Talent management (TM) is about the process of attraction, development and the retention of the talented employees in the organisations to manage the critic1al issues that are faced by the organisations. In other words, the TM can be described as the approaches to have effective support in systematic attraction, identification, development and the engagement of the employees in the organisations. In the present condition, due to the immense pressure in the market to manage the competition, the importance of TM has been increasing on a large scale. The process of talent management is also applicable to the organisations to have proper support in the process of capturing effective skilful employees who will be providing the best efforts to the organisation to accomplish the tasks. Hence, the TM is highly useful for the organisations to enhance the operational efficiency and to have effective support in controlling the potentials of the skilful employees. In the following research project, the applications of the TM framework in the retail organisations will be assessed to have proper knowledge of the factors.
The research project aims to deliver absolute knowledge about the process of implementation of a talent management framework in the retail industries to have improved efficiency in the functions.
The objectives of the research project are,
To identify the essential factors in the area of implementation of TM framework in the organisations to have better results in the process of business.
To investigate the essential elements about the use of the TM process within the retail industries to have the proper knowledge.
To assess the collected data to develop appropriate findings that can be providing perfect results to detect the talent management approaches that are highly valuable in the organisations.
What are the essential factors to be considered to have positive results in the implementation of the talent management process?
What are the benefits of TM that can be very effective for the organisations to have proper support in having competitive advantages?
What are the essential talent management strategies that need to be applied to the employees of the retail industries?
What are the negative factors that need to be focused to have better results in the process of talent management?
What are the possible suggestions that can be playing vital; role in developing the use of talent management?
The process of TM cannot be considered as the stand-alone procedure as the rate of success depends on the contributions of every part who are involved in the process. The HR department of the organisations is more essential than any other parts to provide effectiveness in the process of talent management. In some of the cases, the issues arise in the area of managing the attraction, retention and talent development strategies to control the employees. Hence, the conduction of the following research operations will be helpful to find appropriate solutions to the issues to improve the efficiency of the TM process (Maheshwari et al., 2017). Due to the increment of the competitive market, it has become essential to manage the TM process and to apply it perfectly on the employees to make then suitable in the organisations to have better results.
Overview of the talent management
Talent management is one of the most effective parts of the organisational management process as it is considered as the utilisation of the human resources in the full scale. In other words, the talent management process is about the approaches that will be applied to the employees to make them appropriate and suitable to the organisational operations to have the best possible results in the process. As per the suggestion of Meyers et al., (2020), the TM is defined as the activities to attract, identify and retain the employees who are talented and skilful for the organisations in the respective area. Hence, talent management is highly appreciated in organisations to enhance the process of managing employees to utilise their skills in the appropriate areas. However, Wadhwa and Tripathi, (2018), states that talent management offers tangible benefits to the organisations by providing opportunities to reduce the recruitment costs, transfer of knowledge and improvement of productivity. In addition, the TM is effective at improving the core competency and the strategic executions for the organisations.
Theoretical aspects of talent management
There are several theories that are effective to be followed to implement the TM strategies in the organisational context to have better support. Hence, the theories are,
Reinforcement theory: It refers to the behaviour of the people in the organisational context to have a better knowledge of the process. According to Ismail et al., (2021), people will take on a preferred behaviour if the relevant behaviour is rewarded perfectly. In respect to that, the managers are capable of managing the employees with appropriate behaviour and through the proper encouragement.
Social learning theory: In the opinion of van Zyl et al., (2017), all forms of learning consist of social element and the novel information that can be providing positive support in case of managing the employees. Hence, following this theory, organisations can be developing the learning capability of the employees.
Human capital theory: There are many fiscal advantages that will be gathered through the investment on the right people and the organisations can have numerous benefits. As opined by Erasmus et al., (2017), organisations must be investing in talented employees to provide them better opportunity to perform for the organisations.
Talent management framework
The framework of talent management includes so many factors that need to be followed to have effective results in managing the talent management process.
Talent acquisition: It refers to the process of managing and recruiting effective, skilful and qualified employees in the organisation to manage the organisational activities with increased efficiency.
Talent development: Talent development refers to the process of managing the capabilities of the employees to have better results in the process and to increase the abilities of the employees (Theys and Schultz, 2020). It helps the organisation to improve the talents of the employees to have better results in the process.
Performance management: Performance management refers to the process of managing the work environment with perfection to have better results in the procedure of developing talents and skills (Mensah, 2019). It is also considered beneficial for organisations to have effective results in the process of achieving a competitive advantage.
Succession planning: Succession planning is one of the most effective parts that need to be developed with perfection to have proper support in the process of managing the activities related to the growth of the employees. In that context, the development of the internal talents is essential to the organisations to have perfect strength of the employees.
Talent engagement: It refers to the steps of engaging the candidates to the organisational process through the development of the effective strategies that will be providing positive results in the organisational operations.
Figure 1: Talent management framework
(Source: Influenced by Kravariti and Johnston, 2020)
Literature gap
In the following context, the management of the talents is effective to the organisations to have efficient support in managing the talents of the employee to have better results in the business. In respect to that, the management of the talents is essential to have effective support in the organisations. However, the following literature is not including so many effective information, thus it will be focused in the future researches to have a positive impact. Hence, the approaches of talent management will be assessed in further researches to have more support in the processes.
Research approaches are considered as one of the most effective parts of the research process to have appropriate support in the process of research and to manage the research outcome with perfection. In the following research project, two essential research approach will be used to have effective results in the process and to manage the efficiency of the research project. Research approaches including qualitative and quantitative research process are essential to be used in the research projects to have positive support in the process. According to Kamal and Lukman, (2017), applying the quantitative research approach is significantly effective to the research projects to provide an effective opportunity to the researcher to collect a huge amount of fresh and impactful information. Similarly, it will also be helping the researcher to identify the appropriateness of the research process with proper efficiency. However, Elia et al., (2017), suggested that the qualitative research approach is effective at providing an appropriate opportunity to the researcher to collect secondary data that are effective to find proper research papers. In contrast to this, effective data can be found form the research papers to use ink the research project to enhance the efficiency of the process.
Three have been many research techniques that need to be managed in the best possible way to have effective support in the process of managing the research projects. Research techniques are effective for the researcher to enhance the process of data collections and to find the appropriate sources of data. Similarly, Whysall et al., (2019), suggested that the process of surveying is also necessary to find the absolute data related to the research projects and it enhances the efficiency of the data analysis process. Hence, the surveying process will be performed by asking questions to the 25 employees who are working in the retail industries. Apart from this, the secondary data will be collected through the thematic analysis to have effective results in the process.
Data collection methods are significantly important to the research projects to have proper support in the process of data management. Hence, the conduction of the research activities is highly depending on the use of data collection methods in the best possible way. According to Filippus and Schultz, (2019), the primary data will be collected through the use of questionnaires and surveying process to enhance the efficiency of the research process. Similarly, the secondary data will be collected through the assessment of the research papers including the journals and articles. Apart from this, the sampling techniques will be used to have effective support in choosing the participants of the research process and to have proper support in choosing the audiences of the research.
Data analysis is another essential part that needs to be managed with maximum efficiency to have effective support in the process of analysing the hidden meanings of the data. In that context, the data analysis process will be performed through the use of MS tools to enhance the efficiency of the research process (Akunda et al., 2018). Hence, the statistical analysis procedure will be applied to analysing the primary data. Similarly, the descriptive analysis process will be used to analyse secondary data with perfection.
Timeline of the project is effective to the researcher to manage all the activities related to the research projects and to manage the project activities with perfection. In this regard, the timeline of the project has been provided through the development of the Gantt chart to have proper support in the process. According to Meyers et al., (2020), the development of the Gantt chart is essential to have an effective chance in managing the efficiency of the activities that are essential. Hence, the management of the timeline is essential to distribute the works among the research team to have a successful condition in managing the activities with perfection. Project time needs to be determined with the consideration of all the research activities to have effective support in the process and to manage the activities with perfection.
Activities |
W1 |
W2 |
W3 |
W4 |
W5 |
W6 |
W7 |
W8 |
W9 |
W10 |
Initiation |
Development of plan |
Gathering of data |
Implementation of the plan |
Execution of the plan |
Monitoring |
From the assessment of the table, it can be said that the development of a project proposal will be taking nearly 10 weeks to complete the processes. Hence, all the required activities need to be performed to have proper support in the research project.
Figure 2: Project timeline
(Source: Developed by the learner, 2020)
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