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Diploma in Business (Marketing) |
Unit 16 MCKI |
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Level 5 & Level 4 |
15 credits |
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Improving Heathrow Airport - 3rd Runway
London’s Heathrow is one of the world’s busiest airports. It is used by over 82 airlines flying to 180 destinations worldwide. The airport has five passenger terminals and a cargo terminal. In the 1950s, Heathrow had six runways, now it has just two parallel runways running east-west of the airport.
Heathrow has witnessed strong growth over recent decades, currently handling about 72.3 million passengers and over 477,000 flights a year compared to around 48 million passengers and 427,000 flights a year in 1996. In the absence of any increase in runway capacity, this growth has resulted in Heathrow’s runways operating at around 98% capacity compared to its main European competitors which operate at around 75% capacity, leading to increased delays, lower resilience and fewer destinations served.
As the UK continues to face the challenge of airport capacity, Heathrow is considered the most deliverable solution – because it builds on one of the UK’s strongest national assets. Over the last decade since 2003, £11bn has been spent on making Heathrow world-class, with the award-winning Terminal 5 and the new Terminal 2 .There are other several reasons why Heathrow is best placed to deliver more jobs, more exports, business opportunities and air travel options for passengers. For example, the centre of economic gravity is to the west of London. There are 120 of the UK’s top 300 company HQs located within a 15 mile radius of Heathrow, compared to just 16 within 15 miles of Gatwick. Several businesses are located closer to Heathrow as they recognise the greater long-haul connections and surface access it has – making it easier for them to do business around the globe. The Thames Valley area, for example, has 60% more international businesses than the national UK average, 100% more US businesses and 260% more Japanese businesses. Heathrow will help more UK businesses go global with a third runway as it already carries more freight exports and imports than every other UK airport combined, and cargo facilities will be doubled as a result of this plan.
However, Heathrow authorities have faced a big problem, whether to build a new airport or to increase the capacity of the existing one by building the 3rd runway and a sixth terminal. The second option needs less investment and is potentially easier to accomplish, but needs more political and social support and agreements as there are many stakeholders with different views about the proposal of a 3rd runway. On one side there are economic benefits, on the other side are considerations involving the environmental impact, increasing noise level and discontent of the people, particularly those living on the area close to the airport.
The Airports Commission has been tasked with recommending the best way forward on the UK airport capacity issue
You have been recruited as a consultant to provide some contributions to the members of the Airports Commission, who have been tasked to produce a detailed report with recommendations that will help the Heathrow authorities in finding the best way forward on the 3rd runway plans to increase the airport capacity at Heathrow. Your communication skills, understanding of information needs and knowledge management will be crucial for you to be effective in this role.
Your answer should clearly show evidence of some research carried out to identify the different information technology (IT) systems used within the organisation for communication purposes.
The answer should also show how people within the organisation meet or create platforms for sharing ideas and decision-making. These opportunities for meetings could be structured and coordinated, planned, face-to-face, formal and informal
AC3.2 Design ways to improve the appropriateness of the communication processes.
AC3.3 Explain how the improvements to the ways and IT systems can be implemented to ensure greater integration of systems of communication in the organisation.
AC3.4 Based on Scenario for Task 3, create a personal plan to improve your own communication skills. A self-reflective summary is also be needed in this part of the task.
Use the following guidelines to help you in preparing and creating an effective personal communication development plan:
Finally, you are required to produce a Self-reflective summary on how you think the production of your Personal Communication Development Plan has helped you to understand your communication skills, and how to improve them. Your self-reflective summary may also include:
You are an Information Systems development specialist working for a Knowledge Management company in London. You have been hired by a University in London to produce information systems that could be used by registry and both students and lecturers in supporting their teaching and learning. In this role, you will produce technology systems which will specifically help the University to improve collection, formatting, storage and dissemination of information and knowledge, and assist in improving access to these resources for the benefit of the stakeholders of the university.
AC4.2 Carry out appropriate changes to improve the collection, formatting, storage and dissemination of information and knowledge involving the teaching and learning at the University.
AC1.1 Discuss the range of decisions to be taken
AC1.2 Examine the information and knowledge needed to ensure effective decision taking
AC1.3 Assess internal and external sources of information and understanding
AC1.4 Justify recommendations for improvement
AC2.1 Identify stakeholders for a decision-making process
AC2.2 Make contact with those identified and develop business relationships
AC2.3 Involve those identified in the decision making as appropriate
AC2.4 Design strategies for improvement
AC3.1 Report on existing processes of communication in an organisation
AC3.2 Design ways to improve appropriateness
AC3.3 Implement improvements to ensure greater integration of systems of communication in that organisation
AC3.4 Create a personal plan to improve own communication skills
AC4.1 Report on existing approaches to the collection, formatting, storage and dissemination of information and knowledge
AC4.2 Carry out appropriate changes to improve the collection, formatting, storage and dissemination of information and knowledge
AC4.3 Implement a strategy to improve access to systems of information and knowledge.
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