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After completing the study based on the topic “talent management" new term, old principle? A discussion highlighting Britannia hotels UK as the case study” I am thankful to my teachers for providing constant help and encouragement. I am also highly indebted to my parents for their assistance. Lastly, I am also help indebted to the respondents who have taken part in the study.


In the current research the importance of talent management has been put forward. Additionally, the process of conducting the study has also been presented, in the data collection section, the graphs and charts have been presented. In the data analysis section, the data presented in the graph have been discussed. In the conclusion section the findings of the study have been presented, lastly, in recommendation some strategies have been stated so that in recent future same kind of study can be conducted in near future. Lastly, the personal experience has been stated in reflection section.



Talent management has been considered to be a recent trend that has been witnessed to be applied by organizations all over the world to achieve performance goals. The specialization of this strategic concept has been deduced as an implementable management attribute due to its high efficiency in granting ability to enhance productivity of employees through consistent monitoring. In other words, Krishnan and Scullion (2017) opined by the talent management allows busies mangers to gain a perception of the capabilities of the employees aligning their skills and abilities within their regular tasks. Based on this context, the Britannia Hotels UK has been focussed to be preferred hospitality sector upon which the application of talent management would be analysed. The organisation has been identified to be operating under the hospitality industry of UK dealing with management of guests’ satisfaction through their effective business principles (britanniahotels.com, 2020).


The aim of this study is to analyse the effectiveness of talent management in the organizational premises of Britannia Hotels UK.


  • To understand the basic principles upon which the theory of talent management is based.

  • To analyse the effectiveness of talent management within the business environment of Britannia Hotels UK

  • To evaluate strategic methods in implementing the talent management strategy within Britannia Hotels UK

  • To recommend measures in achieving business goals and objectives through talent management

Research questions

  • What are the various principles that define talent management as an organization strategy?

  • How can the effectiveness of talent management be analysed to pertain business performance management?

  • What strategic method would be applied to implement talent management within the organisational premises of Britannia Hotels UK?

  • What measures are to be undertaken by the business executives to maintain talent management within their organisational workplace?


The execution of business sin a competitive environment has been observed to be one of the most critical tasks that are undertaken by managers of organisations all over the world irrespective of the industry they belong to. As stated by Krishnan and Scullion (2017), based on this perspective, the IT sector has introduced several strategic implementation that enables the enhancement of business performance by maintain certain criterions of workplace environment. One of these strategies have been identified to be talent management as it prevails the integration of capabilities of employees to enhance their productivity through extraction and application of skills. Recently, the organisation, Britannia Hotels UK has encounter several issues that has been identified within their management and practices due to which a noticeable loss in the customer preferences have been reported. This led the business executives to implant a strategic method that would help them retain their customers by assessing their current assets.

Literature review

Overview of the structure of talent management

In the recent times, talent management has emerged as the most important aspects in the corporate organisation market. Now a day’s talent management has become a very vital part of the organisation’s structure, it has become a driving force for the organisation where they meet the objective and goals of the organisation. Now every organisation, has defined the talent management as an emerging strategy where they can attract the millennial and expand their demand in the market. As opined by NiedŸwiecka (2016), in order to achieve the business goals it is very important for the organisation to effectively perform the talent management strategies, so that they enhance the productivity of the organisation. The management team of the organisation must ensure that they are recruiting new talents every month so that they can get more and more fresh and creative employees in their team that can increase the efficiency of the organisation. Today talent management has become very crucial in the corporate world, as it has helped the organisation to sustain in the market by satisfying its employees and retaining its employees with who are not satisfied with the organisational environment.

Factors affecting talent management

Organisation should always try to manage their working staffs in order to satisfy them and give the employees those kinds of responsibilities that can help the both employees and the organisation to achieve their respective goals Edwards (2017). The organisation should work in order to bring out the best talents and to fight all the challenges that are emerging in the business world. Some of the factors affecting talent management are:

  • Salary and benefits: The employees who are working day and night for the benefit of the organisation, so that the business operation of that organisation can expand their market share and increase their productivity.as stated in a study by Babynina, et al. (2020), The employees are giving so much for the organisation so now it organisation’s turn that they should provide the employees’ salaries on time and they should even give them some extra benefits such as medical expense, and extra increments.

  • Working Environment: It is very important for the organisation that they maintain the working environment within the organisation so that the employees can get a suitable working environment so that can work with happy mind.

  • Training and development: It is immensely important that the working staffs are satisfied by the workload and the organisation keeps give training to the employees so that the employees can become more effective for the organisation and their talent gets renewed every time.

Theoretical aspects of talent management

Talent management is the optimisation of the skills that an individual already possesses. The different talents that are already present in the employees of the organisation is allowed to nourish in the process of talent management. As opined by Farndale, et al. (2019), the talent management is the process of nourishment of the different skills of the employees of the organisation.


Figure 1: Talent management theoretical model

(Source: influenced by )

The figure above is the depiction of the different methods that are applied by the organisations for the betterment of the employees. The business organisations start with the identification and the recognition of the talents of the employees that can be developed and are helpful for the achievement of the desired growth of the organisation. For the further enrichment process of the employees, the organisation provides the employees with new leadership roles. As opined by Nica and Iancu (2020), With the new roles of the employees in the organisation, the talent of the employees are allowed to flourish which will be helpful for the business growth of the organisation. The organisation has to retain the employees with the customised policy so that they can earn the trust of the same. The aforementioned process can be a feasible way of managing talent in a business organisation.

Impact of talent management

Successfully applying talent management helps the organisation and their employees to prosper and benefit the whole organisation by maximising the productivity. It is very important for the organisation that they strategies and planning for the betterment of their working staffs (Alferaih, 2018). The management team of the organisation can even give training to the employees so that the working staffs can develop new skills that are beneficial for them and they can increase the productivity of the organisation. Some of the benefits/impact of talent management is as follows:

  • Improving hiring techniques: Recruiting well-trained and well-developed candidates so that they can bring more opportunities for the organisation, so it is the duty of the HR team that they look for more talented candidates who can do multitasking.

  • Easily develop employees: Once an efficient employee is in the organisation, then the management team should work to keep them within the organisation only (Meyers, 2020). A good talented employee is very to find so if the organisation already have they should work for the benefit of them and give them new opportunities where they can learn new skills for their personal growth that can benefit the company in the coming future.

  • Improve cultural connections and employees engagement: In order to expand the market reach an organisation has to make the working environment friendly for the employees. The HR team should try to make a free flowing environment so that the employees can interact among each other. It is very important for the organisation that they maintain a good cultural connection of the employees.

Literature gap

In this, study the researcher is not capable to provide specific details where they gather the information. The areas they explained in the above discussion are not explored properly by the researcher and hence they did not able to prove the research method how they gathered the data in the literature.

Research methodology

Research onion


Figure 2: Research Onion

(Source: Saunders et al., 2015)

Research philosophy

The application of a philosophical approach has been a necessary constraint deduced by researchers all over the world pertaining apperception of the research topic for further analysis. In other words, Ryan (2018) suggested that the application of positivism, interpretivism and pragmatism has been identified to be three major principle philosophies utilised by researchers to extract knowledge from a certain topic estimating its applicability. Since the study has been proposed analysing the effectiveness of talent management in hospitality sector it is expected that the application of positivism philosophy would be witnessed.

Research approach

The selection of a suitable approach is necessary for the researches to attain the progression of achieving outcomes on the basis of the topic being studied. In this context, Alase (2017) exclaimed that two preferable approaches have been identified that would help the researcher to apply relevant strategies in deducing results from data collected from various sources. These approaches are termed as the deductive approach and inductive approach. In this study, the deductive approach would be applied as it prevails a hypothetical evaluation of the outcomes observed from the collected data.

Data collection methods

Data collection methods define a paradigm on the basis of which information is gathered from variable sources to indicate its nature of representation and conclusive events. In other words, Hong et al., (2017) stated that two most preferable methods have been identified indicating primary and secondary data collection each of which provides quantitative and qualitative results respectively. Since both the methods arbitrates own specification in collecting data as well as from different sources, the study would preferably use both to gather information in the form of surveys and themes to generate resultant outcomes of the data collected.

Data analysis

Followed by the collection of data, it needs to be analysed appropriately such that the results reflect proper concluding statements. This is because, data when collected from different methods are unorganised and unstructured. As opined by Laborde et al., (2017), with the help of proper data analytic tools and techniques, these data could be represented in proper form to coordinate verification and validity. In this study, the effectiveness of talent management is being analysed for which it would require attainment of primary as well as secondary data. This would led the researches to apply graphical representation in the form of charts and graphs to illustrate primary data that is obtained as responses from survey participants. On the other hand, the collection of secondary data would be represented in the form of themes depicting a thematic stable of sources of data collected.


Performing primary data collection requires prior selection of individuals who would be considered as the participants of the survey. On the basis of this activity, the researchers would perform random sampling to select the participants among the employees of Britannia Hotels UK. This sampling would result in the selection of 21 individuals without any discrimination from among the employees of the organisation.

Ethical considerations

It is important for researchers to facilitate ethical measures while conducting a study that related to the real life application of concepts and principles. Since the study is focused on analysing the effectiveness of talent management within the business environment of Britannia Hotels UK it is expected that relevant ethical measures would be substantiated while executing the research activities. The guidelines that are specified under the Data Protection Act 2018 would prevail the management of privacy concerts over the data that would be collected from the primary sources (legislation.gov.uk, 2020). Additionally, no participant would be forced to respond to any question they do not find preferable and related to their confidentiality constraint.

Anticipated outcomes

The study would provide conclusive statements after having analysed the data collected from both the sources specified under the methodology section of this report. The aims and objectives that has been Pre-established in the study would be aligned with the obtained results such that the success criteria of the research is met with relevant justifications. Having these perspectives maintained, it could be stated that the research would prevail an integrated result identifying the effectiveness of talent management aligning the business functionalities of Britannia Hotels UK as the hospitality sector focussed throughout the study.


Positivism research philosophy plays important role in this study it helps in deeply analysing the measures of the outcomes by obtaining quantitative information that is reliable and representable (Attia and Edge, 2017). This is because positivism observes and quantifies the findings and that it is dependent upon quantifiable observation. It is crucial noting that the interpretivism research philosophy creates bias for the researcher and that the gathered information gets impacted heavily through personal values and viewpoints. Additionally, pragmatism has been avoided because it takes huge resources for planning and research implementation including clearer ways for resolving the conflicts arising while interpretation. 

Deductive research approach plays an important role in this study because it assists in explaining the casual relation in-between variables and concepts. Further, the approach provides the possibility of generalising the findings of the research to a specific extent (Abutabenjeh and Jaradat, 2018). This is because this approach helps in investigating the works of others and reading current theories in a specific subject and then moving ahead testing the hypothesis that emerges. 

Therefore, inductive research approach has been avoided because it does not have the capability of proving anything as well as requires enormous time which limits covering extensive matters. 

Primary and secondary data collection methods help in obtaining qualitative and quantitative information by making use of themes and surveys. The specific issues of the research get resolved by using the primary method as the researcher takes steps towards addressing the problems specific to their requirement. This helps in getting accurate outcomes with greater control along with that it helps in getting information that is updated and latest. However, the cost and time involved are huge. Further, a secondary method of data collection is considered economical and saves expenses and efforts including time (Varghese et al., 2019). However, it gets difficult getting specific answers to the problems stated as the objective of the research. Therefore, both the method of data collection helps in neutralising the process. 

Descriptive Research Design helps in effectively analysing non-quantified issues and topics with the possibilities for observing phenomenon through the unchangeable environment. Moreover, it provides the opportunity of integrating qualitative and quantitative data collection methods (Kumar, 2018). The exploratory research design has been avoided because It provides information that is qualitative with greater chances of biases and judgement. The design of research human includes an explanatory method and it only provides a small size of sample which creates difficulties in accurately interpreting results. 

The information gathered from the survey requires analysing using graphs and charts for incorporating the quantitative method of analysis. This is considered as the faster as well as easier method that allows saving a huge amount of time. Further, the thematic method helps in analysing the secondary information by using various themes that can help in data analysis

Random sampling method helps to select twenty-one employees of Britannia Hotels UK randomly, keeping in mind that discrimination needs to be avoided. This helps in representing the targeted population as well as even assists in eliminating the bias in the sampling. Random sampling helps in gathering information that allows understanding the largest size of the population by studying the samples. This allows for having stronger external validity which assists in the generalisation of the results as well as helps in learning about the complete population in an efficient and faster way. 

Further, online articles and journals play a vital role in the construction of secondary themes as information accumulated includes truths and facts and are credible. 

Ethical consideration is important for research and the Data Protection Act 2018 helps in protecting the gathered information, maintaining privacy (legislation.gov.uk, 2020). This means that gathered information can only be used for the specific purpose of the research till the time it is required, providing protection of the data. Moreover, this helps in ensuring that all the collected information is protected from any kind of misuse by any third parties  which can lead to scams, theft or fraud. 

The anticipated outcome helps in providing conclusion after data analysis with focus over demonstrating the objectives and aims of the research for meeting their criteria. This Is regarded as important because it helps in identifying talent management effectiveness of the Britannia Hotels UK. 

Data Collection

Primary data collection (Survey)

What is your age?



% of respondents

Total number of respondents

30-35 years




36-40 years




41-50 years




Table 1: age

What is your gender?



% of respondents

Total number of respondents









Table 2: gender

For how long you are associated to the business firm.



% of respondents

Total number of respondents

10 years




15 years




20 years




Table 3: association

What are the advantages of talent management?



% of respondents

Total number of respondents

Increases the employee retention rate within the venture




The satisfaction of the employees can also be increased




Table 4: Advantages

What are the challenges of talent management?



% of respondents

Total number of respondents

The overall expenditure of the venture increases




Lack of leadership




Table 5: Challenges

Do you think that your management invests in talent management strategies?



% of respondents

Total number of respondents









Table 6: Investment

Do you think that talent management strategies help organisations to improve the skills of the




% of respondents

Total number of respondents









Table 7: Talent management strategies

How can be the challenges of talent management are mitigated?



% of respondents

Total number of respondents

Proper training needs to be provided to the employees




The management and the employees need to maintain communication with beach other




Table 8: Mitigation of challenges

Secondary data collection

Serial number

Name of the themes

Name of the article





Talent management and its concept

Practical application of exclusive and inclusive talent management strategy in companies. Business, Management and Education15(2), pp.242-260.

Talent management and employee retention: An integrative research framework. Human Resource Development Review18(2), pp.228-247.



Savanevi?ien?, A. In addition, Vil?iauskait?, B.

Narayanan, A., Rajithakumar, S. And Menon, M.,

In order to improve the overall working environment of ventures, the management need to implement talent management strategies. Inclusive talent management strategies also help to enhance the employee retention rate.

Global abundance but local scarcity of talent also affects the overall working environment of the venture in the market scenario. The advancement of technology also helps to improve the labour market so that competition level in the market can be improved. The second article has stated that talented employees add value to the working atmosphere of the venture hypercompetitive and complex global economy has made talent management a strategic priority for organizations. Lastly, it has been noted that talent management process is beneficial for the organisation because it increases the employee retention rate.


Talent management and its effectiveness

Employee Perceptions of Talent Management Effectiveness on Retention. Global Business & Management Research9(3).

Talent management practice effectiveness: investigating employee perspective. Employee Relations.



Johennesse, L.A.C. and Chou, T.K.

Khoreva, V., Vaiman, V. And Van Zalk, M.

In the present business environment talent management plays an important role because it helps to enhance the competitiveness in the market. On the contrary, it has been mentioned in the article that in the year 2008, global crisis have occurred in the global scenario this has also forced management of organisations to reduce the number of employees within the venture. The employees have also faced various issues at the work place such as intense level of competition, transformation of organisational policies. Lastly, it has been noted that advancement of technology also affects the employee retention rate.

The second article has stated that Talent management plays an important role in organisations because it helps the management by making the competitive level sustainable so that the position of ventures may remain unaltered


Talent management straggles used by organisations

The role of HRD in using diversity intelligence to enhance leadership skill development and talent management strategy. Advances in Developing Human Resources20(3), pp.259-262.


Hughes, C.,

In the present study, it has been mentioned that management of organisation need to maintain an effective relation with the employees so that no issues cam take place within the venture. The management need to take steps so that the interest level of the employees can be improved. In order to maintain equality within the venture the management and the employees need to maintain an effective relation with each other.

Table 9: Thematic analysis

Data analysis

What is your age?

Figure 1: Age

The above table has described the age of the participants taking part in the current research. It has been noted that overall 96% of the respondents belong to the age group between 30-50 years. On the other hand, 4% of the respondents have stated that they belong to the age group 36-40 years. Thus, from the presented data, it has been pointed that maximum number of employees are aged in the given organisation.

What is your gender?

Figure 2: Gender

The above table has discussed the gender of the respondents taking part in the study, For instance, in the current case 70% of the respondents’ belong to male gender. On the other hand, 30% of respondents belong to the male gender. From the presented data, it has been pointed that this study has affected the male respondents, more than the female respondents.

For how long the employees are associated to the venture.

Figure 3: Association

In the above table the percentage of respondents of employee retention rate has been presented. At the time of dealing with the above question it has been pointed that employee retention is a process through which the best employees of the venture can be retained. Here, it has been stated that maximum number of employees are associated to the present organisation since last 20 years. On the other hand, 10% of the respondents are serving the business firm since last 15 years. In the last phase it has been pointed that 14% of the respondents belong to the firm since 10 years.

What are the advantages of talent management?

Figure 4: Advantages

Talent management is a procedure of retaining the skilled employees within the organisation so that the operational activities can be completed in a systematic manner. While answering the present question, it has been pointed that 90% of the respondents have presented their views by stating that talent management helps to enhance the employee retention rate of the business firm. 10% of the respondents have stated that talent management activities help to increase the satisfaction level of the employees

What are the challenges of talent management?

Figure 5: Challenges

At the time of answering the present question, 71% of the respondents have stated that talent management process increases the overall expenditure of the business firm. Lastly, 29% of the individuals have stated that implementation of talent management may also affect the leadership qualities of the venture.

Do you think that your management invests in talent management strategies?

Figure 6: Investment

At the time of answering the question, the individuals taking part in the survey has stated that the management of the current organization focus on taking part in talent management activities. On the contrary, 10% of the respondents have stated that the management of the venture does not pay attention towards the employees thus; their satisfaction level is also getting affected.

Do you think that talent management strategies help organizations to improve the skills of the Employees?

Figure 7: Strategies

In the present question, 95% of the respondents have stated that the management of the company is trying to improve their level of skills so that critical activities within the workforce can be completed in a smooth manner. On the contrary, 5% of the individuals taking part in the research have stated that the management of the organization is not paying attention to improve their skills.

How can be the challenges of talent management are mitigated?

Figure 8: Mitigated challenges

As per the viewpoint of 90% of the respondents, the issues of talent management can be mitigated of proper and regular training is being provided to the employees. 10% of the respondents have also mentioned that regular communication between employees and members of management can also successfully mitigate issues of talent management.

Thematic analysis

The concept of talent management

Talent management is considered as one of the most important concept for organisations because it helps to enhance the capacity and efficiency of employees. In addition to that, talent management process also helps to make the competition level sustainable. Talent management is beneficial because it helps to enhance the dynamic nature of the business venture. Talent management falls under the primary HRM activities of the venture so that the key position of the venture can be improved (Savanevi?ien?, 2017). On the other hand, management of organisations also face various difficulties while maintaining the talent of the employees. Further, it has been pointed that management of organisations also face issues while uphold the motivation of the colleagues. Lastly, implementation of talent management and employee motivation both helps to increase the competition level of organisations in market.

The strategies of talent management

Each organisation has different strategies of talent management because it assists the management of organisations to increase the employee retention rate. Additionally, the working environment needs to be improved as per the need of the employees so that their motivation level can be improved to a certain extent. Since, 2015, talent management strategies is considered as one of the key factor that helps the management to enhance the earning in the future days. It also helps to boost the competitive position of ventures in the market. Talent management strategies need to be implemented within the hospitality sector so that better services can be provided to the customers’ hat in turns help to gain the competitive position in the market. Within an organisation, talent management strategies are required to be implemented at each level so that their efficiency level can be improved (Narayanan et al., 2019). The management of the hospitality organisations need to invest capitals so that the skills of the employees can be improved to a certain extent. On the other hand, some of the scholars have stated that at the time of implementing techniques of training the overall expenditure of the business firm increases. Thus, it is suggested that management of the organisation need to plan the resources in an effective manner so that the competitive position of the venture can be enhanced. At the same time, it has been suggested that the management of the organisation also need to provide incentives to the colleagues after certain time so that their motivation level can be retained. The organisational policies also need to be changed as per the need of the employees so that the rate of organisational conflict can be minimised. Training also needs to be provided to the members of the ventures so that the skills can be enhanced so that services can be provided to the customers at regular interval. In order to maintain the transparency of the business firm, the organisational policies need to be upgraded on regular interval (Hughes, 2018).

The advantages of talent management strategies implemented within organisation

The management of business firms need to implement the talent management strategies so that the present employees of organisation can understand the working tenacity of the employees. It also helps the venture to gain an edge over the competitors so that the parent organisation can survive in the market for long run. It also enhances the strength of the employees. It also helps to produce quality services to the customers so that the customers’ retention rate can be enhanced. On the contrary, at times, the overall expenditure of the venture also exceeds the selected budget due to the implementation of modern technology for providing training to the employees (Johennesse and Chou, 2017).

Recommendation and conclusion

The process of talent management can be improved if the members of hospitality management follow the suggested strategies:

Training of the employees

The talented colleagues of the workforce can be retained within the venture if they are trained as per their requirement (Sendawula et al., 2018). For instance, initially, the shortfalls of the employees need to be identified and as per that the training need to be provided to them so that in future they does not face any issues.

Privacy of the respondents

The privacy of the employees needs to be maintained on regular basis so that in future no issues take place within the venture. In addition to that, the management of the organisation need to provide concern so that their representatives can take part in the study. Lastly, the researchers also need to maintain the privacy of the respondents by not using their information for public interest (Haddon 2018).


The respondents need to maintain an effective relation with the researchers so that the output of the study can be improved. In addition to that, communication can be initiated through individual and group communication (Diamantidis and Chatzoglou, 2019).


After completing the research report, it has been marked that the particular concept-t plays an important role because in modem business environment human capital takes a serious place. At the same time, it also assists the venture in improving the business environment of the venture in the market. At the same time t6he management of the business firm need to enhance the infrastructure of business firm also need to be uplifted so that the competitiveness can become intense. Some of the factors that intensify talent management are salary of the employees along with benefits, working environment and training and development. Talent management is the optimisation of the skills that an individual already possesses.

The different talents that are already present in the employees of the organisation are allowed to nourish in the process of talent management. In the current research, the positivism philosophy has been discussed along with deductive research approach and descriptive design. Here, survey and secondary data have been implemented so that the output of the study can be improved in an effective manner. Random sampling has also been implemented in the present research report so that every respondent can take part in the research study in an equal manner. In order to maintain ethical consideration of the study the inputs of the respondents cannot be used in public because it can affect ct the output of the study. Lastly, after completing thematic analysis it has been stated that management if business firm to take steps so that their competitive position can be improved


Reflection plays an important role in completing the research because it describes the experiences of the researchers so that in future the studies can be completed in a successful manner. In the present research study, Gibbs reflective cycle will be discussed so that the learning from the present research can be effectively completed. The steps of Gibbs cycle have been discussed below:


Talent management is considered as the technique through which the present employees of business ventures can be retained. In addition to that, addition to that, talent management also assists the management in retaining the best employees within the business firm. In the present, various methodological methods have been discussed so that in future the same genre study can be completed in a successful manner.


While initiating the research report I was feeling nervous because this is the first time I am dealing with such complex concept. As I was feeling nervous I also lacked in my communication efficiency thus, I have certainly failed in explaining the process and possible outcome of the report to the readers. I have also failed to manage time thus, the time selected for survey has also exceeded. At the same time, I realised that after completing the report I have improved my research skills. At the same time, I have also learnt the implementation of Boolean search strategy so that I can collect relevant articles and complete the research study successfully

At the time of implementing the methodology section, I have realised that positivism philosophy is beneficial for the researcher because it will enhance the primary data collection strategy. I also felt that pragmatisms philosophy could have also been used in the study because along with primary data secondary data have also been collected so give a critical outlook to the study.

The researcher has used deductive research approach here because it helps to create a relation between the concepts and the variable thus; the data collected can be easily generalised. I have felt that the primary data collection technique is beneficial for the study because it has taught me the ways of conducting the survey.


This research report has been helped me by enhancing my research skills in an effective way. Additionally, in future I can conduct the same study in a successful manner. I have also evaluated the research methods so that the output can be enhanced.


After completing the present research report, it has been stated that talent management is beneficial for the companies because through the concerned process the management of hospitality organisations can restore the best talent so that the present position of firm can be boosted. The talent management process can be improved if technology is being implemented within the organisation.

Action plan

In order to improve my communication techniques towards the participants I need to take part in-group activities so that my skills can be improved. In addition to that, I also needed to take part in individual communication so that my skills can be improved. Additionally, the activities will be conducted based on routine so that the research study can be completed on time. On the contrary, if the researcher has failed to complete the task as per the schedule then the data manipulation can take place. Thus, the outcome of the study can get affected. The activities of the research need to be discussed with the other members of the team so that the level of cooperation among the team members can be increased.

Alternative methodology

The pragmatism research philosophy could have been used as an alternative method as it allows the possibility and potential of working back-and-forth in-between quantitative and qualitative data. Moreover, it can provide the researcher with the opportunities of searching for connection points that can be useful between quantitative and qualitative data. This is because it offers an action-oriented and experience-based framework that assist in rejecting scepticism. Inductive research approach could have been used as an alternative method and that it helps in providing conclusive evidence for the conclusions. This is because the approach provides greater flexibility and that the process draws general conclusions from observation and individual instances. The observational method of data collection helps in gathering information through the observation of case-studies. This helps in gathering information from real-world cases without executing interventions and that measurement influences the phenomenon that has been measured (Mohajan, 2018).

Exploratory Research Design could have been used as an alternative method and it helps in providing adaptability and flexibility for transformation. Further, it is even considered effective while laying groundwork which can lead to further studies. It is crucial noting that exploratory research design helps in saving huge time as well as other important resources as it determines at an earlier stage about the research types that should be pursued. 

Qualitative data collection method could have been used as an alternative methodology by conducting interviews with the managers of Britannia Hotels UK. This helps in explaining as well as better understanding including exploring the subject of the research. The managers can be cross-questioned so that a deeper understanding of the subject can be gained. Additionally, public records, as well as publications by the government, can be used as the secondary method for collecting useful information online (Mohajan, 2018)

Reference List

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Haddon, J., 2018. The impact of employees’ well-being on performance in the workplace. Strategic HR Review.

Hughes, C., 2018. The role of HRD in using diversity intelligence to enhance leadership skill development and talent management strategy. Advances in Developing Human Resources20(3), pp.259-262.

Johennesse, L.A.C. and Chou, T.K., 2017. Employee Perceptions of Talent Management Effectiveness on Retention. Global Business & Management Research9(3).

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