Human Resource Management
Issues of HRM face by Westonwich District Council 4
Main two key issues to be solved with justification 5
Recommendation for solving issue faced by WDC 6
The human resource department of each and every business organization is real backbone of company. Its main purpose is to hire potential candidate for appropriate job role in company, creating effective procedure as well as beneficial HR policies and HR practices. Although, this report includes case study of Westonwich District Council (WDC), which provides various range of local government services to rural people.According to collected data from the survey on the bases of case study, thelevel of satisfaction as well as employee engagement in WDC will be analysed in the report.This report covers various key issues that are faced by human resource manager of WDC in effective manner. Along with this, proper justification will also be mentioned to addresson priority in organization, in order to work effectively and efficiently. In addition to this, some recommendation isalso described for HR manager of WDCfor solving problems arising in company.
The Human Resource Management plays a vital role in business organization. Main objective of HR department is to employee engagement and enhancing work productivity of their employees effectively and efficiently in order to attain objective of business(Boon et. al., 2019).In other words, it can be said that Human resource management is managerial and strategic process which focuses on engaging whole workforce of company to right job role with effective development program effectively and efficiently. Furthermore, HR comprises with different various job roles like manpower planning, hiring, induction, orientation, training & development, payroll, motivation, employee engagement, and exit formalities of employee(Secapramana and Nugroho, 2017).
Somehow, the HR manager faces numbers of hurdles while running their department and constant enforcement of policies in business. Some of the main issues that HR faces are retention, recruitment, productivity, training & compliance, health and safety, discrimination & diversity, discipline, payroll, queries of employee, developments or upgradation in technology, data-driven by human resource practices, globalization, changes in demographics of workforce, managing diversity, changes in political as well as legal environment and many more.
According to the case study of HR manager of Westonwich District Council, is facing many serious issues in their organization while working with employees (Bos-Nehles, et. al., 2020). It is also identified that some of the employees of WDC are not happy with their work and working environment as this is very crucial and important problem that employee as well as HR is facing.
From the survey, it is analysed that only 27% of employee think that their working efforts at work are properly recognised and addressed whereas remaining 73% of employees are not happy with their work consideration. As this issue will leads to reduce in employee turnover as many of the employee will leave business organization if they are getting effective value and appraise in against their working efforts.
It is also analysed that, 54% of employee of Westonwich District Council are seeking alternative job. In other words it can be said that more than half of workforce are not happy with their working as they are looking for another employment. This is also most important issues which WDC is facing, if their employee will leave then their working and operations will stop and they face hurdles to operate their working effective and efficiently.
From survey, it is identified that only 36% of employees are happy with their job security, whereas 64% are facing problem with their security of job.As Westonwich District Council employees are not secure with their job roles and responsibility, they feel unsafe which leads to insecurity of job and this reduce productivity of their working as well as they are not fair to business organization(Taamneh, et. al., 2018).
Along with this, 90% of employees say that they sometimes feel stressed when they are at workplace, while rest of employees feel happy at workplace and they enjoy their working effectively.Thus, current issue is stressed workplacewhich is very significant to resolve as most of workforce is felling very stress full while working this leads to reduce in work productivity of each and every employee of organization.
It is also determined that only 21% employee of Westonwich District Council are satisfied with their pay benefits they are receiving but none of the employee say that they are very satisfied with pay benefits. For resolving this issue, the HR of WDC should adopt various approaches to motivate their employee and provide effective benefits, in order to satisfy each and every employee and enhance productivity (Juarez Tarraga, et. al., 2019).
According to the case study, 89% employeesof Westonwich District Council stated that, their job has become increasingly stressful in recent years. Where are 11% denied from this statement as they do not feel their working life stressful anymore.
Furthermore, it is also analysed that only 32% employee of WDC are satisfied with opportunity of training and development programs given to them whereas rest 68% of workforce of Westonwich District Council are not pleased with chance of development programs provided to them. As they think that they are not required any training session for their development. For example, Randstad US is hiring across the U.S. and they are also offering effective training program for their employees in order to increase their productivity. (Appendix 2)
It is very important for each and every business organization to resolve issues arising in their business organization. Thus, it will help them in enhancing and increasing the work productivity and employee engagement with an organization(Feng, 2020). Along with this, HR should follow some different techniques and approaches for solving issue arising their organization.
The Human resource manager of Westonwich District Council should also focus on solving problems arises in their company, which help them as well as employee in working effectively and efficiently in order to achieve individual and organizational objective(Nankervis, 2019).
. Some of the complications that HR manager of Westonwich District Council is facing are:
Less Job security of employee
Employee Seeking alternative job
Efforts of employee are not recognised properly
Employee are not happy with Pay benefits they are getting
Stressed workplace
Stress full working life
The main two issues which HR manager of Westonwich District Council should considered first to resolveare stress from employee working as well as providing effective pay benefits(Johnson, et. al., 2016).Thus, it helps HR in motivating their employee and make their employee to retain in their business organization.
Stress full working life:The stress is one of the most daunting hindrances to employee engagement in the modern workplace of organization. Lack of job security, workload as well as overwhelm employee leads to decrease in satisfaction level of workforce so, it gives more negative consequences in working environment. The HR of Westonwich District Council should resolve this issue on priority bases. Although these issues impact the ability of HR to manage workplace change, stress for continuing functioning properly. It’s also very significantfor HR to identify those employees who are experiencing and dealing with serious stress for applying and making corrective actions (Burton et. al., 2019).
The very common sources of work stress are low salaries, lack of social support, increase in workload, Downsizing, less opportunity for growth, less challenging work, pressure to perform well, longer working hours, less performance expectation, Issue with co-workers.
The job stress or pressure in working life is very harmful, as its impact on employee is inevitable which leads to sickness, depression, violence, decrease in productivity, retention problem.
Pay benefits:The management of Westonwich District Council should resolve this issue on priority bases. Thus, it is a major problem which arises in organisation; it should be solved as soon as possible (Gallardo-Gallardo et. al., 2017). Although it helps both employee as well as employer, as itmotivate employee to work effectively and increase productivity and createspositive environment at workplace, along with this, if this issue is resolved employee engagement is increased and also increase the employee retention.
The Human resource manager of each and every business organization should focus on adoptingbest effective HR practices, functionsand approaches, methods as well as theories in their workingwhich help them in reducing and resolving issue arising in their company. Along with this, it leads to enhance productivity of workforce and employee engagement in their organization effectively and efficiently. Hence, it will be very beneficial for employees as well as business organization that leads to achieve organizational goals(Delery and Roumpi, 2017).
The Human resource manager of Westonwich District Council can adopt HR theories which help them in explaining behaviour of management and structures that can affect positively or negatively to influence employee behaviour. With the help of this, HR manager of WDC can maximize employee productivity and enhancing work creativity as well as minimizing employee turnover. Along with this, manager of WDC also adopt different various HRM practices 444for solving arising issue in business. Thus, it helps in increasing employee commitment towards their company, improving employee skill, knowledge as well as enhancing and increasing motivation level.
Stress at work:conflict can arise in any job role, whether it can be between employer, managers for solving issue of stress full working life, the human resource manager of Westonwich District Council can use effective HRM practices. It is recommended to manager of WDC to create happy and healthy working environment in their organization by providing various benefits to employees(Shamim, 2016).
Making a wellness a part of workplace:Stress and anxiety can create physical illness thus, manager of Westonwich District Council can adopt several effective ways in order to encourage wellness for their workforce. Such as providing gym membership and discounts to employees, giving devices like Fitbit band, that employee compete among themselves to win prizes. Along with this, HR can provide healthy snacks, free check-ups to each and every employeefor reducing their stress.
Create sense of loyalty among workers:It is also recommended to HR of Westonwich District Council to build trust with each and every employeeas well as they should value their workers, as it will reduce the stress level among workforce. The workers whose employers or superior are not loyal to them are dissatisfied with their job stress levels (Ismail, 2018). On the other hand, employees with good and supportive employer are happy and not face any stress level. Hence, the loyalty as well as trust can reduces unnecessary and pointless stress significantly.
Providing Work from home:It is proposed to HR of Westonwich District Council to provide facility of work from home to their employees. With the help of this approach employee gets flexibility which creates more satisfaction. Along with this can maintain their health & fitness, increase productivity, improved work life balance, less distraction, better health, proximity to home and family as well as reduce cost. For example, Amazon offers their employee to do work from home, with the help of this, management of Amazon is improving their relationship with employees. (Appendix2)
Flexible working Hours: It is also advised to HR manager of Westonwich District Council, to give flexible working hours to their employee as it benefits both employee as well as employer. As employee can complete their work with productivity when he is available with best efficiency. With this, employer will get effective working of employee effectively and efficiently, as it helps in achieving organizational goals(Chukwudumebi and Kifordu, 2018).
Pay Benefits: Keeping workforce motivated is a key to growth and success for every business organization. For resolving this major issue, the management of Westonwich District Council can adopt various theories like Maslow’s Need Hierarch Motivation Theory, Herzberg’s motivation hygiene theory, Incentive theory of motivation. Along with this WDC can also use HRM practice like effective remuneration and benefits, Motivation in order to solve pay benefit issue arising in their council.
Incentive motivation theory: It is recommended to, the manager of Westonwich District Council to adopt theory of incentive in their business organization in order to solve issue of pay benefit. Its alternative name is reward motivation theory. This theory advises that behaviour of employee is motivated and inspired because of reinforcement as well as incentives. The management of council is looking for different various ways for increasing their sales and attaining profit(Jean, 2017).
Benefits of giving pay benefits to employees |
Higher sale |
Reduces the employee turnover |
Team building |
Enhance morale |
Rises employee retention |
Employee empowerment |
Increase employee engagement |
Create healthy competition |
Growth in business revenue |
Positive working culture |
Increase in productivity |
Increase healthy competition among employee |
improve financial stability |
Ease of rewarding employees |
The Incentive theory of motivation defines that, every person can be motivated by drive for incentives or any kind of reinforcement. In addition to this theory, it identifies that people behave in a way that will result to them in reward and benefit, and they avoid that actions which may entail punishment. This deals with win-win approach, as each and every employee fight and rushes to win for getting rewards as well as incentives.In other words, it can be said that, incentive theory suggest that employee of organization who are motivated to do things because of external rewards (Michael, 2019).
Pay for performance: It is recommended to manager of Westonwich District Council to give benefit of paying for performance to their each and every employee. As it has various advantage of paying for performance that are beneficial for both employee as well as employer. Thus, it increases higher productivity level of workforce, increase business revenue, it also leads to increase in employee pay with greater job satisfaction and builds positive working environment. Along with this, it decreases the employee turnover which is very beneficial for Westonwich District Council and helps them in achieving organizational goals.
Monetary Motivation: In context to Westonwich District Council, the manager can also use other financial ways to motivate their workforce, such as commission on sales, pay raises, paid vacation, cash bonuses, praise, time rate pay, retirement benefit, perquisites, piece rate pay, shares & debentures, fringe benefits and many other methods of motivation.
Where Remunerationis defined as money paid to employees in return for their working in a business.
Bonus is form of additional remuneration given to workforce, in order to motivate employees.
Commission is most familiar to bonus. As it is wage or salary for motivating employees as well as enhancing their productivity. Usually, commission is given as percentage of a sale of product or services or on specific amount of cash per sale (Mugaa, 2018).
The management of Westonwich District Council is also using fringe benefitsasform of financial motivation, as it is supplementary employment perks rewards to employees.
Non-Monetary motivation: It is also advised to Human resource manager of Westonwich District Council to use non-monetary method for motivating as well as solving the issue of pay benefit arising in their business cards, movie tickets, promotions, healthcare benefits, life insurance, promotion, vehicle allowance
From the above report base on case study of Westonwich District Council it is identified that human resource of each and every business organization faces numbers of hindrance while working effectively and efficiently in their working.From the case study of WDC, it is analysed that HR of WDC is facing different various issues at workplace such as job security, less consideration of employee working, pay benefits, training and development, employee retention, stressful working life. Furthermore, two main issues were identified with some reasons of the management of Westonwich District Council. At last, numbers of recommendations are also suggested for resolving problems or hindrance occurring in WDC council.
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These are referred for analysing the different areas of companies which they are observing and providing to their employees, such as
What kind of training programmes are offered by company?
why company is offering perks to their employees?
what kind of employee the company is looking?