While students may have technical skills but, do they have soft skills?
There are many soft skills that are may very useful for job readiness including effective communication, observation, adapt, problem-solving, ability to negotiate tec. These personal characteristics will help students function as a professional. When you go to college or take a job, along with academic knowledge and skills, you also need soft skills also known as job readiness skills. Job readiness skills are the skills that help you to work as an individual with self-confidence, flexibility, and motivation. These skills play a major role in context to a workplace success.
Obviously, educating students these soft skills are great in order to provide them valuable insight into their strengths and weaknesses. Classroom activities are a great way to teach students these soft skills.. here are some classroom activities that will help students to face off the real-world and work well with others.
1. Trusting others
An effective way for the students to learn the words they use in daily conversation with other is important to divide students into teams and have them take turns one another through an impediment course, blindfolded. This activity including trusting and communicating will help students to understand the way they speak in communication with their partner must be effective. In this activity, it is the one and only way to complete the task if one partner gives explicit directions to others. When the leading student gets their partner to the end of the obstacle, then students can switch their roles. At the end of the activity, ensure that you have students reflect upon what went good and what didn’t, along with what they would change if they had to do it again.
2. Listen & Review
Listening is a key skill that should be reviewed because, in this competitive world, technology has done a great impact on us to really listen to one another. In the present time, it is very important to teach children how to be respectful and listen to one another. Listening means, be able to answer a question effectively or give their opinions on a topic and also be able to understand what other person is saying. Students will use their interpersonal skills to listen and talk to their partner.
To start this activity, divide students into two teams. One person chooses a topic and reads it aloud to their partner. Their partners need to listen carefully everything the speaker is saying. Once their partner finished speaking, the listeners must review and summarize what they just read. After that, students will switch the roles and continue the activity.
3. Match job training participants
Place chairs facing each other. Then, ask participants to interview each other. Give each student a question and answer sheet which includes some common interview questions. Instruct learners to individually stand and explain the other person based on the interview. This activity stimulates confidence, communication skill and builds understanding among the team.
4. Teaching Time Management
Time management is an essential skill for every individual in order to survive at their jobs. As a student, you might have a long list of tasks that you need to get done but sometimes you just have to prioritize these tasks to complete it effortlessly. For completing these tasks, students will need to accomplish these tasks in a time limit.
Students can work in small groups to complete their work and receive their points within a 10-15 minutes time frame. This activity will teach students how to negotiate and interconnect with their peers, and also important time management skills.
5. Negotiation
The ability of negotiation is a very important skill to get ahead in life. When the students are out in the real world, they will need to negotiate with others. Students can learn all about the negotiation by exchanging for puzzle pieces with other students. To play this activity, divide students into small groups and give each group various pieces of puzzles. Then instruct students to try and exchange those pieces with other group members to get the rest of the pieces that will complete the puzzle. As each group puzzle is finished, they will learn the art of negotiation.
All these above-mentioned classroom activities will help students to learn soft skills that they need to get success in the workforce and in life in general.
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