Human Resource Management: A Case Study of ASOS Organisation

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Human Resource Management: A Case Study of ASOS Organisation

Human Resource



The report analyses the HR strategies and duties of HR department for delivering appropriate HR services to the business and peoples of an organisation to continuously meet the objective of an organisation. The ASOS organisation in UK is one of the online fashion retailers having more than 3000 employees currently working in UK. The report analyses the relevant HR strategies that assist the organisation in meeting the targets and objectives in the scheduled time period. The various internal and external factors that influence the HRM strategies in the current environment are analysed in the following report in the view of managing director. The innovative approached related to the recruitment and selection of the various employees is also evaluated in the following report.

Figure 1 ASOS organisation UK

(Source: Emma, 2021)

Meaning of HRM strategy

Human resource management strategy is the efficient and effective planning and managing of the different human capital in the organisation for aligning business activities with the organisation objectives. The directions are sets in the human resource strategy such as the key areas of human resource, performance appraisal programs, compensation and development programs are analysed in the organisation. The HRM strategies for the ASOS organisation include the planning for the workforce management. The organisation HRM strategies include the overarching strategies and specific strategies related to the human resource management in the organisation. The HRM strategies also indentify the lacking areas of making an improvement in them and align the business strategies with the strategies of a human resource management (Paauwe, 2017).

Analyse the external factors that may affect HRM Strategy with consideration on short-term impending issues.

The external factors are the factors that affect the operational areas that affect the well developed strategies in the well corporate policies in the organisation. The business organisation includes the external factors on which the organisation has no control for the management. The external factors may affect the department in the different ways such as the change in the plans and policies of an ASOS organisation. The following are the external factors that affect the strategies of the human resource management:-

Government regulations: The new workplace compliance and regulation for the internal workforce may affect the existing policies of an organisation. The rules and new regulation impacts the standards sets for the human resource. The regulation change impact the process of hiring, compensation, HR department strategies and termination process of an organisation.

Economic conditions: The current shape of an organisation influences the ability of hiring new employees in the organisation. The current talent pool is affected by the current economic conditions in the organisation. The harsh environment in the country impacts the internal strategies of an organisation (Stahl, 2020).

Briefly outline any internal factors that may influence HRM strategy.

The internal factors are the factors that impact the organisation HRM strategies. The internal management has some control on internal factors for making them prevent form the business to gain success in the organisation. The HRM strategies are impacted by the following internal factors:-

Operational strategies: The introduction of new technology and IT in the organisation impacts the current HRM strategies. The new technology in the organisation requires the new staff and new skilled employees for organisation new technology. The operational objectives impact the ASOS organisation HRM strategies in the various ways. The corporate objectives in the organisation such as the cost minimisation can involves the strategies related to the new staff training, and development skills in the employees of an organisation.

Figure 2 proactive approach

(Source: Vcomply, 2019)

Mission and policies: The organisation mission and polices change impacts the organisation HRM strategies of an organisation. The internal organisation culture and mission impacts the appropriate HR strategies. The compensation and promotional avenues in the organisation impacts the HR strategies (Bashir, 2019).

Describe the approach and considerations taken in the formulation of an HRM strategy.

The human resource management strategy is the connection of organisation strategies with the human resource strategies of ASOS organisation. The main aim of the human resource is fulfilled by aligning the objectives, strategies and goals of an organisation with the main objectives of business. The HRM strategy must be formed by the advance flexibility, competitive advantage and innovations in the organisation. The business performances are improved by HR personal strategies in the organisation (Engert, 2016). The following approaches can assist in formulation of an HRM strategy in the organisation:

Proactive approach: The employees working performance must be enhanced in the organisation. The proactive approach for the efficient and effective human resource strategies gives the various ready to made actions and programs for the various organisation problems. The work pressure and work burden in the employees are reduced by the help of innovative working programs in proactive approach.

Boosting productivity and efficient resource management: The ASOS organisation must boost the productivity of different employees for creating values in the organisation. The productivity increase gives an efficient working culture and improves the efficiency level in the organisation. The resource must be managed for creating efficient strategic resource management in the organisation. The clear communication and effective resource management assist in achieving the HR goals effectively in the business (Sadiq, 2017).

Explain how you would adjust the HRM Strategy to accommodate for emergent situations.

The HRM strategies must be adjust according to the environment condition for the various emergency situation of ASOS organisation. The emergency situation in the organisation is the difficult pandemic situations that must be adjust in the organisation by appropriate business strategies. The HRM strategies in the organisation must be flexible and situational leadership theories must be implemented in the HRM strategies to apply in the different business situation (Garavan, 2016). The various situations of an organisation such as the employee absenteeism must be carefully handled by the efficient workforce planning and employee welfare schemes in the organisation.

In strategy what is meant by vertical alignment.

The vertical alignment refers to the coordination of objectives, goals, plans, and decisions for the various level of an organisation. The four types of vertical alignment include the top, justified, and Bottom. The strategies work efficiently for optimum utilization of the scarce resource in the organisation. The vertical relation is established between the business strategies and goals of an organisation that are directly linked with the mission, vision, and values of an organisation. The vertical alignment in the ASOS organisation by placing and aligning the goals with the current strategies of an organisation is called vertical alignment (Bouckaert, 2016).

Outline what is meant by horizontal alignment. Please provide an example in your answer.

The horizontal alignment in the business is the method of aligning the strategies for the effective outcome in the organisation. The horizontal alignment in the business organisation makes sure that no strategies in the organisation compete with each other and ensures the efficient business environment in the organisation. The example in the ASOS organisation is strategies formed for the customer satisfaction level increase strategy and employees productivity increase strategies (Painter, 2019).

Briefly outline how workforce planning may be linked to HRM Strategy.

The HRM strategies can be linked with the workforce planning by application of different approaches and programs in the organisation. The employee welfare programs and appraisal programmes in the organisation can assist in getting effective results in the organisation. The workforce planning involves the time frame management for achieving efficient results in the organisation. The traditional barriers related to the performance must be effectively managed for linking workforce planning with the HRM strategies. The issues to the employee’s performance must be effectively solved for linking HRM strategies with the workforce planning. The workforce planning must builds the competitive advantage through effective planning in the organisation (Naznin, 2016).

Outline key HRM strategies considered that can support the organisation in meeting its organisational objectives.

The HRM strategies must align the organisation goals and meets the organisational objectives in the organisation. The key HRM strategies include the workforce mobility for supporting organisation in meeting organisational objectives. The workforce development programs supports in long range planning in the organisation. The different job functions in the organisation helps an employee in identifying main roles and duties in the organisation. The workforce mobility increases the profitability areas in the organisation and vacant positions can be minimise cost for the recruitment of new employees. The human resource management strategies must engage in improving the employee performance by creating employee contribution link with the appraisal programs (Saha, 2017).

Briefly summarise what measures should be considered to support the business on possible long-term skills shortages.

The long term skills shortages in the organisation are considerably achieved by an effective application of relevant skills development programs. The programs such as the skills enhancement program can assist in improving the employee skills of leadership skills, motivation skills, and organisational skills. The organisation must raise employee enthusiasm and supports the employees for the innovation in the organisation management strategies. The employee skills shortages must be effectively managed workforce behaviour towards the different change must be effectively managed. The executive leadership strategies assist in bringing new ideas and innovation in the organisation and employees are directed towards positive areas in the organisation to redirect the HR goals in the organisation.

Outline further HRM considerations to enable people and teams to re-engage and restart the working relationship (post pandemic).

The working relationship is managed in the organisation by setting different events for making peoples and team work towards the organisation objectives. The post pandemic situation enables the organisation for managing the organisation employees towards strategic planning in the organisation. The compensation programmes and training of different employees can assist an employee for the innovation and ideas in the organisation. The working relationship in the organisation can be effectively plan for the areas for the employees hiring, employees development and compensation programs. The Post pandemic situation in the business must be effectively handled in the organisation by the application of valuable strategies in the organisation. The staff planning, workforce handling, implementing change in the organisation and payroll management are some of the methods that can be applied in the organisation for maintaining the efficient team work in the organisation.

The human resource management strategies can assist the organisation by aligning human capital and business activities can assist in staff handling and achieving the organisational objectives in the organisation. The peoples and team can be effectively handled in the organisation by providing employees efficient duties and authorities in the organisation.

Outline in brief innovative approaches to recruitment and retention.

The ASOS organisation must adopt various approaches such as the changing the employer brand rapidly using the TV ads and building employer brand in the market. The employee must be provided with the efficient training and development programs to gain the competitive advantage in the organisation. The talented pool must be attracted towards applying for the job to improve workforce of an organisation. The main areas of improving the hiring process must be focused such as developing clear employer brand, creating job post, investment applicant tracking system and conducting awesome interviews in the organisation. The employee appraisal methods and rewards system ensures the employees productivity and employees absenteeism in the organisation for growth and profit in the organisation (Papa, 2018).

Figure 3 Recruitment and selection

(Source:, 2021)


The above discussion concludes the different human resource management strategies that assist in maintaining efficient workforce in the organisation. The report outlines the external and internal factors that influence the HRM strategies in the organisation. The various HRM approaches and HRM strategies are discussed above to apply it in the emergency situation of an organisation. The HRM strategies for meeting both vertical and horizontal alignment are discussed in the report. The various strategies and approaches for supporting business for the various long term skills shortages are discussed in the report. The approaches and strategies for workforce planning and supporting team and individual performance in the organisation are discussed in the report. At last the report discusses the brief innovative recruitment and selection approaches for the ASOS organisation.


Books and journal

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Emma Munbodh, 2021.ASOS organisation.[Online].[Accessed on 9th February 2021 ].Available from:, 2021.Recruitment.[Online].[Accessed on 9th February 2021].Available from: /