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Table of Contents

Introduction 3

Purpose and involvement 4

Output 5

Tools 6

Processes 7

Amazon 8

Nestle 9

Tesco 10

Conclusion 11



This presentation will be based on an essential element of the project cycle- Monitoring and controlling. Project is a process started with some aim and which is meant to be finished under some timeline. Project management is a function that ensures that the activity of task completion is going in a well-planned manner. Project lifecycle has several steps- commencing, planning, execution of the plan and concluding the project. Monitoring and controlling is the sub-step of execution. Monitoring and controlling are like a yardstick that keeps grip on the whole process. Projects initiated by Tesco, Nestle and Amazon will be discussed in this paper to for better understanding.

Purpose and involvement of Monitoring and Controlling:

Inevitable step: For proper assessment of project it is crucial to keep a timely check on the whole process. Monitoring helps in keeping a close eye on recent happenings (Kivilä et al. 2017).

Proper execution: Project managers follow the method of monitoring and controlling to ensure that whole plan is getting properly executed so that pre-determined objectives can be achieved.

Measuring scale: Monitoring and controlling are like measuring scale used to track the process, review the procedure that is being followed and report the updates to know the effectiveness of the plan.

Maximum utilization of resource: Controlling ensures optimum usage of resources invested in the project (Bunting et al. 2018). Proper management of time, humans, efforts and other resources related to a respective project is possible because of control.

Outcomes of the process group- Monitoring and Controlling

Better results: Monitoring and controlling ensure step by step execution of the plan. Teams have to give timely updates of current situations to the manager. Proper follow up helps to achieve better results (Ntshoe and Ojo, 2017).

Time management: Time is the backbone of project management because most of the times projects are bound to deadlines. If work is not delivered within the allotted deadlines efforts invested in projects lose their importance (Sanchez and Terlizzi, 2017). Project managers seek the help of monitoring to check that activities are winding up in the determined time slot.

Motivation and discipline: When the activities and tasks get accomplished within time limits teams feel motivated. On the other hand, strict monitoring by the project manager spreads the feeling of discipline among the team.

Satisfaction and performance management: Motivation, encouragement and appraisal leads to feeling of satisfaction among project teams. Project managers keep track of routine tasks and performance of the respective teams.

Tools used for Monitoring and Controlling

Monitoring and controlling is a complex task. Some tools serve like assistants to managers in handling projects and keeping a report of all the tasks (, 2017). Few such tools are mentioned below:

G-suite: Spreadsheets, calendars, docs provided by platforms like Google, are excellent tools to maintain and monitor daily tasks. Managers gain an idea of work in progress and efficiency of team members who have performed extremely well.

Task managers: Managers assign tasks to members of the team as per their potent and skills. Task managers help managers to measure the performance of members and switch their positions in the team.

Teamwork: Teamwork is a tool used for keeping track of time and events happening while carrying out the activities of the project.

Processes of monitoring and controlling

Monitoring: Monitoring is a crucial step because it enables managers to acquire time to time updates of activities related to the project.

Communicating: Another significant step is communicating with the team members. Team managers should properly convey the tasks (Alam et al. 2019). A piece of proper information about progress made by team members must be given to the team. Besides this is any member is lagging behind proper counseling also comes under impactful monitoring.

Controlling costs: Controlling the budget and budget is an essential method to get rid of excess clutter and expenses. This process helps in maximizing profits and lessening revenues.

Project “Alexa” by Amazon

Amazon brought a revolution in the world of retailing by incorporating AI into appliances. All that one needs is to recite its wants and Alexa makes it happen like a genie from the classic lamp. Project Alexa required a lot of efforts and planning of team of Amazon. Amazon is also planning to bring some more applications and tools in the field of Artificial Intelligence ( 2020). Amazon has various teams in the field of software development, technical engineers, scientists, project manager and product managers. The teams assigned in the AI department in Amazon are highly innovative and strive to remain committed to provide flawless services to its customers ( 2020). Teams in Amazon follow customer oriented approach, team managers act like owners and control the daily tasks, team leaders work independently and autonoumsly.

Real-time Analytics at Tesco

There are no two ways about the fact that Tesco is one of the leading retail organizations in the UK. Tesco has been one of the exclusive supermarket chains that applied the technique of tracking customers using customer cards. About 50 projects are pending in kitty of project teams of Tesco (, 2020). These teams follow timely communication, budgetary control and cost control methods to keep a check on execution of these projects. Programmers in this team ensure problem-solving methods and regularly monitor the progress of projects.

Project teams for plant based program in Nestle

Nestle invested 2 billion Swiss francs to break down issues related to plastic ( 2020). This firm has followed a tight budgetary control policy to bring plans of its environmentally friendly products into life. Nestle has claimed that bringing innovation can be moral, sustainable and profitable for the firm. Teams in Nestle follow transparency, schedules, implement plans, coordinate meetings and meet deadlines of projects ( 2020).

Transparency: Project managers in Nestle ensure that goals and objectives are properly conveyed to team.

Scheduling of tasks: Managers align the activities and co-ordinate the tasks suitably as per plans

Deadlines: Controlling and monitoring schedules and ensuring that deadlines are achieved.


This study revealed the meaning and concept of Project Management. The significance of monitoring and controlling has also been elaborated in the paper. Various tools, results, purposes and processes of monitoring and controlling are also discussed. The paper also discussed three main projects introduced by Tesco, Nestle and Amazon. Study of Alexa project introduced by Amazon stated about the efficiency of its scientific team while nestles projects gave briefings of its monetary controls. These examples analysed the innovative ideas, budgetary plans, employment base required for bringing these projects into reality. In a nutshell, effective project teams use monitoring and controlling as essential element to make the projects successful.

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