How does training & development affect organisational performance? An Asda case study

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How does training & development affect organisational performance? An Asda case study
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How does training & development affect organisational performance? an asda case study
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This dissertation investigates the relationship between employee training and development and organisational performance, using Asda as a case study. It explores training's impact, effective models, and recommendations for improvement.
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How does training and development on the employees affect the organisation's performance? A case study of Asda

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I want to show gratitude to my teachers and team mates so has helped me to complete this assignment successfully. I took help from secondary resources which helped me to create an informative analysis about the research topic. This assignment helped me to gain knowledge and skills about the impacts of employee training programs.


The project aims to investigate how training and development on the employees affect the organisation's performance considering the case of Asda. It is a retail giant from the UK that has been chosen for the research. It has established in 1949 and has more than 145000 employees working for the company. The literature review is explained in chapter two and it has helped in describing the concept of training and development of the staff members and the way it impacts the performance level of the employees. The research has also elaborated on the impact of training on the mind of the employees. The context of the contingency theory that is defined in this study, depicts the leadership and the management process that supports the organisational functionality. There is also the elaboration of different ways for improvement in training and the employee developmental aspects that are been described in this study. The methodology has justified the use of the secondary research method. The contingency theory along with the centralised training design model has been discussed in chapter two. Chapter three consists of the research philosophy approach and strategy that provide validity to the research.
In chapter 4, data analysis and finding has been elaborated about the impacts caused due less effective training within organisation. Based on thematic analysis, data analysis has been demonstrated describing effective models and tools required in providing employee training. In chapter 5, recommendation and conclusion has been provided based on the analysis of Asda which provides them an assurance to make further development.

Chapter One -The Introduction

Background to the Research

The research aims to find the relation between employees training and development and organisational performance. Afroz (2018) has opined that the more the employees are provided with training, there are more chances of increasing the level of their performance. In this context, when there is an increase in employee performance then organisational productivity also increases. It could be said that there is a positive relationship between training and development of the employees and the organisational performance. Again, the firms are required to practice customised and specialised green training for the employees (Rawashdeh, 2018). Moreover, it is not only necessary to provide training but there is a requirement to check the effectiveness of the training programs too. This is because if these training programs are not robust or according to the needs of both employees and organisation, then the outcomes of the organisation are not achieved. Training and development programs have the potential to promote positive behaviour among the employees. Certain practices need to be built by the organisation so that it could be understood what are the current needs and how it needs to be implemented. Employees are the major asset of the company and their needs and requirements are required to be understood by the organisation.

Similarly, in case of Asda which is a retail giant in the UK has also managed to provide significant training and development to colleagues. Kate Fisher who is the Senior Director of Talent and Capability of Asda has focused on making investments in the employees. The apprenticeship levy has been initiated by Asda in the year 2017 which helps its colleagues to learn new skills from software development to retail management. There are positive reviews from the employees because they also feel that it has enabled them to take major opportunities in the industry, they can understand the customer requirement and match with the industry skills that are beneficial for Asda. In this, the research focuses on finding the positive aspects of training and development on the company or establishing the relation between them.

Organisational Background

Asda is a British “supermarket chain” which has its headquarter in Leeds, England. It has been founded in the year 1949 after the Asquith family associate their retail business with Yorkshire which is a dairy company. Roger Burnley is the CEO of the company and there are 633 locations of the company as per 2021 data. The parent organisation of Asda is EG Group and the company was initially founded by Noel Stockdale, J.W. Hindell. In 2015 the company has completed 50 years of operation which has seen significant growth and development since its inception. It has surpassed the number of stores by more than 600 and achieved £1 billion in profit in the retail industry (Asda, 2021). Initially, it has been founded as discounting store but has expanded as one of the biggest competitors to well-established firms like Tesco and others. Some of the brands of Asda are Farm Stores, Smart Price, Extra Special, Little Angels and so on. It has in-store services like Cafe, Scan and Go Click& Collect, Pharmacy, Opticians, Travel Money bureau, musicMagpie and others. This shows that it has established itself not only in grocery retailing but focusing on other things like personalised services and assistance in convenience shopping. The self-owned brands of the company help it to reduce the prices of the goods and services. Some of the brands are award-winning too like Extra Special and others.

It could be said that Asda is one biggest retail companies in the UK that have evolved in terms of revenue and services. There are above 145,000 colleagues or employees who are dedicated to the aims and objectives of the company to serve better with the least prices (Asda, 2021). They are situated in the Superstores, Supercentres and smaller Supermarkets. Moreover, its competitor like Morrison’s has 1, 10,000 employees who help it to accomplish its overarching goals (Owler, 2021). However, it has fewer employees in comparison to Morrison's tend to capture a higher position in the retail sector. This is mostly because Asda's relation with stakeholders like the suppliers is not significant.

Significance of the Problem

The significance of the research is to know-how training and development to the employees can lead to better organisational performance. For this, the case of Asda has been taken to analyse the impact of how its training programs have helped to build and grow. Training and development have a significant role to play in the organisation because it helps to mediate the work attitudes. They are mainly used to foster the relation abilities, knowledge and skills of the employees. After doing this employees are more able to understand the objectives of the organisation. This is because any aggressive goal for which there is no proper skill and knowledge available to the employees, it becomes difficult to achieve what the organisation wants. Moreover, in the current business environment that is highly filled with contingencies, there is a necessity to increase the potential of the employees. The reason is they will ultimately fulfil the long term and short term goals of the organisation. In this way, the research has major significance to learn about the concept of training and development importance in the organisation for the employees. Moreover, it could also be understood why organisations are required to maintain the skill level of the employees. The direct connection between employee training and development and organisation performance can also be understood taking the example of Asda. This will help to gain practical insight about the company and learn how it manages training and development so that proper knowledge can be built.

Therefore, the significance of the research lies in finding any improvement that can be done in the case of providing training and development. This is notably going to help Asda to know where the gap is and how it can be fulfilled so that it can continue its growth and development in the market.

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of the project lies in finding the relation between employee training and development on organisational performance. Singh et al. (2019), has opined that there is a major impact of the workplace environment on the behaviour of the employees. Ethics, culture, practices, values of the organisation have an impact on the organisational performance as well. Those organisations that are significantly involved in training and developing their colleagues can keep them motivated. In this context, motivated employees can quickly learn and adopt the company's shared goals. Their commitment towards the organisation increases and tries to engage more with their environment. However, if they are limited or not motivated at all, they start affecting the organisation. This is because productivity is mainly reduced which leads to poor organisational performance. It is the employees who fulfil the overarching goals of the organisation. They need to be properly equipped with the required soft and hard skills that can help them in making decisions. Employees in the organisation perceive the benefit of the contribution they made in the organisation. This perception needs to be fulfilled by the organisation so that the employees can be retained for the long term. It is a major factor to keep the performance of the organisation high. Environment-related factors like culture, management support, training, organisational climate and environmental dynamism has a strong role to play in organisational performance. Overall, the purpose of the work is to emphasise several factors that drive the requirement of training and development and how it is done in the Asda. Taking the practical insights can help to learn and provide a recommendation that can further help Asda to understand what can be further done in training the development to increase employee's potential.

Statement of the Problem

Training and development of the employees is a necessary aspect for increasing the organisation's performance. In the last seven years of Asda operation more than 13000 employees have been provided with apprenticeships help (Corporate. asda, 2019). This has helped the company to increase its operational performance and provide a competitive advantage. They are benefitted from different software and degree qualification that is helping them to learn about the industry requirements. This is the reason Asda has achieved the major landmark of more than £1 billion profit. It shows that if the organisations are dedicated to the development of the employees, they ultimately bring new growth opportunities. Training and development is the major requirement in recent times when the business environment is becoming more volatile. There are risks involved from political, social, environmental and legal factors. The employees need to know how they have to deal with the unprecedented situations and increase their accountability towards the business goals. Moreover, the example of recent cruises caused by pandemics can be taken where there has been a major transformation in the companies. Asda has also decided to increase its digital concentration by focusing on the e-commerce platform. For this, the employees need to be trained on how they need to react to the changing needs by learning new methods of working.

It could be said that training and development of the employees is the major need in the current period. Companies have to take quick decisions and implement them on an urgent basis so that they can reduce the negative impact of the environmental changes on the organisation. Again, if employees are not having the proper knowledge about what and how they have to complete their goals then the strategic decisions may not be properly executed. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a significant requirement for training and development to increase the organisation performance.

Aim(s) and Objectives (Ideally, one main aim and four objectives)

The aim of the project is to investigate how training and development on the employees affect the organisation performance considering the case of Asda.

Research objectives

  • To know concept of employee training and development in a workplace environment

  • To investigate impact of training and development for employees on the organisation

  • To analyse training and development on the employees affects the organisation performance in the case of Asda

  • To recommend training and development can be enhanced in Asda for better organisational performance

Research Questions

  • What is the concept of employee training and development in a workplace environment?

  • What is the impact of training and development for employees on the organisation?

  • How training and development on the employees affects the organisation performance in the case of Asda

  • How training and development can be enhanced in Asda for better organisational performance?

Dissertation structure


Figure 1: Dissertation structure

(Source: Created by the learner)

Chapter Two -the Literature Review


Literature review mainly focuses on synthesising the views of the authors based on the objectives built for the research. This section covers the narrative review of the different authors on the importance of training and development for employees toincrease the organisational performance. Further, there has been a consideration for finding the relation between different variables like employee training and development along and organisational performance. Again, the factors that drive training and development in the organisation can be critically discussed.

Concept of employee training and development in the organisation

According to Mannucci (2021), employee training is the specified program that is designed in such a manner that can help the individual to gain some skills and become more improvised. Having technical skills, knowledge for the areas where they are working is important for them as it helps in making the individual more efficient. Similarly, it can be observed that employee training has become very essential for the organisation and it will help in increasing the skills and overall potential of the individual. Providing the employees with training programs will help the individual to get trained and develop their working abilities as they will be learning a particular skill and improve their overall productivity. It helps an individual to work for their company and help them to identify their own areas that need more improvement and all these will help them to focus more on the growth and development of the staff members. Likewise, if analysing the benefits of using the employee training and development in the company then it can be observed that it helps an individual to enhance their working abilities. Apart from this, they start engaging themselves with other staff members so that they become more committed to their work.

On other hand, as commented bye Cunha(2020), the company may think that they are helping the individual members to work and improvise their potential. Employee training and development helps an organisation to gain their market position as it will help the management to become more effective and they can communicate properly without facing any further issues. However, there are some of the major drawbacks of staff training that are also suffered by the companies. One of the main issues is the waste of time and money and sometimes the money spends by the company for the training of the employees they hire the well trained individuals instead. Besides, it also increases the stress level among the staff members and they are do not like to get trained and they lost all their interest as well. The other factor that impacts the most is the time requirements and it takes away the time of the work and it backfires the firm only. Training staff members provide both benefits and drawbacks to the company and they need to understand the ways to effectively train the employees. Therefore, it can be analysed that helping the staff members to get trained is beneficial for the productivity of the firms and they also get a very stable position in the market in front of their competition.

Impact of employee training and development on organisational performance

As opined by Rakhmonkulov (2019), training is the systematic process that helps an individual to get the skills that they need to perform in their job or work they are assigned to do. Whereas, development is the method that is created for the betterment of the individual which helps in their growth, progress so that they can get a positive change within themselves. Training is considered very essential for the organisation as it helps them to enhance the capabilities of the employees and they become more efficient. Besides, it has also been found that today providing specified guidance to the employees have become very significant and they easily meet the goals and the objectives of the company. If a company gear up them in the market and they become comes up with the training programs for its working staffs for every month. It shows that the company is trying to help out the employees and they are helping to increase the overall skills of the staff and it ultimately enhances the level of productivity of the firm. Similarly, helping the employees to perform the task that is assigned to them is crucial and for that they need confidence. Gaining skills will help the individual to become confident and increase their creativity as well. Likewise, it also helps in increasing the productivity and performance of the person and improves their overall performance level.

On the contrary, giving training to the employees also creates a negative impact on the employees and it has hampered the working culture of the company and they may have to face a lot of problems in the market (Birkel et al., 2019). Besides, coming up with training programmes also makes the employees frustrated and sometimes they are not ready as they start feeling the pressure of both work and training. It was important for the managing head of the company to improve the working attitudes of the staff members and show them the benefits of getting trained and the way it helps an individual to get the competitive edge as well. It can be seen that training not only helps an individual to get well trained and increase their working potential it will also help them to develop their skills and improve the abilities which leads the staffs to better their performance. Henceforth, providing the training and development programmes to the staff members creates both positive and negative impacts on the employees. It is important for the individual working staff to understand the basic importance of improving the skills and the knowledge and the way it helps in building the confidence level of the person.

Factors driving the urge of training and development for employees

As commented by Afroz (2018), training and development are considered as the indispensable tool of strategy that helps in enhancing the performance level of employees. In today’s era, the business environment is rapidly changing and making the company more aware of the importance of training. As at present if the company wants to survive in the market and to get the success and it can only be done if the company is organised, they must develop and manage their working associates. There are different factors that drive the urges for training and the development programme for the development of the employees. In order to compete with other people, it is important for the individual to gain knowledge, skills and experience. Besides, they also try to understand their own needs, values, motives and how much they are aware of themselves so that they can gain those skills they lack in themselves. Furthermore, the other aspects which influence the training programmes of the employees and these are the motivation of the person. The working attitudes, the support from the management team and the style of training they are getting and the basic ability of the person as well. Apart from this, it is the duty of the human resource management of the company to help out its working staff and understand the areas which are reducing their effectiveness as an employee.

As opined byEl-Kassar (2019), it is crucial for the organisation to understand the factors that directly impact it and enhance its performance level as well. Boosting the productivity of the employees is beneficial for the organisation as it will help in reducing the turnover rate of the working associates and it helps in improving the working culture of the company. Apart from this, it is also important for the company to understand the areas that help in influencing the performance level of the employees and the areas that help in motivating them as well. Likewise, looking at the other factors that also creates a great impact on the entire working of the employees and some of the reasons are increasing the satisfaction level of the staff members. The other factor is their own will of working for the company and the strategies taken by the organisation to increase the efficiency and decrease the employee turnover. Moreover, it can be observed that the human resource department must know the requirements of the staff members and they should support their employees as it helps in creating a positive impact on the employees.

Employee training and development and organisational performance

According toZhou (2018), an organisation can only perform well in the market if its staff is working with a happy mind. They are ready to support help out the firm to get the success and increase their position as well. The performance of the company mostly depends on the working behaviour of the employees and the way they are supporting the organisation to achieve their goals and objectives. The employees need to get trained and they need to effectively measure the performance level and critically overlooks at own performance level. Besides, in the programme of training, it is important for them to start implementing the changes if required and they should make their employees more goals oriented as well.

A well-trained employee is the one who has more skills and they are more productive for the company as they deliver the work by maintaining the proper quality of the work. If compared with untrained staff members they lack to have such maturity in their work and this shows the basic difference between trained and untrained employees. Therefore, it is the duty of the leading head of the firm to understand the need among the employees to get trained as it helps in increasing both the quality of the work and the quantity of the output of the company as well.

The training and the development process that is associated in organisational context tends to develop the employee skill sets, abilities. It also implicates effective performance management in the work process that depicts the potential factor. As commented by Fletcher et al. (2018), there has been a consideration for the HRM practice that used to involve collection of the activities in an organisational context which are referred to the continual learning and also initiates in the development of the job-related skills. With the aspect of employee training and development, there is the incorporation of intrinsic motivation and employee performance improvement that is established in the work setup.

Training and development aspects provide a greater employment opportunity and build valuable resources in the form of skills, abilities and also in knowledge. This process represents a crucial way that tends to increase the employee retention conditions elicits stronger obligations among the employees that lead to an investment of the personal and career development. The intended HRM practices that are developed by the specific

HR department are used to capture strategic management. These are mainly interpreted by the organisational line managers that implement the HRM practice in daily working activities with the employees. On the contrary, the poor implementation of training process leads to create a downfall in the productivity and lowers the operational performance rate. The training and the development that is mainly established in the organisational context leads to create an influential effect on the employee attitude and behaviours.

Ways to enhance training and development for employees

There are various ways by which the training and the developmental process can be enhanced which leads to greater sustainability.

Incorporation of Green HRM practices

In the context of Saeed et al. (2019), it has been determined that the Green HRM practices are encouraged nowadays for the improvement of the training and the development aspects that also able to implement an ecological balance which used to create a positive effect. It has been determined that the green HRM practices are able to increase the performance management level in the organisation by rewards, recruitment and by better appraisal methods. In the context of Sekerin et al. (2018), an Employee's pro-environmental behaviour that is established by the effect of green HRM practices tends to create a potential effect.

Implementation of the formal learning and advancement of knowledge in training

Incorporation of the on-job training prospect creates an established professional knowledge that helps in enhancing the training process. With the means of a formal learning approach in the aspect of the training process, there is the greater establishment of work operations and better development. In the case of increasing employee retention, there has been the establishment of performance and productivity. Job embeddedness is one of the important aspects that is used to increase employee management and the work process tends to increase the training purpose. The focus on the education and skill improvement on the training programs will able to enhance the development for the employees and as a result able to increase the productivity rate.

With the on-job training process, there is the implementation of greater development in the performance in the employees increasing the organisational growth process. In addition to that Bos-Nehles and Veenendaal (2019), it has been determined that that the perceived HR practices with innovative work behaviour in the training aspect leads to create a better development of the employees. There is an increased level of productivity and greater output in the case of the work process. The innovative work behaviour that is integrated with relation to the HRM practices used to implicate a development in the employees. With the innovative approaches and learning processes, there is the greater establishment of the work process that creates a positive impact on the business process that leads to creating a positive effect. Various training methods that include computer training, one on one training and group training aspects are used to create a development in the employee training process thus increasing the productivity level.

Constructivist learning theory

This theory in particular is implemented in the organisation to create a better training process and helps the active participants to gain insightful knowledge and greater ideas. Based upon different experiences, this theoretical approach helps in establishing a potentiality in the training and the development process. It helps in facilitating knowledge about different concepts that established constructive plans and creates an eminent foundation for the success. In accordance to Cronje (2020), it has been determined that the constructivist learning is incorporated by the aspect of blended type of leaning that creates more sustainability and development. New learning and unique ideas are built on the basis of the past experiences by this theoretical approach.

Contingency theory

The contingency theory in the case of organisational context can depict the organisational effectiveness by determining various contingencies like organisational size, strategy and also in the environment. In the context of Huihui (2018), it has been stated that the contingency theory is used to implicate the work process that tends to create sustainability. Based on this model, three dimensions are incorporated are leader-member relationship, degree of task structure and the leadership position. In the aspect of the contingency theory that is incorporated in the organisation, it has been stated that there is a leader and member relationship. There is the incorporation of the leadership and the cultural dimensions that are also interpreted in this theory for a better work operation in the organisation. In the context of Lagstedt and Dahlberg (2018), the contingency theory is used to implicate agility in the information system that can create a business development approach and operational success. An organisation is able to strategize with the business process that as a result able to increase performance management.

As commented by Lagstedt and Dahlberg (2018), this theory is a motivating framework that helps in improved planning that is required to develop various information that is required for improving the organisational structure and strategy. Moreover, there has been an improvement of the programmability of the task leading to effective control on the evaluation of the performance of the organisation. According to Liu et al. (2019), it has been determined that there is an incorporation of distributed training by the viewpoint of centralised model that creates a consensus in the learning process. This is necessary for maximising the likelihood of a productive leader and thereby requires objectivity, self-awareness and adaptability. The success of the organisation depends on the effectiveness of the teams and would result in the accomplishment of responsibilities of the co-workers. However, there has been a lack of flexibility in this model and the style of natural leadership is not fixed. It depends on the ability of a leader to handle different situations effectively.

According to Lartey (2020), contingency theory reflects only the situational leadership ability and faulty decision-making would sometimes result in failure of accomplishment of the goal of the organisation. It is, therefore, necessary for a leader to have proper experience and knowledge to handle a situation in an effective way and develop proper strategies to overcome various challenges. In the context of Qiang (2018), it has been intended that this learning helps in engaging motivation. The ability to analyse things would depend on the morale and working behaviour of the employees for understanding their maturity level to fulfil the needs of the customers. The participative leadership style of this model would enable the leader to be the mentor and share different ideas to the followers for developing confidence and improving the productivity of the organisation.

Centralized Training Design Model

The training of an individual and all the other resources are managed by the group an individual and a team. Moreover, there are several branches that make the employees travel to various locations for dedicating the locations of training along with making improved training sessions. There has been greater uniformity and control on the activities and material that result in improving the designing and administration of the organisation. There has been the requirement of various training of the employees for achieving the target of the organisation effectively. However, this model allows consistency to the learning ability of the individuals because the conditions of working are not always the same. Lack of proper flexibility can lead to the improver distribution of various resources especially for that enterprise that follows geographic segmentation for reaching the target customers. As stated by Chen and Ran (2019), centralised learning helps in the development of the edge of the learning process by making proper utilisation of the data and therefore, leads to deep learning. There has been proper standardisation of the training process with the application of quality control along with the ability to preserve the recording to assess the improvement of the performance of the employees. Moreover, this is a cost-saving procedure that leads to improved productivity.

In a centralised model of training, however, the employees of the organisation have less time for focusing on the individual goal that is required for their professional development. Fewer efforts are done on the part of the manager for making effective exploration of the competencies, unique needs and the areas that are needed to be improved for enhancing the proficiency of the person. As commented by Ellis (2021), there has been a lack of reinforcement learning that are essential for finding multiple paths of growth. On the other hand, the capabilities of various departments of the organisation to act as a team would help in the exchange of ideas with the expansion of path of career for understanding the organisational management. Additionally, this is an integrated method of learning that is necessary for improving interpersonal communication along with the development of the professional skills of the employees. Sharing of lessons and experiences with reduction of the cost of operation along with improvement in the opportunities of growth would help in the enhancement of the morale of the employees. This would lead to improved loyalty that develops the commitment of the staff to improve the market share and thus, leading to achieving the goal of the organisation. The centralised function of training is essential for the improvement of communication among the small groups that promotes the creation of strategic planning necessary for making standardised training courses for retaining the staff to the company.

Literature gap

The exact concept of training of the employees that are necessary for improving the potential of the workers is not discussed elaborately in the papers that were published previously. Moreover, the current literature review contains proper pieces of evidence that training would help an organisation to improve the position of a business entity in the competitive field. This information was missing in the earlier papers. The impact of training on developing the performance of the company has been discussed properly along with an analysis of the different factors that are required for driving the need for training. Ways to improve training along with the depiction of models like contingency and centralised training has been done to understand the obstacles that hinder the development of the skill of the employees.


There have been elaborate discussions on the meaning of training and development that is essential for improving the abilities of the employees to learn a particular skill. Moreover, this literature review depicts that too much training can cause issues to the old staff leading to loss of enthusiasm in work. Excess training can sometimes create wastage of resources and money that increases the operating cost of the organisation leading to loss suffered by it. The impact of training on improving the productivity of the organisation has been discussed elaborately along with the discussion of problems that sometimes frustrates the employees and reduce their attitude towards working. Different factors like increase in employee retention, decrease in the quality of products are the various factors that make training necessary. Different ways such as providing incentives, paid training services and career counselling programmes would make the individuals enthusiastic to learn. Contingency theory has been discussed to understand the need for leadership in standardising the training process and making it centralised. Elaboration of the gaps in literature has been presented to depict the areas that the previous papers lack thereby, making the recent paper effective.

Chapter Three -Research Methodology


Research methodology refers to the acceptance of various procedures and techniques that are essential for improving the selection, identification along with the processing of various information that is needed for the provision of validity to the research work (Kumar, 2018). There will be a representation of the overall rationale of the selection of the project along with the interpretation of the timeline. There will be ethics of the project kept in mind while preparing the project timeline.

Research Philosophy

Research philosophy is defined as the overall belief of the researcher while conducting the project. There are mainly three types of philosophies on which the research has been based and this include pragmatism, interpretivism and positivism. Interpretivism has been selected in this case, which is mainly focused on the provision of contextual information without providing emphasis on the facts. Moreover, there has been an analysis of the different issues of leadership that affects the issues of ethics. This provides validity to the data by making it trustworthy and valid. Moreover, there has been improved freedom for making proper use of the various qualitative information (Business Research Methodology, 2022). On the other hand, there can be some biases associated with the textual interpretation of the information and this is subjective. There cannot be a proper generalisation of the primary values thus, having an impact on the personal values and reliability of the individual.

Research Approach

There are mainly three approaches of research that includes inductive, abductive along deductive approach (Business Research Methodology, 2022). This is based on the effective way of answering the different questions for fulfilling the aim of the research project. There has been a selection of the deductive research approach for making an evaluation of the validity of the project. Moreover, there has been a proper assessment of the reasoning with the utilisation of the casual relationship that helps in generalising the relationship and the finding of the research project. There would be an exploration of the various phenomenon, in this case, that would provide validity to the data finding process (Business Research Methodology, 2022). However, there has been a risk of excess literature papers that would be available previously and therefore, can sometimes coincide with the same data. Additionally, the collection of information through this approach would take less time and it is an easy process.

Research Strategy

A research strategy refers to the enquiry that has been done on an empirical basis and resulting in the improvement of satisfaction of jobs of the employees. Moreover, it is the step by step planning of the overall thought process of the researcher for analysing the process of data collection along with focusing on the designing and tool of research that is essential for improving the objectivity of the research work. A secondary research strategy has been selected for improving the efficiency of the research work. Moreover, different graphs, statistical data helps in the identification of the validity and authenticity of the project work. The insight of the researcher improves through this process along with the development of strategic communication (LaGree, 2020).

Research Design

Descriptive Research design has been sued for conducting the study on the ways training and development affect organisational performance at ASDA. The descriptive research design involves making careful observations about a phenomenon and documenting it in detail. However, the observation here must be based on scientific methods that are replicable and precise thus making it more reliable. Descriptive research design is neither qualitative nor quantitative in approach and can include elements from both (Sahin, and Mete, 2021).

Data Collection Methods

Data collection can be both primary and secondary however for this present research only secondary data collection has been done. While primary data collection involves collecting data from first-hand sources and collecting timely and accurate data, secondary data collection is quite different from it. Secondary, data collection involves collecting data from sources that are already published in renowned journals, articles, books, newspapers or magazines. Secondary data has been collected for the data, as they tend to increase the reliability and validity of the research (research methodology, 2022). Both qualitative and quantitative data have been collected using the secondary data collection method. Quantitative data collection involves collecting data that is numerical in nature. On the other hand, qualitative data collection involves collecting data that is in the form of words, feeling or emotions and does not make use of numbers and statistics to describe a phenomenon (Basias and Pollalis, 2018).

Data Collection Instruments

The abundance of data that is available in the form of articles and journals has been used for this data. Scholarly articles that could be accessed freely have been used as instruments for data collection. They have been used as they are authentic and reliable. Additionally, the articles that can be availed from Google scholar are trustworthy as they are published by renowned publishers thus enhancing the value of the research and its credibility. Newspaper articles and authentic websites have also been used as instruments from where data has been collected. Newspaper articles, too, are authentic and are likely to provide research with quality and valuable data, which has been one of the reasons behind considering them in the study.


For sampling, the inclusion and exclusion criteria have been selected for data collection. Data has been taken from only those sources or journals that were freely accessible and published in the year 2017 and after that. No articles that have been published before 2017 were included in the data for the present study. Additionally, keywords relating to the study were used for searching the articles and journals from the scholar and relevant articles selected. This has been done so that this method of sampling could enhance the reliability of the study and thereby the ability to generalise the findings. Three themes have been selected and each has been interpreted accordingly.


To ensure reliability about the process, the researcher has focused on acquiring sources, which were highly peer-reviewed. This helped the researcher in negating the possibility of including falsified work for this research. Therefore, this method not only helped in assuring the reliability of the conclusion but also managed the quality of the process.


The researcher has applied various strategies to ensure that the outcomes are valid. To enhance validity, the researcher relied on appropriate data analysis techniques such as thematic analysis. Moreover, through this technique, the researcher has been able to collect multiple sources of data and segregate them under different themes for better understanding. This streamlined the elaboration and reduced the chances of any possible confusion from the same (Terry et al., 2017). Moreover, it became easier for the researcher to attain well-directed and clear information related to the research issue and generate suitable outcomes from the same. Additionally, the flexibility also allowed the researcher to adjust with the themes in the research in further work and engage effectively in the generation of efficient results.


To ensure the proper integrity of the research project, the researcher has relied on different ethical considerations. Firstly, the researcher has complied with the regulations and aspects of the Data Protection Act 2018. However, applying the same also helped the researcher to protect the research data from theft or unwanted loss. Moreover, the researcher assured that there has been no exaggeration of the research aim and objectives. Appropriate mediums and transparency have been maintained in communication methods for the same. All associated stakeholders such as the tutor were kept updated with the progress of the research at different levels. As the research has been solely based on secondary sources, higher emphasis has been laid on acknowledging different sources. For this, the researcher has applied and used appropriate referencing techniques to ensure that there is proper integrity maintained for the outcomes.

Limitations of the research

One of the major limitations of this research is the lack of first-hand experiences and data about the research issue. This has been mainly due to the absence of primary data collection methods in this process. Further, due to the same, the researcher has failed to acquire up-to-date knowledge about the issues focused in this research affecting his or her ability to make necessary decisions for the conclusion. This also affects the validity of the research outcomes and makes it harder for the researcher to ensure that the results can be applied practically. Moreover, due to the over reliance on secondary sources in the project, the authority of the researcher on the current findings is highly compromised. It is because the researcher had to rely on others' findings to generate current results affecting its overall efficiency.


Descriptive research design has been used for the present purpose as a phenomenon can be well defined and described using this design and it enables integrating data that is both numerical and qualitative. Data Protection Act 2018 has been done to ensure and maintain the confidentiality of the research data. Under this, the researcher applied encryption keys and passcodes to all the storage units and ensured that there was no unwanted access to the same. The use of both qualitative and quantitative data has been done as it helps in understanding a phenomenon simultaneously in an objective manner and developing in-depth knowledge about the same.

Chapter Four- Data Analysis and Findings


Chapter four will describe the findings that have been collected from secondary sources. Three themes have been selected based analysis will be constructed. The themes will be generated from the objectives of the report such that it can make an expansion of the research topic. Employee training and development are the most important factor which assures organisations that they can effectively make change through improvisions. The ways employees' training and development cause impacts on Asda will be discussed and elaborated. In the contemporary era, modern organisations have to face severe impacts due to high contingencies which assures that they are required to provide effective training to their employees.



Categorised themes




Theme 1

Concept of employee training

Developing employee performance

Strategic agility through improvisational capabilities: Implications for a paradox-sensitive HRM. Human Resource Management Review30(1), p.100695.

Cunha, M.P., Gomes, E., Mellahi, K., Miner, A.S. and Rego, A.


Developing improvisation skills: The influence of individual orientations. Administrative Science Quarterly66(3), pp.612-658.

Mannucci, P.V., Orazi, D.C. and de Valck, K.


Theme 2

Impact of employee training on organisational performance

Way to progress employee’s performance to achieve organisational goals

Organization of practical and laboratory activities in the educational process. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences Vol7(12).

Rakhmonkulov, F.P. and Usarov, S.A


Development of a risk framework for Industry 4.0 in the context of sustainability for established manufacturers. Sustainability11(2), p.384.

Birkel, H.S., Veile, J.W., Müller, J.M., Hartmann, E. and Voigt, K.I.


Theme 3

Impacts of green HRM practices

Centralised Training Design Model

Promoting employee's proenvironmentalbehavior through green human resource management practices. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management26(2), pp.424-438.

Saeed, B.B., Afsar, B., Hafeez, S., Khan, I., Tahir, M. and Afridi, M.A.


Deep Learning With Edge Computing: A Review. Proc. IEEE107(8), pp.1655-1674.

Chen, J. and Ran, X


Table 1: Thematic analysis

(Source: Created by the learner)

Data analysis

Theme 1

Concept of employee training

According to Cunha et al. (2020), multinational and national organisations mostly confront severe challenges to exploring their business due to a lack of employee training. Employees from different backgrounds get into organisations which results in conflicts among each other. It creates a lack in productivity and operational performance by the employees. Strategic ability among organisations allows them to maintain a stable business situation. Improvision among the employee workforce is the most important factor which assures to development of operational activities among organisations. Employees are facing the trouble to collaborate when they are being unable to provide training. Organisations provide training to them which assures that individuals are able to make improvements within themselves which helps them to improve collaborative and competitive orientation. Individual employees are being provided with effective training which assures the leaders that they individually plan and execute their training. Employees are having distinct perceptions based on which they collaborate with their team members and conduct their operations. Improvisational behaviour is being established such that organisations can adapt to the changes by motivating and encouraging their employees through mental and emotional satisfaction.

Additionally, it has been stated by the researcher that effective training can help organisations to increase employee retention. It is one of the factors which causes impacts on organisational performance. At the time, employees are able to make development assures that organisation gains its competitive advantage (Armstrong and Landers, 2018). Employee orientation and training help them to increase engagement. On the other hand, confusion and conflicts also arise when employees get collaborated, thus the leaders try to provide employee training so that they can make a change within their mindsets when communicating with other cultural employees. Innovation and modernisation also get increased which assures to development of organisational operational functions (Nguyen, 2021).

Developing employee performance

Individuals’ orientation is being developed which causes a positive impact on the organisation as individuals put on their efforts to make further development. In contemporary organisations, improvisations are the key factors that assure that they are able to make development where employees get a chance to develop their professional skills and knowledge. At the time of providing normal training, employees get a chance to develop their inner and basic skills. Collective outcomes of the employees are only been achieved when employees put on their efforts individually. Each employee is required to make a development in their skills and performance so that Asda can earn profitability. In order to compete with its competitors, the company will be required to gain the knowledge and skill of its employees which creates impacts on its products or services (Mannucci, 2021). Employees are required to convey organisational goals and objectives such that they can make assurance that they can achieve those for long term goals. Leadership qualities are required to be developed within organisations which assures that it can provide motivation and encouragement within their workforce.

HRM strategies get developed when the HR team regulates their employee collaboration actively. The strain and work of the employees get intense when they are operating within a space of wellbeing. Lose and win situations are being exposed to the employees so that they try to make development on the performance quality. Elaborating in a multidimensional way employees can explore their skills which provides a chance to develop their skills and knowledge similar to the organisational goals. HR performance and practices help the employees to improve their skills and get a settlement to perform effectively. Line managers and leaders play leadership role which executes strategic development (Marescaux et al., 2019). HRM catalysts are strong enough to make development such that it can assure that employees are improving their performance level efficiently.

Theme 2

Impact of employee training on organisational performance

Laboratory and practical activities help the employees to receive real-life business training so that they can get an assurance to make for the skill development. Employees are required to make communication in a friendly approach such that it can make growth in collaboration. As a tool, the computer is well renowned as software that helps one to develop an educational process that creates an interest in quality education. Didactic principles are a process that enhances to undertake scientific training and reveals a consistency of educational approaches. It is the one that assures a preferable outcome for the employees so that they can keep themselves actively involved within it. It provides awareness to the employees while learning and adapting knowledge of any subject and stimulates technical terms within training. It helps the employees to develop innovation which gains the competitive advantage of organisations (Rakhmonkulov and Usarov, 2019). The perception of employees also varies within which they make development so that they can keep themselves focused toward organisation business strategies.

The working culture is required to be repetitive by the leaders so that they can regain their potential strength to perform in a better way. Organisational performance gets developed when the employees get job satisfaction and negligence of cultural difference conflicts. Leadership and motivations are the key principles that cause effects on organisational performance to show a positive impact. The empirical approach is being established such that it can provide an assurance to develop workplace culture (Diamantidis and Chatzoglou, 2019). Effective employee training helps organisations to increase their productivity and gain a competitive advantage. Interaction among the employees helps organisations to improve workplace productivity.

Way to progress employee’s performance to achieve organisational goals

Manual research is being conducted based on which employees try to develop their skills and knowledge. Scientific literature motivates the employees to make development such that they can assure to display development in their operational activities. Medium and small-sized organisations are adopting for different strategies to develop motivation among their employees such that they can achieve their goals to make transformations within their business. The employees are being requalified so that they can change their skills and knowledge according to the requirements of the organisation. It put on effects on organisational performance such that it can assure to make development. Employees are also being rewarded and compensated such that they can keep themselves motivated and encouraged. Larger enterprises arise and allocate funds that are being provided to their employees as monetary rewards. Based on the employee’s performance, rewards and compensation are being provided which urge the workforce to perform in an effective way (Birkel et al., 2019). It is a chance to develop employee performance. Industrial value creation is the one that helps the market to meet the demands of the customers. Likely, the employee's performance and outcomes are depending on the nature of demands customers will be creating on organisations.

Asda got a chance to increase their productivity and profit margin such that it can provide them with an assurance to increase competitive advantage. Employees are being worked within the organisation for multigeneration which assures that workforce is dedicated to making innovative changes within their operational functions. Due to the lack of training and development employees of Asda's does not able to earn profit which created a lack for the company to achieve competitive advantage (As per the problem statement). Organisations offer a target to their employees to develop their capabilities such that they can provide an effective outcome. Personality factors of employees and organisational factors create differences among each other (Cote, 2019). Employee perceptions are getting changed repetitively without analysing the organisational changes. In order to achieve organisational objectives, leaders are trying to motivate employees to adapt to the changes.

Theme 3

Impacts of green HRM practices

Human resource management is the practice that helps the employees to stabilise their behaviour and create effective intentions to make for a change. Employees are being provided with green creativity which helps them to construct a better momentum to play operational activities. Green HRM practices help the employees to reduce the company's total cost as they try to be concerned about the manufacturing costs of the products or services. It helps the employees to keep themselves dedicated towards work and be satisfied with their performance. It is the only pathway through which they can increase their ratio of productivity (Saeed, 2019). Within these HRM practices, employees are being provided with a training and recruitment approach so that they can regain their skills and knowledge as per the requirement of organisations. Asda requires to adopt green HRM practices such that it can provide them as an assurance to make production at low costs. Employee participation increases which lead to compensation such that they can secure to make changes within the organisational performance. Green management also takes care of environmental management which increases the brand image of the organisation (Mousa and Othman, 2020). It increases customer loyalty and recognition such that they can make for an assurance to make future development.

Within this approach, employees are also being taken care of about their health while working within the organisation. Employees are being provided with a sustainable workplace so that they can take care of their health. Ecological wastes are also being eliminated by organisations that help to reduce the number of wastes (Rubel et al., 2021). It is an effective way that assures waste management can be conducted effectively without causing any sorts of threats for Asda. Integration of green management is being developed such that it can provide a better business strategy to make further development. Asda maintains an inclusive culture that assures that the employees are being promoted to a diverse workplace by maintaining ethnicity while working (Asda, 2022).

Figure 1: Green HRM practices

(Source: Rubel et al., 2021)

Centralised Training Design Model

Centralised Training Design Model is based on a training program provided to the employees to develop their skills and knowledge as per the requirement to achieve organisational goals. Centralised designs elaborate that the training is being provided in such a way so that it can target to achieve business strategies and goals. Processes and resources required to develop training are being organised which provides a better approach to the organisation to make development (Chen, 2019). In order to increase the effectiveness of the employees, management of the organisation monitors their performance such that they can find out the lack of performance they are performing. Management assures to look after the factors conducted within the entire program so that they can follow back their employees.

It also helps them to provide rewards and compensation to their employees based on their performance. Additionally, the Centralised Training Design Model helps organisations to minimise the costs and expense of training and try to develop quality control (Chen, 2019). The performance records of the employees are being stored with the management such that they can provide individual care to their workforce. Moreover, employees get the chance to focus on their professional goals rather than focusing on the group. It helps them to adopt development on their skills and knowledge.


It can be concluded from the above study that Asda will be able to gain its business strategies by providing effective training to its employees. Workplace is required to be developed such that it can provide an assurance to make positive working culture. Centralised Training Design Model is required to be implemented within organisations such that they can provide centralised training to the workforce to achieve their business objectives. Employees can improve their skills and knowledge which provides a chance for them to make a strategic career development. Business organisations are making changes within the organisational objectives in order to gain a competitive advantage. Green HRM practices are being implemented within organisations which helps the employees to stay dedicated and motivated towards their work.

Chapter Five- Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter will discuss the conclusion and recommendations which will help Asda to provide effective training to their employees such that they can gain competitive strength. Elaborating on the concepts of employee training several models and tools are being utilised such that employees can be centralised before developing their knowledge. Green HRM practices and Centralised Training Design Model are being stated which assures to make development within the organisational design. Along with the development of employees' skills, organisations are getting a chance to enhance their business strategies.


It has been depicted from the above findings that various training and developmental programmes are required for improving the potential of the staff. Asda has obtained positive reviews in providing measures that are required for motivating the employees. This has helped the company to understand the gap in various developmental programmes that inhibit the organisation to accomplish its goal. It has been found that the recent pandemic crisis has made it necessary for the company to focus on e-commerce more and provide training to the staff. Asda has been found to be more focused on contributing to the growth of employees and maintaining their well-being for enhancing their performance. Illustration has been done of the concept of training that is essential for developing the productivity of the organisation. However, there could be chances of wastage of resources and time that could reduce the profit percentage of the organisation. There could be the creation of extra stress and burden that could sometimes increase the turnover rate of the employees. The factors that drive the need for training and its impact on organizational growth has been analysed.

Employee-motivation programmes are required for developing the confidence of the workers to contribute effectively to the success of the company. On the contrary, acre should be given that it does not harm the culture. The need for innovation to develop product quality are the factors that assist the implementation of the training programmes. Constructivist and contingency theory has been used to understand the importance of staff motivation and on-job training for improving the productivity of the company. However, failure of proper leadership could reduce the enthusiasm of the employees towards working. The selection of the interpretivism philosophy has been made for understanding the leadership issues and emphasizing the validity of the research work.

A deductive research approach and secondary strategy of research have been used for evaluating the need for motivation in promoting the satisfaction of a job. There has been the utilisation of descriptive research design for studying the ways through which training could be provided for improving the performance of Asda. Newspapers, books and articles are the various valid and reliable sources of obtaining information. There has been the incorporation of data that is published after 2017 and accordingly preparation has been done of three themes keeping in mind the data protection pact 2018. Both qualitative and quantitative data collection method has been selected for the study. It has been observed that employees are facing problems adjusting effectively to the modification made in the working culture. This makes it necessary for utilising the concept of training the employees and increasing the productivity of the business entity. Didactic principles have been found to provide consistency to enhance the output of the organisation and enhance the performance of the staff.

Linking with objectives

  • To know the concept of employee training and development in a workplace environment.

From the section of the literature review, it can be analysed that the first objective has been met.

  • To investigate the impact of training and development for employees on the organisation

In the section of data analysis, this objective has been met as it described that Green HRM practices and Centralised Training Design Model are the most important tool implemented within organisations.

  • To analyse training and development on the employees affects the organisation performance in the case of Asda.

It can be analysed that in the section of the literature review this objective has been met.

  • To recommend training and development can be enhanced in Asda for better organisational performance

Depending on the recommendation chapter this objective has been met. Green HRM practices and the Centralised Training Design Model are the effective ones that help organisations to promote and explore their business successfully.


After restating the aim and purpose of the research it can be analysed that Asda will be able to overcome all sorts of issues related to employee training. The following research objectives meet with the findings that have been researched by the researcher:

  • The concept of employee training has been developed which enhances that employee’s skills and knowledge according to the requirements of the organisations. Training of employees varies as per the requirement of the organisation. In the contemporary era, most organisations are trying to make a change within their operational performance such that they can increase their competitive advantage (Kon, 2019). Workplace environments are required to have a positive scenario that assures that the employees can get a chance to work on their own. They are able to explore their skills and capabilities to perform effectively without facing any sorts of issues. Asda will be required to know about the requirements of each employee such that they can be treated individually by the leaders. Leaders are the ones who help the employees to stay motivated and involved in their work. It helps organisations to develop their operational performance and increase productivity.

  • Employee performance is required to be recognised by the management of the organisation. It will help them to get encouraged to make further development. Asda will be required to deliver impressive benefits so that the employees can regain their willpower to develop encouragement. Team encouragement is also required which will help the employee to get collaborated (Kon, 2019). This factor causes a positive impact on the organisation such that it can assure to expand.

  • Training and development are effective means which assures to provide a better sustainable factor so that the employees can conduct their work efficiently and effectively. All the operational activities are being developed such that they can provide an assurance to the organisation to gain its competitive advantage. Asda will be required to develop its training and development by recruiting talented employees who can retain their capabilities and knowledge to perform effectively. Within the continuous process of development, employees are required to be monitored by the management so that they can gain skill improvement (Kon, 2019). The company gains its capabilities by implementing talent management within its workforce. It will allow Asda to develop its capabilities to manufacture assured quality products or services. Employee morale and job satisfaction get increased which results in a high-profit margin for the organisation.

  • Degree and qualification of the employees are mostly required which assures that organisations are retaining talent management. It can be analysed that Asda will be required to provide frequent training as per the requirement of improvision. Training will help Asda to increase employee retention and also lower the maintenance costs of its equipment. However, when the employees receive training from the leaders then they get to know about the ways advanced technological equipment can be utilised. It is an effective way that will help the employees of Asda to develop their quality of performance. Employees will be required to be kept under supervision which assures that the employees are working effectively (Chen, 2019). It will help organisations to effectively change the perception of the employees such that they can work by motivating themselves.

Future implications

Analysing the future implication, it can be settled that the researcher will be required to conduct an interview and survey which will help to get a current real-life scenario about the ways the employees are being provided with the training. It is evident for the researcher that they are required to conduct a survey from the employees of Asda and interview with the managers. It will help them to develop a strategic business approach so that they can make development within organisational activities. It can be summarised from the above report that secondary resources have helped the researcher to receive tools and models which are being implemented by the organisation to arrange for employee training. Green HRM practices and Centralised Training Design Model will help the organisation to make development within their employee performance.

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