Innovation and Enterprise: Idea Generation for Collaboration and Problem Solving

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Innovation and Enterprise: Idea Generation for Collaboration and Problem Solving

Innovation and Enterprise


Idea generation encompasses generating, developing and communicating new thoughts and concepts so that innovation is achieved effectively within organisational premises. It helps in bringing out new thoughts and ensures that problem solving and collaboration is done efficiently. It is crucial as it enables firms in expanding their range of ideas beyond the current range of thinking. This statement would be evaluated in the following essay along with reflecting on how idea generation helps in collaboration and problem-solving.

Main Body

Evaluation of the statement through relevant literature

After evaluating the given statement, it may be stated that idea generation is indeed one of the best techniques to spark new thoughts and bring in transformation through structured ideation. Innovation always initiates from a great idea and therefore it is crucial for organisations to explore a wide range of idea generation techniques so that they can generate constructive ideas under any situations (Gama et al., 2019). It may therefore be understood that idea generation refers to the activities associated with forming ideas. It encompasses creating, developing and communicating the ideas so that they may help in the organisational innovation strategy. This leads to a structured idea that may help in problem-solving as well as effectual collaboration within the premises. As is evident from the discussions of Kahn (2018) the concept of idea generation is crucial as it helps individuals and authorities in expanding their current range of thinking and ideas.

After identifying the different ideas, it is important to assess which of them has the highest value and relevance for the brand or the product. Idea generation is one of the most significant phases of innovation where new ideas are collected and evaluated throughout the idea management phase so that their benefits and relevance can be understood. The process of idea generation helps organisations in making an effectual use of the creative potential of its employees (Weinberger et al.,s 2018). This helps in making the employees feel more satisfied, values and engaged which in turn leads to higher productivity of the organisation. Therefore, it is evident that the idea generation techniques helps in bringing about new thoughts that may help in transforming organisations positively while making it easier for them to collaborate and solve problems more efficiently. There are various strategies and factors associated with idea generation and each of these help organisations in attaining their innovative goals in the most efficient manner.

Taking and justifying a stand

It may thus be stated that the above-mentioned statement is correct as idea generation is indeed one of the most effectual and transformational techniques for bringing out structured ideation for collaboration and problem solving (Kornish and Hutchison?Krupat, 2017). This stand was inspired through an assessment of relevant literature, which has made it easier to understand that idea generation helps in sparking new thoughts and ensures that problem-solving and collaboration is attained effectively. It helps companies in remaining innovative as per the growing needs of the market. It may therefore be stated that this stand is justified as idea generation helps in innovation processes by ensuring that the authorities in organisations can assess and identify the most suitable ideas and ensure its implementation in the best possible manner.

Conclusion and recommendations

It may thus be concluded from these discussions that idea generation is one of the most important techniques that help organisations in remaining creative and competitive within their operative markets. The given statement is correct as idea generation helps in attaining structured ideation, which in turn helps in collaborating and solving problems efficiently. It is recommended that organisations strive to ensure that such idea generation processes are executed efficiently so that they can bring in greater innovation and effectiveness within the work premises. The leaders must ensure that they motivate their subordinates to remain creative by involving them in different group discussions and brainstorming sessions.

As is evident from Araújo et al. (2019), the leaders must see to it that creative culture is built and maintained within the organisational premises so that all employees feel motivated to think creatively. This in turn would help their organisation in overcoming existing challenges and problems. On the other hand, the authorities may also engage the employees in different observation sessions along with socialising effectively within as well as outside the organisation. Lastly, the authorities in organisations may benefit from using different kinds of structured exercises in order to instigate creative thinking capabilities in employees.

Reference List

Araújo, R., Santos, G., da Costa, J.B. and Sá, J.C., 2019. The quality management system as a driver of organizational culture: An empirical study in the Portuguese textile industry. Quality Innovation Prosperity23(1), pp.1-24.

Gama, F., Frishammar, J. and Parida, V., 2019. Idea generation and open innovation in SMEs: When does market?based collaboration pay off most?. Creativity and innovation management28(1), pp.113-123.

Kahn, K.B., 2018. Understanding innovation. Business Horizons61(3), pp.453-460.

Kornish, L.J. and Hutchison?Krupat, J., 2017. Research on idea generation and selection: Implications for management of technology. Production and Operations Management26(4), pp.633-651.

Weinberger, E., Wach, D., Stephan, U. and Wegge, J., 2018. Having a creative day: Understanding entrepreneurs' daily idea generation through a recovery lens. Journal of Business Venturing33(1), pp.1-19.