western markets.

Business articulation to reach customers has provided the corporate strategy in terms of actions that employees can take. It has determined the goals with the attainable and clear ways very variables to measure the determine when the reach of the goals.

According to Kopp and Khartit (2020), Market Orientation is an approach through which the business can be prioritized and identified with the needs and desire of the consumer. They usually create products and offer reliable services to satisfy the consumers to an extent in the global world. The companies who are adopting the market orientation needs to market their target market and provide the research and development review of the new product.

It has been argued that the marketing orientation is a conventional approach through which product development is opposite where marketing strategies need to establish the existing products rather than designing qualities and consumers practices with the things (Ghezzi et al., 2015). Market-oriented organizations such as telecommunication industry operate on the integrative framework as the marketing concept. This can withhold on the planning and coordination of all company activities. It can primarily address the customer needs to be effective with the terms to sustain a competitive advantage (Bhattarai et al., 2019).

The market-oriented within the firms might provide a consistent focus on the personal as well as a macro, small and large level of the customers. It can reply to the competitive circumstances in the market environment. There are different parameters through which the Italian MNOs embraces the concept of market segmentation and adapting the product offerings (Jogaratnam, 2017). The marketing programs to address the special needs of the target market i.e., UK, Western countries. Vodafone, Telecom Italia Mobile, Wind and Tre are usually focusing on the cross-functional task force to reevaluate the market environment and develop their strategic focus on mapping on the R&D practices and future growth avenues generation (Bhattarai et al., 2019). The company has also formed the strategic alliances to meet customers needs and also improving the quality of services by integrating on the technology innovation to the business process.

Increase technical capabilities for the current Italian MNOs represents infrastructure management necessary ways. This provide the ways to handle increased data traffic from smartphones and mobile computing devices and are mildly affected. The single expectation where marketing related capabilities through increased rivalry ways to decrease the voice related revenues.

The technological convergence of telecommunication was Shift from providers of telephone services to providers of data connections. The decrease in voice-related revenues models has provided the substitute products that circumvent the traditional MNO value appropriation mechanism. The phone bill has somehow changed the point of view of the providers and changing it to the data connection facilities.

Strategy formulation for the Italian MNOs has appropriately provided ways to achieve organizational goals and visions. It has covered the stages where the rigid chronological order to attain the set objectives for the organization can be attained (Jogaratnam, 2017). For the current case, the strategic formulation would bridge the gap between the business processes, resources and relationships to the business by fruitfully constituting dynamics of the business.

The emergent strategy making might meet with the incorporating way to strategic thinking. The technology-oriented industries might meet with the basic assumptions to the competitive advantage. It can also help in achieving a position in the market. This can leverage on the ways to meet the firm's resources to position itself in the industry (Hollensen, 2019). The trial-and-error method and incremental and mostly bottom-up initiatives would help in providing the dynamic environment but also providing the possible change in the environment along with the control in the business that is to be made (Mirabeau and Maguire, 2014). For example, the Blue ocean strategy has been deploying on the technology derived strategy where change might induce on the external either uncontrolled innovation by competitors or players within the industry and planning on the innovation and competitors. It can highlight the case of the mobile telecommunication industry through planned innovation on an internal basis (Cheung and McColl-Kennedy, 2019).

The implementation of the strategy can relate to a reasonable presentation of the western markets. This can provide the disruptive change in the business through which recognition of the environmental driven disruptive change can be associated. The R&D facilities would provide the investigation to the validated findings and report to the necessary change (Ghezzi et al., 2015). The rise in the innovative resources can focus on the western MNOs characteristics as well as their investment in the R&D. Disruptive changes in the technology and business dimensions has involved the strategic planning where social networking through media platforms has benefited the marketing strategies but it also requires proper monitoring. There have been complaints regarding specific goods and services that are offered to the consumers (Ghezzi et al., 2015).

Customer relationship has been adapted with the ways to build sustainable competitive advantage through scope of economies. It has represented the ways to meet the internet value network. The Content commercialization and innovation focus on the innovative services where the diminishing the time to market of the new content and services. Infrastructure management can help in providing the network access to the people through the competitive differential practices will underlie in the economies of scale. This has also represented the way to retain the focal role of the business management.

Smart Pipe analogy has provided the ways to explore the opportunities that are brought to attain the network functionalities and managing the quality of service. It has also attained the business models through which managing data traffic functionalities where preferred routes for companies. This can also will to pay for superior network connection speed. This might address on the customers with the accessed ways to attain the sites or applications. This can help in relying with the network functionalities by third parties in B2B arrangements along with the location-based services through potential to bill that users might attain on the MNOs Sim Card bypassing the need for the credit cards.

The ubiquitous presence of the mobile data traffic signals has expected to affect the strategic planning and continue to remark on the high priority in the market. The market-orientated aspect associated with the environment would emphasize on the protection and restoration of the consumers (Deepak and Jeyakumar, 2019). Marketing can help in overcoming this issue of bandwidth scarcity and data traffic. This can represent the long-term business considerations of the telecommunication sector.

Finally, the development of the technology, marketing and innovation coordinators combination would help in attaining the potential growth for the business. It can somehow provide the results which would be specific to the market and have a major impact on the strategic planning for the years ahead (Tarka, 2018). This can provide the role of Smart Pipe where value network orchestrators might rely on the core network functionalities. This entails that the third parties in the B2B arrangements would explore location-based services or the potential to bill the users might have in the addressing the MNO’s Sim card facilities bypassing on the credit card practices to manage the profitable business (Ghezzi et al., 2015). It can share on the revenue mechanism where lack of European operators has overcome the strategic courses of enabling the equilibrium within the large players like Vodafone, Telecom, Wind and Tre. This can help in the future development of the mobile internet convergence scenario but still needs to enhance the value networks in the business world (Ghezzi et al., 2015).


The study covers the role of marketing in developing the perceived value of customers. It has triggered on re-planning and meta role as well as discontinuity of the Mobile Networking operator’s business in the telecommunication sector in the study. The framework of market orientation has provided the operationalization analysis and discontinued relationship in the business due to challenges has been determined. Lastly, the perceived change has managed to plan and forecast the activities of the market orientation in mature form for Wester Mobile markets such as the UK, Germany and France. The marketing has potentially made the customers aware of the services and new products that are launched by the business. It can serve on the marketing strategies ahead of time and proactively involving the success of its sales. This can help in aligning the marketing strategies and attaining the overall business goals.


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