Unit 8 Research Project Report Assignment

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Unit 8 Research Project Report Assignment
Unit 8 Research Project Report Assignment
Unit 8 Research Project Report Assignment


To develop learners’ skills of independent enquiry and critical analysis by undertaking a sustained research investigation of direct relevance to their Higher Education programme and professional development.


This Unit 8 Research Project Report Assignment is designed to enable learners to become confident using research techniques and methods. It addresses the elements that make up formal research including the proposal, a variety of research methodologies, action planning, carrying out the research itself and presenting the findings.

To complete the unit satisfactorily, learners must also understand the theory that underpins formal research. The actual research depends on the learner, the context of their area of learning, their focus of interest and the anticipated outcomes. The unit draws together a range of other areas from within the programme to form a holistic piece of work that will make a positive contribution to the learner’s area of interest. Learners should seek approval from their tutors before starting their research project.

Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of this unit a learner will:

LO1 Understand how to formulate a research specification
LO2 Be able to implement the research project within agreed procedures and to specification
LO3 Be able to evaluate the research outcomes
LO4 Be able to present the research outcomes

The aim of this assignment is to assess the learner’s knowledge of the all aspects of the unit

For this assignment, you are required to undertake substantial research on a topic of your choice and produce a research report. You will be assisted by your supervisor in defining your research topic.

Before embarking on your research, you should complete a research proposal and discuss it with your supervisor who will assess whether or not the relevant resources are available to accommodate a research on your topic. Consider the following 3 notes.

Note 1:

You should address the following in your research proposal

Formulate and record of possible research project outline specifications (1.1)


Identify factors that contribute to the process of research project selection and factors that motivated your choice of topic for research (1.2)


Provide an initial review of the literature on your topic of choice (1.3)


Produce a research project specification (Research question(s)) (1.4)


Provide an appropriate plan and procedures for the agreed research specification (e.g. a Gantt Chart) (1.5)


Note 2:

In conducting your research, you should demonstrate that you have matched resources efficiently to your research question(s) or hypotheses (2.1) and that the research is carried out in accordance with the agreed specification and procedures (2.2). You should also keep record of relevant data you have collected for your research (2.3)

Note 3:

The research report should cover the following

Your research project outline specifications and the factors that influenced your choice for the proposed topic (1.1, 1.2)

A critical review of key references (1.3)

A development of research question(s) and/or hypotheses (1.4)

A set of procedures for the agreed research specification (Methodology) (1.5); a description of variables/ data to be use (2.3) and a description of methods you will use to analyse the data collected (3.1)

An analysis of the data and an interpretation of results in terms of the original research specification(3.2)

Recommendations and justifications of areas for further consideration (3.3)

And finally, use of an agreed format and appropriate media to present the outcomes of the research to an audience (4.1)

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