Feel-Good Fund Budget System: A Group Design Project Based on Live Brief from Redgate Software

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Feel-Good Fund Budget System: A Group Design Project Based on Live Brief from Redgate Software

(2020 MOD003484 TRI2 F01CAM)

Group design project Based on Live Brief from Redgate Software

Software Principles

Element: - 010 Report

S. No.

Student ID

Student Name



Bajenov, Egor



Azmeera, Ravindar Naik



Attapuram, Vishwavardhan



Carneiro De Andrade Sabbo, Bernardo



Brain, Alex




The project is based upon the Feel-Good Fund Budgeting System, where the system will create the manages the budgets of the client projects. Here the scenario is proceeding by developing the system. In that concern for the systematic development the processing will be followed on the task, processing is so for that purpose the demand is to allocate the tasks to each project member. The project is a group project of “Power House” where each member will perform the duties and task implementation in such a way that it may allow the coordination of tasks and finalize the task in a proper way. The Feel-Good Fund Budgeting System will create the business plan and provide the information of team, team members skills, strategic & operational plan. So, under the budget the descriptive navigation map, under that map each task with its description will be provided. The purpose of that budgeting system is to manipulate the customer requirement specification into system requirements specification, under that specification the business plan is followed where the plan is followed and where the plan would be need to fall. Under the business plan, the process is followed with the objectives of upcoming years. To follow up the next process, the demand is to follow the processes in that way if the project requirements could be satisfying, under the way to implement the knowledge & understandings, because it may help to collect the requirements by understanding the practical knowledge. It is a effective way to gather the requirements and the first & foremost need is to follow the approach which used in java. Feel-Good Fund Budgeting System will be implemented on java programming language and the needs, which may help to create the project evaluation and enables the teams to manage the project processes through flowcharts, use case, wireframes, navigation plans, pseudo code and test plans.


This project is based upon the Redgate organization, which creates the impact on employees in such a way that may look after them under different scenarios. Under the Redgate, the project Feel-Good Fund would be proceeding which is money managing system. Under this business firm the “Power House team” will implement this system of budget and social things later followed in this project. From the social point of view, the team involvement under the project is very essential. This project development at present is followed through the mail-to-mail process, but under the system a chat process and the details allocation would be governed under the way to creating the vison of the providing & managing the work under the given deadline as followed in the Feel-Good Fund budgeting system.


By using the research & development process, it can be summarizing that under the Redgate, the operations of the budget management would be followed in such a way that it allows the team management & group members to follow the project under the client-designed budget. After the selected budget, the business team can implement based upon the business which project management team could implement. Thus, at such criteria, the Feel-Good Fund budgeting system can process such tasks under the “Power House” team. Now, under the whole research, the process would be followed by managing their client budget and setting the company budget so, that mangers can get the idea of the financial picture. By using that picture, they can estimate the balance card and remaining balance under the account from estimated or settled. Based upon the provided budget and the requirements could be shuffled and manage accordingly.


To implement the processes under the Redgate the encouragement and critical thinking is necessary. Thus, under that process the demand is to follow the task development in that scenario the need is to follow the organizational development of the Feel-Good Fund budgeting system. Thus, the first objective is to collect the requirements and manage the processing in such a way that may allow for creating the system. The next objective in this scenario is to analysis the collected requirements and perform the designing of the system and after the design implementation the main objective is to develop the main system using the Java programming language and under that language the process would be followed on the java software Eclipse. The development of the tasks is followed in such a way that it may satisfy the project requirements and accept the final demand of the project according to need (Rakoczy 2020).

Task Allocation

Based upon the different project process the task allocation would be followed under the Power House team members

Table 1: Task Allocations

S. No.

Student ID

Student Name


Task Description



Bajenov, Egor

Requirement collection & Analyses

This is the Feel-Good Fund budgeting system, where the demand is to follow the criteria in such a way that it may allow to collect the functional 7 nonfunctional requirements with all risk management factors.



Azmeera, Ravindar Naik


To create the structure of the project and decide the project layout the designing phase would be followed where the need is to create the wireframes and collective frame on which project would be run & based upon that may developed.



Attapuram, Vishwavardhan

Development Integration

By using the Java programming language and the implementation of the different processing under the java that includes packages and the classes with attributes. The main objective for developing the system using java is to secure it efficiently and writeup about the system (ALTVATER, 2020).



Carneiro De Andrade Sabbo, Bernardo


Based on the design & development the testing has been followed in the developed system to check the bugs & errors into the system on the grounds of risks (Honest, 2019).



Brain, Alex

Operation & Sign Off

Here, the operation & management phase would be proceeding and based upon the operational theories and the tasks orientation the development & other process of the project would be followed.

Project Requirements

The given project is related to the budgeting system for the company to manage budgets internally for their teams. The budget system is the tool which helps in enabling the functionality for creating budget for the teams internally and helps in managing the finances effectively. The main feature of the “Feel-Good Fund Budgeting system” is that it helps in creating the budget for the team in the company and helps in checking the expenses made by each team. It also helps in checking the remaining balance after team spends the allotted expenditure with the help of the acquired data through the accounting system of the company. Thus, the “Feel-Good Fund Budgeting system” consists of various components such as model for creating the budget in which the system will allow the user to define the budget which can be monthly basis or yearly basis. Then based on that it will acquire the data for related to the expenses made by the teams in the company and these expenses can be related to the social expenditure and other various expenditures (Mymoeycoach, 2021).

The advantages of this system are that it can help the business owner to manage funds in the company as well as they can check all the expenditures made by the team and thus, this can also help in preventing unnecessary expensed made by the employees. Thus, the following points represent the functional and nonfunctional requirements from the proposed system of “Feel-Good Fund Budgeting system” (Nelson, 2021).

Functional requirement

The functional requirements of the system are defined as the behavior which needs to be perform by the system basically and thus, this represents what the system should do and what system should not do and it also illustrates what the system should do upon acquiring the input from the users (Rome, 2020). Thus, overall functional requirements includes the expected behavior from the system along with the calculation which is expected to be perform by the system, actions required to be taken upon the input of the data provided by the user and ability to perform the business operations effectively. And if the system is not able to fulfill these system requirements, then it is considered to be fail and thus, it is important to design, develop and deploy system in such a way that it should meet the requirements of the expected features from the product as well as the requirement of the user (QRA, 2021). Thus, for the given system “Feel-Good Fund Budgeting system”, the following points illustrate the requirements which are required to be performing by the system

  1. The system shall be able to take the input for the new budget from the user.

  2. The system shall be able to claim the expense for the team

  3. The system shall be able to calculate the expenses made by each team in the company and show them along with the team information.

  4. The system shall be able to view balance

  5. The system shall be able to calculate the remaining budget after subtracting the expenses made by each team in the company with the allocated budget by the company and should able to show the calculated output to the user.

  6. The system shall be able to exit the system based on the user input

The system will also include the Manager menu so that each team manager can check the spends for their team as well as the multiple teams at same time and for this the system should perform the following operations.

  1. The system shall be able to show collect all the expenditure made by the team and then show them to the manager along with the list of the items in the expenditure by collecting the data from the accoutring system.

  2. The system shall be able to show collect all the expenditure made by the multiple teams and then show them to the manager along with the list of the items in the expenditure by collecting the data from the accoutring system.

  3. The system shall be able to exit the system based on the user input

The general requirement of the system is that the system should register the information related to the team which will include the team number, team name, team function and other related information. Then the system shall allow the admin of the system to log in the system by entering the log in and system is responsible to authenticate the log in by taking input from the system admin and then the system should ask for password from the system admix for the authentication and after the successful authentication, the system should allow the system admin to log in the system.

After that the system should check whether the log in user is manager or employee and it its employee then the system should showcase the main menu for selecting the options and if the manager then the system should display the manager menu to the user for performing the operations they want to do. After that if the system identifies the user as company employee, then the system is supposed to ask for the date and take it as input and time for taking it as input and this will be acquired in order to showcase the expenditure based on that. After that the system should ask the user for entering the expense value made by their team and store the acquired expense in the database.

After that system should be able to calculate the total expense inputted by the teams in the company and then it also needs to calculate the remaining budget by subtracting the expenses made by each team in the company with the allocated budget by the company. After calculating the total expense made by the individual team in the company as well as the total expense for all teams present in the company and also the remaining budget by subtracting the total expense, the system should show the values to the user. After all this, the system should exit the system if the user selects the exit option.

For the manager menu, the system should be able to take the team code from the manager to display the information and then after the system should accept the input and check whether the enter code matches with the database to check if its correct or not and then if correct then the system should display the allocated budget for that team, total expenses made by that team which was inputted by the team members and then the systems should calculate the remaining budget by subtracting the total expense, the system should show the values to the user and showcase all these information including allocated budget by the company, total expense made by the team and remaining amount of the budget for that team to the manager. Also, if the team code is not present then the system should show case that the input team does not exist in the system.

If the manager wants to see the information for the multiple teams, then the system should be able to take the list of teams for which the manager wants to see the expenses made by that team and authenticate the input data with the database to check whether the input team codes are valid or not and if they are not valid then the system should show the codes which are not valid. And if its valid, then the system should collect the data related to the input team code by the manager by calculating the total budget of the input teams, total expenses by adding all expenses made by the input team and remaining budget by subtracting the total expense for all the input teams and show the data to the manager including all this information for the team which they had input as the list. And lastly, the system should exit if the manage press the exit option form the menu by displaying the good by message.

Along with thus, the system should also be able to check whether the log in credential of the user is right and wrong and if wrong then the system should show to the user that the input credential is wrong. Also, the developed program should be able to handle the exceptions such as if the input given by the user is incorrect then it should immediately show to the user by displaying the error message. The system should also be able to handle the exceptions in the calculation of the remaining balance and total expenses along with the wrong user inputs such as providing string values in the numerical input.

Non-functional requirements

As functional requirements help in illustrating the expectations from the system, the non-functional requirements help in defining how the system should perform the expected operation effectively. Although the non-functional requirements do not affect the required functionalities from the system which are basics one, however it is important that the system should follow the non-functional requirements in order to execute the operations effectively. Thus, it is important to follow the non-functional requirements, in order to enhance the usability of the system along with the behaviour of the system, features of the system and characteristics of the system which can have an effect upon the experience of the user while using the system. So, the non-functional requirement of the system helps in focusing upon the properties of the system which it should possess in order to execute all operation effectively as well as it should be able to fulfil the expectation of the user and also should be able to enhance the user experience while using the system. Hence, the following points showcase the non-functional requirements which need to be fulfilling by the “Feel-Good Fund Budgeting system” (Becker et al. 2019).

  1. The system shall be able to perform all operation required to be done effectively.

  2. The system shall be able to scale up its productivity when needed to perform the operations adequately and without any latency.

  3. The system shall be able to have high level of portability to run in any kind of environment given to the system.

  4. The system shall be able to have high compatibility with the hardware, software, operating system and any other tools which is required to run the operations effectively.

  5. The system shall be able to have high reliability to recover from any failure.

  6. The system shall be able to have high availability for the user for any point of time to execute the operations effectively.

  7. The system shall be able to have maintainability for executing all operation effectively.

  8. The system shall be able to have high security in order to protect the data flow in the system.

  9. The system shall be able to have high localization for matching user requirements.

  10. The system shall be able to have high usability for all users operating the system (Jafari, 2020).

With the help of the above stated functional and non-functional requirements, the “Feel-Good Fund Budgeting system” can be developed and thus, the following points represent the requirements of the system which represents the minimum required needs for the device to develop the system with the help of software and hardware. The typical requirements for developing the system includes the following-

  1. Operating system for developing the proposed system it is required to have platform on which the system can be developed and the OS can be include Windows, iOS, Linux and more.

  2. Minimum effective CPU speed of the device for having effective processor speed to develop the system with Intel or AMD processor containing support of 64 bit at least and 28 giga hertz of processor.

  3. Minimum effective GPU speed of the device for having video memory speed to develop the system with nVidia GeForce GTX 10150 or it can be Quadro T1000.

  4. Minimum effective memory in the system of the device for developing the system.

  5. Minimum effective storage space in the system of the device for developing the system with the 4 giga bytes of space (Techterms, 2021).

  6. Availability of the ports for developing the system such as USB, Ethernet and more.

  7. Requirement of the wireless connectivity for developing the system (Microsofts, 2021).

The above points are the hardware requirements which is require to develop the “Feel-Good Fund Budgeting system” and the software requirements for developing the system includes for developing the code it is require to have Java program platform and for the development, the chosen platform is the Eclipse (Eclipse, 2020).

Project Design

The project is designed with two classes; Team and BudgetManager class

Team class

Team class has the following attributes teamName to hold the name of the team, numberExpenses to hold a number of expenses, teamExpense to hold a price of each expense by a team, totalExpense used to get the total cost of all expenses and the budgetAmount which is a static variable- it is shared by all the teams.

Team class has getters of all attributes and three setters. It also has a convenient method “createTeam” that uses a Team constructor to create an instance of a Team.

BudgetManager class

It has only one attribute – list collection which holds a list of teams. It also has a constructor that initializes a list with empty arraylist (Lesson: Interfaces (The Java™ Tutorials > Collections), 2021).


AddTeam method which returns a Boolean – the method adds a new team to a list using a validation of searchTeam method.

SearchTeam method is a private method which only works within the class. AddTeam method uses searchTeam method to validate input of a new team. If a team is already on file, searchTeam method returns a positive value.

BudgetManager class also has a showTeamExpenses method which uses a FOR LOOP and system.out.println to output the name of the team, the number of expenses and the total cost of all expenses.

Main class

Main class has three methods; showmenu, showBudget and addNewTeam method.

AddnewTeam method works together with BudgetManager class to add a new team to a file with the details such as name of the team and other details.

Based on how project would be followed in this way the project implementation would be managed according to different design process thus for that purpose different project designing process has been chosen these are,

Flow Chart

Figure 1: Flow Chart of Feel-Good Fund Budget System

For the showing the workflow of the Feel-Good Fund Budget System, the flow chart has been selected, under the flow chart the algorithms of the Feel-Good Fund Budget System is shown that how the working will proceed. Under the flow chart, the documentation could proceed in the proper way. In the flow chart the rectangles, diamonds, parallelograms, ovals are used to show different types of steps. The connection is made up using the arrows. For developing the flowchart different types of software could be used such as lucid chat, draw.io, or simple smart art. Flow charts are the most common way to show the way the system process can be implemented. Flow charts can be developed using different types of ways such as under the ways of business processes, process flow diagrams, data flow diagrams. The above-designed flow charts following by requesting the amount of budget then the menu is displayed, which ask for 0 to 4 options. Under option 1the user can Print a list of teams and their relevant expenses, option 2 is used for Add a new team, option 3 is used for the Display budgeted amount, and option 4 is Quit the process (Lucidchart 2021).

Use Case

Figure 2: Use Case of Feel-Good Fund Budget System

For the process of Feel-Good Fund Budget System, where the different types of actors have followed the operation of, thus under the Feel-Good Fund Budget System use case, three types of actors are added. These actors are the Financial manager, Project manager, and team leaders. The UML use case diagram uses primary requirement accessible software which is used to showing the what are the features or the requirements can actors may access (Fauzan et al. 2019). Use cases are created for the visual paradigm and the representation of the different types of systems. Under the use case the relationship between the provided use cases, actors, and the Feel-Good Fund Budget System. A use case can show any requirements it does not follow any special hierarchy (Holston et al. 2016). The connection is made up using the arrows, elliptical diagram, actor. For developing the use case diagram different types of software could be used such as lucid chat, draw.io, or simple smart art. Feel-Good Fund Budget System uses a case diagram under three actors showing four major requirements such as entering budget, set amount, team management by adding new team and showing team list (Visual-paradigm, 2021).

Navigation Path

Figure 3: Navigation Path of Feel-Good Fund Budget System

For the step by step processes and path of the project followed of Feel-Good Fund Budget System, the navigation path is used. A navigation path is like a map that shows the essential contents which actors need to follow. For representing the flow of the navigation path the arrows are used from step to step. For navigation paths, the prototype model can also be used. Under the prototypes the horizontal structures are used to show the process of pattern and the way to develop the hierarchy. Such prototypes can be developed using lucid chat, draw.io, or simple smart art. These prototypes can be known than the computer-based prototypes and another way to create such prototypes are designed on paper. Under the Feel-Good Fund Budget System, the process is followed from the home page, where the option of essential tabs comes up such as about us, project, and the resources. From any of provided tabs, the users can press any action such as 0,1,2,3,4 which can lead to Quit, List of teams, add new teams, display budget, and main menu respectively (Dlsweb, nd).


Figure 4: Wireframe of Feel-Good Fund Budget System

For creating the layout of the Feel-Good Fund Budget System, the wireframe software process is selected. The wireframe is the architectural blueprint of the system, it is an outline structure that is lookalike a webpage or an application. Feel-Good Fund Budget System is designed using the Java language but before initiating the development process the major demand is to show how the process would look and that is shown on the wireframe. Under the wireframe, the functionality and the behavior of the structure are shown which is followed under the graphical way (White and Kapakos 2017). Wireframes are used by the UX or UI developers and for that purpose the designing team of Powerhouse has used the Balsamiq tool. Under the given wireframe the processes can be followed using 0,1,2,3,4 which can lead to Quit, List of teams, add new teams, display budget, and the main menu respectively (Balsamiq, 2021).


The following sections represent the pseudocode of the proposed system.

Log In page

Input log in id

Scan log in id

Input password

Scan password

Authenticate log in and password from database

If (user = team member)

Then display team member menu

Option 1 claim expense

Option 2 view balance

Option 3 exit program


Display manager men

Option 1 view items for one team

Option 2 view item for multiple teams

Option 3 exit program

If (team member)

If option selected 1

Then Input date

Scan date

Input time

Scan time

Input expense

Scan expense

Convert it into Double

Add expense into database

If option 2 is selected

Take all expenses from database input by team member

Add expenses

Minus from total allotted budget

Show total expense

Show remaining budget

If option 3 is selected

Exit program


If option 1 is selected

Input team code

Authenticate team code

If wrong then show incorrect team code

If right then

Show allotted budget of the team

Show total expense

Show remaining budget

If option 2 is selected

Input list of team

Authenticate team code

If wrong then show incorrect team code

If right then

Show allotted budget of the team list

Show total expense of the team list

Show remaining budget of the team list

If option 3 is selected

Exit program


Display message "Wrong credential!"


Figure 5: Code Screen-1

Figure 6: Code Screen-2

Figure 7: Code Screen-3

Figure 8: Code Screen-4

Figure 9: Code Screen-5

Figure 10: Code Screen-6