Strategic Management in the Healthcare Industry Level 7

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Strategic Management in the Healthcare Industry Level 7

Strategic Management in the Healthcare Industry Level 7

Table of Contents


Strategic management plays a significant role in providing organisations with a direction to achieve business objectives. For this, the organisation develops objectives, planning and devises policies to be followed by respective business professionals within the organisation. In this respects, this study aims to identify the contribution of strategic management approach of NHS including the responsibilities of its leaders. It also emphasises on investigating the impact of pressure and examines the issues in competition and collaboration. Additionally, the study undertakes a force field analysis for identifying the existing issues within the healthcare organisation. Besides this, internal and external environment analysis is performed based on which strategic actions carried out in the healthcare unit with the strengths and weaknesses of respective policies are highlighted in the study. Apart from this, a business plan is produced depending on the existing market situation of the healthcare unit for analysing the best strategic choice for the organisation to meet its objectives.

NHS is a healthcare unit offering care support services to its care users acquiring financial support from a government authority (, 2021). The preliminary purpose of NHS is to improvise the health profile of the people of UK. It is headquartered in UK employing around 1.7 million staffs (Andalo, 2018). The leaders of NHS attain similar qualities in respect to honesty, empathy, vision, integrity and self-belief.

Task 1

Exploration of the contribution of the strategic management approach

Strategic management is considered to be a continuous procedure for appraising the business operations for attaining optimistic ad fruitful outcome. Based on the research work of Ciampi et al. (2020), it is learnt that strategic management procedure helps in revolutionising the existing and future vision for enhancing the productivity of a business and acquire a positive response. In relation to healthcare units like NHS, it can be mentioned that strategic management has helped to make the leaders develop a better understanding of the best approaches that can be adopted for providing exclusive care facilities. It is encountered that the leaders of NHS are responsible to establish a vision for their subordinates and developing routes for achieving their respective goals (, 2021). In the context of strategic management, the leaders of NHS are required to lead their followers and manage the budget and resources for respective business activities. Correspondingly, the strategic management approach of NHS ensures that care users are offered with enhanced quality care services by working in integration with cross-functional teams and clinical colleagues.

Referring to the theoretical work of George et al. (2019), it is evaluated that strategic management approaches ensure to make decisions corresponding to external environment analysis of an organisation. Concerning this, the internal environment of the organisation is also examined for identifying the inadequacies, thereby making effectual decisions for better outcomes. In this regard, it can be mentioned that the leaders of NHS are undertaking initiatives to ensure that they can provide its care users with emergency primary care services. Correspondingly, the leadership team of NHS has developed a five-year strategic plan to foster care users with an effective treatment facility (Harris et al., 2020). While developing this strategic plan, the leaders have ensured to integrate the local people for attaining their views of elevating the quality of care services. Alongside, the leaders of the healthcare organisation have developed a strategy based on several principles like “understanding the process, measuring the quality of the process of treatment, analysing demand, capacity and flow, reduction of waste, defects and errors, engaging all the staffs and involving care users, wider public and carers” (, 2021). It is believed that with the assistance of the developed strategic management plan, the leaders of NHS would be able to achieve their objectives and goals.

Corresponding to the strategic management approach undertaken by NHS, it can be predicted that it needs to increase the continuous learning procedure among its workforce. For this, the leaders are held responsible as they need to inspire their subordinates to take adequate actions for accomplishing the devised objectives. However, it is evaluated that the leaders of NHS are facing challenges in differentiated business aspects. In this respect, it can be stated that the quality of care services from the NHS is at risk because of inadequate staff training activities. It is further identified that majority of the NHS staff lack self-confidence due to inadequate motivational practices. Apart from this, the leaders of the healthcare organisation are not attaining adequate support for escalating their leadership skills and attributes which again impact their capability to provide an engaging working environment to their followers.

Examination of leadership roles

The theoretical study of Weisset al. (2018) presented that leadership can be inclusive and need not have a hierarchical structure. Leaders are required to interact with each of the subordinates irrespective of their designations and backgrounds. It is the responsibility of the leader to guide their followers in a direction to reach respective objectives. According to Jahidi(2020), leaders are responsible to motivate their followers for accomplishing respective objectives by delegating their tasks. In the views of Hewisonet al. (2018), compassionate leaders put collective endeavour at the centre and as the topmost priority. This helps the healthcare leaders of NHS to acquire better outcomes based on the business operations. Alongside, it can also be mentioned that leaders are required to play an effective role model and manage time efficiently. In this regard, it can be mentioned that by undertaking the aspect of an effectual role, they can inspire their subordinates. In compliance with the aforementioned points, it can be established that leaders in a healthcare unit need to employ the following roles,


Figure 1: Roles performed by leaders of NHS

(Source: Monkhouse et al., 2018)


The healthcare leaders perform the role of strategist for developing plans for their respective healthcare unit. In the opinion of Berghoutet al. (2017), leaders are required to outline the goals for their organisation and determine the steps to carried out for achieving the same. Corresponding to this, the leaders of NHS are required to establish goals for their respective team and delegate them responsibilities for accomplishing the same.


The leaders of an organisation perform the role of a communicator for communicating the messages to their respective individuals of the organisation after analysing the crucial aspects (Monkhouse et al., 2018). In this regard, the leaders of NHS are required to identify important points to be acknowledged by their team members and provide them with the information for providing exclusive care services for them.


One of the major roles of leaders is to heighten the skills and knowledge of their team members and providing them with growth opportunities. For this, the leaders of NHS provide an insight into the performance level of their team members through feedback sessions. This helps the care professionals to efficiently provide their care users with quality care services.


Based on the theoretical work of Mounier-Jacket al. (2020), it is learnt that leaders become role model for their organisations through their innovative skills. Considering this, it can be mentioned that the leaders of NHS need to utilise their innovative skills for ensuring to provide their care users with satisfactory and enhanced care facilities.


Leaders are required to acquire a certain degree of flexibility to adapt to the changing environment within the organisations (Clay-Williamset al., 2017). With this skill, they need to motivate their team members for enhancing their skills and knowledge for accomplishing the organisational objectives. In this respect, it can be mentioned that the leaders of NHS are required to possess the potential to identify the requirement of change within the healthcare unit. After analysing the same they need to communicate the same to their teammates and convince them for adapting to the implemented changes.


Leaders need to possess the ability to identify the potentials of their respective team members and act as delegator for assigning the responsibilities to them depending on the requirements for achieving organisational objectives (Mounier-Jacket al., 2020). Correspondingly, the leaders of NHS allocate tasks to the healthcare professionals under their supervision for providing their care users with effective care services.

Impact of pressure

Under the situations of pressure, leaders are required to control their anxiety levels. It is learnt from the views of Carrieriet al. (2018), during pressure, a majority of individuals are worried about accomplishing their respective tasks. It is noticed that in most of the aspects of pressured working conditions, the confidence level of employees of an organisation falls and worries take over. However, overcoming fears of the situation and work with calm boosting confidence among others is considered to be one of the major signs of an effective leader. In this respect, it can be stated that during heavy workloads in healthcare units of NHS, most of the healthcare professionals become nervous and unable to identify the practices which might help in attaining the best outcomes. Besides this, due to nervousness, it might be possible that the care professionals take wrong decisions about their care services and the health condition of the care user might deteriorate. In this regard, it becomes the responsibility of the leaders of the healthcare units to boost a sense of self-confidence among healthcare professionals.

It is further learnt from the studies of Gawneet al. (2020) that pressure might act as a catalyst for acquiring the best solution for a critical situation. In compliance with the aforementioned point, it can be added that the healthcare leaders of NHS develop better innovative ideas for accomplishing their respective objectives for provisioning the care users with the best care and treatment facilities. For instance, after the disruption of the pandemic, it was a situation of pressure where the healthcare units were required to offer their care users with the best possible treatment to recover their health condition. In this situation, the leaders of NHS guided their teammates such that they were efficiently able to provide the care users with the best treatment facilities and care services. At present, it is because of the healthcare units, the situation of the pandemic is under control as they have been struggling to cure the infected individuals. Therefore, it can be stated that during situations of pressure. The healthcare leaders need to be calm and stable while making decisions related to care services for prescribing the best solution for their care users.

Issues of collaboration and competition

Collaborative activities are considered to be one of the essential aspects of enhancing the overall productivity of an organisation. In this regard, Worrall and Leech(2018) cited that collaborative leadership practices ensure to maintain a transparent relationship among their teammates, thereby engaging everyone for attaining the best results. Some of the highlighted issues in collaboration signify lack of engagement of teammates and inadequate communication (Willcocks and Willcocks, 2019).Additionally, competition is also another issue which the leaders need to address with their effectual skills. During competitive situations, employees of an organisation fight to acquire the best position in front of their leaders. However, it is the responsibility of the leaders to ensure that they need to perform collaboratively for achieving their professional objectives. In this respect, it is identified that the leaders of NHS acknowledge their teammates about the activities they need to perform for accomplishing team objectives. One of the goals of teams of healthcare unit is to provide their care users with the best quality treatment services. Every department of the healthcare unit is responsible to take actions corresponding to their allocated tasks and ensure that they contribute effectually for better development of their care services.

Different healthcare units are facing competition in attaining the best position to retain their care users by providing them with effectual care facilities. Alternatively, Robinsonet al. (2020) predicted that for overcoming the competition and acquire the best position, leaders of different organisations need to ensure that their people act collaboratively. Corresponding to this, it can be said that the leaders of NHS motivated their care professionals to share their opinions about care services. This is considered to be one of the best ways to engage people in decision-making situations. Concerning this, it can be added that team efforts help in attaining the best results (Lalaniet al., 2018). In this respect, the leaders of NHS are required to ensure effectual cooperation from their team members and encourage them for sharing their views regarding a particular situation. This way, healthcare leaders can facilitate their care users with the best treatment services. The team members in the healthcare unit are required to make aware that they can enhance the productivity of the organisation only when they work in collaboration, otherwise individual employees might increase their productivity only. Hence, a sense of respect, confidence and motivation is required to be built by the healthcare leaders of NHS among their teammates for fulfilling the objectives.

Task 2

Force field analysis of NHS

Force field analysis is considered to be an analytical tool for evaluating the positive and negative aspects of a problem (Capatinaet al., 2017). Correspondingly, in NHS, it is identified that the leaders have a lack of skills in enhancing the quality of care services. This might be due to ineffective management practices within the healthcare unit. It is learnt from the research works of Jayalakshmiet al.(2020) that the management of NHS is unable to optimise the resources of the healthcare unit which again act as a challenge in facilitating quality treatment services.


Figure 2: Force Field Analysis of NHS

(Source: Jayalakshmi et al., 2020)

From the force field analysis of NHS, it is evaluated that the major problem is inadequacy among the skills of leadership roles and their accountabilities (Jayalakshmiet al., 2020). This is evident from the survey undertaken among the care users of NHS about the quality of care facilities they have acquired. The survey showcases that more than 38% of the care users said that the quality of care services is neither too good not bad (, 2021). In this regard, it can be mentioned that the management of NHS needs to develop effectual strategic planning to ensure that its leaders are capable to manage the situation of inadequate care services. This can further be decided through macro and micro-environment analysis of NHS for identifying the environment in which it is operating.

External and internal environment analysis

For evaluating the external and internal environment of NHS, PEST and SWOT frameworks can be utilised. PEST framework helps in analysing the potential exterior factors affecting the operations being carried out in an organisation (Leyvaet al., 2018). Alternatively, the SWOT framework aids to identify the interior factors affecting the business operations of the organisation (Vlados, 2019).

PEST Analysis

External elements




The situation of Brexit has resulted in UK to leave membership from EU (Van Kerckhoven, 2021)

This has thereby made it difficult for NHS to procure medical equipment from other EU nations. Besides this, it might also become difficult for the healthcare professionals from other EU nations to continue their job in NHS after Brexit.


The GDP growth rate has been identified to be -9.76% during 2020 and is anticipated to increase to 5.92% in 2021 (Plecher, 2021)

The decreased GDP rate affected the quality of are services of NHS as they were unable to attain adequate financial support from the government authorities.


Ageing among the population of UK is increasing (Singeret al., 2019)

The strain on the NHS leaders is increasing due to enhanced ageing population as the requirement of healthcare facilities also increases with ageing


Presence of advanced technologies like remote medicine and virtual care, AI and data drives, IoT (Özdemir, 2019)

With the emergence of advanced technological trends in UK healthcare industry, the leaders of NHS acquire the opportunity to implement the same for enhancing the quality of care services

Table 1: PEST Analysis of NHS

(Source: Created by Learner)

From PEST analysis, it is identified that political aspects like Brexit have been affecting the procurement of medical equipment from other EU nations. This is considered to be a challenge for the leaders of the healthcare unit in acquiring effectual treatment equipment required for provisioning care users with quality care services. Alternatively, the economic downturn faced by UK during the pandemic in 2020 has made NHS financially destabilise in offering the best care services. This is because, during the pandemic, none of the business establishments was operating which deteriorated the economic growth of the nation (Plecher, 2021). Furthermore, it has been observed that by the time NHS is capable of providing its care users with quality care facilities, more than half of the population of the UK would become aged. This thereby enhances the stress on healthcare leaders in optimising adequate resources for provisioning the aged population with quality care services. Apart from this, embracement of advanced technologies can help NHS in upgrading its medical services. However, the leaders of the healthcare unit are required to uplift their technical skills for operating advanced technologies efficiently.

SWOT Analysis



  • Embracement of advanced technologies

  • Loyal, committed and engaged workforce (Ogbonnayaet al., 2018)

  • Implementing transformational change for upgrading financial and clinical performance

  • Lack of leadership skills among the leaders

  • Inadequate management practices in managing workforce performance

  • Insufficient emergency care facilitating activities



  • Opportunity to develop a promising healthcare service providing unit

  • Increasing the probability of attaining financial support opportunities from private care users

  • Enhancing reputation in providing effectual care services

  • The threat to provide efficient care facilities due to inadequate financial support (Laokriet al., 2018)

  • Ineffective satisfaction among the care users

  • Failure in addressing emergencies

Table 2: SWOT Analysis

(Source: Created by Learner)

The SWOT analysis of NHS provides an overview of its potencies and inadequacies in delivering effectual care services. It is identified that the embracement of new technologies is one of its strengths. Additionally, the presence of a committed and loyal workforce is also a strength which helps it to adequately adapt to transformational changes (Ogbonnayaet al., 2018). However, the healthcare unit needs to emphasise on the leadership skills and ensure its management undertakes efficacious practices for managing the performance of its leaders. Besides this, it is evaluated that the healthcare organisation lacks in areas of providing emergence care services. Alternatively, the identified strengths of NHS help its leaders with the opportunity to develop a promising healthcare organisation. It also attains the opportunity to acquire adequate financial support and develop a reputation in the industry. Contrastingly, the weaknesses of the healthcare unit come up with several threats which include elevation of quality of care delivery due to lack of financial support (Laokriet al., 2018). This further dissatisfies the care users and they might approach other healthcare units for acquiring better care services. The healthcare organisation might also experience a loss of existing reputation in the market due to inadequacy in addressing emergencies.

Strategic actions in NHS

The leadership team of NHS has striven to acquire perfection in provisioning its care users with safe and the finest quality care services (Scobie and Castle?Clarke, 2020). It is learnt from the reports of the healthcare organisation that its strategy is to become one of the most recognised, agile and responsive where its care users are the centre of focus. Some of the strategic actions of NHS underlies in their values and strategic intent. One of the strategic actions put in by the healthcare leaders of the unit includes respecting the dignity of each of their care users by responding to kindness and humanity. Another strategic action taken by the leaders of NHS includes taking effective decisions considering the delivery of care services is safe and high quality (Cabralet al., 2019). This has been planned to be done by ensuring that the healthcare professionals are working in a team under the effectual supervision of their leaders. In this regard, Rodriguez-Labajoset al. (2017) presented that undertaking tasks in teams help the healthcare organisations to deliver high-quality care facilities to their care users. Thus, it can be mentioned that by undertaking the aforementioned strategies, NHS would be able to enhance the quality of its services and gain effectual recognition from its care users in the community and develop a reputation in the healthcare industry.


Figure 3: Strategic Intent of NHS

(Source: Buistet al., 2018)

The strategic intent of NHS inculcates maintenance of “excellence, leadership, affordability and locally-based services”. Corresponding to preserving excellence in care services, the leaders of the healthcare unit would ensure to provide a safe and responsive service. It would be ensured that the care users need not wait for long to acquire better diagnosis and care corresponding to their health issues. Alternatively, after the outbreak of a pandemic, the risk of spreading infection has been elevated among the population of the UK. This is because a majority of the population of UK has been transforming to aged groups (Buistet al., 2018). In this regard, it can be said that the responsibilities of healthcare professionals is increasing to a great extent. Besides this, it has been observed that the leaders of NHS are taking initiatives for transforming the procedure of delivering care services during this pandemic. This would ensure their care users do not feel worried about visiting the healthcare unit. Concerning this, the leaders of the healthcare unit need to identify the methods of recruiting experienced well-qualified staffs for provisioning care users with adequate care facilities.

Other strategies of NHS inculcate zero waiting and sustainable services. This helps healthcare professionals to value the time of their care users and provides them with harm-free care services. In this respect, the leadership aspects of NHS ensure to implement a continuous learning environment for their people and undertake quality improvement programmes for escalating the quality of care services. It is further identified that the healthcare unit emphasises on undertaking improvement programmes in the perspective of clinical services, safety and quality of care, development of workforce needs and delivering productive services (, 2021). With the effectual application of the aforementioned strategies, the leaders of NHS would be able to elevate the quality of their care services and satisfy the potential needs of their care users.

Strengths and weaknesses of individual policies and policy solutions

The policies of NHS corresponding to their strengths and weaknesses are listed below,





Safeguarding policy

This policy ensures that the healthcare professionals of NHS safeguard the children, adults and young people from the risk of abuse or harm (, 2021)

Corresponding to this policy, the healthcare leaders have undertaken Accountability and Assurance Framework 2015 which help them to integrate healthcare services to meet the needs of potential care users

Most of the healthcare professionals in NHS are unaware of the healthcare practices to be carried out in different situations

Equality system

Equality system policy aids the healthcare leaders of NHS to facilitate its care users with equivalent treatment facilities (, 2021)

With the application of this policy, the leaders of NHS can ensure to offer their care users with equivalent care facilities without any discriminating activities

It is quite challenging for the healthcare leaders to monitor the quality of care and whether or not discriminating activities is being practised in the healthcare unit

Complaints policy

The complaint policy of NHS emphasises on identifying whether or not the complaints of its care users are addressed (, 2021)

This policy aids the healthcare leaders to analyse the gaps in the delivery of their care services

Inadequate leadership skills might restrict the leaders from attaining effectual knowledge about the complaints of their care users and taking adequate actions for the same

Table 3: Strengths and Weaknesses of the policies of NHS

(Source: Created by Learner)

Task 3

(Refer to Appendix 1)

Development and evaluation of a business plan depending on the current market situation about the best strategic choice that is suitable for NHS

Executive Summary

This study explores a business plan for implementing the devised strategic choice for the NHS. It encapsulates an evaluation of the market environment of NHS based on which the best strategic choice for NHS is determined. Apart from this, different planning of business aspects is done for accomplishing the devised objectives.


This presentation would be delivering the best strategic choice for NHS in the perspective of enhancing its quality of care services. For this, the market situation of NHS is analysed with the assistance of SWOT and PESTLE frameworks. Besides this planning of different requirements are also inculcated within this study.

Market situation

PESTLE Analysis


  • The occurrence of Brexit during 2020 (Hönnigeet al., 2020)


  • The downfall in the economic growth rate of UK to 20.8% (Crafts and Mills, 2020)

  • The inflation rate decreased to 0.8% by the last quarter of 2020 (, 2021)


  • The dependency of people by age increased to 56.75% by the year 2019 (, 2021)

  • 18.51% of people in the UK acquire an age group of more than 65 years (, 2021)


  • The UK has been spending 1.72% of its economy in research and development prospect (Di Cataldo and Monastiriotis, 2018)

  • Presence of 491 digital health and 347 assistive technology companies (Stewart, 2020)


  • The trend of litigation in the healthcare industry is enhancing (Wanet al., 2020)


  • The high contribution of toxic wastes from healthcare units

Table 4: PESTLE Analysis

(Source: Created by Learner)

The PESTLE analysis of NHS showcases that it has been majorly impacted by Brexit and economic downturn due to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus. The occurrence of Brexit has made it difficult for the NHS to retain its workforce hired from different EU nations. It is also difficult for the leaders of NHS to cope up with destabilised financial support as they are unable to attain effectual finances from government authorities due to the economic downturn. The economy of the nation has also fallen to negative due to the shutdown of the various business organisations during the pandemic. Apart from this, it is observed that since 2019, the dependency of a majority of the population of UK has increased with their age which again creates pressure on the leaders of NHS. In this regard, the leaders of the healthcare organisation need to identify the gap in the delivery of their care services and provide the same to the dependent population.

Considering the advancement in technological aspects, it is the responsibility of the leaders of NHS to implement the advanced technologies with the assistance of tech-support providing organisations. In the views of Di Cataldo and Monastiriotis(2018), the application of new technologies can accelerate the facilitation of delivering care services with immediate response to the care users. Besides this, it is identified that the nation has been investing in heightening research and development aspects in different industries. Similarly, the opportunity can be captured by the leaders of the NHS and ensure to increase the quality of their healthcare services. Alternatively, it is encountered that unsatisfied care users are taking their concerns to the court because they are unable to acquire adequate care facilities. This deteriorates the reputation of the healthcare unit in front of its other care users. Apart from this, it is further noticed that healthcare units like NHS generate toxic wastes from its medical treatments which affect the environment. In this respect, it can be established that the leaders of the healthcare unit need to put more emphasis on its waste management practices.

SWOT Analysis



  • Diverse workforce

  • Implements the latest technologies for enhancing care delivery services

  • Undertakes transformational change whenever required

  • Leaders of the healthcare unit attain a lack of efficient skills

  • The management is inadequate in managing the performance of its workforce including leaders

  • Inadequate prescribing activities

  • The leaders and management is ineffective in undertaking emergency measures



  • The management acquires the opportunity to manage its wastes (Mounier-Jacket al., 2020)

  • Opportunity to escalate reputation in the industry and among its care users

  • Opportunity to acquire required financial support from private firms

  • The threat of providing quality care services

  • Increased risk in satisfying the care needs of its care users

  • Threat in managing emergencies, thereby losing recognition from care users

Table 5: SWOT Analysis of NHS

(Source: Created by Learner)

From the internal analysis of NHS, it is evaluated that the leaders of the healthcare organisation need to escalate their skills in provisioning effectual care services. The leaders need to manage their teammates such that they can contribute effectual efforts in delivering quality care services. According to Pereiraet al.(2020), it is the responsibility of the leaders to develop strategies for managing their teammates and acquiring an optimistic outcome. Besides, the management of the healthcare unit needs to get acknowledged about their gaps in tackling the performance growth of their leaders and subordinate members. In this respect, it can be stated thathealthcare professionals would be able to increase their knowledge and skills in a different perspective of care services. However, the inadequacy of the leaders in addressing the identified weaknesses might result in the threat of satisfying the needs of potential care users. Furthermore, it is identified that the healthcare unit has wasted financial resources corresponding to around 142 million pounds in prescribing aspirin, paracetamol and ibuprofen (, 2021). Besides this, the leaders would not be able to tackle the emergencies in the organisation if they do not optimize their performance. In this regard, it can be mentioned that if the healthcare leaders of NHS can overcome the threats they might capture the recognised opportunities and ensure better productivity of their healthcare unit.

Best strategic choice

  • Implementation of waste management programmes for controlling inadequate waste of resources

On analysing the market situation of NHS, it is learnt that the leaders of the healthcare unit need to increase their skills in tackling issues and managing wastes generated from medical applications. In this regard, the best strategic choice for NHS is the application of waste management programme. It is encountered that the healthcare unit has prescribed unnecessary medicines that are not required for recovering a particular health issue.In compliance with the aforementioned point, it can be mentioned that the leaders of NHS need to prescribe medicines which are required for recovering a particular health issue. Therefore, managing wastes can be considered to be the best strategic choice for the healthcare unit.

Strategic Objective

  • To provide care users with quality treatment services and facilities by identifying their needs

  • To control waste generation from the provision of care services

Products and services offered

NHSstrives to offer its care users with enhanced quality care services by identifying their health problems and issues. It provides care users with a range of care service facilities.

Target audience

The target audience is the care users, community people and healthcare professionals.

The uniqueness of the services offered

The healthcare services offered by the NHS are differentiated from other healthcare organisations. This is because its healthcare leaders aim at identifying the problems faced by different care users and providing them with the best solutions.

Human resource plan

Human Resource Requirements

Number of people

Reception for resolving queries of care users


Assistance healthcare workers


Development of waste management plan


Healthcare leaders


Healthcare professionals


Trainer and guide for healthcare professionals


Performance management authority


Monitoring management of wastes by the healthcare unit


Keeping records of care users and their medications


Table 6: Human Resource Plan

(Source: Created by Learner)

This provides an overview of the human resource requirements for accomplishing the aforementioned objectives of this business plan. With this, the management of the healthcare unit would acquire an idea of the number of people to be recruited for achieving the objectives.

Financial plan


Required finances (Pounds)

Recruitment of trainer and a guide


Providing training and continuous learning sessions


Performance management activities


Employment of waste management plan


Monitoring waste management resources


Hiring skilled and knowledgeable healthcare professionals


Implementation of technological advancements


Total required finances = 109,000 Pounds

Table 7: Budget Estimation Plan

(Source: Created by Learner)

This showcases the expenses that the NHS would be required to make for achieving the objectives of the business plan. It is estimated that approximately 109,000 pounds would be required by the healthcare unit to accomplish the developed business plan.

Risk assessment plan

Identified risks


Responsible person

Mitigating action

Lack of leadership skills in managing wastes


Healthcare management

The management of NHS needs to provide its leaders with effectual learning and development sessions for enhancing their knowledge and skills

Inadequacy of HR management in recruiting efficient healthcare professionals


HR management

The HR management might ask questions related to the tasks of healthcare professionals and provide them with the situation for getting aware of their suitability with the required job role

Increased rate of dissatisfaction among the care users


Healthcare leaders

The healthcare leaders might ensure to provide the best quality of care services after examining the efficiency of the treatment delivered by the healthcare professionals

Table 8: Risk Management Plan

(Source: Created by Learner)

This slide provides an insight into the anticipated risks while applying the business plan. In this regard, the leaders and management of NHS need to ensure that they can enhance the potential skills of their leaders and manage the generation of wastes by discovering innovative ideas. Apart from this, the HR management of the healthcare unit also needs to ensure that they employ skilled professionals for enhancing the quality of delivery of care services.

Communication plan

Messages to be communicated

Requirement of communication

Medium used for communication


Responsible person

Development of waste management plan for NHS

This is required for restricting the generation of waste from medical practices


Once a year

Healthcare leaders

Discussing the gaps in care delivery practices

This is required for delivering the best quality care services to the care users


Twice a year

Healthcare leaders and management

Discussion on financial aspects required for implementing the newly developed financial plan

This is required to acquire knowledge about financial support required from the private firms

Face to face conversation

Twice a year

Healthcare leaders

Discussion of associated risks while implementing the developed business plan

This is essential to develop mitigating strategies for overcoming the identified risks

Face to face conversation

Once in three months

Healthcare professionals and leaders

Table 9: Communication Plan

(Source: Created by Learner)

This slide provides an overview of the communication requirements among the people of the healthcare organisation. In this, issues to be discussed have been presented with the medium of communication including the responsible person.


This presentation concludes that managing of waste through waste management programmes is one of the best strategies for NHS. For this, the study has developed various plans for achieving the objectives adequately.


In light of this study, it can be concluded that strategic management is one of the essential concepts to be considered for acquiring better productivity in an organisation. Corresponding to NHS, it is deduced that its leaders undertake effectual measures for tackling the issues and identifying gaps in their care delivery services. This study also concluded that the leaders of NHS play a variety of roles. Some of them include strategist, adaptor, communicator, delegator, coach and innovator. Besides this, the study further deduced that under pressure, the leaders of healthcare organisationenhance the self-confidence of their respective healthcare professionals. However, it is encountered that most of the professionals lose confidence during pressured situations; it is the responsibility of the leaders to motivate them and drive their contribution level for the organisation. The study further inferred that its leaders and management are inadequate in delivering effectual care services and need to escalate the same. Apart from this, the study deduced strengths and weaknesses of the policies of NHS for evaluating the effectiveness of the quality of care services including the strategic actions undertaken by NHS. Furthermore, the study also highlighted a business plan describing the best strategic choice after analysing the market situation of NHS.

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Appendix 1: Presentation